Web Of Twisted Truths...

By background21

75.9K 4K 734

A man walking into the forest like he owns it with his face covered with all the anger in the whole world if... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Neetha's note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26


6.4K 196 25
By background21

*Third Person Pov*

"What do you mean you can't find my daughter this soon? It's been two days! What are you all doing?" Victor asked, surprising everyone in a normal tone unlike his words which he is uttering.

"We are doing our best, sir!" Mark said nodding at him.

"Okay! I expect only that." Victor commented and everyone saluted the sergeant major before continuing their work to know where his twelve year old daughter was taken by the kidnappers.

"Sir! We got a location." Suddenly a guy said and everyone waited to know the answer.

"Your daughter's locket is in a forest and it is a terrorist prone area as per our reports from the past few months." He said and everyone stilled waiting for Victor's reaction.

"I need my daughter here, along with their death to dare to taking away a sergeant major's daughter. Understood?" Victor asked, looking at each one of them.

"Sir! Sergeant first class (SFC) is here." Sam said entering the room along with a man.

"Okay! Then explain him the situation before leaving for the mission." Victor said, nodding at them and started walking towards the door but stopped reaching near the door.

"And I need her unharmed." He added and everyone rushed to start the plan.

"Let's go!" their Sergeant first class said after a few minutes.

"But we are still deciding on how to enter and return inside that area." Mark said frowning at him.

"She is a kid who is with the terrorists and she doesn't need some plan using which we reach her. She just needs us there to help her and bring her back safe." He said continuing to pack his weapons.

"Any other point to discuss?" he asked, moving towards the door.

"No, Sir!" everyone shouted and they all followed him towards the helipad to leave immediately.

"Will you tell me today?" Sam asked, rushing with him.

"What?" SFC asked, frowning.

"How you became SFC so fast?" Sam asked and SFC shook his head not wishing to deal with all this.

"Show them you are best and that's it." SFC shrugged before getting inside the helicopter.

"But you will lose this position soon." Sam said nodding at him.

"Why?" upon hearing his response Sam grinned.

"Because Mark is really pissed off at you for not giving him the importance of being your senior. Who knows what will happen to you." Sam said winking.

"Who cares what he thinks? For all of us you are the leader." Peter said, sitting near to them.

"Focus!" that's all SFC said before staring outside.

"Target is moving, Sir. Over!" SFC heard and then glanced at the side where he is on the ground to see a little girl being surrounded by a few men.

"The person who shot at the man we saw and alerted them must answer me when we return." SFC ordered and started crawling towards the girl along with two other of his team without making any sounds.

"Sir! Many targets coming towards the helicopter." SFC heard another voice.

"Finish them off!" SFC said and continued his work.

"What is going on there?" one of the men shouted hearing a shot and they all rushed towards the sound leaving back two members.

"Hello!" SFC said, standing up while looking at the girl before knocking the other two with the help of his members while she stared at me.

"Are you fine? Let's go!" he said, moving towards the girl, but she moved back.

"I am coming from your Dad." He added and showed his uniform he wore below his bullet proof.

He then glanced at the system present before moving towards it and frowned deeply. He took a deep breath shuffling the system and returned to see the girl waiting for him not allowing the other two to reach near her.

However, she allowed him to reach near her and they both together started walking away towards the helicopter, but stopped seeing a huge shooting between his team and the terrorists.

"Girl is safe and I am going the other way." He said before moving towards the opposite side along with the two members.

"Why are you so happy, sir?" Peter asked when they seem to be away from the danger.

"I found something which will change everything." That's all SFC replied before opening his phone.

"Sir! Your daughter is safe and there is something very important which would need your attention regarding the country affairs." SFC said when Victor lifted the call.

"Deception?" Victor asked and waited for the reply.

"Yes!" SFC replied and victor eyes widened before asking him to return soon.

"What is your name? Are you okay?" SFC asked, staring at the girl walking beside him.

When she remained silent, he shook his head and said "My name is Andrew!"

"Olivia!" she replied in a whisper.

"Okay! Tell me when you are feeling tired." Andrew said and she nodded before they continued their walk.

"Why don't we rest? It is even dark right now." Peter suggested and Andrew thought for a second before nodding.

"You sleep here." Andrew said, adjusting the leaves a little before moving away, but stopped when he felt her hand.

"No!" she mumbled in a small voice and he nodded before settling beside her staring around while she slept after sometime when she realized he is not going to leave.

"We are very near." Andrew said, smiling at her, but she seems to be hesitant to even go near her father's place.

"No!" she mumbled again when they were climbing the stairs and felt herself falling down into the depths.

"Olivia!" Andrew asked in shock tone holding her unconscious body before lifting her up.

"What happened?" he heard Victor's voice and turned to see him walking near to them with a frown.

"She is unconscious." Andrew replied before handing her over to her father.

"Doctor!" Victor ordered and they all went inside while Andrew waited for the soldiers to reach back.

"What is the situation?" he asked the moment he saw his team along with Mark walking towards them.

"A few ran, but many died." Mark replied and Andrew sighed in relief.

"Even our two men died." He added and Andrew nodded hiding his feelings.

"No!" Everyone heard a shout and turned to see Victor walking outside the building.

"She is dead." He replied in a tone like he can't believe it himself.

"What? How could that happen?" Andrew asked with shocked tone.

"Even I want to know. Weren't you the one who brought her? What happened on the way?" Victor asked.

"And why did only three were there to bring her back?" he added staring at Andrew.

"The others were fighting." Andrew replied, still not believing the words.

"Because we didn't have a plan regarding how to reach them and how to return because of SFC." Mark commented making Victor face fume.

"Do you understand what happened? She died!" Victor said, staring at Andrew.

"I am sure he is not the reason for it along with the two dead soldiers." Peter said frowning at Victor.

"He is! And he is going to be demoted." Victor said making everyone look at him in shock.

"What? But I didn't do anything." Andrew said not being able to keep calm.

"You are to be demoted immediately under the suspicion of you being with the terrorists and under the carelessness regarding your duty and men." Victor continued.

"However, to have a safety regarding the many secrets of the military forces you are to be required to withdraw a certain amount from the bank every month which will be deposited by me. So that there will be a track of you if we get strong proofs regarding your involvement with terrorists and also the forces will be behind you when you fail to withdraw the money." He added before walking inside with weak stature while Andrew got rooted to his place hearing his future from that moment.


hey guys... i know little long for a prologue but it just happened and i hope it was not boring... so, what do u think? 

how is the chap?

comment plz and vote...

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