The Betrayed Champion

بواسطة HerobrineKetchum

71.5K 1K 637

Ash is betrayed by everyone he loves. Will he stay in the path of goodness or will follow the path of darknes... المزيد

Chapter 1: Alpha
Chapter 2:Foreshadowing
Chapter 3: The Betrayal
Chapter 4: The Darkness Takes Over
Chapter 5: The Red Dragon Is Back
Chapter 6: The Discovery
Chapter 7: A Master Ball
Chapter 8: Let The Tournament Begin
Chapter 9: Dinner Time
Chapter 10: Darkness in it's Truest Form
Chapter 11: Hippies
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 26

1.2K 26 1
بواسطة HerobrineKetchum

Just In

The Betrayed Champion by Itssupereffective
Games » Pokémon Rated: T, English, Adventure & Drama, Ash K./Satoshi, May/Haruka, Dawn/Hikari, Paul/Shinji, Words: 132k+, Favs: 941, Follows: 747, Published: Sep 10, 2011 Updated: Aug 23, 2014
1,444 Chapter 26: Extra Extra read all about it!

Your eyes don't deceive you this is a new chapter of The Betrayed Champion. There are many reasons why I haven't updated in such a long time but I'm much too lazy to delve into them. But anyway yes I'm back and I won't make any promises about the next chapter but I'm more focused and determined than ever now to write this fic. My apologies for the long wait I really do feel bad about it. Things came up and well... Anyway I'm back and here's a new chapter.

RECAP: So in the last chapter we saw Alpha awake and talking to May again and it ended not so well for May. He left the hotel and into the forest where he saw Dawn, they started talking and before you know it they were making out. Dawn pulled away, said it wasn't right since he still had feelings for May which in turn caused him to get pissed off and go back to his hotel room. The last scene of the previous chapter was a man who had pictures of the entire thing between Alpha and Dawn.

Welcome everybody to my story because this is chapter 26 of The Betrayed Champion. A few things I'd like to mention before I start, one is to congratulate Pichu on having his fic reach over 1000 reviews! The first real advanceshipping fic to do so not counting Blue Bongo's work of course, still if you like advanceshipping check those two out.

Okay so a 1 year and a half ago I started this fic, roughly. Now I was inspired to do so after reading the work of Gerbilftw's work, the whole betrayed thing just seemed like a perfect fit for me and so that's the route I took. But now in hindsight, I sort of regret it. I still love the whole betrayed angle it's just that I see so many of them now I can help but feel like I'm writing a cliché, nit that it wasn't one before I wrote mine but now even more so. What I'm trying to say is that if you're thinking about starting to write a betrayed fic, then consider all your options before you do. And if then you still want to write a betrayed fic, well then make it unique, that's what I aim for when I'm writing this fic.

Anyway onto the fic but first I'd like to thank Evie Warner for the flashback she wrote for this chapter. It's easily the best thing about this chapter so I strongly encourage to check her stuff out if you like Palletshipping, not my thing but I'm sure there's some of you out there who love it.

Disclaimer: Still own Pokemon and the new Pokemon game will take place in the Kingdom Hearts universe where instead of Pokemon it will be key blades but there 17 different types of keyblades, each representing one type. You know that's not a bad idea for a Pokemon/Kingdom Hearts crossover fic, who knows...

Snoring, it came from a orange haired girl. The ceiling, is what a brunette and blunette were looking at. Their blue sapphire eyes open, what they had gone through earlier was keeping them up, it was gonna be a long night. While May rested there, her head laying on her arms, she wondered if maybe it was time to cut her losses and move on. She would still forever be in his debt for all things he had done for her, saving her life twice in such a short amount of time.

'I don't want my heart broken again,' May thought as she laid there, 'And I know that if I get any closer with Alpha he could just turn around and break it like a twig, but he wouldn't do that...right?'

On the bed next to her Dawn was taking her experience with Alpha a little harder, her fist were closed tight as she held back the urge to cry, 'So right as I get Ash back I lose Paul, I want to be with Ash but,' she turned her head to May, 'I just can't be the person who breaks her heart again. After what she did last time, I'm not sure what she'll do this time.'

