The Pretty Boys

By GladysVanessa

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Zariah McCalister, has no idea what's she's getting herself into when she transfers to Cambridge Over-Sea's A... More

The Pretty Boys
Chapter 0.0: Airplane Mishap
Chapter 0.1: Welcome To Cambridge Academy
Chapter 0.2: Ms. Stares-A lot
Chapter 0.3: X Never Goes With Y
Chapter 0.4: Writtled Scars & V-Shape Lines
Chapter 0.5: Pretty Boy Nerd Tease
Chapter 0.7: Pepper Spray & Motorcycles
Chapter 0.8: Mind Teasing & Hipster Glasses
Chapter 0.9: You're A Good Boy
Chapter 1.0: The Side Effect Of Aaron Taylor
Chapter 1.1: Boys & Skanks
Chapter 1.2: When You Go Bonkers, Kill Someone
Chapter 1.3: With Ears You See, & Eyes You Hear.
Chapter 1.4: Secret Diaries Make The Perfect Superman
Chapter 1.5: The Future Pretty Boy Baby Kidnapping
Chapter 1.6: The Devil's Backbone
Chapter 1.7: Dancing With The Devil
Chapter 1.8: You Don't Hurt People You Love

Chapter 0.6:T R O U B L E

27.4K 909 153
By GladysVanessa

Zac had to hell me back as I kept trying to attack Aaron. Why in the hell did he take me out to the deck in his arms? The entire school had stared at us. The whispers began in seconds, wondering what was going going on between us. Aaron just loves poking my buttons! He was lucky I couldn't kick his ass right now!

He stood a few feet away from me looking into the view. We were landing on Island of Sicily. I read it's one of the many amazing beaches in the UK. He kept glancing my way earning a few growls from me. Zac would have to let me go eventually and when he does, I'm going to kick Aaron's ass so hard he won't be able to sit for weeks.

Before we made clear contact with the port, the guys took us back inside. We walked to the entrance of the ship, where Aaron and I first had entered a few days ago. We were the first ones waiting to be let out. Since the seniors were the only ones with permission to leave, our entire class of twenty-five students were waiting patently for the steel doors to open. I hadn't noticed I missed being on land. Being inside the cruise for tees few days made me value the land. There was so much more on land then on a cruise.

I couldn't see how these people could do this for four years. It's not bad being on a sea academy since you explore the world, but I bet it gets boring. Once the steel doors open, we walked off the ship. The smell of salt and cold air lingered in the air. When my feet touch the concrete I felt my entire weight fall back. I let out a small chuckle. Being on a ship too long makes you forget how it feel to be on something that doesn't move.

Chloe stood next to me linking her arm with mine. "So what are we doing?" I ask, following behind the guys.

"We always stop here every semester so the guys actually have cars here, so we are going to get them and go eat," She responded.

I made an o shape with my mouth. We didn't walk far, their cars were nicely parked in this private lot. Their were two Porsche sports cars and three motorcycles. I was surprised when Zac opened one of the Porches. Since when did he have a sports car? Khole, Aaron, and Zane got on the motorcycles. While Logan and Chloe got on the white Porsche. It was unbelievable we were just high school students with expensive ass cars! Not even at home did our parents let us spend money on expensive cars.

"Get in," Zac says getting inside the car.

Aaron places his helmet on position himself to start the motorcycle. These Pretty Boys impressed me everyday. I opened the door getting inside the car. I strapped on my seatbelt while Zac pulled out the lot. The car was all black on the inside, it was breathtaking actually. Sport cars weren't my thing but this car was beautiful.

"When did you get the car?" I finally decided to ask Zac.

He sighs. "Dad and Uncle Ben send it as a gift for not getting kicked out the first semester," He grinned.

I shook my head. "Does mom know about this?"

He scoffs. "Hell no! She would flip!"

She would kick our dads behind before screaming the hell out of Uncle Ben. He spoiled us more than out parents buying us whatever we want. Since he doesn't have any children he feels as if we are his as well.

"Is this the only car you have in a city?"

He shakes his head. "I bought a Civic in London. Aaron dad is a motorcycle pro so he sent motorcycles for us. We have a few scatter around the places we go," he shrugs like nothing.

He feels like a complete badass! In a way he was, but it all seemed too unrealistic. I don't understand why they would need transportation everywhere they go. Walking does you good too. Plus we were on a island and water surrounded us, it was a beautiful place to be walking around. The weather was cold but it's better than being hot as hell.

