A Summer of Discovery

By SPenBooks

84.7K 3.4K 507

Emery Randolph swore she would never return to her hometown the day she graduated and left for college, but i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Five

3.2K 132 24
By SPenBooks


One week had passed since the incident with Lilly and not once had it been mentioned, mostly because we hadn't really seen each other more than a quick wave from our bedroom windows. They had been busy unpacking and meeting the locals in town and I had been at my Pops garage all week, working hard. I had heard Lilly and her mom fighting through my bedroom window the last few nights and I knew something was wrong. On the third night they got louder and louder until I heard a door slam. I sat up from my bed and watched Lilly stalk off into the darkness of the street, her mom shouted after her but she didn't come back. I grabbed my denim jacket and ran down to the door, luckily pops was at poker. I caught sight of Lilly rounding the corner onto Main Street and without hesitation I followed her, I knew she shouldn't be out there on her own, bad things happened at night, at least they did in the movies.

Lilly was far enough she couldn't see me yet I could still make out her shadow ahead, I followed her down Main Street and off into Forrester close. It was an old dusty track road leading to a plantation and fifteen acres of land, still maintained by the Forrester family as far as I knew. Word in town was very limited on the Forrester family as it seemed no one really saw them come and go. Only the older lady, the only daughter of the Forrester family, now named Mrs's Clayton was ever seen as she came and went to get her hair done at the salon. Claire the local stylist was quick to tell every one of her visits but there was never any gossip to go with it. How could there be? She was just an old lady living in a huge house. I knew from my Pop that the Forrester's had been one of the founding families of Fairview, they were rich beyond measure and always well respected, he told me when his dad was a boy there were a lot of them in town. I guessed over the years the family didn't grow and it sort of just died out.

It was always said that the manor and plantation were haunted, all the kids at school dared each other to come here on Halloween but only the bravest would try and make it, and never did they succeed.

Why would she be going down here?

She disappeared ahead of me from the track, through a hedge row. I ran as quickly as I could to the area she had disappeared. I climbed through the hedge moaning as it scraped the back of my legs. I picked bits of green out of my hair as I appeared through the other side and noted the old Manor house sitting in the shadows of the land around it. It was haunting to look at let alone actually being haunted.

I looked through squinted eyes over the gardens and I couldn't see her. My skin pricked with goose bumps as I stood in the dark, I never ventured out at night and especially not alone. My Pop would kill me.

Voices began to carry over the vast grounds, I turned to see where it was coming from. It was Lilly, she was talking to someone in a raised voice. I caught sight of a light flickering in the decaying gazebo next to the Manor, a cigarette being lit. The smell of tobacco wafted through the air. Who is that?

I watched as a man's shadow leant down to kiss her. My stomach turned. Lilly pushed him away hard but he wouldn't let her go, she began to shout at him but he wouldn't let go of her arms as he forced himself forwards pinning them behind her. I felt the adrenaline kick in and ran towards the gazebo at a fast pace jumping obstacles on the lawn to get their quicker. I could run faster than anyone in Fairview or as my track record currently stood, in the state.

"Let go of her" I screamed. It echoed like a siren over the grounds around us as I came bolting towards them, jumping down into the gazebo and at Lilly's side.

A deep laugh came from the man in the shadows. "Who the hell are you?" He said letting her go and walking towards me. Lilly desperately grabbed at him to pull him back. "Leave her alone Brad. Look at me Brad look at me" she begged.

He turned toward Lilly and stumbled before grabbing her by the throat. "Shut up you little bitch you don't get to tell me what to do. Do you hear me"?

"Stop it" I begged.

In seconds he had lifted her like she had no weight to her, holding her by her throat and pinning her to the wall.

"I'm going to make it so you never get to leave me again" he spat in her face.

I panicked and picked up the cherub statue by the door way and without hesitation I smashed it over him. He fell to the floor letting her go in the process. She clasped her throat trying to catch her breath.

"Thank you" She whispered before pushing me away with her hands "You got to go Em you can't be here. He will wake up and he will kill you" She cried as she held her palm to my chest pushing me away. Her eyes wildly begged me to do as she asked but I couldn't leave her. I wouldn't.

