The Unspoken Heart

By thousandwordstory

298K 17.2K 1.5K

[ Completed ] Zoha's life has been weaved with tragical fate. Her parents died in a tragic car crash, when sh... More

Chapter 1: Sweetness of her Words
Chapter 2: Decent Charm
Chapter 3: Night with Dadi
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Loss
Chapter 5: Dark and Alone
Chapter 6: Sick from Grief
Chapter 7: Touch of resentment
Chapter 8: Slight Uneasiness
Chapter 9: Invited to Dinner
Chapter 10: Manal's Proposal
Chapter 11: Loving Relatives
Chapter 12: Tied in a New Relationship
Chapter 13: Zoha Back Home
Chapter 14: Flowers of Compliments
Chapter 15: Growing Interest
Chapter 16: In the Orange Glow of Study Room
Chapter 17: Assumed Affair
Chapter 19: Engagment
Chapter 20: Gossip
Chapter 21: Tragical Past
Chapter 22: The Cut
Chapter 23: Heartbroken Zoha
Chapter 24: Sanctuary
Chapter 25: Telling the Truth
Chapter 26: Argument
Chapter 27: Unspoken Heart
Chapter 28: An Accident
Chapter 29: Words of the Heart
Chapter 30: Manal in Hospital
Chapter 31: Confession
Chapter 32: Facing her Fear
Chapter 33: Evening Tea
Chapter 34: Veiled Secret
Chapter 35: Manal
Chapter 36: Reflection in the Mirror
Chapter 37: Rubab's Visit
Chapter 38: Unsettling Silence
Chapter 39: Shehryaar
Chapter 40: Once After All
Chapter 41: Manal's Resilience
Chapter 42: One Word Decision
Chapter 43: Giving Her Words
Chapter 44: Engagement Plannings
Chapter 45: Zoha's Shopping
Chapter 46: Necklace of Love
Chapter 47: Engagement Night
Chapter 48: The Nightmare
Chapter 49: Call From Her
Chapter 50: Mehndi
Chapter 50 Mehndi part II
Chapter 51: Forever Near
Chapter 52: Dinner
Chapter 53: Before leaving
Chapter 54: Farewell
Chapter 55: New Home
Last Chapter
Author's Note
Author's note
Post-Novel Author's note

Chapter 18: Surprising Decision

3.9K 281 12
By thousandwordstory

Saliha woke up with last night's thoughts jostling in her head. She kept thinking about Faiza. She must talk to Rubab to further the proposal before she found it to be too late.

She began her day decent, ordinary like every other day. Manal was gone to university. Zafar was often on the phone from California from his assistant manager, Ahmed Shahnawaz. Or other times reading newspaper, Dawn news- one of the reliable. Though he was in Pakistan, his mind was in his restaurant, like how things were and if there was any problem. Shehryaar spent time indoors, protective from the hot summer, lounging in the cool room, with laptop sitting on his crossed-legs. He used his free time staying in contact with his agent. The deal of the painting was at the edge of tying a knot.

In the afternoon, when Manal came back from university, after Zoha. Saliha discussed about going over to Rubab's for the proposal. She told that the engagement was coming in four days, so it would be nice if Shehryaar and Faiza got engaged along with them. There was no time for Shehryaar to think about this, so she thought when she would come back from Rubab's house she would reveal this news to him. He would indeed be happy on his mother's decision. Faiza was a well-mannered, pretty, and educated girl. It wouldn't take them longer to adjust together.

Rubab was gratified that Saliha was serious about this proposal. She came to her house in a genuine, traditional way. Manal chose to come along too. They sat and opened the relative discussion, revolving around wedding and preparations.

"Faiza didn't tell me about Manal's dress. She kept it a surprise until the engagement," Rubab said. "Now I have to start shopping for her, too."

"I thought since Zafar is here, why don't we keep both of their engagement on the same day. Then he has to go too," Saliha said.

Rubab decorated the center table with evening tea, biscuits, nimko (evening spicy snacks), and fruit trifle. In one plate there were sweets. Saliha sipped tea and took a bite of biscuit. She earlier tried soan papdi (specific type of sweet), her favorite one of all time. Since it was a wedding season, she was going to be tasting sweets more often.

"Zafar bhai didn't come?" Rubab said, thought struck as Saliha mentioned his name.

Saliha sheepishly smiled. "He was busy," she stammered. "He said he wanted to come. But couldn't then."

"Oh," Rubab said. "Take some trifle." She proffered, hopeful.

"Yeah, I tried. I will take it again." Saliha's half cup of tea was finished.

"Shehryaar must be really happy."

"Yes, of course. A lot. Faiza is a beautiful girl."

Manal and Faiza were sitting on the sofa, searching for the hairstyle, so they could take it to the beauty parlor. Manal was very choosy with selecting things, that's why she didn't get to buy the sandals. Now, it was going to be Faiza. They would go again, to a different mall. Somewhere where there were variety of clothes and bridal style dresses. If Manal's dress was unique, then her must be too, in terms of color and design.

