Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

De KoolLePlaisir

447K 15K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... Mais

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
19: My Vows To You
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

20: Family to Foe

8.4K 320 69
De KoolLePlaisir

This takes place a few months after the wedding. Ana is showing now and well, you will have to read to find out. Don't forget to vote/ comment what you think! I miss your comments!😧 Anyways, thank you to everyone that does comment and of course, vote. Thank you! Moreover, I hope that you enjoy the chapter. Deuces!

P.s. The announcements are at the end of the chapter! Get ready, it's about to go down! This is unedited!


"What do you think about this one, Finny?", my love asked holding up a little outfit for our baby.

"Our baby is going to be the cutest baby out there", I responded and she smiled gently lying the outfit in the shopping cart before walking around it and getting up on her tiptoes. I leaned down meeting her halfway and we shared a chaste before heading towards the baby furniture section. My love is glowing and walks with her head held high as she shows off her pregnancy bump. She is 5 months pregnant with our baby and I must say that she looks absolutely gorgeous carrying our child.

"After we finish up shopping I have to go into the office", she said coming to a stop in front of a cherry oak wood crib. I watched her as her fingers glided over the siding of the crib as she took in every detail. I sighed not liking the idea of her not being where I can easily get to her just in case she needs me. She looked away from the crib to me, her lips turned down in a small frown. "What's wrong, Finny?", she asked looking concerned. "Nothing, love. I just hate that you and little one are going to be away from me", I admitted and she smiled walking over to me with her right hand on her back.

"I know, Finny. We feel the same way. Little one gets so rowdy when we are away from you and the only person that can pacify them is you. I will be taking my leave soon and I want to get as much done as I can before I do so I can spend all of my time at home with the baby and my husband", she said rising up on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, leaning down to meet her halfway. We shared a quick kiss before she eased down back onto her feet. I kissed her on the head while rubbing her arse a little before I felt a slight sting coming from my chest. I looked down at my love, my eyes narrowed while she looked up at me innocently with big catlike eyes of her's that I love so much with her mouth still latched onto my chest from where she was biting me.

"Love?", I said and she responded with a muffled "Yes?". "Are you feeling horny or something? We can always go have a quickie in the car then come back", I asked, smirking as a nice blush coated her cheeks. She unmatched herself from my chest and smacked me on it with her hand. "You are something else, Finny. We are in a children's store and you are feeling on me right in front of the baby cribs", she scolded slapping me on the chest again. I chuckled squeezing her butt before slapping it hard then rubbing where I slapped it. "Stephen", she whined burying her face into my chest as much as she could with her 5 months bump in the way.

I kissed her on the head loving the way she was letting have my fun. "Finny, stop", she mumbled and I hummed giving her butt one last squeeze before letting go, sliding my hands up her back. I leaned down giving her a chaste kiss before walking around her to the crib she had been looking at. "Did you like this one, love?", I asked changing the subject. My love looked so flustered and I knew if I had continued that she would have withheld my safe haven from me for embarrassing her. She has done it before and I do not want a repeat.

That time had been absolute torture. That night she had slept naked and put her body pillow between us. She was taunting me and their was nothing I could about it. The thing that had made me snap was when she had started doing yoga while she was bare and I could see everything that is mine but could not touch her. I spent hours in the gym letting my frustration out on a punching bag and lifting weights. By the time I had went upstairs for bed my love was already asleep with her leg thrown over her body pillow while holding my pillow close to her chest.

I smiled walking over to her side of the bed and kissed her on the head before going into our ensuite bathroom for a shower then joining my wife in bed for sleep. The reason I even had to endure that was because she had been pigging out and I called her my little piggy. Never piss off a pregnant woman, especially when you are married to her. I had dumbly hung my little hangman twice over and had to suffer the consequences because of a little teasing. Lads, learn from my mistake.

She came from around the cart to stand beside me in front of the crib. "Yes, but I am not sure if this is the one for our little one", she responded. Smack! I felt a stinging in my butt cheek from where she slapped it before walking pass me further down the aisle giggling. I just stared after her a moment trying to figure out if that had just really happened and when it finally dawned on me that it had, I smirked and pushed the cart after her. We spent a while longer before heading home so that my love could change for work. I did not want her driving so I drove her and took her up to her office before heading home.

I had spent my time getting my business affairs in order while I waited on my love's call for me to come pick her up. I decided to cook dinner for us tonight since she would more than likely be too tired to. I was dicing some onions and tomatoes when the doorbell rang. I turned the simmering chicken down to low before grabbing the towel off the table to wipe my hands and going to answer the door. When I got to the foyer it rang again annoying me further. I was expecting company and unless it was my wife, I did not particularly want any.

