The Time-Capsule for No One (...

By Neaners

113 2 0

Jessica Forma is the youngest...not the youngest child..the youngest person in the world. She was born agains... More

The Time-Capsule for No One
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

22 1 0
By Neaners


October 5, 2096

      I know that by seven-thirty my dad has already left. My breakfast arrived in my room quite early. Usually my mom isn’t up to get me breakfast until a quarter to eight, but I got my breakfast at six forty-five. I think I did because my dad left this morning and my mom wanted him to remember her through cooking until he got back.

       I know that she made him a marvelous Eggs Benedict breakfast with chocolate chip pancakes, orange juice, and fruit salad because I got a cold egg on an English muffin coated with sauce, a mild medium-sized accidentally (well I hope accidentally) burnt chocolate chip pancake, warm juice, and a mushy fruit salad.

       When ever I get punished into my room, my mom usually gives me what is left of the meal, what someone didn’t want in the meal, the mess-ups while cooking, or sometimes, all of the above if she is really mad.

       As I eat, it feels as though food isn’t filling me, but guilt is getting forced in. I always wonder if that is my mom’s plan, to seclude me and always make her best dishes but give me leftovers. It’s as though she is thinking to herself, “This way she will miss me and everything I do, so she will crawl back with a lode of guilt and change her ways…”

       Whenever I think this I remember my mother would never do this to me…or would she? I love my mother and know she loves me, but I can never shake the feeling that she never planned on having me, as though it was one huge mistake.

       On the other hand, my father and I could never be closer. When he leaves for his long trips I always try to hold back the rain, but it is as if the heavens want to water the crops. Storms last for long days after my father leaves.

       It takes about a week until the heavens run out of rain, but they always seem to have time to restock by the time my father returns.

       When he comes home it isn’t a storm, but a light drizzle creating a rainbow. The only sparks that fly are when my father and I hug.

       But just thinking of the happy times me want to cry again. My father is off on another trip and I am locked in my room for whose knows how long.

       And just as I am about to start bawling again, my mother opens the door. She walked in holding a highly decomposable plate with an array of cookies, brownies, and cupcakes on it all wrapped up.

       I feel a jolt of fear run down my spine like a lightning bolt and brace myself for the worst. Whenever my mother bakes for me when I am grounded, it’s never good.

       She handed me the plate quietly, looked at me with a sparkle in her eye like she was trying not to cry, and without a word, left and locked the door. I was highly confused… “What the heck…” I thought pondering the circumstance.

       As I tried to figure out the mystery at hand, I noticed a note attached to the plate of goods. I could tell it was my father’s handwriting because of the way he curled his Y’s. The note read:

       To my dearest daughter,

I know you never got to say goodbye, and I am sorry. This business trip will be my longest. It will feel as though you will never get to see me again, but remember I am always here in your heart.

       I stopped reading, fearing what was coming next. He has, not once, left me a note wishing me well when he was going on a trip.

       I loved you the day I knew you would be mine. It was the most agonizing nine months of my life. I wanted to hold you in my arms, and never let you go. Then, you were born and grew fast. Too fast for a father to take. I just want you to know that even though

       The note stopped there. The page had ended, ending the note mid-point with it. I checked the back of the note and all it said was “Don’t eat the sweets yet, your mother will tell you when…”

       I wondered why he didn’t want me eating the sweets yet. But I stayed loyal to his word and didn’t eat any of them.

       Later that day I got a roast beef sandwich for lunch. It was perfectly cooked, nothing different than what I would usually get. But something was different…my mom made a croissant for me too. When I bit into it there was a note. This time, it was from my mother. All it was saying was that she would always love me no matter what.

       Suspicions were rising inside of me…Why did my parents keep saying, “No matter what..”? Did someone die? Is the government changing laws the greatly affect me? What is going on!?!

       With everything that was going on today, I had forgotten to freshen up. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. After I went to the bathroom and washed my hands I noticed something. The lock on my bathroom door was never locked.

       I had never thought throughout all my groundings that I could get out through my bathroom. Cautiously I opened my door a crack. I didn’t see anyone. I could faintly hear my mother doing laundry in the basement, so I knew the coast was clear.

       I slowly continued to open the door. Not a mother in sight… I crept out quietly remembering to close the door behind me. Nothing could be slightly out of place or my mother would know something is up.

       I walked into my parent’s room trying to make the least amount of noise possible. I didn’t see much more than the ordinary parents’ room so started out the door.

       I was almost out the door when something caught my eye. It was a note, but not the beginning of a note, the end. I could tell the handwriting was my fathers, but not dare read it. When it was time for me to see it, my mother would give it to me.