"I'm not leaving you" I stated firmly.

"He's dangerous" She said through tears.

"Exactly. I'm not going anywhere" I wiped her tears from her cheeks with both hands before wrapping my arms around her tightly.

I didn't see him stand up behind me. I didn't see the blade he pulled from his pocket.

I felt a seething heat in my shoulder, my mouth opened up but nothing came out. Lilly leaned back and looked at me as she noticed my body begin to slump. She looked up and screamed as he pulled out the knife and she realised what had happened.

I fell to the floor on my knees, blood seeping through my white T shirt, Lilly hit at him trying to get the knife but he was too big, he had her backed into a wall so quickly before placing the knife against her throat.

"You're not leaving me Lilly. You're not going anywhere. You're coming home with me" He said angrily.

I heard her voice shaking with fear as I got the strength to sit back up "I don't want this Brad. You said you would leave me alone. Please don't do this" she whimpered.

"Lied oops" He laughed.

He stuck the knife in the cement behind her with a slamming fist, it dropped to the floor and just as he did that his other hand reached up and began to strangle her.

I looked up to see the life draining from her face. I felt nausea rise up in my stomach and with my last bit of strength I stood myself up, grabbed the knife and just as I was about to hit him a huge frying pan came into vision in the hands of an old lady. The pan smashed into his head so hard he fell forward, his hands releasing Lilly as he slid down the wall, she fell to the floor like a doll, completely limp, my throat restricted at the sight of her body on the ground. I got down on the floor and held my ear to her mouth, she wasn't breathing. I racked my brain trying to remember the resuscitation we were taught in school last year. My hands moved over her chest beginning to pump at the centre of her ribs, my mouth covered hers breathing into her lungs trying and hoping to god I was doing it right. I heard sirens in the background and looked up to see the old lady through teary eyes do the sign of the cross on her chest.

"They will be here in a minute child" she said as she stood in her nightgown over Brad.


Lilly pulled through before the emergency services got to us with a huge gulp of air. She had a red mark around her neck in the shape of two hand prints. I though was losing my momentum as the shock set in and the adrenaline slowed, leaving my body to feel the full effect of the stab wound to my shoulder.

I was put into the back of the ambulance quickly and checked over. Lilly got in next to me as they shut the doors and held my hand, her shoulders were wrapped in foil and a paramedic at her side. I couldn't stop myself shaking. "I'm so sorry Em. I'm so so sorry" She had tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

"It's okay" I whispered.

"It's not it's all my fault if I hadn't have called my friend back home he wouldn't have found out from her where I was. I thought I was meeting with her. I was mad at my Mom I just needed to see a friend. I'm bad news Emery, anyone who touches me is doomed. I'm not good enough to be your friend"

I slid my oxygen mask to the side with shaky hands "You're not bad because bad things have happened to you Lil" I managed.

"Promise me something Em"

"W...what" I stammered

She leant in close. "Promise me whatever happens you will always see the good in me"

"I will" I whispered barely able to speak.

"Promise me Em please promise" she asked. I looked towards her seeing the red marks around her neck and the crimson liquid of my blood in her blond hair.

"I promise" I managed before my heavy eyelids closed.

"I need you to keep that promise Emery. As long as you hold that belief in you I know I'll make it good in the end. I'll be good" she whispered into my ear.


When I woke up my eyes flickered open slowly. I was under bright hospital lights. I could hear my Pops and Jane asking Lilly exactly why Brad had been here. Jane was apologizing to my Pops for Lilly all the while holding her protectively against her.

Lilly took the vacant seat beside me while the sheriff's deputy took our parents aside to fill them in. She wrapped her hands around mine tightly.

"I know you're awake Emery"

"Only just" I said opening my eyes and turning my head towards her.

"The police have him in custody. They got him checked out just now downstairs. He's going to jail though that seems pretty certain"

"Good" I whispered hoarsely clearing my throat.

She leant down and kissed my forehead. "I'll never be able to make this up to you"

"I don't know you could try... real hard" I said with a drugged up smile.

Pops and Jane came through the door and Lilly jumped up and moved aside so Pops could sit down.

