Stranger [Completed]

By soyyysauce

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Kiley a 23 year old Model, trying to find her way again after heart break. After being left from what she tho... More

Stranger -Prologue-
Chapter ¤ 1 -Someone New-
Chapter ¤ 2 -Vibin-
Chapter ¤ 3 -Feelin you-
Chapter ¤ 4 -Unexpected guest-
Chapter ¤ 5 -Making her mine-
Chapter ¤ 6 -Release Party-
Chapter ¤ 7 -Going with the Flow-
Chapter ¤ 8 -Jealousy-
Chapter ¤ 9 -Pleasant Surprise-
Chapter ¤ 10 -That Hoe-
Chapter ¤ 11 -Do ya thang-
Chapter ¤ 12 -Official-
Chapter ¤ 13 -Thirsty-
Chapter ¤ 14 -Busted-
Chapter ¤ 15 -Confrontation-
Chapter ¤ 16 -Never say Never-
Chapter ¤ 17 -Strut and Pose-
Chapter ¤ 18 -Back to ATL-
Chapter ¤ 19 -Tease & Temptation-
Chapter ¤ 20 -Party-
Chapter ¤ 21 -Guilt-
Chapter ¤ 22 -Mixed Feelings-
Chapter ¤ 23 -Making Up-
Chapter ¤ 24 -Dinner Date-
Chapter ¤ 25 -Catching up-
Chapter ¤ 26 -Pre Thanksgiving-
Chapter ¤ 27 -Thanksgiving to remember-
Chapter ¤ 29 -What's the issue?-
Chapter ¤ 30 -Bringing in the new year-
Chapter ¤ 31 -Missing You-
Chapter ¤ 32 -Right hook, Left hook-
Author's Note

Chapter ¤ 28 -Buggin'-

11.8K 417 21
By soyyysauce


"What the hell Ki?" I asked frowning and backing away from her. You could tell she didn't know what I was talking about. 

"What babe? What are you mad about?" she asked with worried eyes. I sighed.

"Why do you smell like another mans cologne?"

She looked at me and then looked away. I could tell she didn't want to tell me.

"I asked you a simple question boo. Who was it?" I asked her again in a calmer tone. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Darian." she said lowly. I instantly became heated.

"What were you doing-"

"Dre." she said cutting me off. "Let me explain before you jump to conclusions." she stated. I nodded slumping back into the couch.

She turned to look at me "When I told you I was going out to see someone, I didn't go to see him. I went to see his mother. She's been like my own mom for the past five years. We talked for awhile, and she told me we should have lunch one day soon. When I was leaving, Darian pulled me into a hug since he was there. I didn't know I smelled like him."

Once she was done talking I felt a little better. I grabbed her hands into mine.

"I'm sorry I got upset for the wrong reason." I said pulling her closer to me. She lightly smiled.


I had a feeling she was still not telling me something.

"Is that all that happened?"


"Is that all that happened?" Dre asked looking straight into my eyes.

My heart jumped when he asked me that. I didn't want to lie to him. But at the same time I was scared of what happened if I told him the truth.

I can't do this.

My stomach was doing flips as he stared at me, waiting for an answer.

Just man up and tell him Ki. It's nothing you did wrong.

I sighed and decided to tell him the truth.

"No that's not all. He kissed me but not on the lips." I told him. He glared at me, his jaw clenched tight.

"What you mean he kissed you? Where?" he asked.

"My neck. He did it while he hugged me." I explained. He got up and walked out of the living room. I don't know where he was going, but I just sat there hoping he wouldn't explode at me.

I heard the front door open and close. I guess he was going out. I breathed a deep sigh and laid back onto the couch.

I hope he's not mad at me. I didn't do anything to hurt him.

I closed my eyes and ended up drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


I was sitting in my car at a dead end in my neighborhood. I had my head rested against the steering wheel. Just letting everything Ki told me replay in my head.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew her going out had something to do wit that nigga. I can't help but picture him having his hands on her. I'm not mad at her but I feel like he ain't gon' never be out the picture.

I trust her and I love her, but I just had to leave to clear my head. I don't wanna have evil thoughts and I don't want to show her a side of me that I don't like myself. Plus, I don't want to be around her and say something I might regret later on. Now that I think about it, I feel bad that I just left her there, without telling her where I was going.

We've never had any type of arguements. Not even when I did the shit I did. I gotta admit Ki is a down ass chick. Anybody else would have let me go after I did what I did. But she decided to stick around. She makes me wanna be a better man and I thank her for that. I've never had anyone that cared about me like she does. And I promise to keep my word at making her happy.