I unlocked the door and opened it without looking only for a petite body to latch onto mine. "Stephie!", she squealed and I immediately knew who it was, Nina. "What are you doing here?", I asked pulling her away from me and holding her at arms length. She rolled her eyes, "I came to visit my favorite cousin. It has been a while and I missed you, so I decided why not surprise you with a visit", she responded smiling gesturing to her suitcase I had not noticed. I sighed running a hand through my hair in annoyance. "That is nice and all, but you should have called. Right now is not a good time for a surprise visit", I said and she waved me off.

"Anyways, aren't you going to let me in and give me a tour of your new house? It is rude to keep someone waiting you know", she said completely disregarding what I had just said. I sucked my teeth and rolled my shoulders because I knew letting her into our house would not go over well with my love, but Nina is family and my parents taught me to never turn your back on family. So I reluctantly allowed in and closed the door behind us flicking the lock back in place before making my way back to the kitchen to finish cooking. Luckily for me, the chicken was fine when I checked it. So I added the tomato sauce and the diced onions and tomatoes into the pan. Nina's presence had completely slipped my mind as I focused on making dinner for my family until she came strutted into the kitchen and hopped up onto a chair at the island.

"So what are you making? It smells delish", Nina said making me pause for a moment before continuing cooking. "Dinner", I mumbled breaking two packs of pasta noodles and putting them in the pot of boiling water on the stove next to the chicken. She hummed, "How is life? You finally dropped that gold digger-", she started but I interrupted her. I turned around to face her, leaning against the island. "Life is great. I have an amazing wife and a baby on the way. My career is going well. How is your life going? The last I heard you were dating some arse that cheated on you twice and got his side piece pregnant, but you took him back again. How is that going by the way? The baby I mean", I responded casually, a smirk touching my lips as I finally looked at my intrusive cousin.

She tsked, "That is none of your business, Stephen. At least we know the that the baby is his. What about you? Who is to say that she was not sleeping around while you were away on a shoot, huh? I have never like her and I know that you can do better that that ghetto little miss hip-hop. If you would have sent me an invite to that travesty you called a wedding I could have saved you the trouble. You should be with Irina. If you were only a little more forgiving then you would truly be happy right now", she responded snidely.

I chuckled humorlessly, "You are fucking sad, Nina. I thought that you of all people would be happy for me. I had hoped that you would be, but obviously I was wrong. Ana wanted to send you an invite hoping to change your mind. She wanted for you to see what everyone else saw on our wedding day. That we love each other but you have your head stuck so far up Irina's arse that the only thing you can see is her colon. I am sick of everytime we see one another it is 'Irina this, Irina that'. Why can't it be 'Stephen, how are you?', 'I miss you', or 'How is Anastasia doing? The baby?'. No, it is always about some self-centered bitch that cheated on me when we were together. That travesty of wedding as you call it was one of the happiest days of my fucking life. Thank God I did not let Ana send that invitation you because your bitter arse would have tried to ruin it. I have turned the other cheek to your disrespect to my wife for way too fucking long, Nina. You will not come into our house and disrespect us. So I am going to say this only once: Do not fuck with my family. You disrespect Anastasia or my child, you fucking disrespect me. So you take your suitcase and hop back on that fucking plane to England because I do not want you here", I said barked, venom lacing every word.

"She is not your family, Stephen! I am! Why can you not see that she is driving a wedge between us and is ruining your chance at real happiness!? I am only trying to help you! I trying to protect you!", she yelled. I scoffed, "Is that the bullshit that you tell yourself to make you feel better about yourself at night?", I asked snarkily. "Fuck you, Stephen!", she screamed hopping to her feet. "That would be incest. I am flattered though, but even if, you are far from my type, honey", I drawled turning back to the stove and stirring the pasta noodles. I had not noticed how much time had passed because my love was home and she did not look the least bit pleased as she walked over to stand beside me in front of the stove.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?", my love asked puckering her lips and I leaned down giving her a chaste kiss. Just from that kiss alone I felt myself calm down a lot. I love my cousin but if my love had not of showed up when she did I would probably be sitting in a jail cell for choking the life out of her. I smiled down at my beautiful wife. "I am fine, love. How are you and little one?", I responded reaching and turning off the chicken. "We are fine, daddy, but I am worried about you", she responded and I heard a scoff that brought back all of the tension and anger I was harvesting inside.

I swiveled around slamming my hands on the island startling both my love and the bitch I called family. "Why the fuck are you still you here!? Didn't I tell you to fuck off!?", I sneered. "Stephen, calm down. She is your family an-", my love started but of course, even when she is saving her arse, Nina has something snarky to say to her. "Shut up, bitch! This is your fault! Why the fuck couldn't y-AH!" I did not even let her finish spewing her bullshit at my love before I lunged at her from across the island causing her to scream out in fear. "Finny, no!", Ana screamed grabbing the back of my pants to keep me from climbing the rest of the way over the island to get to Nina.

Nina had stumbled backwards in fear and tripped her own to feet, falling on her arse in fear when I lunged at her. "Oh my God!", she screamed staring at me wide-eyed. This has never happened between us before, fighting. We were always close and looked out for one another. I thought that she would be happy for me, but all that she has done since I first mentioned Ana to her was try to tear us apart. Hell, she is the one that bloody set me up with Irina.