As she was staring at May she let her guard down and a cry was heard from her, not loud enough to wake up Misty but loud enough to get May's attention.

The cry scared her at first as she thought that she was the only one awake but as she turned to face Dawn, she could barely make out that Dawn was staring right back at her.

"Dawn," May said softly, "are you okay?"

Dawn knew if she spoke that it would just release all the tears she had been holding back, so instead she hummed to her a sound and nodded her head.

May wasn't buying it, "What's wrong Dawn, is this about Paul? You know you can turn to me whenever you have a problem."

It was quiet for a few moments before Dawn's voice appeared from the darkness, "Lets go for a walk, if I'm gonna tell you then I don't want it to be in here."

With that the two got of their bed, changed into some presentable clothes and walked out at 5 AM. They traversed their way out of the hotel and onto the walkway where it was peaceful for once. Not a word had been spoken between them, they just kept walking as May waited for Dawn to explain what was going on.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Dawn opened her mouth, "May I need you to reassure me of something, I need you to hear your story again."

A confused look appeared on May's face, "Story? What are you talking about?"

Dawn let out a deep sigh as she grabbed May's arm and pointed to the gruesome scar that she had, "This story. I know it might be tough for you to re-tell it but it would really help me out if you did. Stop me making from making stupid decisions."

Their motion stopped as the two girls stood still, side by side. May just looked at her scar as if she had forgotten about it and Dawn had reminded her. Every time she looked at that scar she would think of Ash, the psychological pain from the scar still hurting her to this day.

May just silently nodded her head as she began walking again, "Alright Dawn, here's the story again just for you."


May couldn't understand why everyone was whispering about her when she wasn't around, why they all gave her one of those looks whenever she walked past, or why they were treating her like a fragile glass ornament, as though saying or doing the wrong thing would make her shatter into something beyond repair.

She never noticed how the cold, untouched plates of food found their way into her room, laid out as though she was supposed to eat it, or how they'd disappear a while later, only to be replaced. She was supposed to be eating it, right?

Honestly, May didn't know anymore. Why should she eat it when she wasn't even hungry? Why did anyone ever eat when that hunger would return in a few hours?

There was a lot of stuff that didn't make sense anymore.

Like why, after everything that had been happening in the past week, she still felt nothing. She would have been scared, she knew that she should be feeling something, anything, but.. she just couldn't.

'Is this death?' She'd find herself musing in those long periods of darkness where she found herself laying on her bed, simply staring straight up at the ceiling. 'Am I dead?'

It was an absurd thought, but one that made sense. Was there emotion in death? No one could know. Not to mention, she was pretty sure she'd know if Team Galactic had somehow drained her emotions as part of an experiment, so the former seemed the only available explanation. Then again, in her mind, one minute it was light, the next it was dark, and in the spaces in between, all she could see was .. Ash. The expression on his face when she stepped away from him and into Drew's arms. When she betrayed him.

Turning over on the bed she didn't know she was laying on, not noticing the soft sunlight oozing through the chinks in her curtains, she pressed her face into her pillow as hard as she could, squeezing her eyes shut and clamping her hands over her ears, as if to try and drown out all of reality.
It wasn't real. It couldn't be. So why couldn't she just wake up from this unending nightmare?

When her ears detected the gentle tapping sound coming from behind her, May opened her eyes to find the source. It was a fairly familiar sound, but not one that she could put a label on in her current state of mind.

Somehow, her mother appeared in her line of vision, her face still adorning that recently permanent look, and whispered, or rather, it sounded like a whisper, that jolted May back to her senses.

Today. It was.. that day. The one she'd forgotten about in her somewhat comatose state, and the one she'd been subconsciously dreading, but in another way, she'd almost anticipated this.

If she would be slapped in the face with the image of the cold, wooden box that contained what was left of the one she was in love with, maybe she could finally feel something?

Vaguely aware of the fact that she was being sat up, undressed, and re-clothed, May found herself staring at her mother's face in would-be envy. She knew exactly how she should feel, but those emotions wouldn't come.

She knew she'd be jealous at seeing Max's tears; how come he could cry when she couldn't? She knew she'd be angry every time she saw herself in the mirror -something she'd been avoiding lately-, overcome with grief at every mention of Ash's name, every glance at his face in photograph. Maybe she'd even be suicidal.