I'm honestly still gettin use to this relationship thing. So far, I guess I'm doing a good job. I haven't heard no type of complaints. Its thanksgiving and I'm thankful for everything she's been down for wit me.

I need to get home to my baby.


I pulled up into my driveway and turned my car off. I got out and locked the doors behind me. I walked through the front door and shut it behind me. I walked into the living room to see Ki asleep on the couch. She looked so peaceful. Everything that I was mad about faded from my mind when I saw her beautiful face.

I gently picked her up and cradled her into my arms. Turning off the lights as I proceeded to walk upstairs. I walked into my room and laid her down on my bed.  She stirred in her sleep a little and turned onto her stomach. I closed the door behind me and turned off the light, walking into the bathroom to shower real quick.

My ten minute shower turned into twenty minutes. I just got too relaxed by the hot water that I didn't wanna get out. Once I had dried off and walked back into the room I saw Ki sittin up in bed. She smiled at me once I walked past her to the other side of the bed.

"Your not mad anymore?" she asked.

"Nah. I just needed to cool off that's why I left. I didn't wanna stay here and end up sayin shit I would regret." I told her honestly. She smiled and nodded.

"Well I'm happy you took that into consideration babe."

"Yea I know." I said laying down and pulling her close.

We just laid there talking for the rest of the night, until we both fell asleep.


"Dre. Dre wake up." I heard Ki say shaking me.

"Yea what's wrong?" I asked her trying to wake up.

"Your phone was ringing." she simply said and laid back down.

I sat up and grabbed my phone from the night stand looking at the missed call. It was from Jay. I knew it had to be important, so I pulled myself outta bed just to call this nigga back.

I walked into the hallway and dialed his number.

"What up man?" he answered.

"Nothin just got up." I told him still sleepy as hell. He laughed.

"Yea I bet it's still early but I had to call you. Imma be releasing your song tonight so be lookin out. Imma send it to the local station first then to satellite radio. Scott hit me up and said you got a shoot this week for your album. He said he'll hit you up."

My ears were listening to Jay but my mind wasn't fully there. I was just picturing everything that's waiting for me once this song drops. I was hype and I just wanted to see the outcome tonight.

"Aight man that's whats up. Thanks for givin me a heads up." I told him smiling.

"No prob. Go head and get ya sleep." he chuckled.

"Aight." I chuckled and ended the call.

I walked back into my room, closed the door and took my ass back to sleep next to Ki.


I had finally gotten up around 12. Dre was still knocked out. He looked so cute when he was sleep. I kissed him on his cheek and gently got out of bed trying not to wake him. Analis' would be leaving tomorrow so she wanted to go out again one last time.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. By this time Dre was finally up. Him and Rome were downstairs eating left overs from last night like they hadn't eaten in years. I just walked past them and shook my head. I plopped down on the couch waiting for Analis' to come downstairs.

"Where y'all going?" Rome asked as Analis' came strutting down the stairs.

"Out." Analis' simply said to him. I tried to hold back a laugh as I saw his facial expression.

"Where tho? I wanna go." he said. Analis' looked at me and we both laughed.

"If you wanna come then come. I just don't wanna hear whining when you see where we're goin." she told him.

"Aight." he said.

Dre came over to me and asked where we were going.

"To get our nails and toes done. Then shopping."

He nodded and said to wait for him while he put some clothes on. All I know is he better not take all day. Knowing him he wanna be a pretty boy. He came down ten minutes later looking finer than I've ever seen.

Purple is really a good color on him.

We all walked out the front door and took Dre's car. He decided to drive which I was happy about, because I didn't feel like driving today. Fifteen minutes later and we had pulled up to the mall.

Me and Dre walked hand in hand, while Rome had his arm around Analis' waist. I guess she wouldn't let him hold her hand. I laughed at that thought. We made it inside the mall and walked towards the nail salon.

"Are you gonna stay with me? Or you think it's too girly in here for you?" I asked Dre. He smirked.

"I'll stay. I ain't never done this before so I wanna see why y'all get all this done."

I smiled glad that he would stay. I thought he would have said no.

"Ok." I smiled pulling him into the salon.

The whole time we were in the salon females were eyeing Dre. I was getting annoyed at how they were staring but it's something I just have to get use to. I mean who wouldn't want him tho. Especially once he releases this album, I already know it's gonna be even more to deal with.  Dre looked like he was enjoying the attention but he reassured me when he kept a conversation going.

