The Way I Love You

By kate241

9.6M 183K 32K

Paisley Conner has a great life. She has loving parents, caring friends, everything she needs and wants but o... More

The Way I Love You
Chapter 23


213K 4.4K 138
By kate241

*Paisley's POV*

Do you know that feeling? The one you get when something is so terribly wrong? When your hearts beating a mile a minute, your stomach uncomfortably twists and your mind is cluttered with not so positive thoughts?

Well that's the way I was feeling as I rushed down the white corridor of the large hospital. I could hear my parents behind me, trying to keep up with my incredibly fast speed, but it was almost impossible. People were staring at me but I couldn't bring myself to care.

I know that I looked a mess. Dressed in short shorts and a singlet, my hair sticking up in all directions with random pieces of who knows what kinda food stuck in it, my pale, tear streaked face. I was honestly probably scaring people as I ran down the hospital hallway looking like this but my only thoughts were of my mate.

The extreme pain that I had felt back at my house hasn't disappeared but it is dulled, meaning that they have probably gotten some medicine into him. My heart had stopped beating when my mom had told me the news. The only thought that had been running through my head was that my mate could be dying.

I had demanded that she tell me more but she wasn't able to because the only thing she knew was that he had been attacked and that he was currently in the large werewolf run hospital that I was currently running through.

My eyes frantically scanned the door numbers and I skidded to a stop when I saw number two eighty six, the room that the desk woman had told us he was in. I let out a shaky breath before gently grasping the handle and pushing the door open. I stepped into the dimly lit room and my eyes immediately snapped to my mate, my heart almost broke when I did so.

There lying on the hospital bed was my mate, all bruised and battered. Xander's breathtakingly handsome face was covered in bruises and large scratches. There was multiple wounds covering his arms and a large piece of gauze covered a portion of his neck. His bare chest had several, deep, claw sized scratches and his whole mid section was tightly wrapped in gauze that was beginning to turn red.

I knew that the worst of his injuries were to his midsection and his back, which wasn't viewable, but everything looked quit serious. I let out a large shaky breath before rushing to his side. I collapsed in the chair that sat next to his bed before taking his much larger hand in my own.

I barely noticed the sparks that appeared when our skin made contact but I did, however, notice the hot tears that were streaming down my face. A muffled sob left my mouth and I had to try really hard to keep myself together.

Xander's eyes were closed shut and his chest was slowly but steadily rising, which I took as a good sign. I noticed the heart monitor that stood next to his bed was keeping track of his regular heart beat and I slowly felt myself starting to calm down.

My wolf has been on extreme edge ever since we were informed of the situation, constantly growling about going to our mate, but now that we were in the room with him and we saw that he was alive and somewhat well she quickly lost her aggressive attitude only to replace it with a worrisome one.

I sighed and leaned forward to rest my head on the edge of the bed. The door suddenly opened which caused my eyes to snap up. I watched with cautiousness as my parents, along with Xander's, and who I assumed to be the doctor filed into the room.

Xander's parents both gave me small smiles before taking the seats on the opposite side of the room. My parents stood close to the door and the doctor came towards us. My wolf was again on edge and no matter how much I tried to tell her that the people in the room weren't a threat to our mate she didn't listen.

The doctor had now neared the bed and he had reached his hand out to probably check the gauze around Xander's torso when a low growl escaped from my lips. My eyes were narrowed and I was ready to protect my mate from this potential threat at any moment.

Most of this was coming from my wolf but I had little control over what she did when we were both this emotionally unstable. The doctor, who looked to be in his late thirties, widened his eyes and took a step back. He slightly raised his hands, to show that he wasn't a threat, before speaking to me.

"I'm guessing that your Xander's mate, Paisley right?" He asked. I slowly nodded my head and tightened my grip on Xander's hand. The doctor lowered his hands and also nodded his head.

"Well Paisley I just need to check some things and make sure that Xander is alright, can I do that?" He asked me slowly. The man was talking to me like I was a five year old but I knew that he was only doing so to keep me and my wolf calm.

"Yeah." I grumbled out and watched as he smiled before slowly walking towards us. He stopped at the side of the bed before pulling out the clipboard that had been under his arm. The doctor wrote down the information that he had gathered from the machines before checking on the wounds along with the gauze that covered them.

When he was done he pursed his lips and took a step back.

"Well it looks like he's doing alright. The smaller injuries are already healing and the bleeding from the larger ones have slowed down. There was some slight internal bleeding, because his lungs were punctured, but we managed to quickly stop it, his heart beat is regular and if he continues to heal like he is now then he should be fine in no more then a week."

It was like a breath of fresh air when the doctor said that he should be fine. I had been so worked up and worried, worried that I would loose Xander, that hearing those words immediately put me at ease and brought a small smile to my lips.

A sigh left my lips before I closed my eyes and carefully brought Xander's hand to my lips. I placed a small kiss on the top before returning it to his side and leaning back in my seat. I turned to see that the doctor had left the room and that both sets of parents were staring at me with small smiles. I looked to Reed and asked the question that had been at the back of my mind this whole time.

"So what exactly happened?" I questioned quietly. Reed sighed and ran a hand through the dark hair that he and his son share.

"Xander was running border check when about ten rogues entered the territory. He called for help before chasing after them and attacking. He was doing pretty well considering the fact that it was one against ten but in the end they overpowered him. When we arrived the rogues all ran, I had some of my men chase after them but in the end they got away." Reed finished looking extremely unhappy about the last part.

I also felt anger boil up in me and had to hold in the growl that wanted to escape when I learned that they got away. I took a deep breath before nodding my head and turning back to my mate.

Xander looked so peaceful and if I didn't know any better I would think that he was sleeping. I gently squeezed his hand before reaching forward and sweeping away the dark hair that had fallen over his eyes, it's getting a bit long. A small, tender smile appeared on my lips and I lightly traced my fingers down the side of his face, following the line of his jaw. A small giggle escaped my lips when Xander unconsciously leaned his head towards my hand.

I stroked his soft skin for a few more seconds before lying my head down on the edge of the soft bed. I closed my eyes and willingly let myself fall into dreamland because I now know that everything's going to be alright.


Hey guys! So here's the next chapter! I just want to thank you guys for the number of votes and comments on the last chapter, there was so many and that's awesome! So I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:

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