Going to a Delinquent School...

By Rach_and_Bake

547K 10.9K 2.2K

Aria Strider is a 16 year old girl who has been in the foster system for 3 years. After her only family died... More

Going to a Delinquent School for Boys, While Living with 11 of Them...
Home, I think I like that...
Let's all meet the family...
New Discoveries, and Maybe A Funeral Planed?
Being on the chase...from Ryan and his minions
A race with an enemy...and a bet with the devil
The new girl at school
New Enemies That I'm Sure Knowone Would Want
So...what do I do now?
Seriously? ANOTHER bet? I need some serious help...
Culinary Arts and Fake Dating??
Revenge is wonderful, isn't it?
The After Math
I need a break...
The silent treatment and Ryan does WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
Missing keys?
Oh boy....Here we go....
Well That Was Interesting

A new begining of something utterly terrible.

25.1K 544 62
By Rach_and_Bake

I looked up at my new school.

It looked like the scariest place in the world.

Not kidding.

It was huge.

Even though it was a dark red brick building that looks just like any other school, it was terrifying.

I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

I looked back around to see that the guys weren't there anymore.

So typical of them, leaving a girl to fend for herself.

Just stay positive Aria. You can get through this, with or without being raped.

I shudderd to myself.

I started to walk towards the school and look for the door that lead to the office.

I got to the door that coneccted the outside world to this place.

Time to enter hell.

I pulled it open and stepped into a lounge type setting. Apparently the schools mascot was a cardinal bird because there was a large head of a cardinal on the floor infront of the office. How intimidating. What's it going to do? Swoop down from the sky, pick you up, and drop you in the ocean? I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

From the lounge you could see directly into the office because the wall seperating it form the lounge, was made of glass.

I walked across the lounge and opened the glass door to the office with ease.

There were 2 lady's sitting on the other side of the counter and the poped there head up as soon as they heard the door open.

I walked up to the counter to the first lady. She looked to be in her late 40's and she looked caring and understanding.Remind me to see her first for the next time I am sent to the principals office because I garentee that will happen.

I turned on my sweet, little girl talk. "Hello," I said smoothly.

"Hello, how can I help you sweety?" she asked with a smile.

"Um, my name is Aria Strider and I'm going to be a new student here." I said.

"Oh, yes, Miss Strider. Here is your schedule and if you just take a right down that hallway then you will get to the guidence office with a blue door and they will take you on a tour of the school so you know where your classes are." She handed me a white piece of paper with my schedule on it and pointed down a hallway to my right.

"Thanks," I said as I smiled at her.

"Oh, it's nothing honey," she said as she returned to her work.

I exited the office and followed her directions down the hallway to get to the guidence office.

I saw a dark blue door on my right and opened it.There was a man sitting at a desk looking at his laptop. He quickly looked up.

"Oh, you must be Aria Strider," he said as he smiled a genuin smile. Does everybody smile at this place?

"Yeppers." I smiled a fake smile because my cheek bones were starting to hurt from smiling at everyone.

He stood up from his desk and walked over the door where I was standing.

"Shall we go on the tour?" he asked.

I nodded and walked beside him down the hall.

"If you don't mind, could I see your schedule?"

I handed it over to him without a word.

"Let's see. First you have English 10, then you have Chamber Choir with Handbells. So are you play the handbells?" he asked as we went down the halls and stopped at each of the doors that I had my classes.

"Yeah, they're the only instrument that I can manage to play besides piano," I laughed slightly.

"And if you got into Chamber Choir, then you must be a pretty good singer. Usually you have to audition to be in it but apparently your last school sent in a recomendation for you." he said as he looked at me.

"Really?" I asked because I didn't really believe that a school that kicks you out would send a recomendation. Huh, I guess you learn something new everyday.

"Yep. So then after Chamber Choir, you have Advanced Geometry." It was a statement but he stated it like it was a question.

