The Girl and The Outlaw (An A...

By LindsayBreanne

55.1K 1.3K 209

Lindsay is a 18 year old girl who has left her hometown to live with her brother Jake in L.A California,while... More

Chapter 1: Moving In With Jake!
Chapter 2: The Perverted Roommate...
Chaper 3: A Good Nights sleep, And a Good morning, And a Tattoo?!
Chapter 4: Tattoos and kisses!
Chapter 5: I've seen Sparks Fly!
Chapter 6: Falling For You...
Chapter 7: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?!
Chapter 8: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?! (part two of chapter)
Chapter 9: Another kiss & Another good day in LA!
Chapter 10: It's happening again...
Chapter 11: I Need a drink!
Chapter 12: Stolen Innocence...
Chapter 13: Touring With My Brother and my Boyfriend!
Chapter 14: The End Of Tour, And Meeting The Family!
Chapter 15: Back Home, And Happier Then Ever!
Chapter 16: The Doctors Office, And The Surprise.
Chapter 17: The Reveal!
Chapter 19: The Birth Of A Little Outlaw!
Chapter 20: Going Home With A Baby.
Chapter 21: First Night At Home With The Baby.
Chapter 22: Diaper Changes, Bottles, And Another Baby!
Chapter 23: Weddings & Funerals.
Chapter 24: Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy
Chapter 25: I Said I Loved You And You Hurt Me...
Chapter 26: Getting Revenge, And Making Up.
Chapter 27: Growing Older. (Final Chapter)
Authors note! I started the Sequel!

Chapter 18: Boy Or Girl?

1.6K 39 4
By LindsayBreanne

6 weeks later Lindsay's POV*

Well today is the day we find out what the baby is gonna be, I'm so excited! I can't wait to start decorating the room! We decided on Black and Hot Pink for a girl, and Black and Lime Green for a boy!

"Ready to leave?" Ashley said grabbing his keys and wallet off of the counter.

"Yep!" I said standing up from the bar stool we had in front of our island in the kitchen.

"Let's go then!" Ashley said grabbing my hand, we went out to the car after locking the front door, then off to the doctors office we went!

@ The Doctors Office*

Well we're I'm the waiting room, I we got here a few minutes early! I guess we are just that exited to find out what the baby is that we actually left early! Normally we are a few minutes late... Well.. NOT TODAY! Haha, now we jut have to wait till Dr. Black is done tending to another mommy to be... She's a good doctor... Her first name is Eve! First time I heard the name I was like HOLY BAT-BALLS!! That's the characters name from LOTB (Legion Of The Black) ! But she looks different she's around my height mid 30's with light brown hair, very sweet Lady!

"Lindsay, the doctor will see you now!" said my normal nurse Becky.

"Alright!" I stood up along with Ashley and we walked back, she weight me I weight 154 I gained 3 pounds, but I feel awesome! Then she checked my blood pressure, and wrote it down.

"Alright, if you'll follow me I'll take you to the ultrasound room and get you set up to find out what the gender of your baby is!" she said opening the door, we followed.

"Just lay down here, and the doctor will be with you in a minute!" she said sitting the clipboard down and leaving the room, man she really is a happy go lucky person.

"What do you think it'll be?" I asked Ashley as I grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"As long as its healthy, the gender really don't matter to me... But I'd like a Girl!" he said smiling and kissed my hand, we talked for another two or three minutes then in walks the Doctor!

"Hello, Miss Lindsay! How are you today?" she asked walking into the room then shaking my hand then Ashley's.

"I'm good! Very exited!" I said Giggling a bit.

"Thats great! Now have you been taking your prenatal vitamins?" Dr. Black asked as she looked over my file.

"Yes I have, all 3 of them everyday!" I said smiling and touching my belly, I was now showing a bit more, I'm starting to get that small round belly that most women have around the four and five month stage of Pregnancy.

"Good! Now if you'll pull up your shirt for me we'll take a look at that Baby!" she said grabbing the bottle of cold gel from a shelf, I pulled up my shirt and she squeezed some of the gel onto my belly and turned on the computer and grabbed the little Uhh.. I don't know what it's called but Y'know that thing they scan across your tummy with to find the baby...

"Well, they baby looks very healthy! Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" she asked as me and Ashley smiled at each other whilst listening to the little pitter patter of our baby's heartbeat.

"Yes we would!" we said at the same time, causing us and the doctor to giggle a bit.

"Well, it looks like your having..... A Baby Girl!" she said smiling at us then turning back to the monitor l.

"Oh My God! Really? Oh that's great! I've always wanted a little girl so I can put cute clothes on her, and play dress up with!" I said as I smiled really big.

"That's great! Wait till I tell the guys that they are gonna have a little niece!" Ashley said then kisses my cheek.

"Well, here's you a towel to clean your belly off with, and here are your ultrasound pictures!" she said handing me a towel and then handing Ashley the pictures.

"Thank you so much Dr. Black!" I said hugging her after I wiped off my tummy pulled down my shirt and stood up.

"Your welcome! I'll see you next month!" she said waving as she walked down the hall to another room, we walked to the front desk, set up my next appointment and went home!

35 minutes later @ The House*

We got inside and called everyone over they where all on they're way and we where sitting and waiting...

