The Original Mother [2]

Par OriginalWriterJ

1.1M 22.9K 8.7K


Little Warrior
A Scorned Wife
Fanfiction awards
Honey I'm Home
Warm and Fuzzy
Bad Boy
Land of the Living
Going twice
Hunting Season
Puppy Food
Update info
The Prophecy
What the Hell
Careful I bite
Oh Come Here
Ruined Us
Giselle & Jasmine
My Curse
Token Human
I've Been Watching
The Gram
Vote For Thyra
Mama Bear
Wake Up
Good Enough
The Original Enemy
That Time of Year
The Vote
Last time


29.4K 828 206
Par OriginalWriterJ

I stood outside the cemetery with my eyes closed, and blood dripping down my chin from the human I had killed on the way here. My full strength was returning thanks to the fresh blood. Even though Katherina had told me my daughter was here I had already known, I could feel her, my little girl was here.

My beautiful precious little girl, only hours old and her life was already on the line, I wiped the blood from my face using the sleeve of my now tattered dress.

"Stay here" I ordered Kat.

"Not happening, aunt T".

"Besides I owe you one" she smirked, making the corner of my lips tilt up slightly.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get my baby back" I said grabbing a hold of my nieces hand and zooming into the graveyard.

It became apparent after a few moments that the witches had cast an illusion spell on Lafayette Cemetery, making the graveyard itself multiply fifty times over. Obviously Genevieve and her teenage brats had underestimated the bond between a mother and daughter, as I could feel my little darling, she was close.

Just as Katherina and I passed a large tomb, I heard the Elijah's voice.

"We've passed through here twice already. We're running out of time." Elijah sighed in frustration as I entered the tomb just as my brother punches through a wall in anger and frustration.

"Then we move faster" Nik tells him as he marks the wall of the tomb.

"Or smarter" I say making mine and Katerina's presence known. Elijah and Nik freeze when they hear my voice,

"Little one" Elijah gasps.

"How are you here?" Nik whispers, as he runs his fingers softly along my cheek.

"You would not wake" Nik tells me his voice breaking slightly.

"I had some help from the other-side, Tatia sends her regards" I tell them, Elijah twitches at my sister's name, while Nik continues to look at me in awe.

"I can feel her Nik, she's close" I tell my husband, as both he and Elijah look at me with a confused expression.

"She's been saying that since she woke up, I told where the baby was, but she was already walking in this direction" Kat told them.

"We are wasting time, Now let's go find our daughter Niklaus" I spoke, grabbing Nik's hand and intertwining our fingers before vamping away Elijah and Katherina following in our wake.


I led Elijah, Katherina and Nik through the maze of tombs in the cemetery's illusion, towards our daughter. Seconds feel like hours as we got closer, then I heared them chanting I rush ahead of the group in desperation.

Nouvel vie, nouvel ame, me longe avec nous. I hear them say.

I turned a corner and to see Genevieve holding a knife above my little darlings head, I use my vampire speed to rush forward in the hopes of stopping the monster who was trying to kill my child.

"NOOO!" I roar, my voice sounds unfamiliar and animalistic.

Behind me, Elijah picks up an urn and throws it at the witches; it slams against Genevieve's hand and knocks the dagger onto the ground, my heart breaks when I hear my daughter's desperate cries.

The four of us run toward them, as Genevieve flees, Monique and blondie step forward holding hands as they start chanting sending us all flying backwards.

"You fool's, to come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour, you don't face three, you face us all" Monique shouted as her fellow witch chanted.

The four of us continue to struggle against the strong magic of the ancestors, but we eventually get back up.

"Nik you and I are going to have to find a way around, Elijah, Kat keep moving forward" I ordered as Nik and I ran in opposite directions to try and get to our little girl.

"Well, well, well what do we have here" I sneer; as I spot Genevieve picking up the knife she was planning on using to kill my daughter.

I kick the knife from her hand, causing her to scream in pain, I then lift her by the neck and throw her into a tomb. I turned and saw my daughters tiny fists raised in the air, I was so close that I could smell her unique scent she smelled like wildflowers; I made a run for her, only to be stopped by a crushing pain in my scull. I screeched in agony as I fell to my knees.

I looked up to see an iron spike being propelled through the air, the spike stabbed the blonde witch through the stomach, the force of the throw, pushing the witch back into the concrete tomb the spike impaling into the tomb also.

Monique runs and grabs the dagger I had knocked from Genevieve's hand, the brat runs to, the alter and hold's it over my new-born baby.

"NOOO!!!" I roar as I stand up only to be pushed back down by Genevieve's magic. Nik, Elijah and Katherina run forward only to be stopped by huge burning flames, I continue to scream in pain but not because of the pain in my head but because my daughter was about to die, tears streamed down my face as I watched on in pure horror.

