Encased Reflection

By just1grrl

156 14 3

Stuck. That’s what Simmone “Sin” Rosenblack is. She’s stuck to only see what is on the outside. She couldn’t... More

Encased Reflection ~2~
Encased Reflection ~3~

Encased Reflection

110 6 1
By just1grrl

Chapter 1:

It was the early morning of the first day of Spring when the prince came. I was in the middle of listening to the Clara, the saleslady, talking to me. She knows me well. We’ve been together since as long as I could remember. Clara told me she found me when I was in the yellow rosebushes as a child. She thought I was just a mirror and assumed that I was special. Little did she know I was special. I was the only human or creature known to man to be trapped in a small hand mirror. 

It was a busy day for the town, at least that is what Clara has been telling me. She kept me on dusty shelf near the door, so I could see the customers. The atmosphere was so bright and very dandy. Clara said it was the Spring Ball today. I sighed knowing that I would not be able to make it since I’m stuck. I disappeared and appeared in my mirror house. I sighed and sat down on my bed. Laying on my cloud, I thought for a while. 

“Mon Cheri! The Prince is here!” I heard Clara shout for her husband. 

I shuffled out of my bed and appeared to peek into the store. Through the dust on my mirror, I could see the counter where Clara stood and the prince was standing with his back towards me and talking to Clara. I leaned as closer pressing my face against the glass. “Mademoiselle, I need two floral vases wrapped and a vanity.” The deep velvet voice requested. Clara nodded and moved quick as lightning. When Clara was in the back, the prince wandered around.

From what I could see, the prince was about 6 foot tall and quite fit. He had  brown shaggy hair that looked really soft. He had the most beautiful chocolate brownie eyes and he wore a white dress shirt with black trousers. He had boots that had a bit of dirt, which looks like he was riding out with horses. I’ve never seen horses, but Clara told me they are the most majestic and tall creatures any man could ride. I watched the prince dreamingly and then I noticed he was about to see my mirror. I turned myself invisible so he could only see the dusty glass. He squinted his eyes as if he noticed something. 

When Clara returned, the prince mumbled something and pointed at my mirror. I could see Clara with a worried expression. I appeared and gestured with my hands to tell her it is alright. Clara took the hint and I turned invisible again. She was consulting the prices and finally decided on it. She took the ladder and reached up to my home and glory. “Good luck.” She whispered before handing it to the prince. He peered into my mirror and wiped my glass with a handkerchief. Soon my vision was clear and I admired the Prince’s face. I sighed and silently jumped up and down, excited for my adventure.

When the Prince came outside, I appeared knowing I was in his pack. I looked out and saw the beautiful blue sky and silky clouds. I sighed hearing the birds chirping and rustling trees from nature’s breath. I smiled and was shocked when the floor got higher. The pack was placed on a thing with-hoofs! We were on a horse! I sighed in happiness and when the horse was already galloping, I disappeared and went to my mirror house. 

I sat down and slept on the bed. I dreamt of the past years and people I’ve seen that actually visit the antique shop. I watched many people and kids touch and admire the things, except no one bothered to look around to see me. Until now, the prince is the only one who actually bothered to take interest in my mirror.  I must have woken up when I heard a door slam and my mirror jiggled a little. I appeared to see what was going on and realized that I was in the prince’s room.

The prince’s room was exquisite! It had red wallpaper with gold stripes. From what I could see, the prince’s bed had a mahogany bed post. There was a  table near the fire place and a chair near the desk by a dresser. I smiled and listened to the prince talking.

“I-I want to- no. I wish to spend the whole lifetime- no. No one can ever be more beautiful and fit to be my wife than you. I forever want you to be with me. To prove my love, I have no ring yet but I want to give you this exquisite mirror so you can look at your wonderful beauty and remind yourself that it is you who has my heart.” The prince sounded as if he was going to propose to a lady. I mean the speech is utterly beautiful but- wait. He can’t give me away! I can’t forever live with a  lady who would use me for looking at her conceited self! I knew it was a huge gamble at the moment, but it would be better than being with a young lady.

“Wait! You can’t give me away prince!” I showed myself and shouted for his attention. I heard a scream and a few crashes. I went to every edge of the mirror trying to see what was happening. I was worried the prince hurt himself. “Who is there?” The prince bellowed. I bit my lip and took a huge breath before exclaiming, “It’s I, milord. Check the mirror!” I waited and heard the footsteps walking towards me and I closed my eyes waiting for the screams once again. I just prayed that he wouldn’t drop my mirror. 

I felt the lights peer into my mirror and I squinted, trying to get used to the lighting. I was soon staring into the brown chocolate eyes. “Hello, my prince.” I greeted him bowing my head. “I must be dreaming. This is crazy. A hallucination. Why is this mirror with a lady in it, talking to me?” was the prince’s reaction. I sighed and crossed my arms across my chest. I huffed and pouted. “I, however, am not a dream nor a crazy hallucination. I,” I said pointing at myself, “am a lady!” 

The prince blinked a lot, as if he was trying to check if I’ll disappear. I waited and soon I got tired. “Who-who are you?” He stuttered. Finally he decided to talk. “I am Simmone Rosenblack. You may call me Sin.” I introduced myself. He waited and said, “Well Sin, why are you in my mirror?” He questioned. “First off Prince, This is not YOUR mirror, it’s mine. Secondly, I live in this mirror ever since I could remember. I cannot go out so don’t ask me to leave. This mirror is my home.” I smirked at the prince. He finally got it through his head and told me to wait. He walked to the door, and he beckoned a maid to tell the butler not to allow the lady he was courting, inside the house. 

He set me down on the bed and made sure I was staring at him, not the ceiling. “Please do tell me about yourself Sin. I believe you are utmost fascinating.” He exclaimed. I sighed and decided to tell him what I knew. “So prince, what is your name? Unless you still want me to call you prince.” I asked after explaining my life story. “I am terribly sorry. I know your name but you don’t know mine. I am Prince Robert. You may call me Robert.” Robert told me. By now, we were facing each other but we were both lying down. “Well Robert, I was wondering, are you still going to give me to that lady you were practicing on confessing to?” I wondered and asked Robert. He looked at me as if I was confusing him. I waited a while till he finally remembered what I was talking about. “I-I am sorry! But no. I would not do that now that I know this is your home. I was planning to keep you with me, so I could have a friend to talk to when I need to. Is that alright?” He asked sheepishly. I smiled and nodded excitingly. I yawned and blinked trying to keep myself awake. I finally realized that I could not stay awake any longer. I bid my good nights to Robert and told him I was coming back tomorrow morning. He let me go and I finally got to my room and crashed onto my flower petal.

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