"Where is the one you were telling me the last time?" Manal's side was brushing right against Faiza's, staring at the images of colored hair, which seemed more like American style. They were simple and elegant.

"Wait," Faiza said. "I saved it. It must be in one of the files."

"Will it look good on me?"

"Wait, baba, you haven't even seen it."

"Okay, okay."

"Manal beta, is your shopping done?" Rubab asked.

Manal drifted her attention from the collection of images from which Faiza closely looked to find the selected one, to Rubab who was wearing light makeup. "No, khala. I still have to get my sandals. And also something to wear in one hand."

Saliha's mouth swelled with words after Manal spoke. She couldn't wait to free them. "When Manal was little, my mother-in-law gave her a bracelet. A gold one. I was reminded of it as I was fixing the things in my jewelry drawers. It's kept safe. What if she wears it on her engagement. And beside my opinion, my mother-in-law told me that if she isn't alive on Manal's wedding in the future, it was her wish for her to wear it that day."

"Your poor mother-in-law. May Allah give her space in heaven," Rubab said.

"Manal might not remember it. But I am happy I remembered."

"Is it really fancy?" Manal said, with an attitude.

"No. It's very delicate and beautiful."

"But if it isn't silver, then it won't match my dress." She wore the worry.

Faiza nudged her to show the image that she found it after all. "This is the one," she said, smiling.

Manal analyzed the gorgeous, burgundy dyed curls about the medium length, running past the girl's shoulder. A thin braid ran around the border of the bangs.

"What do you think?" Faiza said.

"This is so pretty. I really like the small braid that's coming along." Manal said. "Can I show it to mummy?" She took the laptop to Saliha, nearly snatching from Faiza. "Mummy, look. Isn't it so pretty?"

"Yes." She grinned.

"I will get this one done from the parlor."

"Where are you going to go?"

"You know the one near our house? Jasmine."

"Oh yeah. She is amazing."

Manal brought the laptop back to Faiza. "Where did you find this?"

"I saw it in the magazine. The hairstylist name, Ameera. She is famous. She has worked on celebrities, like models and actresses. There was a website underneath her picture, so I went on it. I can show you more if you want."

Manal was amazed. "Sure." Both of them sat side by side. Later when Saliha began to leave, Rubab insisted them to stay over for dinner. She could call Zafar and Shehryaar. But Saliha had to say no. She was already not sure how Zafar would react after reaching home. He was not much happy on this proposal, because his choice was neglected. He chose Zoha over Faiza for Shehryaar. But Saliha was adamant on her own decision

On the way, these thoughts swirled in her head. For once she strained to be firm on her choice, on something that she always wished for, and Zafar was indifferent about it. She couldn't believe his intention. Zoha? No from all aspect. Without forcing him to agree on this proposal, she did what she wanted. Rubab was unaware about the whole situation. Girls were happy. Only person that was yet to be told was Shehryaar. Saliha knew he wouldn't complain, until the revelation unfolded, deceiving her expectations.

"Mummy, you didn't even ask me once?" Shehryaar reacted when Saliha's irrevocable decision smacked at his face.

"Beta? Shehryaar?" Saliha was dumbstruck.

"You did not even inform me? At least have told that you were going to Rubab khala's house with my proposal." He was placid in his behavior, but enraged through his words.

Saliha tried to catch the person he was by looking into his eyes. Shocked with disbelief. She touched his shoulder and tried to make the words over the hammering heartbeat. "Look at me. Do you know what you are saying? You're telling me that I should leave such an ideal girl?"

"Mummy, it's not about who you choose. You did not even ask for my opinion, that what I want."

"Now you can tell me. Do you like Faiza?"

Shehryaar was unsure of what to say. He felt as if he was forced to only listen to his mother. There was no voice of his own. "Mummy-" he whined. "I don't know."

"It's important that you give me an answer. Or I will feel like I committed a sin against my son. I need to know."

He contemplated. Saliha stared at him, serious and tense. She waited to hear his response.

"Faiza isn't bad. But I never saw her as my partner. From any angle. Believe me I never thought like that."

"Then you have someone else you like?" She tersely asked, not letting chance escape.

His brows were raised, but silence patted his lips. They didn't move a bit. He got up from his bed and stood still, eyes averted.

"Is that yes?"

"No." Came out instantly.

"Then what is the problem?" She calmed down after his reply.

"I thought whenever I would get married, I would be the one to choose a girl. Someone that I personally like."

"Okay, relax." She exhaled, seating him down on the bed. "I didn't know it would go this way. I want you to cool down. This is a delicate situation."

"It wouldn't have gone like this if you asked me once." He reiterated the same first thought. Nothing made sense to him, just that his mother was taking the situation and was explaining it in more softer way.