At that last thought, May touched the white bandage wrapped around her left wrist, a move that triggered an anxious look from her mother. And for a good reason.

It was a recent wound, one that May could only assume had been made a few days ago, when she had found herself wandering around the house in a spaced out, aimless fashion she'd somehow adopted lately, and came to a standing stop in the middle of the kitchen. It was as though her body was acting without confirmation from her mind, which wasn't doing anything to discourage the actions May was making, as she'd ended up with a steak knife in one hand, and her other arm held out in front of her.

She knew exactly what she was doing. She wasn't intending to die, she just wanted to feel something; the pain she knew she deserved, the punishment that had seemingly decided to spare her.

In a slow, hesitant movement, May watched the sharp point of the knife press against her skin. Nothing.

She pressed harder. Still nothing.

Had she still been connected with her emotions, she probably would have broken down into a fit of hysterics. Why couldn't she hurt? Why was she being granted the mercy of painless grieving?

But then she stabbed the point as far as she'd dared to go, and she yelped in pained shock. The sharp, searing jolt that raced up her arm made her shake violently from head to toe. She was paralyzed where she stood, blood dripping from the self made cut and landing with an ominous sound on the tile floor, but it was something May didn't see.

Her blue eyes were fixed upon the kettle, staring at her reflection in horror. Standing in her pajamas in the middle of the night, and holding a knife in her arm like an insane, suicidal maniac.

'What am I doing?!'

Tears fell from her eyes at a rapid pace, and she didn't jump when she heard the shriek from behind her, though the knife slipped from her suddenly slack fingers, clattering to the floor as someone enveloped "her in a hug, pressing something soft against the wound, while tears fell from their own eyes.

At some point Nurse Joy had been near her, stitching the shallow cut and bandaging it up, all the while saying that it could have been much worse if she hadn't been caught.

There would be a scar, but one easily covered. Nothing she couldn't pass off as an injury from training her Pokémon.

Flashback End

Her body language had visually changed, her arms were crossed tightly, her fists were clenched, and her expression on her face wasn't usual nice one that everyone was so used to.

"There Dawn, I don't know why you wanted to hear the story again but you got what you asked for," May said, her voice shaking a bit.

Although Dawn felt bad about making May re-tell her story and go through all those dark memories, she felt a lot better in resisting any feelings she had for Alpha, "I'm sorry May I know that didn't feel great for you, but you actually helped me out more than you'll ever know."

"Helped you out?" May raised her head a bit perplexed.

"Oh it's nothing," Dawn replied laughing it off as she looked up to the sky and saw the sun brightening up the sky more and more, "We should probably be getting back though, pick up Misty and then head to Alpha's battle."

The mention of Alpha gave May mixed feelings as they took the concrete path back to the hotel, "Yeah, hopefully I can get through to him. I've only known him for a few days but there's just something back him, I don't know what it is but I'm determined to find out!"

Dawn smiled at the passion in May's voice, "I know you will May, it's only a matter of-" she stopped mid sentence as she saw a giant crowd around the newsstand.

As Dawn looked around confused at the crowd May looked down and saw the newest issue of the tournament magazine, it captured her interest as she picked it up and began flipping through the pages.

"IT'S HER!" A man's voice shouted from the crowd and pointed at Dawn.

Dawn took a few steps back as she was scared about what was going on, "May lets get out of here, something weird is going on." She went to grab May's arm so that they could runaway but her hand was slapped away.

Dawn drew her hand back as it stung a bit, "Oww what was that for!?"

Shaking with anger she shoved the magazine into Dawn's face, the cover right there for her to see. Dawn grabbed it and looked at it, her heart dropping the moment she saw it.

"May..." It was all Dawn could say, she was so caught of guard it was as if all the words had been taken away from her.

Slowly the mob of people started to surround her, the paparazzi beginning to snap photos of the shocked blunette. She stood there as if she was in a trance as she saw May starting to walk away with her back to her and her head down.