Once I was done Dre paid for my mani and pedi. I was gonna pay for it myself but he stopped me and paid, and even gave the little asian woman a tip.

"He a gentleman. Yu betta keep him." she said. I smiled.

"I know. Thank you I plan to." I said back as we both walked out the salon.

Analis' had got finished before I did. Her and Rome had went together to walk around and shop. Me and Dre decided to shop together he said he had to get me something.

"So that was Jay that called me this morning." Dre said.

"Really? What did he say?" I asked.

"He's gonna send out my song tonight. Then imma have a shoot with Scott this week." he said smiling. I was happy for him.

"Aww that's what's up babe. I'm happy for you. I know those pics gonna be fly."

"I hope so." he replied smiling.


I decided to get Ki a diamond encrusted necklace with matching earrings. I never got her anything yet and I wanted it to be nice. I had to find a way to get it though without her noticing since we were shopping together.

"Aye boo I need to go find the restroom real quick." I told her.

"Ok." she said. "I'll meet you back here in a minute aight. If you leave outta here just call me." I said. She nodded.

"I'll still be in here. I'm trying to pick out some outfits for your shoot." she said looking through the racks of clothes.

"Aight well I'll be back." I said kissing her cheek and walking out the store.

I hurried to the jewelry store that was close to the store Ki was in and browsed around for the perfect set. I had seen one in particular the last time I was here and hoped it was still on sale. I saw that it was and ended up buying it. It was on sale for $499 but I still had to get somethin else.

I wanted to get her a ring. Not an engagement ring but a promise ring just to show her that I wouldn't do anything stupid again. I decided on a ring that was simple but something flashy. I wouldn't give it to her now but when I felt the is right. The ring cost more than the necklace set but I ain't mind. I just hope she likes it once I do give it to her.


By the time all of us had got done shopping it was around 6 p.m. Ki decided she wanted to go out to eat so we ended up going to a buffet. Of course she would pick that because her greedy ass likes to eat. Not to mention Rome too.

They had all went to fix their plates while I sat and waited. I guess I would wait until later tonight to surprise Ki with the jewelry. Once she came back with two plates, I got up to fix mine. Once I came back everybody had eyes on me.

"What?" I asked.

"That's all you gonna eat?" Rome asked. I shook my head.

"Yea for now. All y'all got two three plates and shit. Y'all gonna be on the toilet all night." I told them laughing. Ki smirked while Rome and Analis' were rolling. I shook my head smiling and started eating my food.

I was full after I had that first plate and some dessert but these nigga's just kept on eatin like it was no tomorrow. Ten minutes later and they were finally done.

"Bout damn time." I said to all of them.

"Hush." Ki said. Me and Rome split the check before we all went out to the car.

The ride home was quiet. I knew all of them were ready to lay down and go to sleep. I was wide awake listening to the radio, hoping I would hear my track. I was about to turn into my driveway when I heard the radio host say my name and the songs name. I immediately turned the radio up.

I parked the car and sat there seeing if any of them would realize who was on the radio. It was silence for a few seconds until I heard a gasp.

"Oh my god! Dre that's your song!" Analis' squealed. Ki smiled and Rome eyes got wide. I laughed at his facial expression.Everybody was quiet as they listened. I closed my eyes and let the reality hit me.

My first real hit on the radio and millions of people are hearing this right now.

Once the song was over I opened my eyes and looked around. All of them looked amazed I couldn't help but laugh. I got out the car and walked to unlock the door. All of them followed behind as Ki locked my doors. I sat down on the couch while Rome and Analis' went upstairs.


Ki came and sat down beside me.

"I'm proud of you babe. You sounded so good!" she exclaimed hugging me, wrapping her arms around my neck basically choking me.

"Ok ok dang you tryin to kill me baby." I laughed. She quickly pulled away and blushed.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help it. This just seems unreal." she said. I smiled.

"I know right. But enough about me I got somethin for you." I told her.

She looked shocked. "What? What is it?" she asked.

I pulled out the box from my hoodie pocket and gave it to her. She looked at me and then down to the box. She opened the black box revealing the diamond necklace and earrings. A smile quickly spread across her lips.

"This is beautiful Dre." she said.

"Dang no thank you?" I asked her chuckling.

"Thank you. I love it and you." she laughed.

"I love you too." 

She leaned in to kiss me and our lips met. She kissed me with so much force it surprised me.

Maybe I should make the ring I got her an engagement ring...


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