Jasper And Bella A New Love

By onedirectionfan35

25.2K 650 19

When both Edward and Alice cheated on Bella and Jasper got together and now there happy and with Jasper help... More

author's note
chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35

chapter 13

242 11 1
By onedirectionfan35

Bella POV

Will let you know for sure that Edward and Alice are thinking about coming back to live with us all but I know one thing they got to take your time to make sure everything is ok and that before they do come back but Edward called me and asked if we can come and visit Renesmee and I told him yes so he's on the way to see his daughter nothing wrong with that

Jasper - what you think about baby

Bella - Edward coming to see Renesmee and she happy about that and none of us are mad with him because he was played for a fool like the rest of us and I hope taht we can let me see that and now we understand that Alice palyed all because she was being forced to because of her child that's been kidnapped

Jasper - yep you're right about that I mean basically that you were there pretty much played for fools so I was played him for a fool and then I later on that he was actually meant to be with her and not me I was just a pawn in the game like you are a pawn in the game because for some reason she had to keep try to figure out some way to get closer Edward but it good that he coming to see his daughter

Bella - yes it is so I'm going to go out and look for her to let her know that he's coming for a visit and everything be back shortly okay baby

Jasper - okay I'll be waiting for you to come back beautiful

It a good think that me and Jasper can finally be together like we were meant to be in the first place so I don't know what going on for sure so something up but I wish that Alice never was forced to have to try and play everybody for a full of protect her daughter I mean she kept that a total secret from everyone and when we all found out that Rosalie took a really hard because no one should have to go through that cuz she's always wanted to be able to have kids but she can never do that

Bella - Renesmee where are you

Renesmee - I'm in the living room watching movies with Jacob mom

Bella - your father's coming to visit you just wanted to see how you're doing and everything cuz he hasn't seen you in a while he's going to send you stuff and talk to you on the phone and that but you know you want to make sure everybody was calm down enough for him to come back and he knows none of us blame him because he was caught up in this just as much as everybody else we used to blame Alice at first but now we know everything about it

Renesmee- was hard to believe what she was supposed to I mean she was forced to do all this stuff because if not her son would be killed I mean I have a cousin up there somewhere and I don't even know if you was okay

Edward (just got there and the hole family hug him and tell him that I understand everything that happened) how you all doing

Bella - we're doing really well how's Alice holding up about her son

Edward - she's a total mess about it I want everything she's really upset that's why she didn't come she just want some time to clear her head and she understands now that you guys are not mad with her anymore but she really needs to let it all sink in that her son is 2 I was going to stay but she told me to come because she said I had a right to see my daughter someone here for a few days until I can get her to come back so I didn't want to leave her alone too long you know what I mean

Bella - yeah I totally understand what you're saying and I mean you don't want to have her hurting too much over this but we haven't decided that maybe we should help try to find him nobody should have to be put through that

Edward - yeah I totally agree with you and I think that's a really good idea so we're Renesmee to

Renesmee- I'm here Daddy

Edward - hay baby girl how you been holding up

Renesmee- I'm doing really good me and Jacob are still going very strong and our relationship and everything because I even called you and asked you permission before I started dating him and he said okay he asked you and you said you at learning to grow up at some point right

Edward - the way you look right now you can almost pass for a 16 or 17 year old in another year you'll be considered full grown I mean don't take very long for a vampire you my child to grow up you know I just promise me one thing you look after her Jacob

Jacob- you now that I'm not going to let anything happen to her she's my everything

Edward - good that's all I want for her is to have someone that's going to watch her for the right reasons so yeah

Esme -( walks in to the room and gives Edward a hug ) so are you and I was never going to come back

Edward - yeah we're planning on it now that everybody understands what really happened then come back and be a family again it's just going to be a little mixed up almost like me and Jasper switched wives

Renesmee- well to tell you the truth he told me you did

Edward - by the way I got something for you baby girl I bought you a convertible since you're always been wanting one and now you're technically you're old enough to drive we look at the world

Renesmee- well thanks. I know you miss my birthday so I'm guessing this is my birthday gift and by the way did you want to my mom before you did that

Bella - yes he ran it by me before you did that so everything is okay anyway I am going to and just try to let everything sink in and you guys have some fun his daughter and father

Edward - I'm glad that we can all keep everything on good terms when it comes to me being there for Renesmee and being in your life

Bella - well no matter what happens between me and you you're always going to be her father so yeah I'm not going to stop you from seeing your own daughter and now that we understand the truth behind everything that you were pretty much just as much as the rest of us and Alice was great too because I mean whoever has her son is definitely making her life a living hell

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