"I choose Faiza, because she is such a good girl. I know her, you know her. If you took longer to decide, then she would have gotten married to someone else. And you would have regretted to lose such a beautiful girl." Saliha paused, looking optimistically at him. He was holding his temple, elbow bored in his lower thigh. It seemed as if he was not listening when he closed his eyes. "Once you get engaged with her, you will have all the time in the world to create understanding. Get to know each other.

"I thought your studies are over and this is the longest time you're staying in Pakistan. Before you once again leave, I want to get you married and then you can take your life partner to California. Faiza is the best girl for you. She will keep you happy forever."

Shehryaar stayed quiet. Saliha's hand tried to solace him. Not a fraction of a difference it made. His face was still hung in the gray clouds.

"Shehryaar, beta?" she sweetly muttered. "I would never do anything that will hurt you. I thought a lot before I made this decision. I did this for your happiness. Only yours."

Then the words affected him like a casting sun. He moved, running his gaze at the figure that tried to compel him.

"You don't know how happy the Rubab khala was. She loves you more than her own kids." The gleam of hope barely faded in her eyes.

"Is it too late to think about anything?" he said.

"No, my dear. It has just started. The minute you realize I am making this even better for you, you will have all the time in the world to think after this decision."

"But you made the decision already."

"It doesn't matter until you think about it. And discover that Faiza is the girl for you."

"Mummy," he said. Then woke up from the bed. "Can we talk about this later? I need some time alone."

"Sure. It's not a big deal. Take it easy. But one thing I want to remind you. Me and Rubab have agreed to keep the engagement of yours and Manal's on the same day, which means Saturday."

Shehryaar stood, gave it a thought, then left.


The preparations were ongoing. Faiza bought her new dress and Manal bought her accessories. Not many things. It was not a wedding yet. But it was the beginning of the bright days: dressing up fancy and looking extraordinary. She once tried to get her nose pierced, but ended up getting the second piercing in her ear. She suffered from ear infection for few days. After applying antibiotic ointment, the redness receded. Now she was thinking of getting the nose pierced after a long time. Fazia suggested her not to do it. She would look bad if her sensitivity caused the infection again.

They compared their clothes, jewelries and sandals. Then friendly-teased each other, 'I will look more prettier.' Or 'my bangles look more nicer.' Saliha was excited with them. She did some shopping too. The day of the engagement was coming closer. Very little time left. After all it was a huge thing for both of the girls. Best friends who grew up together, were also getting engaged together.

One evening, they sat in the living area with Saliha. Faiza was paging through a catalogue of Gul-Ahmed- Pakistani textiles company. There were new trending styles of summer fabric lawn. The printed designs on them were mesmerizing and strikingly beautiful. These companies never failed to keep the hopes up for women. Designers and models were mounted to brilliant status in the country, benefiting financially from their careers. Faiza dreamed to become a designer, too like that one day, after pursuing her degree.

"Manal, we bought almost everything we needed," she said, flipping the last page in the catalogue. "What else?"

Manal was filing her nail-polished nails and blowing the residue powder over them. "I think we should relax."

"It will be better if you take a breath and rest. You bought so many things in these four days," Saliha said.

"Mummy, where will the engagement be held?" Manal said.

"Your daddy and me decided in our house, of both siblings together." She shone with a smile.

"Khala, when should we go to the parlor?" Faiza said.

"Two or three hours earlier. When you came back from it, you will still have enough time to get dressed."

"I can't wait to wear my engagement clothes. The jewelries and everything. Are you nervous?" Manal posed it towards Faiza, who was beside her on sofa.

"Yes, of course." Faiza was filled with blend of emotions. Cheerful. Nervous.

"I will not be sad," Saliha said, condescending eyes indulged in the open magazine clipped in her hands.

Manal and Faiza diverted their eyes at her. "Why?" Manal said.

"Because the minute my one daughter leaves the house, the other one will come in to free me from the sadness."

"So you'll forget about me, mummy?" She sounded low.

Saliha put away the magazine aside and dedicated the full attention to the girls. "No buddhu. You will always be in my heart."

"You're lucky, Faiza. You will be with mummy."

"Stop thinking negative, Manal. You didn't get married yet, and even if you were, you could still come to visit khala. Except one thing, you will have to get a permission from your husband then." Faiza poked Manal's upper-arm, smirking mischievously.

"Faiza, I didn't know you would become a traditional wife like that," Manal ribbed.

"When did I say it will be me. I was talking about you."

"You are very clever." She narrowed her eyes at her.

Faiza laughed. "I was just joking."

"I know you were," Manal laughed along.


I am sure you guys are enjoying. This chapter was little tricky for me to write. Thank goodness I completed and it's up for you. I am really excited to know your thoughts and predictions about the story. Does Saliha care more about Shehryaar or Faiza? Is she blinded by her own selfishness and love for Faiza?

It will be amazing if you leave comments. Also as always don't forget to hit that ⭐️. Thanks a lot for the support and love. It means a lot to me as a writer, because I work on these chapters with lots of effort. When someone shows that they care, it makes my day brighter than it is. Keep reading. I will reply to your comments.

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