Change In Thought (BrolyxGoku...

By BrutalxReality

5.9K 128 20

You think the King of Saiyans would want me banned from his kingdom. No. Not with the new king. He wants me t... More

T H O S E L O O K S. . .
A N O B S T A C L E C O U R S E ?
I R E A L I Z E M Y F A T E, A N D I'M S O R R Y K A K K A R O T
R E A D Y , S E T , C H E A T


565 14 6
By BrutalxReality


-Goku's POV-

Broly and I have been training with one another for the obstacle course issue. Although we have, I've seen Broly train more than me, or anyone else in the camp. Why was he training so much, he was already basically the strongest one here.

I walk into our room from coming back from breakfast and I see him doing decline push ups on the bed. I sigh softly and place his muffin down, walking to him.

"Broly." I said. I received no response.

I sighed and went in front of him, laying on the ground. As he came back down, I went up for us to kiss. He froze up and went back up, now laying on the bed.

"Kakkarot, what are you doing?" He asked me.

"Snapping you out of this state. Why are you training so much?"

"For the obstacle–"

"No. Why are YOU training so much?"

Broly looked at me confused before catching on. He sighed and laid back on the bed.

"Just for something to do..." He lied, obviously.

"Broly." I say on a scolding manner.

I crawled up his body and looked down at him, eye to eye. He just stared up at me in a bit of shock from possibly what I have done.

"Okay...okay okay okay. I'm training so I won't be the last one to be picked for a team. I'm trying to prove everyone wrong about me no longer training because I'm the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' or something. Plus...we both know you're not as strong as me. I thought maybe he would group us up to make sure all type of strength levels would be together. Like weak with strong, strong with average, average with all, that type of stuff."

I simply listened to what he had to say, and it was all coming together. Before he spoke, I finished what he was basically trying to say.

"You want to be grouped with me."

He nodded.


"Because we are mated. Don't you know what happens when mates aren't together for a certain amount of time?"

I look down and shake my head. No one taught me anything, I was alone for all of those years.

"We both die. We can't live apart for so long or that happens. It's something with the bite that connects us. So when one of us dies from not being together, the other comes along. Kind of sucks, the way it is..."

I simply stare at Broly before leaning down.

"Kakkarot, what're you–"

Before he finished talking, my lips were placed onto his. He didn't kiss me back, and I didn't want him to. I pull away and smile.

"Thanks for telling me that, Broly." I say, getting off of him and walking backwards to the doorway.

"...Kakkarot..." He said in a scolding manner, his brows furrowing in suspicion.

"Come here, father!" I called out as I saw my dad walking by. He turned back and walked to me.

-Broly's POV-

No. Kakkarot isn't about to do what I think he is about to do. My eyes widened as I heard Bardock's footsteps coming our way. While Kakkarot wasn't looking, I quickly snuck underneath the bed and held onto it, tucking my feet underneath the wood. I heard as Bardock walked in and I hitched my breath.

"Dad, I'd like you to meet–" Kakkarot stopped speaking suddenly. "My bed?" He questioned. "Where did he go?" He questioned himself.

"Who is 'he'?" Bardock asked, placing a hand onto his hip as he watched him walk around.

"Oh, yeah, my mate." He said with a smile.

"You have a mate? Who is it?"

"That's gonna be a surprise. Just as soon as I can find him."

In my head, I sighed softly from relief. Although Kakkarot could hear (since we were mated), it wasn't that big of a deal considering that it didn't give where I was away.

"Maybe he's under the..." Kakkarot spoke like he was in a horror film, and it did creep me out. I knew he was about to look under the bed, and I knew I would've been found. I saw his shadow as he slowly leaned down. My heart began to thump a bit harder and faster as he did this.

-Bardock's POV-

I watched as my son played as if this was hide and seek, and it was bothering me. I grunted and walked to the bed. I place my foot just under the outer board and lift it up. So, his mate was hiding under here.

"Surprise! My mate is Broly!" Kakkarot said, AS IF this was a good thing.

I glance over at my son as he smiled wide, then down at Broly and he nervously smiled, his head becoming red with the blood rushing down. I glared at him and removed my foot, letting the bed fall down on its own. Broly yelped as he went crashing forward for the floor. I walk around the bed and grab Kakkarot's wrist forcefully, pulling him along outside.

"Daddy, what're you–"

As soon as we got outside, I slammed the door shut.