That thought alone made me even more angry. "Stephen, stop! Stop, baby! You are scaring me and I cannot hold on any longer!", Ana yelled, her voice cracking as she let out a sob. It was like a bucket of ice water was poured on me dousing the angry flames of anger inside of me. She let me go stumbling backwards into the counter behind her before sliding down to the kitchen floor crying. I took a deep breath and released it shakily before hopping off the island in front of a traumatized looking Nina and stared down at her in disgust. She was actual shaking in fear with tears streaming down her face smearing up her make-up, but I could not find it anywhere inside of myself to care as I hauled up to her feet by the arm harshly.

"Ouch! You are hurting me, Stephen!", she exclaimed as I began walking, dragging her along behind me towards the front door. We walked through the living room and I grabbed her suitcase that she had left by the entrance bringing it along with us. When I got to the front door I flung it open and shoved her outside and tossed her suitcase at her feet. "Do not bring your arse back here again, Nina. Be thankful for Ana because if it were not for her your mum would be planning a funeral for your pathetic arse. We are no longer family. You are dead to me", I spat before slamming the door shut in her face and locking it before she could say anything. She was screaming and pounding on the door for me to let her back in, but the only thing I was concerned with was my love who I could hear crying in the kitchen.

I took quick strides towards the kitchen while taking deep calming breaths to calm myself down. I rounded the island to see her sitting on the floor crying with her arms wrapped protectively around her bump. I felt my heart breaking at the sight and immediately dropped down to my knees beside her pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into the crook of my neck. "I am so sorry, love. I am such an arse for scaring you like that", I apologized rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her. She sniffled, "I-I was so scared, Stephen. You do not do that to me, to us", she muttered before I felt her lips on the side of my neck as she placed a gentle kiss to it. "I will try, love. I never meant for it to go that far, Ana", I mumbled before returning the favor.

She pulled back cupping my face in the palm of her hands, tears streaming down her beautiful face. "I know that she was wrong-", she started making me grunt in distaste as I reached up wiping at her tears with the pads of my thumbs and she rolled me eyes. "-but she is still family. We may not agree all of the time with one another and our choices but we still support one another. We are still family and we are still there for another. We forgive one another for wronging the other and our short comings. I will not lie to you or try to guilt trip you because I see the turmoil brewing in your eyes, baby. I know that she upset you, hell, she upset me too, but she is still your family. I love you and you really frightened me when you lunged at her like that...", she whispered before pecking me on the lips tenderly and resting her forehead against mine. "Eventhough she is the Bitch of all bitches", she finished smiling softly and I chuckled kissing her.

She instantly melted into the kiss as our mouths molded together in a passionate kiss. She climbed onto my lap as the kiss deepened, my hands going to her arse as she did so. "I love you too", I mumbled into the kiss and I felt her smile into the kiss before licking the roof of my mouth making me shudder as my dick hardened further. She pulled back and pecked me on the lips before climbing off my lap then crawled over to the store, my eye following her as she went, flicking the isle that the noodles were on to 'off'. With a sigh I rose to my feet and helped my love up off of the floor before going around to the other side of the island sitting down while she finished the pasta. It was not until my love was plating our food did I realize that it was quiet with the exception of the noises my love made as she plated the food.

I smiled in gratitude as she placed my plate in front of me. She sent me a small smile before grabbing two cups off of the counter by the sink sitting them on the island then walking to the refrigerator and opened it. She took out the picture of Kool-aid she had made for us to have with dinner before leaving for work and using her hip, bumped the door back close. While she was pouring our drinks I had gotten up and grabbed us some silverware out of the silverware drawer before returning to my seat on the outside of the island. She sat the glasses down then I held her hand as she climbed up onto her barstool and after a quick prayer we began eating. We were making talking about her day at work and our little one when she suddenly became quiet.

"What is bothering you, love?", I asked curiously before eating a fork full of pasta. She stared at me for a moment before cutting a piece of boneless chicken breast with her fork and spearing it with it then bringing it up to her mouth. She smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes before she dropped a bomb. "I know about what happened at your bachelor party", she said before shoveling the fork of chicken in her mouth. I began choking on the pasta I had been chewing while she watched me in amusement. She giggled watching me as I grabbed my cup of Kool-aid and began gulping it down all the while wondering 'How did she know?'

Lol, so Ana knew the entire time & you will find out how next chapter. Anyways, onto the announcements! First announcement is that Toni will have his own spin-off story. So you finally get to find out what happened to him, yay! Secondly, there will be a spin-off like story for Maxim and possibly Miroslav & Harmony. I am not sure about the last one yet, but let me know what you guys think about them possibly having their own story! Moreover, what did you think about the chapter? Comment & Vote, please! Deuces!

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