Fandom Imagines.

By ourbtsbois

28K 765 96

If it's intense feels you want, then this right here is exactly what you're looking for. This is a series of... More

#1: Extraordinary Happenings-Sherlock.
#2: Impossible Doctor- Eleventh Doctor
#3: Guardian Angel-Castiel
#4: Girls Can Fight-Edmund
#5: Enough For Me- Jack Frost
#6: I got you- Jack Frost.
#7: Sentiment-Sherlock
#8: Boy Down the Street- Dean Winchester.
#9: One Last Act of Bravery-Draco
#10: Gracious Prince -Arthur Pendragon.
#11: One Kiss- Sherlock.
#12: Happy New Years, Boys- Winchesters.
#13: Dance With Me- Sherlock
#14: You Matter.
#15: Eleventh Doctor- Belonging.
#16: Somewhere New- Jack Frost
#17: Thrill of being an Agent-Max Hare
#18: Fred Weasley- Patchment Air Planes.
#21: Before the Fall -Jim Moriarty
#20: It's okay, kid-Dean Winchester
#22: A Strange Meeting-Merlin
#24: Jack Frost- Guardian of Care

#19: Night Moves-Dean Winchester

789 24 1
By ourbtsbois

A/N: Was feeling a bit down so I decided to finish this. This applies to all of you too. You're all worth something. Remember, Dean Winchester loves you.

P.S The ending part in the pub was an idea I read ages ago from a Dean Winchester fic. I wish I could give credit, but I couldn't find it. So just that you guys are aware, this part doesn't belong to me, I just thought it would be a cute ending to add on.



"You stay with me and I'll kill you bit by bit. That's what I do to those who love me. Y/N, I'll just drag you down."

Dean gave you a smile that broke your heart. It looked like many of the other smiles he'd always shot your way, but the way his eyes seemed heavy and large made you know that he couldn't pretend in front of you anymore. Curling his hands at his sides, Dean hung his head with a long sigh as he flopped down onto the edge of the motel bed. You pretended not to notice how your jaw suddenly felt slack and your eyes were wet. Your feet felt like they could fall through the floor, they were so rooted to you spot it took everything in you to step towards him. The scent of beer and leather clung to the air; it smelt like him. "Shut up." You thanked God that it came out strong and clear instead of forced. Dean glanced up, his eyes darting to your shaking hands. "Y/N-"

"No. Shut up!" You shouted suddenly. He didn't jump at the volume like you did. The dread in your stomach made you want to recoil but you managed to push the words out. "You may think that you're not worth much, but I'm sure as hell gunna make sure you stop thinking that. You've felt like this for too long. You're always trying to see yourself through the eyes of someone else, but you're still just so blind! Dean, think about it, you've got a whole family behind you-Sam, Cas, me. We all love you for exactly who you are."

Dean face was so sincere and soft that it scared you but you didn't stop. You could feel tears trickle down you cheeks; they dripped off your chin as you glared at the ground. You exhaled shakily before saying softly,"Listen, I hate it when you talk about yourself like that. You don't realize how-how much better you've made things for me. You think you'll drag me down but the truth is you're the one who pulled me out the dark. Dean Winchester, you are a hero. You save people. You..." The pounding of your heart made you trail off. Your chest rose and fell heavily, your hands feeling clammy at your sides. Swallowing, you finally said,"You saved me." You met his eyes with a fierce glare as you dropped to your knees before him. His hands were slack on his lap in shock so you forced yourself to hold them. His skin was rough against yours, hunters hands. "I know sometimes you feel like the devil is on your back and that you're not worth a dime-Heck, I should know. But you are a good man, Dean and I hope one day you'll realize that." With the words out, you made to stand up but Dean's hands held onto you. You bite down on your lip not wanting to meet those green eyes. You knew you'd combust into flames if you did.

"Y/N, look at me." Hesitating, you shifted your feet before slowly lifting your eyes to his. Dean was frowning, his lips turned upside down and eyebrows furrowed. "You really mean that?"

It hadn't taken even a second for you to come up with an answer. "Every word." You scanned his face for a reaction. His grip on your hands tightened as if he were trying to see if what was happening was real. Dean's silence gnawed on your insides, but after a moment you realized you had nothing to fear. The quietness spoke for itself and was comforting in a way that made you feel at home. Maybe it was the feeling of your hand in his. You cocked your head to the side as you rubbed circles on his tanned skin with your thumb. Finally, after what seemed like forever, a row of straight white teeth were revealed when Dean looked up to you with a smile. He tugged gently at you hand causing you to sit on his lap. Confused and flustered, you avoided his eyes.

Dean nudged your chin so you looked at him. "Come 'ere." He mumbled before kissing you. It was so tender and so soft, but so short too. As soon as it had happened, it was over. Dean leaned back, his hand still firm on the small of your back. "I'm sorry Y/N. Ah, hell. What was I doing-" His voice was rough and hoarse. Dean ran a hand through his short, sandy hair with a grimace. Your eyes had fluttered closed when his lips had brushed yours and now you couldn't bring yourself to open them. It had felt wonderful while it lasted, wonderful to be loved, the warmth of his cheek next to yours and his soft hand brushing your tears away from your cheeks. You decided you needed more. Before he could talk more or move away, you scrambled at his plaid shirt to crush your lips to his. Dean's eyebrows furrowed together as he deepened the kiss, his forehead pressing to yours. This time although still tender was all the more passionate. Sliding your hand into his hair, you mewled quietly to be closer to him. In between breathless kisses, Dean mumbled,"I'm sorry, are you sure-"

"Kiss me." A hoarse whisper escaped your lips before kissing him more. You could feel his lips smiling against yours. You chest felt like a whole bunch of fireworks exploding at the same time. The feelings inside you were something that couldn't stop growing. With each new desperate kiss, they just grew more and more, twining around your heart. When you finally broke apart with silly grins and panting from breathlessness, Dean leaned away to grab him phone. You slid off his lap watching as he grabbed his leather jacket and car keys. "C'mon." He said with a chuckle.

