Chapter 2

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October 4, 2096

          It’s Monday…finally! The school weeks are way to long. And then they only give us three days for a break! Ugh… we get Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off but then we have Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday spent in school!

       Whoever invented more school than break time must have been crazy. Tristy says that I’m lucky. She says that school used to be five days a week! That’s crazy! I feel bad for whoever had to deal with that.

       Anyway… I didn’t work on my school project at all yesterday after school. I was way too annoyed once I found out that the ISW was involved. But come on really, when is it not? But I did think about the time when I had butterflies.

       I’ve come to a conclusion that I get the butterflies when I’m doing science. With more detail, inventing new technology and learning about space.

       Today my mom told me I have to work on the project though. I really don’t want too. But I have to get close to finishing it or even finishing it before I can just relax and have some fun.

       I can’t decide how I want to show that I like to invent technology and learn about space. Do you have any ideas? All she said was to get creative. She did mention a diagram though….

       I decided to make a diagram of me inventing something for space in a “Before” column and then the invention in use in an “After” column. I had to ride my

AIR SCOOT to hardware store and the craft store.

       An AIR SCOOT is like a scooter...but better. It hovers in the air instead of sitting on the ground. A lot of people get the butterflies when they do tricks on them, but I don’t really care about that. I use my purely for transportation. It’s so much faster to ride instead of walking or biking.

       Anyways…it took about twenty minutes to get to my local hardware store. I needed to get some metal for the mini not actually real invention. I also needed together a welder.

       Once I checked out I was on my way to the craft store which was a ten minute ride from the hardware store. But the problem was that it was a long ride back home. As soon as I got there I punched in the shield code on my AIR SCOOT and went inside.

       When ever you get some kind of way for transportation you have to install your shield code. You get a shield code when you get your first mean of transportation. No one is aloud to know it besides your parents and you, not even a sibling.

       I’m lucky because I don’t have a sibling that will bug me for my code.  Once you input the code a shield appears around the object. When someone says dial pad the pad for inputting your code appears.

       The shield disappears if the code is correct, but otherwise the shield produces electricity so if you get to close and or touch it you will be shocked.

       I’ve never touched one with the electricity running through it before and I’m glad I haven’t. I’ve seen people touch them when there was electricity and it looks brutal.

       Anyway, it took me about a half hour to find what I needed at the store. I got a diagram box, felt, colorful paper, and some glue and glitter. I had had anything I might need at home already.

       I checked out with my student card and left. When you don’t have AG cards because you are a student you get a Student Card. You have to explain to the clerk what your project is and they input it into the computer.

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