Divergent No War

By jmaertens5

4K 101 15

This story, follows the sixteen year old daughter of now Dauntless leader, Eric. A young woman, confused, try... More

A/N-- About me-- Also, WARNING!
I don't own any of this stuff.
Chapter 1 part 2
I don't own Divergent or the characters. All of it is Veronica Roth's.
I don't own Divergent. All of this belongs to Veronica Roth.
I don't own Divergent, ect. All Ms. Roth's stuff.
Rights go to Veronica Roth...
Not mine, Veronica's
Mmhmm you know it!
Disclaimer-- blah blah don't own
I wish that I owned Divergent. I don't.
Heck Yeah!

I am not V. Roth, so yeah...

150 6 0
By jmaertens5

Chapter 8

There is this one guard, who keeps coming in to my room and trying to talk with me. I find it disconcerting.

Today, when he comes in, he tells me that he is going to take me to be cleaned up. He leads me out, and down the hall. We enter a bathroom, and he removes my jacket. I stretch my arms, surprised by how emaciated I am. I need special wrap for my ankle cast, and a seat, because I can't stand without my back brace. Special care has to be taken, so that my cannula stays in place. The guard helps me with all of it, but then starts to undress me. I tell him that I can do it myself, but he says that they don't trust me, so he has to do it. When I am naked, he sets the water temperature, and then lets me close the curtain. I finish washing my hair and body, when all of the sudden, the guard bursts in. He is naked, and approaches me. I scooch my chair away, frightened, but he grabs my arms, and pulls me closer. I scream, the loudest scream ever, the bathroom tiled walls amplifying the sound. The guard tries to cover my mouth, but I bite him hard on the hand.

Luckily, someone heard me, and comes bursting in, to find the guard on top of me, his hands on my chest, about to force me. The scientist rips him off of me, but I don't get up. I just lay there, sobbing. This has happened twice. Am I really that slutty?

The Erudite Scientist touches my shoulder, and I jerk away. No. Men can't be trusted. No man has ever led me to good things-- I finally realized the source of all my pain. The science guy leaves for a moment, and comes back with a pretty woman. She has blonde hair, and celery green eyes.

"I'm Cara." She introduces herself, and comes near me. When she touches me, I don't flinch. She seems alright. "Here, take this towel." I take the blue towel and wrap it around my body. Cara sits me down, and unwraps my cast, replaces my oxygen tank, and does my hair. When she is done, she reattaches my back brace. I am given new clothes to wear and taken back to my cell.

I have a new guard, the next day. This one is also male, and as soon as I see him, I curl up into a ball, and refuse to acknowledge him. I have no trust in men. He leaves, and the next day, I am surprised to see Cara.

"Hello, Melanie. I've been given a short break from my research to be your new caretaker! Jeanine thinks that it would be best." She says Jeanine's name with reverence. I just nod, wondering what 'short break' is implying. Am I going to be released soon? But, then again, if I were released, I would be factionless. There's no way that Eric would let me come back.

Cara has been great the past few days. She is really nice, even though I'm technically a prisoner. My back brace is due to be removed today. The sprain was actually really bad, and all of the experiments weren't really helping.

When Cara took the brace off and helped me stand, I was amazed. I felt so free, and light without it, even though I still had my oxygen cart. Then, I fell flat on my face. Walking took a little getting used to. I had to lean on Cara. She took me around the building, showing me different labs and projects. There were a lot of people staring at me.

Jeanine said that she was going to put a hold on the sims until I was fully recovered. I was allowed to actually have a more apartmentish place, instead of a cell. Jeanine claimed, that she wanted me to be calm and as close to normal as possible before she resumed testing. I was okay with that. There were still lots of cameras in the apartment and all of the doors locked on the outside, instead of the inside, but it is still freedom.

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