       I anxiously left the room and started down the hall when something didn’t feel right. I took a double take and saw my mother leaned into the hall closet putting away towels.

       I knew I couldn’t make it back to my room without her seeing me so I quickly and quietly scurried back into their room. I heard her coming so I darted into her closet.

       The door was cracked open so I was sure to leave it that way with me in there. I made in there just in time because my mother had walked in a split second after I put the door back to its normal state, but with me in the closet.

       I peeked through the crack to find my mother looking at a picture of me! I was astonished! I could see a tear roll down her cheek just like in the movies.

       When she put the picture down I could see it was one of my mother and me. We were outside in our backyard and I was on the swing with my mother kneeling down beside me.

       I was about five when we took that picture. I feel like I can remember that day like it was yesterday. I had just gotten my hair cut and it was a cute “bob”. My mom had picked it out.

       My dad wasn’t so sure about how the cute would flatter me face, but went along with it to please my mother. He ended up loving it. When we got home from the salon, I wanted to swing. My parents commented on how beautiful my hair looked in the shimmering sun and the gentle breeze.

       My father went and got our camera to capture the moment when our family was together laughing and enjoying ourselves.

       But when my mother looked at the picture now, all she did was cry. She kissed it like she was saying goodbye forever, even though it was never going to leave, and neither was I…

       It didn’t take long for my mother to pick the picture back up. She looked at it and I saw a single tear drop fall from her cheek. She turned her face away of the closet and continued crying.

       After about forty-five minutes of strait tears she fell asleep. I didn’t think I would be able to make my way out of the room without waking her so I stayed put. Luckily, I found an old reading light and a book I remember I was looking for to finish it I the closet. So I sat and read for as long as my mother slept (which was about an hour and a half).

       She woke up with a startle, like she was forgetting something. She quickly rushed out the bedroom door. I was cautious to move to quickly so I slowly made my way out.

       I could hear my mother in the kitchen quickly fixing a meal. I had just remembered that she had forgotten my meal so I quickly ran to my bathroom and shut the door. I sat myself down on the bed and grabbed a random book and began reading it.

       Soon, my dinner appeared in the doorway. I had corn on the cob, Bar-BQ chicken, fries and water. I started eating quickly but stopped myself. It was the best dinner I have ever eaten and I was wasting the flavor.

       It took about thirty-seven minutes until my plate was clean, savoring every bight as if it was my last. When I was done I was hoping to find a note attached to the plate or something, but it was blank.

       Knowing there was nothing better to do, I finished my diagram. It turned out nicely. It was very clean cut I you could tell what message was trying to be displayed.

       No sooner had I finished my diagram thought a note slipped under my door. Well, it was more like half a note…half of the note that I didn’t get with my sweets. Nervously I unfolded it and continued reading:

       Life has its unexpected turns, I will always love you no matter what. And it may not come across always, but I know your mother loves you too, and this is why our decision pains me so.

       I froze for a second. Not once have my parents made a decision without consulting me first. Especially when it seems to involve me so much!

       You need to pack all of your things. Clothing, toiletries, one picture, your notebook and a pencil, your special goodies sent to you, and one personal belonging.

       All I am thinking is, “Why the heck to I need to pack!?! What is going on?”

       Your mother and I feel it is best that you go away to a boarding school. There are strict rules there that you must follow. You will be attending class online with no teacher, just a schedule you need to follow, or else. You will be in the state of Texas attending TSBS, (Texas State Boarding School). You will have no contact to us whatsoever.

       What? How can they do this to me! They are sending out of the country. I will have a shabby uniform for week days!  I am never going to see my father again!

       I know what you are thinking, and no this is not a year round school. You will be coming home for the summer for about a week and a half. I am going to miss you greatly…and I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always love you…

       How can they do this to me!?! I mean seriously…boarding school! Do my parents not want me any more is that it? I will never forgive them for this!

       But even though I am filled with hate, I follow my father’s orders and pack up my belongings. As I take in the last moments of my life with a family, my mother opens the door signaling for me to come.

       I follow her into the car silently. I dare not speak because only the hatred I feel would come out. The long drive to the air port felt to short tonight. I knew the flight wouldn’t be much more than a couple of hours, but the thought of leaving made it seem longer.

        I held a single suitcase and the teddy bear I had gotten the day I was born, a gift from my parents. With a single, “Goodbye” I took my ticket from my mother and left. I could tell my mother hadn’t budged even when I got to the front of the line, I could see her. As I handed the ticket to the lady I turned to see a single tear drop fall from my mother’s face, and could feel one fall from mine… 

Time-Capsule Diary Entry 3,

Jessica Forma

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