The Serpent and the Dove: a L...

By therepplicas

3.9K 93 0

Loki is a fallen prince of Asgard. Jessica, formerly called Jalwa as an Asgardian, is a wandering spirit who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 8

148 8 0
By therepplicas

 Loki rose stiffly from his place in the crater. Everything hurt, and he was covered in cuts, scrapes and bruises. He breathed a heavy sigh and looked around the silent room until he saw a razor sharp arrow tip pointed at his nose. All seven Avengers stared him down.

With nowhere to go, he gave a defeated sigh, and grinned. "If it's all the same to you, I think I'll have that drink now..." he said sheepishly.

Galaxy bared her teeth at him with a snort as Thor picked him up, but relaxed her expression when his eyes met hers. His eyes looked different. Blue, but now not as bright; icy, but not nearly as hungry as they had looked before. 

In only moments, something had changed; something was different about him.

The days passed quickly. SHIELD escorts surrounded the Avengers, dressed in normal attire, and the two Asgardians in Central Park. Today, Thor and Loki were to leave back to Asgard.

Thor shook hands with everyone and gave Selvig a hug. "Oh," he said to his friends. "I am ready to be home, but I do hope that we can meet again soon; hopefully, under better circumstances, my friends."

Steve dipped his head. "It would be an honor to have you back."

The red-caped demi-god looked around. "I do not see Lady Jessica," he said. "Is she not coming with us?"

"I am," she said, approaching quickly. "I had some things to talk over with Fury; looks like I'm good to go."

He smiled and guided her over to Loki and stood beside her. Then, Thor's attention turned to an Agent, who handed him a glass tube with the Tesseract enclosed inside. He took the handle on one end and bowed his head. "I thank you for agreeing to turn the Tesseract over to us; we will make sure it is in safekeeping." He examined it for a moment and then offered the other end to Loki, who took it reluctantly.

Jessica rested her hand on the middle, feeling a vague warmth through the glass, and looked up as a bright beam swallowed them up. This was it.

They were going home.

The world turned to warm gold, and the trio stood before a dark-skinned Asgardian with bright amber eyes. Heimdall.

"Lady Jessica," he said warmly. "You've returned home after your long journey." 

She bowed low to the ground. "Indeed, I have returned!" Her hazel eyes raised to his. "It's been a long time."

"Heimdall, my friend," said Thor. "I have returned with Loki, and must bring him to my father to be tried for his crimes." 

Heimdall silently dipped his head. "Than I shall not keep you waiting. But, Lady Jessica, before you depart, you have someone who wishes to see you."

"Oh?" she inquired.

"She fights in the Training Arena as we speak. She'll be happy to see you."

Jessica grinned. She? Training Arena? That could only mean one person. But before she followed Thor, she squared herself to Heimdall once more. "And, though she waits to see me, what of Mother?"

Heimdall turned away with a soft grin. "Frigga waits in the palace. Your face will be a welcomed sight to her."

She skipped after Thor and Loki, though stopped after a few paces. The stitches in her side were straining with tension, begging her to stop. Jess walked beside him, out of breath.

"Are you alright?" Thor asked.

She shrugged. "I'm fine. Just need to catch my breath."

"Out of breath already? You used to fight for hours and not break a sweat."

"Shut up, Loki," she rumbled before realizing he'd spoken telepathically.

Thor cocked a brow. "What did you say?" he growled at his brother.

"He's just being a brat; it's not a big deal," she said.

As they approached the gates, Jessica looked at Thor again. "Thor, do you mind if I go find Sif? She's in the arena, and I'd like to say hello before the trial starts." 

He nodded, carrying on his stride. "Go ahead; we will meet you in the Throne Room. Be swift, my friend! My Father will want the court to meet soon."

Sif pinned an armored soldier and held him there with a long spear. "You're not giving me enough of a challenge!" she barked. "I tire of easy spars; give me someone with whom to truly fight!"

"If that's what you desire, Lady Sif, I'm standing right here."

She turned around and smiled when she saw Jessica. "It's been some time," she said. 

They approached each other, and crossed their chests with their right arms, bowing low. "I've missed you, my Lady. How has Asgard been in my absence?" asked Jessica

Sif straightened, cueing her to do the same. "A little lonelier without you, I'll admit," she said. "But fine enough."

She chuckled. "Are you coming to see Loki's trial?"

"You brought Loki back to Asgard?" 

Jessica looked over her shoulder. "Yeah. We managed to capture him in Midgard and Thor brought him back here."

Sif sighed sternly. "He deserves to be drawn and quartered for what he did to Jotunheim," she said. 

Jess walked by Sif's side toward the Throne Room. "I know. And after what he unleashed on Midgard, I doubt he'll find any favor whatsoever in Odin's eyes."

Odin strode quickly through the hall until he stood before Thor, Lady Sif, and Jessica. "My son, I see you have caught up with your mentor."

Thor bowed his head. "Yes, indeed father, I found Jessica with Lady Sif. It seems they are both here for the trial."

Odin's single, blue eye cast itself upon Jessica. "You were there in the battle on Earth, were you not?" he asked.

She nodded slowly. "Yes, sir..."

"Since your people were the ones who were attacked, I would like you to represent them in the trial."

"Me?" she echoed. "But I'm not a Midgardian, I'm-"

"You have lived with them and adapted to their ways for long enough that I believe you would be able to represent them the best." 

She fell silent and bowed. "Yes, my King. I shall represent Earth as you have asked."

He dipped his head to her, and turned away, guiding Thor along with him.

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