*Knock, Knock, Knock!* we heard at the door, I got up and answered it..

"Hey! Come on in!" I said to everyone smiling. Everyone walked in and went to the living room.

"So... What are you having?!" Jake asked smiling.

"Well... I'll let Ashley tell you! Babe...." I said, Ashley stood up and began to speak.

"Rose are red, violets are blue, we're having a baby Girl, I'm excited aren't you?!" Ashley said smiling and rubbing my belly. I laughed.

"Oh my god! That great!" Louise said smiling, then I noticed a ring on her finger...

"Louise... Is that a engagement ring?" I asked, curiosity in my voice.

"Yes, it is! We are getting married in a few weeks!" Jinxx said, I'm glad he found someone to love and cherish and hold! He was starting to drink again, but he's slowed down since he found her!

"And.... I'm pregnant!" Louise said smiling as she put her hand in her tummy.

"Aww! Yay! This is awesome! Now my kid will have another kid to play with and be friends with!" I said hugging her.

"Yeah! It'll be awesome!" she said hugging me back.

"So... How are you guys gonna decorate the baby's room?" Ella asked standing up and hugging me.

"We are gonna paint one Wall black and three walls hot pink, then we are gonna hang up a bunch of Hello Kitty stuff and we are gonna have pink Star shaped wall stickers on the black wall! We have a black crib and black furniture in there already!" I said smiling, Jake shook his head.

"Well we can go get the paint today and start painting tomorrow!" Ashley said.

"Okay, tonight me and Ashley will go get the stuff you boys are gonna need to paint tomorrow then tomorrow while y'all do that me and the the girls will go to the store and buy stuff to decorate with!"I said looking around for My car keys.

"Okay, we'll meet you guys back here tomorrow at 1:30 pm! We are going to the dinner tonight to celebrate Jinxx and Louise's engagement y'all wanna go?!" Jake said hugging me.

"Nah, we've already ate and I really wanna go get the paint and supplies tonight and get it over with.. I'll take her and Jinxx out to lunch just them and me and Ashley sometime this next week!" I said hugging Louise then Jinxx.

"Okay, love ya sis!" Jake said and went out the door, once everyone left me and Ashley headed to the store to get the painting supplies and the paint!

Next day Ashley's POV*

Last night we went and got the paint and supplies we needed for Our baby girls room! Now that all the boys are here it's time to paint!

"Okay, boys! I've already trimmed out the walls with each color so y'all dont get any paint on the base boards or the crown molding, now y'all just have to use these rollers to paint the rest of the walls!" I said handing them each a paint roller, luckily the base boards and crown molding in the this room is already black, on less thing I got to do!

I started paint one of the pink walls, it's a really nice color of pink, not Barbie pink or Princess pink, but Hello Kitty Pink!

"Ash, did you ever think about what might happen if you give CC a paint roller?" Andy asked, then I looked over at cc and he was writing 'Uncle CC Is Awesome' on the wall!

"CC! I didn't paid you too write on the wall! Your suppose to paint it!" I yelled Over to him, he turned around.

"Your right... You didn't pay me!" he screamed.

"Well... What do you think Lindsay's gonna do when she see's that?" I asked, he turned around.

"You've got a point Purdy!" and then he started paint over the writing, he was painting the black wall luckily, so it wont show through at all, and at this point... It wouldn't surprise me if he paints war paint on himself...

2 hours later*

Well paints drying now to decorate!

Lindsay's POV*

We just got home from shopping me and Louise and Ella and Juliet and Kristian got the cutest stuff! We got hello kitty posters and hot pink letter wall stickers so her name will be on her wall! And we got a cute black and hot pink zebra stripped crib bed set!

And I also got a black and hot pink zebra Diaper bag and matching stroller and car seat! This girl better love zebra print!

"Honey I'm home!" I yelled as I would into the door.

"Hey! How's was shopping?" he asked then kissed my lips sweetly, and rubbed my growing belly.

"Good! We got a ton of Shiz for the baby! Hey Andy, guys, can y'all help the other girls with the stuff? They don't want me lifting heavy stuff." I said sitting down on the couch.

"Sure!" they all said and went to help.

"Wait till you see the paint baby! It's awesome!" Ashley said sitting next to me.

"I'm sure it looks great!" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

3 hours later*

The room is decorated. The posters and pictures are up! The crib is made!

The stroller and car seat are in the closet till we need them, and Ashley painted a surprise picture on the wall... It was the BVB Star symbol!

everything looks good! Now we just have 5 months to go and we will have Our Little Outlaw with us!

"Ashley, I'm sleepy.. I'm gonna go to bed okay.." I said as I started up the stairs, it's now 9:45 pm..... I'm so tired!

"Okay, I'm gonna take a shower then I'll be right to bed!" he kissed my cheek and headed to the bathroom.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out, and I can remember think 'how can I love this baby so much... Even though she isn't here yet?' before I fell into a dreamless peaceful sleep.

---------------------------------------------------( A/N: Hey hey!! :p hope y'all enjoy this chapter! It took me two days to get the idea for this one! But anyways... Love you guys! Don't forget to Rate Comment and Share!! :3 <3 bye lovely readers!!)------------------------------------------------------------------

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