New Vigilante (Oliver Queen x...

By Satvrns_Rings

27.3K 702 110


All about you
1|New Hero
2|First Time at Verdant
4|Meeting Me Well Future Me
5|Time Travel Is Not Like The Movies!
Authors note

3|First Vigilante Team Up

2.8K 79 9
By Satvrns_Rings

Y/N-Your name
L/N-Last name
F/C-Favorite color
E/C-Eye color
H/C-Hair color
H/L-Hair length
You were still sleeping. You were hunting. You hear a stick snap. You turn around quickly. You see the man that saved you. He had his bow aimed at you! He shoots and you caught the arrow. "Excellent." He says. "You can speak English?!" You yell. He covers your mouth. "Did you hear that?" Someone says. The troops! You sneakily go back into your cave. You hear a loud bang. You start to feel sleepy. You looked at your arm. There was a tranquilizer dart in it. You pull it out and fall to the ground. You hear people walking in. They pick you up. When you wake up your in a cage thing. You get your hands on the bars. "Let me out!" You yell. Your cage gets knocked down and you hit your head on one of the bars. You wake up sweating only a little. Today I'm going to work out! You put on a blue sports bra, blue shorts, and blue and purple shoes. You put your hair in a ponytail. You walk downstairs. You get your blue thermos and fill it up with water. You see that breakfast is already done. "Thanks Penny!" You yell. She doesn't says anything. In fact theirs a lot of red stains on the floor. You walk over to her. She was holding a knife. You touched her shoulder and then she fell down. Wait she wasn't holding the knife it's in her. "P-Penny?" You say scared. You kneel down and see a note on the ground. You pick it up. It said.
One out three more to go.
You crumple up the paper and throw it away. You call the police. I need to do something(without the police), but I won't be strong enough without working. You run to your gym. You go to the thing that you have this bar and you try to push yourself up with the bar by jumping. You start. You do it about ten times until the doorbell rang. You go to the monitor and see Mr. Lance. You run to the front door. You open the door. "H-hey Detective Lance." You say. "I'm sorry about what happened to Penny, Y/N." He says. "Well let's show you the crime scene then." You say walking into the kitchen. You see a man walk in with some scientific equipment. I'm guessing he's the forensic. "If you need me I'll be at my workout room. That would be one right and strait ahead." You say. They nod. You go to your workout room and do some pull ups. You finish. You get a dagger. You throw the tennis ball in the air and you throw your dagger. You see the dagger go through the ball and goes into the wall. You hear a knock. You get the get the tennis ball and dagger and hide it. You open the door. "What's the problem, Detective Lance?" You ask. "You can just call me Lance, and well the murderer left no trace of his or her fingerprints actually anything." He says. You sniff. "Okay, well thanks for helping." You say. The cops leave and you start to examine it. You see very faint footprints. You get your phone out and take pictures. Penny is under a white tarp. You sigh. You walk up to your room. You go take a quick shower. You dry your hair. You walk to your closet and get gray and with sweater, jeans, and black converse. You drive to the police station. I heard that Lance has a phone that can contact the Hood. You look around quickly and grab the phone. You run back to your car and drive home. You look around for a voice changer. You changed it to a setting where it would make my voice deep. You put it on the phone and called The Hood. He answers. "Look Lance I'm not."-"I'm not Lance, but I do need your help." You cut in. "Okay I'm listening." He says. "A maid was murdered in Y/N L/N'S mansion and the police had no evidence about the murderer, but I did my own inspection and found footprints. Oh I almost forgot the letter. It says One down three more to go." You say. "Okay, but who is this?" He asks. "This is The Animal." You say. "Okay so meet me in the roof of Queen Consolidated." He says then hangs up. At what time you dumby! Whatever when it gets dark I'll go and wait. You look at your phone. It's 8:37. Okay I just have to wait a little more. Soon it turns dark and you suit up. You push the button on your boots and ran to Queen Consolidated. You see The Hood was already there. "So did you get the evidence?" He asks. "Yes I got Y/N'S phone. I took the pictures with her phone." You say. You hand him the phone. "Is there a photo taken before the murder?" He asks. "Uh, yes. I'll show you." You say scrolling through the photos. You show him the photo. "There's something missing." He says. You look closely. Oh my god! The murderer took my cookie jar which had at least 5,000 dollars in cash! "The cookie jar." You say. "Why would the guy want a cookie jar?" He asks. "You see theirs at least 5,000 dollars in that cookie jar and its in cash." You say. Hood looked at you questionably. "Me and Y/N know each other, and she knows who I am under the mask." You say. "Oh, well that makes sense." He says. I remember having a tracking devise on the cookie jar. "There's a tracking devise on the cookie jar!" You say. "Okay, let's go." He says. "Where to?" You asks. "Verdant." He says. "Okay." You say. You push the button on your boots and grab Hood's hand. You run to Verdant. "What next?" You ask. "Just follow me." He says. You follow him to the back. You see the passcode thing that I tried decoding. It beeps and flashes a green light. The door opens. You walk in. You see a girl and Diggle? They both look at me. Hood walks down and sits down. He takes off his hood. "Wait your Oliver Queen?" You ask. He nods. "Ya." Diggle says. "Now the question is who are you?" Oliver asks. "I'd rather not tell anyone." You say. "Okay, we will respect that." Oliver says. "Okay Felicity, can you track down this cookie jar?" Oliver says. "Uh here let me help you with the code for the tracking devise." You say. I put in the code and now we're in the system. "The man is still in Starling." Felicity says. You look closely at the location. "The only problem is where the guy is." You say. "What?" Oliver says. "It's at Y/N's sister's house." You say. "That's what he meant by three more to go." Oliver says. "He's going after the L/N family." You say. "Let's go now!" You yell. You push the button on your boots. It beeped. Dang in its out of juice! You sigh. You run outside and start to sprint to your family house. You make it there with Oliver. You see a person walking around with a couple of daggers. You go to in without a plan. "Hey, you!" You yell. The person turns. You see a girl. She looked oddly familiar. She snarls. She throws a dagger at you and you deflect it with your claws. Wait that's Candy Norman! The girl that lost to me in the worlds smartest contest! You were too caught in your thoughts that she grabbed my younger sister. She had a dagger at her throat. "C-candy let the girl go." You say calmly. "Why should I?!" She yells. You see Oliver get in through the window behind Candy. He aims his bow. You nod. "Candy don't do this just because you lost a competition." You say. Oliver shoots an arrow. She turns around and catches the arrow. She then sticks the arrow in my sister's chest! You use your claws to kill Candy. You attend to your sister. You take off your mask. "Your going to be alright." You say taking the arrow out. "No it's not." She says softly. "I have to go. I love..." she says not finished. You shake her. "Please!" You yell. Oliver takes you back to the "Arrow Cave". I stood there. I didn't want to talk. "So your The Animal?" Diggle asks. You nod. "Diggle can you take her home?" Oliver asks. "I can walk myself home." I say. I run out with my mask. You start to sprint home. You change into your pajamas and fall asleep.

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