Then, it stopped.

Small cuts appeared all across Monique's body, as she started coughing up blood then she fell to the ground dead.

That's when I saw him, my little warrior my Marcellus, my son, my daughter's hero.

"Marcel" I whimpered.

"I got her mom" he whispered as he picked up the little bundle from the now bloody alter, only to disappear with her in his arms, Nik following behind him. I didn't worry as I knew she was safe with my Marcel besides I had a monster I had to exterminate. I turned around and smirked at a frozen Genevieve.

"Time to die ... Only this time its permanent" I sneered.


I stood glaring at the savage who had tried to kill my innocent daughter, she was handcuffed to the ceiling of the tomb with anti-magic cuffs, Katherina and Elijah stood behind me waiting for me to make the first move.

"Why?" I questioned.

"The ancestors left me no choice.." her sentence was cut off by her painful screams, due to me breaking both her wrists.

"You were willing to sacrifice an innocent baby for more power, and your kind call us monsters!" I hissed, grabbing a knife and stabbing her in the thigh, causing her to beg for me to stop unfortunately for her I didn't listen.

"No, not just power! It was the ancestors' decree. It was her decree" Genevieve panted, as she squirmed in discomfort. Elijah stepped forward and grabbed Genevieve roughly by the face forcing her to look at him.

"It was whose decree?" my brother questioned or more demanded.

"I'm surprised you have to ask" she laughed weakly.

"After all, you were the one who convinced your siblings to consecrate her on New Orleans soil" Elijah let go of her, disgusted, as he realized who she was talking about.

"Why does your mother insist on destroying me even in death? She was the one who made it so I could one day give birth to my child, a child I thought she had taken from me. Why didn't she just let my daughter die a thousand years ago if she was going to kill her anyway" I shouted as I threw things around the tomb furiously.

"Little one" Elijah spoke as he pulled me into his arms trying to calm me.

"This isn't the end. As long as that child lives, the witches of New Orleans will never stop coming for it. Esther will never stop coming for it. It has been decreed - your baby will be consecrated among her ancestors. She will not live" Genevieve cries as she starts to bleed from her eyes.

"My child is no longer your concern" I spat at the witch pulling myself from Elijah's grip.

"They're coming for me, I can feel it. I failed them. Understand - I just wanted to live. Tell Klaus... I'm sorry."

"Nik doesn't want your apology I know that for a fact. I've told you numerous times love, Niklaus will never want you because he will always be mine" I coldly told her, I then took the knife she used to try and kill my daughter and plunged it into her heart, I watched her take her last breath before leaving the tomb to go to my husband and daughter.


I walked into the compound to find it littered with dead vampires, looks like Francesca and her wolves did a number on the vampires of New Orleans.

"Mom" I heard behind me, I spun around and caught sight of my beautiful amazing saviour of a son. I rushed forward and pulled him into a bone crushing hug as I cried on his shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you ..." I said over and over as I kept him close to me.

"I did it for them, so Klaus would heal them ... but I was too late" he told me gesturing to the dead vampires, as tears streamed down his caramel cheeks.

"I know, and I'm sorry they didn't make it, but you still saved her, you saved your sister" I smiled wiping his tears away, like I used to do when he was a child.

"Sister" he laughed.

"Your still my son, nothing will change that" I whispered pulling his head down so I could kiss his forehead.

"I love you Marcellus" I told him.

"Love you too mom, now go give my unnamed sister some of that love" he joked, pushing me towards the stairs; I grabbed his hand and gave it one last squeeze before rushing up the stairs.

I walked into mine and Nik's bedroom, where I was met with the most beautiful sight I had ever seen in my thousand years on earth, sitting on the old antique armchair was the love of my life my husband, in his arms wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket was our little girl, our wildflower.

"She's been waiting for you" Nik said startling me.

"How do you know?" I questioned in a daze as I stared at our girl, her bright blue eyes meeting mine.

"She's tired, yet she won't sleep, she's fighting it" he chuckled standing up and placing her in my slightly shaking arms.

I took Nik's place in the rocking chair, holding her close to me. I leaned down and kissed her tiny head, I was immediately hit with the scent of wildflowers. I grinned as happy tears leaked down my cheeks; after all we had been through in this city I finally felt at peace.

"She needs a name angel" Nik said running his fingers over her little tuft of hair.

"Eden" I said.

"Eden?" he smirked.

"Yes, she's our paradise Nik, our peace in this hectic world, she's our Eden. Eden Tatia Mikaelson" I whispered.

"It's perfect just like her, just like you" he whispered kissing Eden's head and then kissing my lips softly as we watched our wildflower drift off to sleep.








Leave a comment and let me know what you thought?

What do you think of Eden Tatia Mikaelson?

Gif of Thyra above and gif of Klaus & Eden included ^^



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