Kill 'em with kindness

Autorstwa jelenalover11

11.3K 336 32


Beach party
He sounds hot
Lets do it again
Mr oliver
You dont have to be scared
Im okay
Hot tubbing?

"Bad boy"

1.1K 35 4
Autorstwa jelenalover11

At lunch
Taylor- laughing) you could tell she felt uncomfortable
Selena- nods) I was mr Oliver made me feel weird
Perrie- he does that to people (giggles)
Selena- shivers) I mean I feel bad but (shrugs) I don't know
Perrie- why do you feel bad? He's a creep
Selena- because what if he's not and he's just like that (shrugs) I just feel bad
Taylor- you're too nice
Selena- giggles) my mom always told me that there is no such thing as being too nice
Taylor- giggles)
Perrie- so anyway! Justin (looks at her)
Selena- I don't understand! He's so nice to me
Taylor- eyes widen) what? Nooooo! Justin being nice (shakes her head)
Selena- why?
Perrie- he's the "bad boy" of the school
Selena- he doesn't seem bad
Taylor- just look at him
Selena- looks over at his table
Justin wearing:

Selena- shrugs) maybe he likes black
Taylor- he smokes, does drugs, I even heard he sells drugs
selena- have you guys seen him do any of those
Perrie- I've seen him smoke
Taylor- nods) I guess that's the only one
Selena- so the rest are rumors?
Perrie- could be I guess but (shrugs) everyone in school thinks he does those things
Selena- I feel bad for him
Taylor- you feel bad for Justin?
Selena- nods)
Taylor- he honestly wouldn't care if you did or didn't
Selena- shrugs) I don't know
Perrie- so anyway! Awkward subject! So what do you like to do Selena?
Selena- sing! I love singing
Taylor- really are you in music?
Selena- yeah I have that 5th hour
Taylor- me too!
Selena- smiles) oh good! I like having classes with you guys
Perrie- me too!
Taylor- nods)
Selena- so does Justin only have one friend(looking at him and a guy)
Taylor- nods) yeah! That's zayn
Selena- nods) does he "do" what Justin does
Perrie- I've heard he only smokes! He's not as bad as Justin
Selena- nods) well maybe that's all Justin does
Perrie- looks at Perrie and shrugs) I don't know
Taylor- nods) yeah! I guess!
The bell rings
Perrie- we all have 4th hour together and 7th
Selena- smiles) yay!
They all walk to their class

After school
Selena- walks out of 7th hour with Perrie and Taylor)
Taylor- wanna go to the beach later
Selena- that sounds fun!
Taylor- oh let's go tomorrow
Perrie- oh yeah! There's a beach party tomorrow
Selena- nods) ok!
Taylor- there's a beach party pretty much every Friday
Selena- really?!
Taylor- nods)
Selena- smiles) that's awesome
Perrie- nods) it's pretty cool
Selena- I don't drink though
Taylor- oh we don't either!
Perrie- nods) yeah! You're good! We wouldn't pressure you anyway
Selena- smiles and nods) thanks
Taylor- well I'll see you guys tomorrow at school
Perrie- nods) bye tay
Selena- bye Taylor
Taylor- bye (leaves)
Perrie- so where's your car?
Selena- oh I don't have it yet! Me and my mom are going to look this weekend for one! Cause we sold my old one in Texas so (shrugs)
Perrie- oh sad! Well want a ride
Selena- that'd be great! Thanks
Perrie- nods)
Selena- gets in perries car) I love your car
Perrie- thanks
Perries car:

Perrie- so what kind of car are you thinking of getting? (Starts driving)
Selena- I don't know I love range rovers! But I want a topless car! I like mustangs but (shrugs) we will see I guess
Perrie- nods) ok so where do you live?
Selena- just go straight
Perrie- k (continues going straight)
Selena- ok then take a left
Perrie- takes a left)
Selena- my house is the one with the black car
Perrie- wow! Nice house
Selena- thanks!
Selena's house
Perrie- nods and pulls into her house, turns around) you live across from Justin)
Selena- looks at his house and sees Justin sitting on his porch with zayn and nods) yeah
Perrie- I am so sorry
Selena- shrugs) it's fine (giggles)
Perrie- you aren't scared
Selena- why should I?
Perrie- you are brave my friend
Selena- giggles and gets out) thanks for the ride!
Perrie- yeah not a problem! Want me to pick you up tomorrow
Selena- that'd be awesome! Thanks!
Perrie- hey I need your number still
Selena- oh yeah (pulls her phone out and hands her, her phone)
Perrie- hands Selena her phone)
Selena- types her number in, then gives it back) there
Perrie- awesome! I'll text you later!
Selena- sounds good! Bye Perrie
Perrie- bye Selena
Selena- gets out and goes into her house)
Mandy- hey baby! How was school
Selena- smiles) it was good
Mandy- did you meet any friends
Selena- smiles and nods) yeah I did!
Mandy- oh good! I was so nervous!
Selena- giggles) do you need help with anything?
Mandy- smiles and looks around at the boxes and thinks) have you finished unpacking your room?
Selena- almost
Mandy- well you can go finish that up and then if you still feel like helping you can help unpack the dishes
Selena- smiles and nods) sounds good (goes to her room and starts hanging up her clothes is her closet)

An hour later
Selena- finishes unpacking the last thing then lays on her bed)
Selena's room:

Selena- walks downstairs) k momma I'm done!
Mandy- smiles while unpacking living room stuff) the dishes are in the kitchen on the island
Selena- nods) k (walks to the kitchen and starts unpacking the plates)
20 minutes later
There's a knock at the door
Mandy- Selena can you get that
Selena- yeah! (Walks to the door and opens it)
Perrie- standing there with Taylor)
Selena- giggles) what are you guys doing here!
Taylor- we wanted to welcome you to California
Selena- haven't you already?
Perrie- well kinda! We wanted to bring you ice cream (holds up a carton of ice cream)
Selena- laughs) you guys didn't have to do that
Taylor- we wanted too
Perrie- hands her the ice cream)
Selena- (takes it) thanks guys! Well wanna come in?
Taylor- sure
They walk in
Selena- hey mom this is Taylor and Perrie! guys this is my mom
Mandy- smiles) it's nice to meet you guys (placing pictures around the living room)
Perrie- you too
Taylor- smiles and nods) yeah
Selena- well wanna go to my room?
Perrie- yeah!
Selena- k! I'll be back! Let me just put this is in the freezer (walks off then goes back) ok follow me! (Goes upstairs and into her room)
Taylor- wow! Nice room!
Selena- thanks! I just finished unpacking like 30 minutes ago
Perrie- it looks so good!! And you have a view of the ocean (squeals) that's so awesome! I'm completely jealous
Selena- smiles and giggles)

Czytaj Dalej

To Też Polubisz

49.9K 599 25
158K 5K 77
Unknown: Are you hot? ;) Selena: It doesn't matter 'cause I'm gonna block you now anyway . Good luck doing your business by yourself-jacking off! bye...