"You got lucky June bug he didn't hit anything important to damage with that knife. They stitched you up good. You will have a real good looking scar though that's for sure" He began to tear up.

I reached out and touched his shoulder. "I'm fine Pops"

"I know it just scared the crap out of me Emery, I almost lost you. Jane almost lost Lilly. Thank god for that dear old lady"

"I'm fine. Please don't get upset Pops please"

"You're going to need to go apologize to her when you're better"

"To who?" I asked

"Mrs's Clayton at the Manor"

"We better go" Jane said over Pops shoulder before pushing Lilly ahead of her out the door.

"I'm so sorry Emery" She said as she began to close the door behind them.

"I'll see you soon" Pops returned.


I stayed in the hospital for two nights while they monitored me and when all was fine they discharged me home. I have never been so happy to get home. Pops had bought in some of my favorite foods but I wasn't hungry I was anxious to find out if Lilly was okay. Pops hadn't mentioned Jane or Lilly over the last few days.

"Pops" I said as I sat down on the couch.

"Yup" He replied as he gathered me snacks and drinks.

"How is Lilly and Jane after what happened?"

"No idea" he said sitting next to me, putting the drinks and the food down on the table.

"Haven't you spoken to Jane?" I asked puzzled.

"No I haven't sweetheart, it don't feel right anymore"


"It's just not. She never told me about the past and she never told me there was trouble around them. She left it until my daughter got stabbed by a crazy ex-boyfriend of her daughters to tell me that they are running"


"Running away from trouble Emery. You can still see Lilly but you don't go anywhere with her for the foreseeable, she can come over but that's it and only when I'm here. No going out at night, not going out at all, you and Lilly are under house arrest. I know that much"

"House arrest?" I asked shocked. I had never been punished in my life.

"Yes young lady you are. I can't be worrying about you while I'm at work. No stepping out of this house" He demanded.

"Fine" I said softly no fight left in me.

I stood up and he jumped up and grabbed my arm walking me up to bed like a fragile ornament.

I felt bad he had gone through this I knew he would have been scared. The fact he had cut Jane off says it all, he's reverting back into his shell and taking me with him, where it's safe. He did that when my Momma died.

As soon as he had tucked me in he kissed my forehead and wished me a goodnight. When the light turned off I fell into a deep sleep almost instantly and I knew it would be a long time before I woke up feeling normal again.

I slept deeply for three days not seeing anyone but my Pops as he came in morning and night and tried to get me to eat. I couldn't eat I wasn't hungry. My body had shut down and was only waking up for short bursts and then going back to unconsciousness.

On the fourth day I woke up to a fan blowing cold air onto my face. I stirred and fought against it trying to stay where I was. I didn't want to wake up but it got irritating real quick. My eyes snapped open. Sat grinning with a fan in her hands was Lilly, she looked like a naughty child.

"What are you doing here?" I mustered moving slightly under the covers.

"I'm coming to wake you up. You're not sleeping beauty you know! You are sixteen nearly seventeen and if you carry on like this you will wake up twenty six with limbs that no longer work. Time to snap out of it Em"

She put the fan back on the side and switched it off. She was wearing a pair of white cut off dungarees and a pale blue vest under it. Her blond locks were up in a loose plait. Wisps got loose and whipped over her face in the last blow of the fan. She pushed them behind her ears.

"Come on then get up" She said looking amused, her eyes twinkling in the morning light.

"Oh god you're a slave driver... leave me to sleep" I said pulling a blanket over my face.

She pulled my good arm until I sat up and forced me to my feet. My head dug into her chest. I moaned into the fabric of her dungarees at the ache in my shoulder.

She slowly moved me into the bathroom backwards and backed me into the shower. Without warning freezing cold water sprayed over my body. I woke up fully with a fright. Lilly was sat on the side of the bath howling with laughter.

"You loser" I said pissed.

"Yeah well had to get you up somehow" She sang amused.

I slowly peeled off the clothes I was wearing as Lilly held a towel to keep my modesty. She wrapped it around me and picked out my clothes and put them on the bed.

I looked at what she had chosen. "You're joking right why did you pick that? Its summer" It was a thick red check flannel shirt with a white vest and my black denim shorts.

