colors ✖ phan

By xmarshmallowphan

197K 7.5K 2.2K

「COMPLETE」 A boy with a permanently black band finds someone who would want to help them see colors again. More

「i n t r o」
「e n d」


4.6K 182 3
By xmarshmallowphan


This other boy is really nice. What if it's just a joke and he abuses me too?

But instead of yelling, laughing, and making fun of me, he just moved a little closer and started to rub small circles on the small of the my back. My breathing eased a little, and I started to lean into the other boy as if asking for support.

The other boy just stayed there, a pillar for my crumbling emotions. We stayed there for some time before the other boy received a text from his mother.

"Mum says I have to go back home. Do you want to come with me?"

Thoughts raced through my head. What happens if he now just leaves me and laughs?

Fortunately, it was different. he held out his hand and waited for me to grasp it to stand up. After I took his hand, we gathered my belongings and walked towards what was probably his house.

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