Can You Hear Me Now?

By DeathIsCliche

289 13 19

Writer. Murderer. The lines are blurred anyways, or at least for Lucifer Evans they are. Meet Lucifer (like... More

Note from the Authors
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

16 1 1
By DeathIsCliche

  The house has been unnaturally peaceful and quiet for the past three days. No one meowing at four o'clock in the morning. No furry companion to listen to the radio with. Every part of the house felt like it was lacking an extremely important part of itself, that I could only describe as emptiness. And there was nothing significant that I could do about. All I could was sit was in my shower and let the streams of roaring water cold my sorrows. Though I must admit it wasn't doing much good. Every time I close I can see his tiny body covered in a crimson blanket. Hell I can see it when i'm awake. I just can't get the image out of my head. It's driving me mad. Why him? Why my cat? What did he do to deserve that?

I stepping out of the shower I turn of the water. The water bill is going to be really high this month. I'm not going to be able to pay it. I stop sobbing long enough to go downstairs and eat. The sun was still up so I say it's lunch maybe. It was hard to tell anymore. On today's menu, eggs, or at least what used to be eggs. Speaking of that I need to go grocery shopping again, but for that to happen I would have to go outside.

Sighing into my cup of tea, I set out for my keys. Grumbling, I stifled a sob as I noticed them beside Mr. Meowgi's food bowl, where I threw them days ago in my anger. I walk outside to find the boys next door standing in their front yard. All of them stood together and Levi looked a bit offput by what the other boys were talking about. Their ringleader, Marshall, stood amidst them and seemed to be the ones making the jokes. It all would have seemed innocent, if he didn't keep gesturing towards me making claw marking the air, before clutching his stomach in laughter.

I made out the words 'bleeding' and 'porch for him to find' with the occasional words 'like a baby'. It took me a moment, before it all clicked. These bastards killed my cat.

Settling into my car, I revved out of the driveway and headed to nearest grocery and hardware store. I needed bleach, lots of it, and food of course. I would also need more tools, as mine were all rusty and broken.

Picking up my tools I made my way to the check out. The different way that I ways destroy them swam around my head as I put my items on the conveyor belt. I wonder how long it would take for one of them to burn.

I stiffen a pair of small arms wrap around me. A familiar sting of nails pawing at my chest, moving in circles made me aware that it was just Sage. A darkness settled over my heart. "Please take your hands of off me." I whispered quietly. She refused to move, so I gently removed her hands. No matter how angry I get, I would never hurt Sage.

Peering behind me, Sage looked down at her hands, then back at me with a confused look on her face. "What did I do, Luci? Was it something I did? Did I upset you the other day? You haven't called me lately."

"Do you know that my cat is dead? He died, because I was not there to stop his murder from happening! NO! I was forced to spend a 'night on the town' with you! I couldn't be there for him. I have known that cat longer than you could ever wish to know me. It's all your fault! You never liked him anyway! You probably planned it all along. You and those devilish asses who just moved in beside me-" I ranted at her.

"Luci, please calm down!" She looked around embarrassingly. I only then noticed that I had drawn some unwanted attention. They knew better than to step in as Mr. Meowgi was well known, because I carried him around everywhere.

"Oh, you're embarrassed huh? SO embarrassed that you could just die, am I right?! Maybe then, you'll know how Mr.Meowgi felt." I huffed out and dug in my pocket. Pulling three $10 bills out I shoved them towards the cashier, who sat closed mouthed at my rant. Pushing pass a crying Sage, I grabbed my bags and started for my car.

Guilt settled over me as I drove home. I shouldn't have said that, it wasn't her fault. How was she supposed to that was going to happen? I'm still not sure what happened. I've yet to look at Mr.Meowgi's body much less bury him. Speaking of which I should do that soon. The whole front yard is covered in blood. Tears rolls down my cheeks as pull into my driveway. Though as soon as I step out of my car something causes me too smile. Grabbing my bags I walk up to the makeshift grave.

A fresh pile of loose dirt with a small white cross stuck inside of it sits in the garden next to the porch. Tulips of a variety of colors lays on top of it. As I get closer to the grave, I notice an inscription written on the cross that reads:


A beloved friend

Not many people would have thought to do this for me, so who could have done this? I look around to see a waving hand in my peripheral. It was Levi of course. Sighing, I wave back. Looking back up I see him pointing at the grave, before looking back up and pointing to himself. Did he make this? For me? I gave a slight nod in respect, before bending and touching Mr. Meowgi's grave. My yard was also cleaner and the porch, I noticed, as I stepped forward, was also clear of blood.

My guilt resurfaced for what I did to Sage, but was quickly drowned out as I realized what had to be done. Those boys would he to pay. I'll have to get to know them, so I can get rid of them as soon as possible. I knew that cleaning supplies and tools would come in handy. Maybe then, they'll realize what they have done.

Leaving my bags downstairs, I quickly venture to my writing station, as to not forget my plans. I could feel my face pull into a smirk- this is going to be good.  

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