Why His Mate?

By werewolvesdontbite

61.7K 2.1K 364

Bewitching good looks, a spicy attitude and a spitfire for a mouth, Hayley truly is the definition of an Alph... More

Authors Intro
Hershey's Kisses
Kick Ass
No Way In Hell!
Mates With The Alpha
Angry is not a good colour
Pack house
Detour to destiny.


2.8K 94 18
By werewolvesdontbite

A levels are over! I'm back and free of work! These past few months have been so hectic and I can't wait for September to roll around. University, here I come!

After Chase stormed out, I had felt physically and mentally drained and was escorted up to a room by one of his pack members. They didn't speak to me and well...I didn't speak to them. I didn't have the energy and I wasn't bothered.

Ain't nobody got time to talk to a pack member whose Alpha basically just said that he would assault me. I was bitter, I was exhausted and I was hungry. But let's be real, when was I ever not hungry?

I was currently sat on the bed of the lavish room I was sent to. The decor of the room matched well with the rustic appearance of the pack house. The room was heavily covered in dark colours such as burgundy, brown and black that made the lonely room feel somewhat cosy.

Beautifully embroidered curtains draped across the large bay window looking out onto the vast forest that was patrolled by guards whom had shifted into their wolf forms. It was highly intimidating as every time I attempted to approach the window their heads would all snap up to me simultaneously.

At this moment in time, my escape seemed distant. But that didn't mean I was giving up. I just had to plan in the utmost detail so that my escape plan had an 80% chance of succeeding. Anything lower than that wasn't worth the risk of attempting.

I'd only know Chase for a few hours but if the rumours of his nature were true, attempting to defy him and failing to do so would end in my demise. At least, I had the advantage of being his mate so I knew he wouldn't kill me, it would be too painful for his wolf.

And anyway, death was too easy of an escape. I wouldn't be able to feel the satisfaction when I see the anger and betrayal on his face when he realises he's lost me.

Call me a sadist if you will, but right now the only thing I want my mate to feel is the burn of my hatred, not the warmth of my love.

As I sat on the dark wood four poster bed I began to check my mind link with the pack, praying I wasn't too out of reach for them to hear me. If anyone could hear me it would be my best friend Judy.

"Judy can you hear me?" I began to signal her in my mind, crossing my fingers that she caught any of what I said.

No response followed so I tried again.

"Judy! It's Hayley, I need you to tell the Alpha that I'm alright. Judy, can you hear me?" I tried again.

It was silent until the reply that came after scared the absolute shit out of me.

"Of course I can hear you dumbass! You were saying it so goddamn loud my head was ringing. Give a woman a chance to reply!" She hollered back in my mind and I couldn't prevent the bright smile that formed on my face.

"Idiot! You could of given me a heart attack!"

"Tell that to my ear drums!" She chuckled back, "Anyway, where the hell are you? The packs going crazy."

"Judy, I found my mate. He's taken me back to his pack and I'm with him now. You need to tell my mum and dad not to worry, I'm ok and will be home as soon as I can escape." I vented to her as quickly as possible, I didn't know when Chase would be returning so I needed to say this before he came back.

"Your mate certainly left a hell of a mess for me to clean up! Your parents thought it was me who broke down your door after having one too many! He must have some seriously penned up testosterone to have ripped open the door? You flash him your undies or something?" I could hear the smirk in her voice and I could help but chuckle.

"...Not quite flashed my panties." More like punched him in the face. #noregrets. He deserved it.

"Soooo. Does he smell nice?" She paused before gushing again, "Scratch that, of course he smells nice. I bet he smells like bacon. Bacon is a nice smell, it always makes my mouth water an-"

"Judy, as much as I love to hear you talk about bacon I don't have time right now. Just tell my parents I'm ok and not to worry!" I quickly interrupted, my friend was crazy but her craziness wasn't always appreciated when the topic was serious.

"I will. As long as you promise me you're safe."

I paused for a moment before answering, "I'm with my mate...of course I'm safe."

That was obviously a lie. I didn't really know how safe I was but as long as Judy believed I was safe, everyone else would believe it too. I didn't want anyone to worry about me. This was my problem and I was going to solve it on my own.

I wanted to talk to Judy more, it was relaxing hearing a familiar voice but the footsteps approaching down the corridor told me our little talk needed to end now.

"I love you Judy, speak to you when I get the chance!"

"But you never told me who your mate w-" I cut of the link before she could finish her sentence.

There was I reason why I didn't tell her my mate was the Alpha of our enemy pack. If I did, knowing Judy, she'd blow it completely out of proportion. Although it would be an amusing sight, I could imagine the aftermath and the reaction from the pack when they find out their alphas daughter was stolen by Black Crescents Alpha.

Let's just say it wouldn't be good.

I quickly lay on the bed and closed my eyes in an awkward position that my mind had deemed as natural but it really wasn't. It was 'paint me like one of your French girls' 2.0. Uncomfortable and definitely not sexy. Not that I was going for sexy anyway.

The heavy door creaked open and by the delicious scent that wafted in, my mate had made his most recent appearance. He audibly sighed before stomping over to my bed.

If I didn't know he was a bulky built male and his footsteps actually sounded like this, I would of assumed the stomps were of a toddler having a tantrum. Although, Chase having a tantrum would probably end with the entire population having their heads mounted on a spike. Not him standing in a corner, pouting.

I felt the bed dip right next to my hip and a hand gently caress my head. My body involuntarily shivered. But not out of disgust, out of delight.

Shei was purring in my head. The attentive affection from our mate was enthralling to her. My body loved it but my mind hated it. The very hand that was stroking my hair and causing such pleasure had ended countless lives. Many of which were members of my pack.

It disgusted me that my body reacted in such a way to a murderer. Curse the universe for hating me!

"I'm sorry if I frightened you little wolf but you have no idea how long I have waited for you." Who was he calling little wolf? Even Shei growled distastefully. Why I oughta! Before I could open my eyes to turn around and show this stupid Alpha how little my wolf really was he continued.

"Seeing you today and knowing that you're mine filled me with a feeling of euphoria no kill has ever brought me. I felt complete. I felt strong." Being compared to death wasn't the greatest of compliments but I decided to let him continue. What he was saying made my body feel all tingly.

"I was starting to give up on trying to find you as I had been looking for you for nearly 6 years. But now that I've found you, I would of waited an eternity just to lay my eyes on you." He lifted a strand of my hair towards his nose and sniffed it, "Truly intoxicating. Hearing you say you want to leave me filled me with an anger I had never felt before and idiotically I took it out on you. I threatened you and I probably made you hate me more but it had to be done."

Too right you did, stupid assmunch!

"I had to threaten you. You have to know your place even if you are my mate. I am your Alpha now and if anyone, even you, try to defy me it could cause an uprising against me. People will see that I have turned lenient and will take that leniency as an opportunity to try an overpower me."

I tried my hardest to feign sleep as I so badly wanted to pounce this idiot of an alpha but my instinct told it was better not to do that.

"Breakfast starts at 9. I hope you'll serve it with a different side of attitude. Goodnight my shewolf." He stroked my head one last time before leaving me to my thoughts.

Why of all people did it have to be him? And curse him for making me feel the way I do. I needed to leave as soon as I could before the situation became out of hand. 

And that was when my plan started to form. Operation LTFA.

Leave That Fucking Alpha.

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