Blood Traitor (Scorose Fanfic)

By DramaticDeatheater

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Scorpius Malfoy tried not to fall in love. He really did. But it is very hard not to fall in love with Rose W... More

Prologue- The Beginning of the End
Chapter 1- The First Exchange
Chapter 2- The Sorting Hat
Chapter 3- The First Day
Chapter 4- The Misfits
Chapter 5- The Giving and Receiving
Chapter 6- The Untold Truth
Chapter 7- The Restricted Section
Chapter 8- The Blood Curdling Pages
Chapter 10- The Strangely Quiet Party
Chapter 11- The Bloody Mess
Chapter 12- The Crumpled Monstrosity
Chapter 13- The Unexpected Passenger
Chapter 14- The Happily Squished Carriage
Chapter 15- The Angry Explosion
Chapter 16- The Daunting Situation

Chapter 9- The Intimidating Invitation

176 10 6
By DramaticDeatheater

The familiar ting of the bell broke the silence, as a new customer entered the shop. It was the first week of the summer holidays and as usual I was on shop duty- at Malfoy's Fantastical Fiction. Currently, I was stacking books in the Muggle Classics section while my Mum worked at the till. This week I needed to help out the most as our two regular workers (both 19 and graduates from Hogwarts a year back) had the week off.

Having finished my offical first year at Hogwarts- I was in a good mood so didn't mind helping out. Me, Rosie and Al all did well in our exams- Rosie coming top of the year surprise, surprise (note the sarcasm) with me- astonishingly- not that far behind. Al was a little further back, but as you can imagine, he didn't really care. We had also spent our last weekends together reading the rest of the story of the Second Wizarding War- before finally placing it back in the Restricted Section the night before our last day. It was quite a phenomenon that no one even realised it was missing; not that I'm complaining.

We found out a lot more about the War- including Grandma lying to Lord Voldy because of Dad (which saved Harry). This made me feel incredibly happy and proud. It was quite easy to decipher that my Dad and Grandma were forced into that wicked lifestyle- mostly by Luicus- but it still didn't tell me why I had to find this out for myself. I know I'm quite young, but I am 12 now after my birthday in February and I would be able to handle it. I just wish my Dad had the guts to tell me what happened so we could all move on- but he hadn't even got that far.

I placed a few copies of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens onto the shelf and looked around our cosy little bookstore. The tall shelves went so high they touched the ceiling, you had to use a ladder to reach the ones at the top. There were also big armchairs and bean bags dotted in the corners- that Mum and Dad had spent their time collecting from muggle Boot Fairs. By the till we had a little tea and coffee stall- providing some hydration for the long hours our most dedicated customers would spend here. When I wasn't stacking new book arrivals- I was serving out the drinks, and sometimes Grandma's homemade cakes which she made for ever Sunday without fail. It was hard not to fall in love with a place like this.

Rotating so I could see the new customers enter the shop- I realised that they were a little familiar. "Scorpius!" Rosie ran up to me, wrapped her arms round my neck and virtually thrusted me backwards with the force. After recovering by grabbing onto a small table for support, I enveloped my arms around her waist. "Hey Rosie," I chuckled in her ear before we entangled ourselves. "Hello Scorpius, what a lovely place you have here," Hermione Weasley stood behind her over enthusiastic daughter, kindly admiring the shelves all around me. "Thank you Mrs Weasley," I muttered becoming a little shy, "It's a family business."
"So I've been told," Her smile was so genuine and reminded me so much of Rosie, that my shoulders relaxed and I felt a lot more comfortable in her presence. As she started to wonder round the shelves, I could tell she was still a little uncertain as to what to do. But it wasn't long before she was studying the titles and reading blurbs- engrossing her mind in this homely atmosphere.

"I've got to finish stacking these books, but you can come with me." Rosie followed me back to my work and tried helping stack some more Charles Dickens on the wooden planks. "So have you asked then?" Rosie questioned me, shoving a couple of random books into an empty space. "Asked what?" I took the books from where she put them and place them correctly as she answered without even realising her mistake. "About, you know," she then changed her voice into a hushed whisper and leant in closer to my face. "The War and stuff," her lips were a centimetre away from my bare skin but I tried not to notice. "No," I said biting my lower lip, "I don't know how."

Rosie took a step back and looked at me with a knowing stare. "C'mon Scorpius, grow dome balls!" She raised an eyebrow at me but I turned my head away, breaking the eye contact and continuing placing the books upon the shelves. I didn't want Rosie to know how upset I really was. "Hey," she spoke tenderly, taking a step towards me again and placing her hand gently on my shoulder. Even though I had tried to conceal my emotions, my best friend could read me like an open book. "Why does this bother you so much Scorpius? You do have a right to know. Talk." As easily as that, I opened up to her. "I can't Rosie," I twisted my head so I was facing her again; just inches apart. My eyes threatened to leak but I tried my best to stay strong. "I don't want to hurt him. He's my Dad and I love him so much. He couldn't even tell me about Lucius himself. How the hell is he going to tell me about everything he did?"

Rosie sighed, then to my shock quickly pressed her lips against my cheek. "For courage," a strengthening smile spread across her lips. "When the time is right." I nodded in graitude and swiftly wiped my hand beneath my glazed grey orbs; catching any betraying tears before they fell. Shoving the last books in place, Rosie linked her arm around mine- "Help me choose some books!" I followed as she dragged me along to the shelves of blissful heaven.

After about an hours work, Rosie had finally decided on three books and made her way to the till where her Mum was standing waiting. "These too then please," Hermione told my Mum as Rosie placed the books next to her own mother's overflowing pile. I went to join my Mum behind the till and she pulled me into a hug from the side- embarrassing me with a kiss planted on my platinum blond hair. "Mum.." I mummered, slightly humiliated. She just laughed and went back to serving our book-loving customers.

"It's good to see Rose and Scorpius get along so well this year, right Mrs Weasley?" Mum small talked whist adding the totals for the collection of literature that was scattered across the densr wood. "Call me Hermione, Astroria right?" Rosie's mother looked for conformation. "I think it's brilliant that these two and my nephew Albus have become such great friends." Mum and Hermione seemed to get along quite well which was a bit surprising to say the least. They nattered away about Merlin knows what while me and Rosie exchanged funny faces.

"Well that will be 50 galleons and 3 sickles please." Mum announced the grand sum as Hermione handed over the money. She let Rosie pick up the heavy bag full to the brim as Mum counted it to make sure it was all there. "Well I have to say you have a really nice shop here Astoria. And a lovely son." She added on; creating a deep flush creep across my cheeks. "Thank you very much," Mum replied then gave me one of those what-do-you-say looks; which made me instantaneously mutter my gratitude. "Oh, I almost forgot," Hermione twisted around just as they had began to leave. "We are having a family and friends get together at the end of the holidays," she struggled under her excessive load to produce an invitation- one I noticed that had been made on a muggle computer. "It's on the 28th of August at out house not far from here- I really hope you, Scorpius and of course Draco can come. Rosie and Al would love for Scorpius to be there." Mum took the invite- a flash of bewilderment struck on her face which she tried to hide with a wide grin. "Thank you, we'll try our best."

With that, they were gone with the chime of the bell as the shop door closed. I exchanged a nervous glance with Mum before I set behind the drinks stall to serve an old lady and her husband. I could deal with a few Weasleys at a time- but a big family party! That was a lot to ask; especially with Dad. But I would still beg to go until they gave in. Imagine the drama; you wouldn't want to miss it for the world! As I poured out two teas, only lightly scoeching my fingers, I thanked Merlin- for sending Rosie and her mum with the intimidating invitation.

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