"Dad!" My son said again.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and yank him close to me, glaring into both of his eyes. I stared silently into his eyes for a moment to gather my words of anger. I was pissed off; and I didn't know at who. Either my own son, or that filthy and useless waste of Saiyan blood. How could my son be with THAT lunatic?! Doesn't he know he has killed hundreds of people, of our OWN race?! Sure, I left him when he was four, but he should have some common sense to not mess with ANYONE like him! The worrisome in Kakkarot's eyes brought me back to reality instead of my own angered emotions.

"Out of all people you want to choose, you choose Broly? The Legendary Super Saiyan. That title may sound 'badass' or 'incredible' but the meaning is totally different. He has killed hundreds of our people due to his own rage, and you are so STUPID enough to be mates with him?! Kakkarot, he knows the meaning of being mated. Do you?" I whisper-yelled so no one walking by would hear us.

"Yes, I–"

I interrupted my son immediately. "No you don't, cause if you did, you would have been mated with someone else! Like Turles, or Nappa, or just...someone else. For fucks sake, it could've been me, your own father. I would rather you mate with me first than that psychopath!"

"Dad, he was just–"

"I don't want to hear it! YOU put this whole situation on yourself!" I scolded, turning around to walk off. "I suggest you god damn sleep with one eye open tonight if you haven't already." I say coldly and go back to my room, slamming the door shut.

I paced around my room for a moment before stopping, my eyes widening a bit. I look around for my journal and pull out the page with the secret writing in between the lines. I finally found the writing and read the one part aloud.

"...a darkness will be behind them, and the revealing fate will make you miserable."

I dropped the paper from one of my hands. I fell onto my bed, running a hand through my hair with a sigh of sadness. I gripped the paper tightly and pinched the center of my nose tight.


-Broly's POV-

I had heard everything that Bardock said so furiously and harshly to Kakkarot. I could feel his anger and sadness build up the entire time. I stood in front of the doorway until Kakkarot came back inside.

He opened the door, looking at the floor before looking up at me in the eyes. I looked back at him and simply opened my arms out for him. I simply watched has he began to sob loudly and stuffed his face into my chest. I frowned softly and rub the back of his head and back gently.

"Why is he so mean?!" Kakkarot questioned me loudly.

"I don't know...It's going to be okay." I say calmly to his and gently peck his head.

"A-And..." I heard as he voice broke as he spoke, "And he doesn't even know I already know about the things you have done! I accepted it. Besides, it wasn't your fault! I hate it when people blame others for what they didn't mean to do or cause! It's just not right! Why can't this world be different?!"

I heard as he vented into my chest. I simply listened, knowing what it was like to vent. I hugged him slightly tighter for comfort.

"I don't know,'s just the way the world works. Sometimes we can revolve around the world, or sometimes...the world just have to revolve around others." I say, my voice becoming lower and deeper as I spoke.

What I realized what I had said was true...that was how the world works. There are the peasants, the middle class, and superior. The peasants were always left out or just sent into the army so they didn't have to be a waste of blood. Middle class rarely did anything, and the superior were either true and loyal to their title, or disrespecting how it can be used.

I snapped back into reality when I heard Kakkarot's softer cry. I look down at him and he looked up at me.

"You okay, Kakka?" I asked him.

He simply nodded and rubbed his eyes. I rubbed his cheeks of the tears.

'Do you want to cuddle and see if that makes you feel better?' I telepathically spoke to him since we were still only at our doorway.

He looked back up at me and softly smiled, nodding again. I smirk softly and wrap my arms around him, carrying him to the bed. I laid him down first, then came up behind. I got close enough to where we were basically spooning, but he needed comfort, and that's what I was gonna give him. I wrap an arm around his stomach to keep him close to me. I gently kissed his neck.

"I love you, no matter what Bardock said to you. I would never dare to hurt you in anyway possible." I clarified.

I saw Kakkarot nod again. He spoke faintly. "Thanks Broly...I love you too."

I smile softly and snuggle up a bit, staring at the back of Kakkarot's head. I closed my eyes to just get some rest.

-Goku's POV-

Broly was right. He wouldn't hurt me and he has never hurt me to begin with. He hasn't became that so called 'Legendary Super Saiyan' everyone is talking about ever since we met; that was at least a year ago. I had absolutely nothing to be worried about.

I smiled softly from just my own thoughts and I sniffle softly. I close my eyes and snuggle into Broly's long arms, slowly falling into a peaceful sleep.

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