May's movement pulled Dawn out of her trance as she pushed the crowd out of her way to get to May. Running to where she was as she put her hand on her shoulder, "I... I don't know what to say other than I'm sor-"

Dawn's sentence was cut off when May in a blind flurry of emotions turned her head and swung her hand back, slapping Dawn across her face. It was almost as if time itself had stopped as the mob of people stood in silence, the only sound that could be heard was the cameras taking photos and the rain drops hitting the ground.

May brought her hand back and began to run away as Dawn stood there, her cheek red from the slap although that pain was nothing compared to the pain she felt inside. Again the crowd reformed around her, asking questions but this time all Dawn did was stand there, as the rain began to pour.

Alpha awakened, thinking that his alarm clock had gone off but he looked out his window and saw the sun was barely coming up. When he heard the pounding on his door he realized that someone else had taken the liberty off being his extra early wake up call, and her didn't like it.

"It five in the damn morning, who the hell is assaulting my door at this hour?" He asked himself as he put on his disguise and walked towards the door. He slummed his way to the door, yawning and stretching as he casually opened it up.

In his early morning phase he wasn't as aware and wasn't really paying attention so when the fist started heading for his face, he had no time to react as it made direct contact, sending him off his feet and his hand up to his nose.

His still injured head had swung back and hit the floor of his room hard, blurring his vision and for the first time leaving him defenseless. From the floor he squinted up, trying to see who it was and when he saw the purple hair, he knew exactly who it was.

Trying to play down his injury he kept his cool, "You know if you wanted and autograph you could have just asked."

Paul was consumed by silent rage as he flung a magazine at Alpha as it landed right on his chest. Alpha, a bit perplexed by the whole situation picked it up and looked at it for a bit. Even with his blurry vision he knew exactly what he was looking at when he looked at the cover.

Alpha let out a deep breath of air as he rubbed his head and made his to his feet, leaning on the wall for support. "Well, I'm telling you man she was all over me it was like my lips were the key to winning the Sinnoh Grand Festival and-"

Just like May had been stopped mid sentence before it was Alpha's turn as Paul's fist had hit his midsection this time. The punch brought him to his knees as he began to cough of blood.

"What's the matter Ash," Paul said breaking his silence, "I thought you would have blocked that one."

Alpha, coughing up blood on his hand tried to get up and fight back but his body was too weak after his injury, "What can I say Paul," he said as if he was out of breath, "you got me beat. So you brought the great Alpha to his knees, go ahead take some more shots at me because when I get bet-"

"Well since you're offering," Paul said as he cut off Alpha again with a kick to the ribs.

That really hurt Alpha as his broken ribs had taken even more abuse, he couldn't even stand anymore as he began to have a bit of trouble breathing and left completely helpless as Paul stood before him.

It was at this point that Pikachu had seen enough and stood in front of his trainer, sparks flying out of his cheeks ready to protect Alpha.

"I'm done Pikachu," Paul sad as he lowered his fists and laid on the wall, "I just had to get a bit of anger out is all." He turned his attention to Alpha one last time though, "I trusted you Ash when no one else wouldn't. I even spent years looking for your sorry ass and this is how you repay me? By kissing the girl I love!? Remember what made you into this heartless, shell of a person that you used you to be? Well unlike you I'm not gonna pretend to be someone else just because I saw the love of my life with another guy, I'm not gonna ruin people's lives unlike you."

Paul started to walk to the door and just as he was going to close it he said one last thing, "Maybe it would have been better if you had been swept away in the fire."

Alpha laid there, the words were like a knife, cutting him deep and hurting him more than he would've thought. He didn't know what to think anymore as he thought about his life, May, Dawn and everyone else.

Alpha thought about his battle in a few hours but realized that he had something more important to do.

'Is Paul right?' Alpha thought to himself. 'I... I don't know what's right anymore but I need to get it sorted out. I know where I need to go and besides, this tournament means nothing to me.'

"Pikachu," he said as he started to regain his breath, "we're going home."

So that was chapter 26 I'm very sorry that it took so damn long. I'd like to once again thank Evie Warner for getting me back into writing and doing May's past.

I'd also like to thank everyone who reviewed, over 900 reviews, wow I thought I would be lucky to get 100 but it's really great that you guys enjoy my fic.

I can't promise anything but I will try my best to get the next chapter up as soon as I can and don't forget to review.

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