Aaron and the guys were in front of us, and Logan behind us. As we entered the city we earned people's attention. Sicily was a huge island, I expected to be a small place. The city which is basically downtown was enormous. With the cold rolling around everyone was wrapped up, but I could imagine them in the summer. They would have their bikinis and surf boards ready for the beach. The summers here must be a blast. One week during the summer I would have to tell Zac to come with me here.

We parked by a small plaza near the restaurant we were going to. Zac turned off the ignition and got off. I took in a deep breathe stepping outside. Khole was setting his helmet down stretching out. I noticed him flexing his arms. He had a tone body as well. Rolling my eyes to Zane I could see his back muscles exposing from his shirt. Next came Aaron who was smirking at me as I stared at his friends.

Fuck. I turned around looking at Chloe. She lets out a small giggle. She knows I suck at this. I don't know how she can act all normal around them. I get it their normal guys, they are many good looking guys like them too, but there's something about them that attracts you to them.

"Your eyes eventually get use to it," She chuckled pulling me towards the guys.

Well I hoped they would get used to it soon. I was getting tired of having Aaron catching me checking his friend out.

The restaurant wasn't a cheap looking one. This restaurant was nothing compared to the restaurants in Dallas. There's a lot of fancy looking restaurants back home. This one wasn't a fancying looking one, this restaurant had it's own definition. I didn't know if it was a bar or a restaurant, it was almost pitch black with a few light here and there. I had to hold on to whoever was in front of me. I couldn't see the floor. We went up the stairs and I could feel myself getting paranoid. I was going to trip and fall. Whoever was in front of me turned around and grabbed hold of my hand.

It was extremely hot compared to my hand. I gripped tightly as we walked up together. On the second floor people were sitting in these round booths drinking and laughing with their friends. A small lamp hung around in the center of the table. We entered another part of the restaurant where there was less people. The waitress showed us to our table which had the word reserve on it. I was the last one behind everyone so I couldn't see who was sitting down. I wanted to know who I was holding on to. It wasn't Logan or Zac. They were already in front. Chloe was between Logan and Aaron. So it had to be Zane or Khole.

When it was our turn to get in, they let go of my hand. I quickly glance around the table. Everyone was sitting down except Khole. I looked beside me and there he was waiting for me to sit in between Zane and him. I gave him a small smile and sat down. That was nice of him helping me. He sat down and opened his menu. I looked down at the menu staring at the name Le'Pieranda, was this a French restaurant?

Everyone else was chatting among themselves except Khole and I we had our heads buried in the menu. The waitress had came to get our drinks, I decided to get a strawberry lemonade with a hint of tequila. Here we were allowed to drink. The guys ordered some fancy type of drinks, while Khole only ordered water.

I lower my menu down looking at him. "What are you getting?" I ask shyly.

"I think he Chicken Parmesan, you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know what's good here,"

He puts down his menu and grabs mine. "Get the Pasta with Grilled Lemon, it's good,"

"Is the chicken sauced with lemon?" I asked.

He nods. "Yeah and the pasta is seasoned with Alfredo sauce, it's a weird combination I know, but you'll like it," he flashed me a warm smile.

I smiled back. " I'll get that then,"

It got really awkward after that. Khole didn't look like the quiet type. A few days ago when I first saw him he was laughing and joking around, and now he was silent as a mouse. I could tell their was a bit of tension between the guys since they kept communicating with their glances. Chloe and I were the only ones out of the their guy conversation.

"So how are you liking Cambridge?" Zane asks me suddenly.

"It's okay. I'm still not familiar with it so I don't know the cruise completely,"

"Don't worry about it, there's parts we don't know either. The ship is really big!" He chuckled.

"Yeah. How long have you been going to Cambridge?" I asked keeping the conversation going.

Zane sucked in his lip. "Since sophomore year. My parents travel a lot so keeping me on a ship instead on land sounds more reassuring to them," he rolls his eyes.

Were the rest of the guys here because their parents weren't around or did try get kicked out in their old school. I didn't want to ask, it wasn't my business. The waitress returned and we ordered. For the time being the guys kept talking again. I slumped on the couch waiting for the food. Khole was staring hard at his phone. There wasn't anything on the screen, though he stared at it as if he was waiting for something.

Suddenly I felt someone kick me underneath the table. I let out a groan. Across from me Aaron is chuckling to himself. You little... He really wanted to tick me off. We began this whole footsie war beneath the table. It was childish to do so. We were grown kids playing footsie underneath the table! He kept pissing me off though, I kept hitting my chin bone on the mental pipe of the table. Every time I did so I would scrunch up my face.

