Ebony. (GirlxGirl.)

By angelicliterature

40.5K 1.7K 168

Ebony Jean and Honey Alvarez come from two different backgrounds, but one of them keep it a deep dark secret... More

Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter one.

8.9K 188 34
By angelicliterature

I'll be switching point of views in the story. Girl on Girl action! Comments and votes are appreciated, greatly. A little drug use like weed, but that's it.
I hope you enjoy.


"Mummy, I'm leaving for school." I stated, kissing her cheek.
"Please, stay safe. I'll be gone before you get back home. Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?" My mom asked, her thick Haitian accent lacing every word she says. I looked just like my mother, dark skin, thick kinky hair, dark brown eyes and full nose and lips.
Did I mention the dark skin?
My parents are from Port Au Prince, Haiti. I was born there, too, but moved to America before I could even develop an accent.
That still didn't stop me from being made fun of my entire life. Because of my very dark skin and way of life, with the voodoo and church and even the hairstyles I wore, I was teased and taunted. I would get called a booty scratcher, and that I eat shit and put curses on people.
I thought it would stop in high school, but it didn't.
I honor my culture and my family, despite the teasing and taunting. My skin color is something I can not control.
But sometimes, I just wish I was a little lighter. Maybe a little prettier.
My mother and father are going back to Haiti to help my family out, and they don't know how long they'll be staying. They wanted to take me with them, but I decided to stay for school. One thing my parents taught me was to honor my education, no matter what. I've never missed a day of school, I've always hit first honors and principals list, and I never failed a test.
"Yes, I'll be fine. I'll call you when I can, and you call me, okay? I love you." I smiled.
"Pray for a safe trip, Cherie. By the grace of God, we'll get there safely."
I walked out of the house and caught the city bus to school.
It's my first day of senior year. I'm in a new school, because my parents decided to move out of the Bronx, to queens. To say I was excited to graduate was an understatement. I already knew what I wanted to do in college, which was to become a nurse like my mom wants me to.
I listened to music while on the bus and looked around. People were sleeping, some were standing and reading their newspapers.
One thing about living in this city is that people are always busy. They're always out and about, whether it's on the bus or the train. Some people carry briefcases, or book bags.
I wish I was busy.
All I do is go to school, go home and do chores. I don't have friends that want to hang out with me, but I'm fine with that. It's my routine.
I got off the bus and walked into the large school building, going straight to my first class.
As we went over the syllabus for the class, I felt someone staring at me, so I turned around and linked eyes with a girl with honey colored skin. Her hair was huge. A thick, light brown, maybe even blondish frizzy Afro sitting on top of her pretty head. Her eyes were big and bright and she smiled at me with pink lips and shiny teeth.
I looked away and stared at the desk as I felt my stomach do backflips while my heart skipped a beat.
I've never seen anyone more beautiful in my life.
She's a girl. Your mother would kill you.
I blinked rapidly and kept my face straight for the rest of the period.

She has every class with me. She even sits in front of me in one. History.
Her hair smells like coconuts and fruit and I couldn't help but let my eyes roll back as I smelled it.
She's a girl, Ebony. That's against the church, and your parents' beliefs.
I kept thinking that over and over as I walked to the lunch room, standing on the line. I pulled out my cash and paid for my lunch, when I smelt it.
Coconuts and tropical fruits.
I exhaled and walked to a table and sat by myself.
Then the chair squeaked.
I looked up and saw her small face and big hair, her eyes burning into mine with a glint in them. Her lips were in a sly smirk.
"What's your name?" She asked, licking her lips.
"Ebony." I replied. She put her hand on her cheek and smirked, her dimples deep.
"Fits you, perfectly, beautiful chocolate drop." She grinned. I rolled my eyes.
"Really? Beautiful chocolate drop? I'm out." I giggled.
"I'm Honey Brianna Alvarez." She stated. I narrowed my eyes.
"Is your name really Honey?" I asked. She nodded, sipping her soda.
"Yes, ma'am. What's your middle and last name, Nubian Queen?" She asked.
"Ebony monaè Jean." I responded, lightly. She grinned, touching my hand. I moved it away and glared at her.
"I'm not gay." I stated firmly. I watched her eyes widen, before a large smile sat on her face.
"And who said I was, chocolate pie?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and looked away.
"Yes you are. I've heard about you." I lied. She laughed loudly.
"Oh really? It's only the first day..I guess word does travel fast. But that's weird, because I was in your class all day and didn't hear one word come from your mouth. Or anyone else's toward you." She spoke, biting her large pink bottom lip.
Stop staring.
Honey noticed me staring and her grin widened, and I looked at her eyes and they were darker.
"I'm a sight for sore eyes, huh?" She asked cockily, winking. I scoffed.
"My eyes aren't sore, and you're just as basic lookin' so don't flatter yourself, honey." I grinned.
I saw something flicker in her eyes and they weren't as magnetic as before. She looked down, before shooting me another smile.
Before Honey could say anything, a girl skipped toward us and grilled me.
"Hey, honey boo boo." She grinned, kissing Honey's cheek.
My heart sank to my stomach even though it shouldn't have.
The girl had Bantu knots in her head, her dashiki stopping mid thigh, and her gladiator sandals against her caramel skin.
She's beautiful.
I looked down at my lunch and stuck a fry in my mouth, vaguely.
I want to go home and eat real food.
Art was last period and I couldn't be more excited. I loved to draw and paint. It helped me get away from the world.
I decided to paint my old house in the Bronx. It wasn't done, but from the way people were staring, it looked good.
My parents don't really appreciate art. They want something that involves true education, like math and science.
Too bad their daughter paints in secret.
"This is beautiful." I heard Honey say. My body broke into goosebumps and looked over at her.
"Thanks." I said dryly.
She looked at me, her face serious, before looking back at the painting.
"Picasso.." She dragged, before giggling lowly.
I noticed her eyes were red when she looked back at me.
The bell rang and our eyes broke away from each other. I grabbed my things and l walked out of the school building as fast as I could.
I reached home and called out for my mom, before realizing she was gone for God knows how long. I huffed and looked around the small house, before walking up to my room in the attic. I put on some slippers and walked downstairs and heated some food.
It's the first day and I'm already through. Why? I don't know.
Who names their child Honey? That's just odd. Maybe it's because of her skin.
Her skin is perfect. It's light and clear just the way I want mine. Too bad I can't have it.
I grew angry and closed my eyes, before grabbing my plate and sitting in the living room.
She needs to get out of my head.
But why is she suddenly apart of every thought in just a matter of one day?
Lord, forgive me.


