The Story Of My Life~A Ziall...

By Iloveonedirection1D5

3K 86 39

They've been best friends ever since kindergarten they were like brothers no scratch that! They were basicall... More

Chapter 1
Chapter Two

The Story Of My Life~A Ziall fanfic ~Coming Soon~

2.3K 37 15
By Iloveonedirection1D5

Hey! So this a new fic that I thought of! For some reason this song reminds me of the plot of this story, So I will continue this story once I finish atleast one of my books!


As Little Niall Horan looks around the big classroom full of new children, He can't help but feel nervous, It's his first day of kindergarten! "Go in, Niall" Maura assures her son. The brunette waddled inside the classroom.

"Niall, This is your teacher Mrs.Smith" Niall looked up with his big shiny blue eyes and he stared at the woman "Hello Niall! I'm Mrs.Smith, C'mon and take a seat anywhere you would like!" Niall scans through the seats full of children.

Niall sees an open seat and he waddles to it and sits in it, Mrs.Smith nods at Maura assuring her she could leave now and that Niall would be ok.

"Hi! I'm Zayn! Zayn Malik" Niall turns his head to look at the boy sitting next to him, He had raven dark hair, Brown eyes and tan skin. "What's your name?" He asks Niall "Niall" He mumbles and Zayn frowns

"What? I couldn't hear you" He cupped his tiny hand around his ears as If that would help him hear Niall better "Niall, Niall Horan" Zayn smiled "I like you! You're my new best friend!"

Niall's face brightened at that, Had he really just made a new best friend! This is great! "Would you like to share lunches?" Niall asked and Zayn smiled widely "Yeah!"

From there on a beautiful friendship started! They would share lunches, Crayons and even clothes!

They grew up to be best friends! Sleepovers and baths together! They did absolutely everything together! Even their parents became best friends!


Now it's the 8th grade, Nothing has changed...except for the fact that they are older and Niall has developed some feelings...not just any feeling..but special feelings.

Special feelings..but not just for anyone, But for Zayn. See the problem is Zayn has a girlfriend, He also doesn't know Niall is gay.

Niall found out he was gay at the age of 12 when he saw Zayn in another light! The good thing is that Niall doesn't really get the female attention, That's mostly Zayn!

Niall rarely gets the girls and he prefers it that way! He's gay!

Niall still has a little of his baby fat,he still has his plain brown hair and crooked teeth, He's nothing compared to Zayn's model looks.

"Hey Zayn, Wanna come over after school?" Niall asked as they switched to their next class, "Sure! What's mum making for dinner?" See Niall and Zayn are so close they even call each other's parents mum or dad

"She's making pasta" Niall exclaimed he sure did love his mums pasta. "Mama Horan makes the best pasta!" Zayn smiled

A few hours later they are walking towards Niall's house laughing about something Niall did today.

"Mum! We're home!" Niall and Zayn shouted in unison "Hello boys!" Maura greeted them

"How was school?" Maura asked as the boys made their way upstairs "Good!" They shouted "Greg will be home from school soon!"

Niall didn't respond, he and Zayn just closed the door and turned on the xbox.

"I got a new FIFA game!" Niall exclaimed and Zayn smiled widely "yeah? How did you get it? That things not even out yet!"

"My dad's friends with one of the video game designers and he let me have it for free!" Niall dug into his drawer and took out the game

"You my friend will be the second kid in the world to play this game, I was the first" he said proudly "ah shut up! Stop bragging you little tease!" They burst into laughter.

"Alright let's play" he handed him his controller "So how are you and Cher?" Niall asked

"S'fine I guess" he shrugged and they both never looked away from the TV screen "what do you mean by that?"

Zayn Shrugged "well she and I both don't seem that interested in our relationship,I think we might break up"

Just at that moment Zayn scores a goal "OH OH YEAH!!" Zayn stands up and screams "CHEATER!" Niall screamed "Don't hate the playa hate the game!"

Zayn sat back down, "That reminds me, when are you going to get a girlfriend?" Niall paused the game and stayed silent for a moment

"I've been meaning to tell you..." Zayn stops and turns to look at Niall "I trust you enough to tell you this" Niall swallowed "I-I'm g-gay" he stuttered

Niall turned to look at Zayn, oh how he wished he hadn't ,"Zayn?" Zayn had a total look of anger and disgust! "Don't touch me! Don't speak to me! Don't even look at me from now on!" Zayn yelled

"Zay-" Niall got interrupted "I can't be friends with a fucking fag!" Niall's tears strolled down his cheeks "b-but we're best friends!" Niall cried

"Get away from me you fag! From now on we aren't friends!" Zayn ran down the stairs and left.

From that day on Zayn bullied Niall for being gay, somewhere along the lines Zayn found out Niall had a crush on him and the bullying got worst. 


Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones it seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone,gone tonight the ground beneath my feet is opened wide the way that I've been holding on to tight with nothing in between

The story of my life I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen

The story of my life I give her hope I spend her love until she's broken inside the story of my life

Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage

I know that in the morning now I'll see us in the light upon your fears although I am broken my hearts is untamed still

And I'll be gone,gone tonight the fire beneath my feet is burning bright the way that I've been holding on so tight with nothing in between

The story of my life I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen

The story of my life I give her hope I spend her love until she's broken inside the story of my life

And I've been waiting for this time to come around but baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen

The story of my life I give her hope (give her hope) I spend her love until she's broken inside (she's broken inside)

The story of my life

The story of my life

The story of my life

The story of my life

I'm Niall Horan and this is The Story Of My Life



Hey guys! so here's a new fic! what do you think about it? should I continue it? Comment! Vote! Thanks! Love you all! Xx

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