"Yeah, I've always been advanced in math classes." I said as I blushed. I didn't like it when people thought of me being a freak for being smart.

"Hm. Ok then. Well after that you will have DST." he said.

I gave him a questioning look because, frankly, what the hell does DST supposed to mean?

"It means Designated Study Time. It's like a study hall." he stated.

"Oh." I said

He went on with the list.

"And your last class of the day will be your last elective, Culinary Arts." he said

Yes! I love cooking!

"Ok then," I tried to act like I wasn't mentally freaking out.

"Well I have to get back to my office but if you need anything, just stop right on by. Now you have 5 minutes before your first class starts. Here is your locker number and combination. Good luck." he said and turned around to go back to his office.

First order of buisness, get out of these clothes! About 2 doors down from where I was standing there was a teachers bathroom that I was allowed to use because they are obviously not going to make a girl's bathroom for just one girl.

I went into the bathroom and pulled off the clothes that Lucas picked out for me. God, it was getting hot under there.

I threw the clothes into my bag and walked out of the bathroom.

I looked down the halls and saw boys scattered in different goups. Must be the different gangs that Ryan was talking about.

Definitly going the opposite direction of them...

I pulled out my phone to check the time. 8:17 Class begins at 8:20

3 minutes to find my locker, try to find my class again and try to dodge all the guys. This was gonna be a close one.

I started to look at the locker numbers. I needed 418 and guess where I was. In the freaking 100s. Fml

I decieded to screw my locker and focas on my class. I remember that I had to go up some stairs into a half circle like hallway.

Ok, found some stairs. But not the right ones. I just love my life. I quickly looked back down at my phone for the time. 8:19

Screw the idea of ignoring and avoiding the guys here. I scaned the hallway trying to look for a guy that was full enough of himself that he wouldn't pass up the offer to help the only girl here out.


There was a boy that was about 6 foot that had light brown hair and he looked like a player. He was surrounded by a group of 5 guys that were laughing about something that one of them had said.

Thankfully none of the guys that go here don't notice a girl here because it's oviously a guy school so even if you did hit on a girl it would probably be the last time that you saw them.

I got on my flirting face and corrected my stance and walked over to the group. I didn't want to but I was desperate.

I got to the group and managed to somehow get there attention. I wonder how? I mean, I am a girl in a guys school but that probably has nothing to do with it.

My target was the one to speak up from the group first.

"Hey sexy, can we help you with something?" he said with a grin, eww you perv. You may be hot but your a total player. Like I said, I was desperate so I smiled back flirty.

"Well I have to give something to my cousin and I can't find him anywhere and I was wondering if anyone could help me?" I didn't really want them to know that I was going to school here just yet.

"I think I could do that," he said with a grin, "Do you know what class he has?" He said as he stepped away from the group.

"Yeah, he has English 10 with Ms. Starch. Could you take me there?" I asked throwing my puppy dog eyes.

"How could I say no to a girl as how as you?" he said as he put his arm around my waist and started to walk me down through the halls. We got to the half circle hallway and then I knew where I was going but I still didn't say anything because I didn't want to know what happens when you mad a gang member mad. Not counting Ryan.

"So what's your name?" he asked.

"Aria, and what can I call my night in shinning armer?" I asked. How much cheeseier can I get?

He laughed. "Gavin and nice to meet you Aria."

"You too Gavin." I just hope I never see you ever again.

He got me to the class and I said thanks as he walked off.

This is just going to be great.


Hey guys. Just so you know, it is gonna get GOOD! You have no idea how excited i am for next chapter.

Sorry I haven't really been uploading very much but when ever I get free time I always start to add to it. I really don't know how many pages this is but I guess it's better than nothing.

And I know there are spelling errors but whataiir.

But now Im on Christmas Break I will be writing WAY more.

But thank you SOOOO much to everyone that reads it and comments and votes!

I am super appreciative of you guys!

Thanks so much, Rach(:






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