"You look cute in flannel" she said fingering the material.

I slowly pulled up the shorts over my underwear and pulled the white vest over my chest. I left the flannel open.

"How did you get in here by the way? Pops was clear you weren't allowed out. I thought you were on house arrest too?" I asked.

"I am." She began "I climbed big oak out there" she said pointing out the window

I looked out over her shoulder. "You mean you climbed that from your room to mine?" I asked surprised.

"Yup cool huh" she said swinging around on my desk chair. "My mom specifically told me not to set foot out of the front door, so I didn't"

She looked me over. "You actually look pretty damn cute in that" she said proud of her choice.

I looked down at myself. "Really you think so" I asked surprised. I should look like walking dog dodo after this week.

"You look hot" She noted subtly nibbling her top lip.

"I imagine it's the flannel getting you going, you do like men after all" I said teasingly sitting back down on the bed.

"I actually just vowed off men for the rest of my life" she replied seriously.

"Sure you have. We will see wont we" I said sitting on the side of the bed.

"I bet you twenty dollars" I continued whilst looking up at her with a smirk.

"May as well be one thousand you will never win this" she spat back confidently. "Emery I'm not joking I'm off of them for life you will see. That's why Brad turned up. He had been messaging me relentlessly for the last two weeks. I told him I was done with him and moving on so he got my friend to find out where I was when I phoned."

Thinking about Lilly with that monster made me feel sick.

"So what are we going to do on house arrest since we can't go anywhere?" I asked.

"Watch a movie?" She suggested.

"Okay" I replied standing.

We went down stairs and picked through the movies Pops had by the TV. Nothing seemed worth an afternoon watch.

"Okay how about we just do something else?" Lilly said jumping to her feet.

"Like what?" I said looking at her scouring the room.

My phone began to chirp in my pocket. I flicked it open and with my good arm raised it to my ear. "Hey Pops"

"Hey June bug I didn't think you would be awake. I'm just ringing to check you're okay and remind you your wound dressing needs changing. I can help later if Aunt Caroline can't get by to help"

"No its fine Pops I got it"

"Okay, listen Sam has been ringing about you he's beside himself I think he could do with a call or a text whatever you kids do nowadays"

"I'll call him" I replied.

"Okay love you sweetheart see you tonight"

I hadn't noticed Lilly had crept up right next to me, her ear pressed against my phone. I snapped it shut.

"I'll help" She said

"Help what?" I asked.

"Change your dressing for you"

"Its fine I'll do it" I said stumbling to my feet. My head was still drowsy from pain medications.

"You can't reach round to your shoulder. I'll do it come on let's get it done" she said enthusiastically skipping across the room.

I followed Lilly upstairs into my bedroom.

"Okay take off your top" She commanded.

"What?" I replied shyly.

"Take it off so I can get to your wound soldier" she said with her hands ushering me to sit.

"Oh right yeah" I sat down on the bed and took my shirt and vest off. Oh god don't touch me. I don't think I could breathe if she touched me.

She sat beside me with the pile of fresh dressings and body tape. I held one arm over my chest to cover my modesty but not before I caught her eyes on me in the mirror across my room. She quickly removed her gaze. Distract yourself Emery. For your friendships sake.

"I'm going to call Sam while you're doing that" I said trying to ignore the fact that Lilly Calvert had just seen me topless.

"Okay" She said. I could see her in the mirror removing the dressing, she looked at me and made a grossed out face. I laughed and dialed Sam. After a few rings he picked up. I put him on speaker.

"Oh my god Emery you there?"

"Hey Sammy"

"You have no idea how long I've waited on your call I've been worried to death over here"

"Oh don't worry I've been fine I'm just a little tired" I responded.

"Just a little" Lilly whispered with a chuckle

"Who's that" Sam asked

"Oh nobody I'm home alone. Pops has me on house arrest"

"Yeah good I'm glad. Listen Em stay away from Lilly she isn't a good influence on you. Just hang tight I'll be home in a couple of weeks"

Lilly grimaced behind me in the mirror.

"Jerk" She whispered.

I shot her the look to keep quiet.