Grabbing a hoodie of Sam's that hung from a chair, you slung it on and attempted to adjust your messy hair, although the clothing was so big it meant the sleeves fell over your hands easily. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and frowned. "Where are we going?"

Dean turned back to help you roll up the sleeves of the hoodie. To be honest, he thought you looked cute with the way you frowned trying to adjust the sleeves. "Its been a long day. We both need a drink." He planted a kiss on your cheek,"I'll text Sam and Cass to meet us at the bar just down the road." Taking your hand, Dean rubbed his thumb over your skin. "Come on, let's go."


The smoke twisted in its artistic way, forming curls in the gloom, illuminated only by the age-speckled bar lights. Along the wall was every hue of amber liquid in their inverted bottles. It was quiet when you walked into the bar. Virtually nobody was around except for the bartender who was busy cleaning the windows near where you'd entered. Quiet rock music played in the background, it jumped and mixed into the sounds of low conversations between the last of the costumers. The tinkle of glass on glass caught your attention. You smiled at the sight of Sam and Castiel sat on stools at the bar both opposite a mirrored alcohol cabinet with bottles of beer in their hands. Dean slung an arm over your shoulders and you leaned into the warmth of him as you walked over to them.

"Hey, losers." You greeted wryly. The sounds of wood scraping on the floor echoed through the pub as you and Dean made yourselves comfortable on bar stools. Sam and Cas frowned, perplexed, at the mildly intimate hold Dean had on you. In the corner of your eye you saw Dean give them a look that meant 'Don't ask. We'll explain later.'

"Hello, Y/N." Castiel said with a polite nod. He glanced to Dean,"Dean."

Dean rolled his eyes almost endearingly at his friends constant formality. "Hey. Y/N, you want something?"

"Hm? Oh! Uh, a cider please?" You flushed realizing that you'd been staring at Dean's face to study his facial features. He raised an eyebrow at you but didn't question it as he turned away to order you both drinks. Sam smiled before catching your eye with a look. You knew he was interested to know what had happened between his brother and you. You waved vaguely with the roll of your eyes to say that you'd tell him later.

The night went by like time had dissolved into itself and didn't exist anymore. You'd all laughed, chattered and ordered more drinks until it was just your group left in the pub. It was late but Dean wanted to do one more thing before you left. Wordlessly, he got up from his stool and walked over to the Jukebox nearby. Your eyes trailed after him curiously as he pushed in a coin and clicked over various vinyls before finding the one he was looking for. He turned the music up a bit bobbing his head as he did so before turning to you with a wicked grin. You nearly groaned when you recognized the chords of the strumming guitar.

I was a little too tall

Could've used a few pounds

Dean began to click along with the beat of the music. He turned on his heel to you with a pistol hands motion before starting to half-dance, half-walk to you making you laugh.

Tight pants points hardly reknown

She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes

He was mouthing the words as he made his way over to you. You laughed as he shimmied off his jacket while dancing over to you. Sam chuckled holding out his bottle jokingly, while Cas simply smiled tapping the sole of his foot in time with the music on his stool.

And points all her own sitting way up high

Way up firm and high

Dean stopped before setting aside his jacket on the bar counter. Without warning, he'd taken your hand and pulled you to the dance floor. Dean span you under his hand making you giggle shyly. You flushed red as Sam gave a little cheer and laughed. "Finally." You heard him say to Cass despite the music,"Took Dean long enough."

Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy

Out in the back seat of my '60 Chevy

Workin' on mysteries without any clues

Workin' on our night moves

You were dancing on the dance floor, your arm slung over Dean's shoulder as he brought you close to hold you other hand and twirl you to the music. With the music, that beat, the crazy beating of you heart and the way you both laughed you knew you were alive, happy and loved. The music spun around you both lifting away gravity. You couldn't count how many times you had squished your foot on his, but Dean soon fixed that problem by lifting you so that you stood on both his feet. He didn't seem to mind and chuckled lowly watching as your hair flew across your face with the speed he was twirling you on the dance floor. You loved it. It was the most fun you'd had in years. You laughed breathlessly and pressed your face to his shoulder to hide your flustered face.

Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news

Workin' on our night moves

In the summertime

In the sweet summertime

Dean sung the words in your ear, his breath tickling your cheeks. You loved the pressure of his warm hand on your back and how deep his voice was. As the music slowed you both did too to a slow dance. Dean brought your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles still murmuring the words against you skin. He kept his eyes fixed onto yours.

I awoke last night to the sound of thunder

How far off I sat and wondered

Started humming a song from 1962

Ain't it funny how the night moves

With a soft smile, you leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. Dean's eyelashes brushed against your cheek, his hand trailing to your face to hold you in his hands. As you both pulled away, you both swayed gently together with the slowing music. Dean gently tucked aside a lock of hair smiling when he saw how you blushed deeply. Leaning down so his lips were to you ear, he whispered,"After tonight, be sure to know, I am never letting you go again."

Your flushed at how his lips traced your earlobe before leaning back to say with a smirk,"I'm glad to know."

When you just don't seem to have as much to lose

Strange how the night moves

With autumn closing in

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