Boku No Hero Academia X Reade...

onepunchdeku द्वारा

164K 2.7K 1.3K

Since I have actually gotten really into Boku No Hero Academia, I decided to write a xreader! I hope you guys... अधिक

They saw you naked
They got into a fight
They found you crying

They tell you a pick up line

21.9K 509 413
onepunchdeku द्वारा

|| (F/F)= Favorite food||

Shouta Aizawa
It was starting to be an amazingly great day for (Y/N), so seeing she was having a great day she wanted to make even greater so (Y/N) decided to drop by and visit her lovely hero of a boyfriend while his students went out and had lunch in the cafeteria which this lead the two in the empty classroom alone together. The small female quietly looked and walked around the empty class while her scruffy looking boyfriend was standing by his desk "(Y/N)." Aizawa said rather bluntly but dully which caught the attention of the short female who seemed to looking around the huge classroom. "Yes?" She questioned curiously as she looked at him before (Y/N) then looked off to the side for a moment or two as she looked around the class once again until she then looked back at him, walking over to Aizawa and keeping her bright, happy (E/C) eyes on him. "You know my quirk right?" He questioned as his tired looking dark gray eyes looked at her which (Y/N) simply nodded as she then turned her body to him fully, seeing that he hid his face more behind the cloths that hung loosely around his neck. "Well, you know these cloths are strong and may be good for catching villain and evildoers but you know these are also good for tying a certain person up~" He said in a somewhat flirty but shy tone as his eyes averted off to the side. (Y/N) knew what he meant and what he was trying to say which she then had a tint of pink form on her cheeks as she looked at Aizawa walking up to him until she was then standing right in front of him, almost chest to chest with him. "Aizawa." (Y/N) said simply yet bluntly as she looked up at him which caught his attention as he had a light blush formed upon his cheeks as he looked down at his small girlfriend, his face peeking out a bit of the cloths he hid behind. "Why are you being perverted?" She asked bluntly yet curiously which this took the male by surprised as he was ready to speak for his actions until the one and only Present Mic came into the room with his nonchalant and chill figure, a smile plastered on his face. "Hello, (Y/N)! Hello, Aiza-" He began to say loudly until Aizawa put his quirk into work, seeing rage fill his now crimson red eyes. "I'm going to kill you, Mic." He said bluntly yet darkly as he then approached Present Mic who then darted away from the classroom out of pure fear with Aizawa chasing after him out of pure rage. "I'LL NEVER ASK YOU FOR A PICK UP LINE EVER AGAIN, YOU ALL MIGHTY PERVERT!!" Aizawa yelled as he chased after Present Mic which left (Y/N) to watch as he chased after him as she stepped out of the class, wondering how such a dirty pick up line could lead to such a current event as some of the other teachers/hero's peeked out there empty classrooms to see the commotion that going on before the students would have to see this for themselves. "Oh, Aizawa.." (Y/N) said with a sheepish sigh as she watched him go after Present Mic.

Katsuki Bakugou
"Oi, (Y/N)." A deep but loud voice called out which caught the small female's attention as she was currently eating her (F/F). (Y/N) then had a strong arm wrap around her small shoulders as the ash blonde headed male sat down close to her, his amber red eyes checking her out a bit as he looked at her. "Yes, Bakugou?" (Y/N) questioned her boyfriend curiously as she quietly got back to eating her food, wondering why Bakugou, her hot head of a boyfriend just suddenly came up to her and sat down with her. "You want to know what me and grenades have in common?" Bakugou questioned curiously which (Y/N) was hesitant but simply nodded as she then reached out and took a sip of her (F/D). He smirked devilishly and leaned into her ear, his warm breath against her ear made a tint of pink form upon her cheeks which he noticed and had a devious gleam in his eyes. "We make people explode unexpectedly~" Bakugou said in a deep, husky whisper which this almost made (Y/N) choke on her (F/D) but she quickly swallowed her drink and immediately looked at him with a rather surprised look on her face, her (E/C) eyes widen a bit. "WHY ARE YOU SAYING STUFF LIKE THAT?!" She exclaimed confusedly with a now bright blush on her face, making (Y/N) look almost like a cute tomato which this took Bakugou by surprise as he looked at her, a tint of pink covering his cheeks as Bakugou looked at (Y/N) with a rather embarrassed look on his face. "BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT COUPLES DO, BESIDE EEL BOY TOLD ME TO SAY IT!!" Bakugou exclaimed back as he then pointed at Denki as he pulled (Y/N) closer to him with his arm that was still wrapped upon her shoulders. "First, off I'm not a ee-" Denki began to say rather calmly until the two shot a glare over at him and interrupted him. "SHUT UP, YOU PERVERTED PIKACHU!" The two said in such sync it silenced him as Kaminari then tried to take in the new cursed nickname he was given as the people around the couple were laughing their asses off.