"Sam I'm fine I'm sure Pops has got you thinking all sorts but she's fine you will see when you get back"

"Em she's trouble" He continued.

Lilly looked at me in the mirror pausing momentarily and visibly irritated by her character assassination.

"Have you missed me Sammy?" I asked.

"You have no idea Em. I have so much to tell you when I get back. There's something I really need to talk to you about. This thing happening to you it's made me think and I need to see you"

"Sounds interesting" I said my forehead lined with curiosity.

"I'll see you soon Em, stay safe okay"

"Will do" I agreed.

He clicked off.

"Wow he's a bit of a jerk he doesn't even know me" Lilly said

"He's just worried don't take it personally"

"I'd never hurt you Emery"

"I know you wouldn't" I replied.

"I'm not playing I really would never hurt you" she said looking at me in the mirror.

"Lay down on your front I'll put the new dressing on and wrap you up"

I laid down on my front and slowly released my hands over my breasts.

Lilly sat a straddle over my thighs as she gently placed the dressing over my wound, she strapped it up slowly as not to pull my skin and when she was done she leant down and kissed it.

She rolled me over onto my back gently. I quickly covered myself with my hands. I looked up into her eyes, her pupils were three times the size they usually were.

"Your pupils are dilated" I said trying to gage her expression.

"It means I'm attracted to you" she said seriously before smiling. Her dimples appearing in each cheek pulled the edges of my mouth into a grin.

"It does?" I asked suddenly feeling way too naked for this conversation.

"Yup" She said a smile etched on her full lips.

She leant down on one elbow and with her other hand she ran her finger over my stomach. I flinched at her touch. Oh my god.

"I'm ticklish stop it" I said wriggling side to side away from her hand.

"Okay what about this" She asked slowly straddling my legs and leaning over me, her lips pressed to the bit above my navel as she blew a raspberry.

"Oh my god" I gasped, butterflies took off inside my stomach. She stopped and pulled away for a second before returning with a kiss just above my navel.

"Lilly don't" I said cupping her chin in my hand.

She looked up in surprise and pulled away. "I'm sorry" she said her cheeks flushing pink.

"Lil we still haven't spoken about last week yet. I'm not after what guys are, and you got me completely wrong if you think I am" Well semi wrong it wasn't like it hadn't crossed my mind since the kiss. I wanted her in ways I didn't even know I could. I wanted to sit and watch her innocently too, to watch her chest rise and fall with every breath and her lips part into her perfect smile as her dimples popped.

"I know that Emery"

I sat up and grabbed my vest, pulling it back over my head.

"I want to be better. I want to be good enough" she whispered.

"Good enough for what?" I asked gazing up at her and watching her full lips move as she spoke.

"Good enough for you Emery" she replied, her eyes moving from my dark eyes to my lips and slowly back again.

I sat myself up forcing her to sit backwards on her knees. "You are Lilly that's what you don't see. You don't see yourself through my eyes"

She gently lowered herself, her light hair tickling my skin as she kissed my sore shoulder. "I'll stop I'm sorry. It's hard"

"What's hard?" I asked not taking my gaze away from her bright green eyes.

"Having these feelings...I don't know what to do with...for you"

She feels it too.

The sound of my Pops truck chugging into the drive echoed through the house.

"I think your dads truck just pulled in I better go" She stood up quickly and headed out the window. I desperately scrambled to get up and get to the window, pulling my t shirt back on.

"When will I see you again?" I called.

She wobbled as she approached her bedroom window. "Now I know I can make it I'll be over tonight if you don't mind?" she said as she climbed through her net curtains.

"Really?" I said excitement in my voice.

"Really" she said with a fake serious tone before smiling.

She waved and disappeared into the house. Pops knocked the door and popped his head in.

"You want dinner June bug I got your favorite?"

"Sure Pops" I said opening the door up and hugging him tight.

"I knew you would come back to me. I knew Sam was the one to get you up and about again"

"Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah you called him right?"

"Yeah I did he's doing good"

"See I knew he would sort you out"

I followed Pops down the stairs.

"It's like the movies Emery, all it takes is your one true love and all that lovey dovey stuff"

I laughed. I wondered if he was right about that. Did I love Lilly? Already?

Of course I did.

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