"Okay guys go to a room already!" Zane spoke up.

Aaron and I looked at him. For a second it was completely quiet before everyone including Khole started laughing. My cheeks were burning red. Even Aaron was laughing with them. He thought it was funny to get teased at? He is the one who started playing this stupid game.

"Come on laugh Zariah!" Aaron laughed. "Don't be a party pooper!"

I rolled my eyes mimicking what he was saying. That only made everyone laugh harder. I sounded exactly like him.


We had finished eating our food and paid. By then the sun was setting down. We walked a few blocks from the restaurant going to a plaza full of stores. Chloe and I were I front of the guys, while they stood behind us whispering a few things to each other. Logan was the only one standing beside us, I guessed he wasn't interested in the guys conversation. Chloe decided to stop in this small shack that sold jewelry and scarfs. She forced me to enter the store with her. The whole time we were there I kept my eyes on the guys.

They were arguing about something. Aaron kept shaking his head while Logan interfered. Whatever they were discussing about Logan settled it. Zac ran his fingers through his hair walking towards the store.

"Zariah," he says.


"Logan and I are going to do a errand real quick. So stay close to the guys and don't wonder off," He said in his overly protective voice.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously.

"There's this new club and I want to see I fits any good before heading there, if it is you guys will meet us there,"

He was lying to me. He was feeling anxious I could feel it. Why did he bother lying to me, he knew I could see right through him. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and left the store. Chloe stood beside me watching her boyfriend leave with my brother.

"Chloe..." I looked at her.

"What does it mean to be a Pretty Boy?" I asked her.

She smiles. "Nothing it's just a name they were given. Let's go to another store,"

Time went by, we went from one store to another, and Logan nor my brother hadn't called. Aaron kept looking down at his phone, they all were. Chloe was the only clueless one not noticing the situation. We were near a coffee shop. We had gotten hot chocolate to keep us warm. I had the warm cup against my lips.

Something didn't feel right. My chest was hurting and my stomach twisted to a knot. These weren't my feelings they were Zac's. Standing up from the bench we were sitting at, I walked a bit to the middle of the sidewalk. He wasn't far I could feel it. From the corner of the street Logan and Zac appeared running. They both had panic expression on their faces.

"Run!" Zac screamed at us.

I couldn't process why he was telling us that. All I felt was when Aaron ran up to me tightly gripping to my arm. My cup slips out of my hand spilling on the concrete. Khole takes hold of Chloe pulling her off the bench. We were running now, and I kept looking back to Zac. He wasn't that far away from us. From a distance I could see a group of men chasing after them. We were running away from them weren't we?

Mix emotions were going through me. Zac was scared shitless while I was confused. What the hell was going on? The men who were chasing us had an a object in their hand. From the running we were doing I couldn't tell exactly what it was. It wasn't until I heard the first shot go off I realize they had a gun.

"Zac!" My voice cracked as I look back.

They were gone. Zac nor Logan were on clear sight. Gun shots kept going off. The men were shooting at us! I felt my body crashing against a cold surface. My mind was a complete blur. Where was Zac? Why were we getting shot at? All these questions were running through my mind.

"Zariah! Zariah, snap out of it," Aaron shook me aggressively.

I blinked a couple of times snapping back into reality. "What the hell is going on?" I yelled.

"Right now I can't answer those questions. Are you hurt?" He asked.

I looked down shaking my head. " I feel fine,"

He nodded. "I need you to keep your eyes in front and not in the back,"

"Where's Zac?" I ignored him.

"Logan and him are fine they'll meet us where we parked, but listen to me, don't let them see your face got it?"

His eyes had changed to this dark brown color. His stare was scaring the hell out of me. I just nodded. He took hold of my arm again and we ran from the opposite direction. Those guys were still up on us except there were fewer. Some of them must have chased Khole, Zane, and Chloe. They weren't shooting at us anymore. It wouldn't be wise to do so, we had entered a more busy street.

My chest pounded against my chest. I needed to take a breather my lungs were hardly getting any air. My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I wanted to answer the phone, I was sure it was Zac! I couldn't though, Aaron and I got surrounded both ways. The men were on both sides of us. Aaron swirls me around placing me against him.

His words echoed through my mind, don't let them see your face. I buried my face in his shoulder. The men circled around us blocking out way. Aaron wraps his arm around me holding onto me tightly.

In that moment I realize I didn't know who Aaron Taylor was and having him protect me wasn't securing at all.


Gah I've been waiting all this time for this little twist:D






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