Midoriya Izuku
"Um...(Y/N)?" The curly haired male asked which caught (Y/N)'s attention away from her (F/F) that she was eating. "Yes, Midoriya?" She questioned softly yet curiously as her (E/C) eyes looked at him to see Midoriya was seemingly shy or flustered to say something as he was slightly fiddling away at his fingers a bit. "You know about my quirk and all, right?" He asked which (Y/N) then nodded simply as she looked back down at her food and proceeded to eat once again, enjoying the good flavors as she ate it. "Well, you know I will smash evil guys pretty hard, you know? But it seems that you're the only one I would smash gently~" Midoriya said softly yet flirtatiously which (Y/N) almost choked on her food as she then looked at her too pure of a boyfriend, showing that he was now greatly embarrassed of what he just said, his face almost completely red as he looked at (Y/N). "Midoriya, did someone tell you to say that?" She asked curiously yet sternly which he immediately nodded as a bright blush covered his face completely. "Ah, yes! Kaminari said that you would-" Midoriya began to say until (Y/N) immediately stood up and grabbed her precious boyfriend, holding him close as she stood there "YOU EEL, STOP TRYING TO MAKE MY CINNAMONROLL OF BOYFRIEND PERVERTED!!" She yelled as she pointed at Kaminari who literally facepalmed and hid his face in his hands out of shame as Kaminari was yet again called by that curse of a nickname which this made the people at the table he sat with and others around them laugh loudly and snicker to themselves.

Eijiroi Kirishima
"(Y/N)!" The spiky, red headed male exclaimed happily with a wide, happy grin plastered on his face as Kirishima then came around and then hugged his lovely girlfriend's shoulders before he then let her go for a moment, plopping himself down in the chair beside of (Y/N) as Kirishima then wrapped his arm around her shoulders while she ate. "Hello, Kirshima." She said softly and smiled gently at him before she then turned back to her food and got back to eating. "You know about my awesome quirk, right?" He asked hesitantly yet curiously which she simply nodded and looked at him before (Y/N) looked back down at her food. "Well you know I can make parts of my body hard but..." Kirishima trailed off as a smirk then plastered his lips and leaned into his beloved girlfriend's ear. "But there's one part of my body that can't get hard without your help~" He cooed ever so smoothly in her ears which this made her blush greatly as she swallowed her food and looked at him shyly. "Why are you being perverted?" (Y/N) asked curiously yet sheepishly which Kirishima looked at her surprisingly and immediately shook his hands in front of him ad some sort of defense. "N-No! Kaminari said that I should tell you a pickup line for o-once!" Kirishima exclaimed, stammering a slight bit as he gestured over to Kiminari with his thumb pointing at him. "Kirishima." She said bluntly which this made the made flinch a slight bit as he looked at her. "Why would you listen to that eel? You don't need to tell me a pickup line when I'm already your girlfriend." (Y/N) said rather nonchalantly before she then looked down at her food and got back to quietly eating while Kirishima couldn't help but somewhat gush over his girlfriend's words while Kaminari looked over at her, her words piercing through him like glass and knives as he broke on the inside.

Denki Kaminari
"(Y/N)..." A whine escaped the yellowish blonde headed males lips as he was pestering his girlfriend who was a bit busy with eating her (F/F). (Y/N) ignored Kaminari as she continued to eat until she then felt a strong yet slender arm around (Y/N)'s waist as she was then brought closer to Kaminari which this caught her attention as she then stopped eating and glanced over at her boyfriend who was now leaning towards her ear. "You know, when you don't pay attention to me, you sort off light a spark in me. Rather shocking, isn't it?" He whispered huskily as he was about to lean in some more and continue on with his shitty pickup lines until (Y/N) quickly pulled away from him and looked at him with a dark hue of red on her cheeks that looks rather good with her (S/C) skin tone. "W-Why are you telling me pick up lines?!" (Y/N) stammered shyly as he then placed his hands on her shoulders as he had a cute pout on his face. "You weren't paying attention to me, (Y/N)!" Kaminari whined like a child as his girlfriend looked at him confusedly, wondering why her boyfriend felt the need to tell her a pickup line when they are already dating. "Why are you even dating that eel?" Mineta asked in a smartass of a way as the people around their table snickered at the nickname that had been given to the male. Kaminari was about to mope over the fact he was called by that cursed nickname until suddenly (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Kaminari's head as she then pulled his head to her chest. "Don't talk to me or my beloved eel until your balls finally drop, you pervert..." She said coldly as she gave him a rather intense glare which got Mineta sinking in his seat while Kaminari was in awe by his girlfriend's words and soft breast.

