Guyfriends ~ Luke Hemmings

By RealityEscaperx1999

2.1K 87 94

Kimberly had made a lot of friends in her life. She loved them all and she always felt loved when she was wit... More

Description A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 15

49 2 1
By RealityEscaperx1999

*Michael's P.O.V.*

"Will you do me the honour of you becoming my girlfriend?" I could see the shock on her face when I asked her that and it made me even more nervous.

She slowly stood up, looked around her and then back at me. She then nodded her head 'yes', trying to make it look as clear as possible, since we're pretty far apart and they didn't had big screens hanging, but it was more than crystal clear to me.

She said yes.

She's my girlfriend now.

Holy fuck.

Me and Anouk are officially a couple.

I can hug her, kiss her, make out with her and do everything else with her from now on. As long as she is okay with it though, I mean, it's not like we would go all the way right after this game or something. That's just wrong, so wrong.

It slowly got to me that she was still standing there, probably waiting for me to come back and I'm still standing here in shock, not even able to hear the loud applause that we were being given.

I turned around after almost dropping my guitar on the ground and began running towards the exit of the field so I could get to her. I completely forgot the wires and cables laying all over the place though and before I knew it, my face was planted into the grass.

I heard gasps around me, but didn't give a fuck, crawled back onto my feet and continued running towards her.

It wasn't long until I got to the steps leading up to her and I stumbled on them, trying really hard not to fall again. I got to her and literally fell into her arms. We hugged while the audience went crazy and kept clapping for us, what was a little overwhelming, but it only made it better.

I pulled back and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. I grabbed a handful of her light pink dyed hair, not pulling it, just holding it softly and I leaned in slowly. She did the same and before I knew it our lips were pressing against one another.

And not like all those cliché, romantic, love-sick stories, I didn't feel sparks or firework. My heart didn't feel like it exploded. No, it felt just like home. It felt like I finally found where I truly belong. It was even better than performing in front of 30.000 people and that says a lot.

It says how much I really like Anouk.

Maybe I even love her, even though that could be a bit too soon. I don't care.

*Kimberly's P.O.V.*

I was enjoying my Saturday night off and was laying on the couch. I was home alone, because my parents went somewhere together – I didn't really listen to them to know where – and my sister was at my grandparents. She is very close to one of their foster children. You could call her our aunt, but that would be weird, since she's my sister's BFF and only one month older than her, a year and a half younger than me.

Yeah, our family is pretty complicated.

So, as I said, I was home alone and just peacefully watching one of my favourite movies of all time, Jurassic Park, the second part. We have the whole trilogy, but I really want to watch Jurassic World too, I'm sure I would love it.

I was very tense and full of fear, despite having seen the film over six times already. So, when someone suddenly bangs so hard on my window like they're getting murdered brutally and are ringing my doorbell as if the killer is coming for me too, you can't expect me to keep laying on the couch normally.

Not without falling off of it first, hitting my head on the table.

I groaned in pain and grabbed my head with one of my hands. I walked over to the front door and opened it a bit angrily and nearly shouted "What?" I then saw Anouk and Michael standing there, grinning like two fools and looking like they just saw two unicorns barfing rainbow on each other.

"Uhm, do I want to know what just happened with you two smiling like that?" I asked them. Michael gave me a knowing look and my eyes almost bulged out of my head. "What?! Serious?! Are you serious?! You're together now? I'm so happy for you guys!" I squealed and jumped into their arms, hugging them maybe a little too tight and shouting congratulations at them.

"It was so cute!! And he almost tripped twice while running back to me." Anouk giggled at the memory. Michael nodded sheepishly, looking down and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"So he didn't really? Awe, that's a shame." I pouted sarcastically.

"Oh, he did." Anouk smirked. "But it made it even more perfect, don't worry." She told Michael before kissing him on the cheek. I mentally rolled my eyes at them, but I just couldn't. They were just too sweet, literally goals!

"We actually wanted to celebrated back at mine, but because I think it wouldn't really be possible without you, we wanted you to join." Michael said. "Do you want to?"

"Yeah, of course, but won't I interrupt some 'special time'?" I asked them with a little smirk.

"Shut up." Anouk laughed. "But no, I don't really have much time anyways and Mike said he would be bored if he'd be alone, so you can keep him company."