I thought about Ebony as I walked inside of my house.
She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, and I want to tell her that.
Her skin was like chocolate and I love chocolate.
Her lips were plump and all I wanted to do was feel how soft they were.
I'm going to make her mine.
I sighed and looked around the three story house and walked into the kitchen.
"Are you packed up for your fathers house?" My mom asked. I looked at the woman and glared at her.
"Yeah. When are you guys coming back?" I asked.
"Whenever Henry's meeting ends. You know how it is, Honey. You can't expect it to be easy owning a company that's worldwide." She stated, crossing her arms.
"But it's my birthday on Saturday. What about Ashley? Why can't she stay and I watch her?" I asked.
Ashley was my half little sister. My mother and step father had her together when I was fourteen.
My mom had me at the young age of fifteen, to my father who was two years older than her. My mother and father met eachother when she was on the wrong side of the city by herself. They, quote, 'fell in love', and fell right out after I was born.
My mother hates me, because her family does.
Know why?
Because I'm half black. My father happened to be African American. Tall and dark skinned. My mother is Irish and Italian. Everyone except my little sister dislikes me.
Ashley loves me. She's small with big green eyes and curly blonde hair.
"Why can't I come?" I asked.
"You have school. Don't ask dumb questions. Go do something with your life." She snapped. I walked up to my room and shut my door, locking it.
My family is one of the richest people in the world. They own a company that runs world wide.
I never tell anyone, though. I never tell anyone who my mom and step dad are, and I never tell anyone that I'm half white.
That's my darkest secret.
I'm scared of the way people will look at me. My mother already hates me, and the way I look.
I looked in the mirror and took out my brown contacts, staring at my green eyes, before pulling off the headband that I had on. I took a make up wipe and removed all the concealer I had, until my freckles on my nose were visible.
I felt the tears prick at my eyes and removed the binder and girdle I had on under my clothes, exposing my breasts and wide, but slim hips and my large butt.
I hid it all.
I walked into my bathroom and took a shower, washing my hair and scrubbing my skin.
I looked in the mirror and stared at my long curly hair that sat below my shoulders, to my elbow. I sniffed and combed out my curls, before blow drying it until it was large and frizzy. I wrapped it up in a large bun and walked out.
I got dressed in some pajamas and walked downstairs, watching my step father put my sisters jacket on.
"When are you guys coming back?" I asked.
"In a couple of weeks. Don't do anything reckless. Donna will be here in the morning. I expect you to be at your dads house, tonight. You have your bank card, so you're fine." Mom snapped.
"Fine." I breathed.
"I don't know why you do your hair like that, it's so fucking ugly." She snapped.
"Why are you cursing? Ashley is right there!" I yelled. Her face turned red.
"Why are you yelling? Huh?" She asked, picking up a shoe. She threw it at me and I moved out the way, hearing her laugh.
"Pick it up, slave." Henry stated. My moms laugh filled the air as she walked out the house, our maid carrying out their luggage.
"She clearly forgot who her master was."
I shut my eyes and felt the tears stream down my face as the door shut.
"Hey, it's okay, Honey." Donna stated. I shook my head, wiping my face.
"Im sorry." I breathed, looking into her blue eyes. She wiped a tear from my face.
"Your uber will be here, soon."
"Thank you, Donna. You can go home early, tonight." I breathed. She smiled appreciatively.
My uber came and I grabbed my things, going into the car.
My father lived on the north side of queens. The 'hood', if that's what you want to call it. My father worked a lot and wasn't home all the time, which was fine. We don't really talk, anyway.
He's nicer to me than my mom is, as long as I don't touch his weed.
I unlocked the door and shut it.
"Paul?" I called out.
He wasn't here.
I sighed and walked to the basement where I sleep and pulled out the bed from the couch.
I prayed and went to sleep, hoping for a better day, tomorrow.


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