Iida Tenya
"(Y/N)!" Iida exclaimed loudly out of nowhere which surprised his one and only, (Y/N) who almost choked on the (F/F) she was just eating away at. "Iida! Don't surprise me like that! What is it?" She stated as she saw the male having a tint of pink spread across his cheek as looked at (Y/N). His dark, navy blue eyes averted off to the side as he then turned his head to the side, pushing up his glasses as he did this as a small smile formed upon his lips. "You know my legs might be pretty fast and all..." Iida said as he trailed off his words which this confused (Y/N) a bit as she looked at him until his gaze met hers. "But my hips can move faster~" He said smoothly as he then winked at his somewhat still confused girlfriend. "Iida, stop listening to Kaminari for pick up lines." (Y/N) said bluntly as she looked back down at her food and got back to eating before she then reached out and grabbed his hand, interlacing her fingers with his as she held his hand. "Besides, I bet your hips move faster than your legs..~" She teased her now embarrassed boyfriend as he just averted his gaze down to the table as Iida then got to eating his lunch.

Ojiro Mashirao
"Hey, (Y/N)." Oijro said softly as he gently nudged his beloved girlfriend in the arm with his soft tail as she then looked over at Ojiro and away from her (F/F). "Yes, Ojiro?" (Y/N) asked curiously yet giving him a genuine gentle smile as she looked at Oijro which this made a beautiful light hue of pink form on his cheeks as he then turned his head, looking off to the side as he then placed his hand upon her. The light blonde headed male's fingers slowly interlaced with (Y/N)'s which this made a tint of pink from on her cheeks as she then looked at him confusedly. "You know, my tail is big and strong..." Oijro began to say as he trailed off a bit which this confused her a bit more until Ojiro then turned his head back at her, looking  at her as he then leaned in a slight bit with a small smile on his kissable lips "But you wanna know what's bigger than my tail?~" He cooed ever so smoothly which (Y/N) looked at him surprisingly for a moment or two until she began to giggle a bit, making him looked at her confusedly as a much more bright and deeper blush form on his cheeks. "You really shouldn't listen to the pickup lines that Kaminari tells you." She said softly as she then leaned in and gave him a small peck on his cheek before she then leaned back and looked back down at her (F/F) as she then began to eat happily while she held her now embarrassed boyfriends hand, Oijro looking at her her for a moment or two before he then looked down at his food with his flustered self and began to eat rather quietly.

Shouto Todoroki
(Y/N) smiled to herself as she was eating her (F/F) beside her loving boyfriend, seemingly showing she wasn't able to have breakfast that morning to the fact she was in a rush as she didn't want to end up late for any of her morning classes. "(Y/N)." A mildly deep voice said rather nonchalantly yet bluntly as a rather cold hand was placed on her knee which this made (Y/N) flinch a bit before she then looked away from her (F/F) and looked over at Shouto as his gaze seemed rather serious and intense, his blue and dark brown heterochromia eyes seemed to just stare straight through (Y/N). "Yes, Shouto?" She questioned the male curious as (Y/N) looked at him curiously yet confusedly, wondering why he looked so serious. "I know I act cold at times and all.." Shouto began to say as he trailed off leaning into her ear, his warm breath against (Y/N)'s neck made chills go up her spine. "But you know, you're the only one that could ever make me hot and bothered~" He cooed which (Y/N) leaned back at bit, looking at him surprisingly. "Shouto, why are you saying such dirty stuff?" She asked as her hand was then placed on his chest. Shouto froze as his eyes widened a bit to her question "I'm going to kill that eel." He said bluntly as he then stood until (Y/N) grabbed his hands and pulled him back down to sit back down right beside her. "Don't mind Kaminari, you should've known not to listen to any of the pick up lines he tells you." She said softly as she leaned up at bit and kiss the top of his head. "Just let it go and eat." (Y/N) said simply as she got back to eating while she held her boyfriend's hand as he sat there, giving serious death glares to poor old Kaminari who was now shakened with fear of Shouto.


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