"And you trust him with me?" I joked. "Neh, don't worry. Of course I'll come with you. Let me just grab my jacket and we can go!"


"But then he stood up again and continued running. Then, when he finally came back, we hugged and then we uhm... We kissed." Anouk ends the story proudly.

"I am definitely going to watch the rerun of that game, so I can see it with my own eyes." I told them. "Even if that means I have to see you two make out again." I mumbled with a fake frown in my face and faked a gag.

Anouk gasped and slapped me with a scowl on her face. "We didn't even make out! Our tongues were kind of wrestling with each other, that's all..." She mumbled the last part, but not soft enough for me to not hear that.

"DUDE!" I boomed. "I can never un-hear that! I did not need to know that, way too much details! Gross man!" She just giggled and Michael high-fived her. They were so perfect for each other...My OTP!

Well, besides Trissa of course. I will never stop shipping those two together, not even with Ashton in the picture.

"Shit, I have to go, or else I'll be late for rehearsals. See you later babes!" Anouk hugged me and gave Michael a peck on the lips before grabbing her stuff and leaving.

"Well, then it's just you and me..." Michael said. "Babe..." He winked at me and I just groaned. I swear, this boy... "What? Anouk calls you 'babe'! Why can't I?"

"Good point, maybe because she and I are both girls, not attracted to each other and you and I are both of the other gender and could be attracted to one another, not saying we would, but we could. You could hurt her feelings, you know? Just let her know it's in a playful way, I don't want her to get hurt, ever."

He just nodded his head and began talking about the band. Apparently they just ended one of their first tours of themselves. Not supporting another artist or band, but having their own, real tour. It sounded awful and so amazing at the same time.

It's very hard to leave all the people you love and not having the time to speak to them often. But on the bright side, you get to perform for all these awesome people who came just for you. Sounds like they're living the dream. My dream ever since I was little, if I'm being honest.

"You know, I'm very glad to know about the band now." I told him. "It's so cute to hear you guys talking about your music so passionately and you all love your fans so much, it's so amazing. I love hearing you talk about it.

"Well, then you're lucky, because we love talking about it." Michael joked. "But seriously, I'm very glad you know it too, believe me. But I'm happier about the fact that you have known us as 'normal people' too, not just as the band that we are in."

"You know, the fact that you're in a band doesn't change who you are as a person, right? You're still these annoying, dorky boys from Australia, whom I love very much and have the best time with. Except that I have an even better time with you and the girls together. Speaking of the girls, there are still some that want to meet you, from church. Do you want to?"

"Okay, way too much information at much!" Michael laughed. "Slowly, you'll bite your tongue off if you keep talking that fast. But sure, if they won't go crazy, like shouting they want me to marry them or want to have my babies or something." He giggled at what he said and even though he was being a bit childish – as he always is and what I like most about him – I giggled along with him.

"But, I have to say, I think that out of all of us, Luke is the most happy that you have known us and him especially as himself and not just as 'Luke Hemmings, lead singer of 5 Seconds Of Summer'." Michael said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" (A/N: I seriously can't read this without doing it in Justin's voice... Sue me!) I asked him.

"Well, Luke always keeps saying how he wants a girl to like him for who he is, not just because he is in a band and so amazingly hot, can sing great or something like that, I don't know." Michael explained, but I still didn't really understand.

"What are you saying?" I asked again. "Like, date wise? Or just as a friend, I don't get what you're saying..."

It was quiet for a while, when suddenly Luke walks in. "Hey guys. Uhm... Michael, I kind of need you for something, so can you come with me for a while?" Michael mumbled a small 'Uhh, sure', stood up and they walked out of the room together, leaving me to watch Scrubs on my own.

I don't mind that much, because that show is amazing, one of my favourites. After Friends and How I Met Your Mother of course. It was the episode in which Turk and Carla are trying to get children, but they don't succeed, so Turk tests himself, since Carla already did. It was honestly all I could get from that episode, the rest is a blur to me to be honest.

(A/N: Short chapter, but I didn't have that muchto tell, bc it will continue in the next chapter. Just giving you a warninglol. But yeah, deal with it, bc I'm a lazy shit that doesn't like making upun-nessicary shit. Even though this whole fanfic is based on it... Now shush,just wait until the next chapter, we'll see how that one will go... Be patient mychildren. Lava you! :*)

(A/N: word count: 1929 words)

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