Random Things (Some Short Sto...

By EmuLamimu

90 18 7

These are some short stories I write when I get an idea. I usually don't have rough drafts, so if its written... More

Bogus Haunted House (Chapter 1)
Explosion (Chapter 2)
Jumping Universes (Chapter 3)
The Noise Ruins the Darkness
Trash, Carbon Dioxide, and Animal Cyborgs
Nature's Game
Damn parasites.
The Change
I Don't Even Know Anymore...

This Side of You

5 2 2
By EmuLamimu

How many of these have you done?

I was with you every time. We hear the footsteps of our next prey in the creaking house.

Alright, its go time.

We slowly inch out of our hiding place, avoiding all the bad floorboards. The conversation of the prey in the other room is heard.
"This is super freaky, Jake." She scratched her arm, feeling goosebumps all along it.

"Calm down. It's a super easy way to get 5 dollars, let's just get it over with." Jake could see Ali glancing around rapidly. "All we have to do is get to the back yard and take a picture of it." He shrugs, making Ali frown.

"Where even is the back yard?" She glanced around at all the doors, not finding anything obvious.

"Hm... This way." Jake points to the right-most door in front of them.

"Shame the fence was too high to just jump over." Ali remarks as they open the door.
They're going for the back yard.

Let's freak them out a bit in the house. Then, when they run for the back yard, bam.

What if they run for the front of the house?

We won't let that happen, then.
As they enter the room, the creaks in the house seemed to multiply ten-fold. Ali shivers, while Jake inspects the room.

"This seems to be the kitchen." And indeed it did seem that way, the ancient stove and dated counters didn't lie.

"Then there should be a door in here." The only door in the room was one that seemed to lead deeper in the house.

Jake shrugged again. "Welp, we minus well check it out." As he went near it, a crash was heard behind them.

"What was that!" Ali checked behind them, as did Jake. Thumping sounds started coming closer to them from above their heads.

"The attic! I think there's something in the attic!" Jake cried out, as he grabed Ali and dragged her toward the door on the left of them. They launch through it, and before them was a walk in cabinet for canned goods.

Ali felt at the end of the tiny space for a possible door. "Its a dead end!" As they're about to leave again, a large thunk is heard in the kitchen. They stop breathing, and as quietly as they can, they sit and wait.
They've got to be in here.

Your the one with the sense of smell. Sniff them out!

There's to much dust. We cough, and when the fit is done, we notice a door.

Let's play.
When whatever on the other side of the door coughs, they freeze more, somehow. When it stops coughing, it stops moving as well. It takes a step closer to the door.

"Little birdies, all we want to do is play." Its gruff, almost metallic voice echo lightly around the kitchen. They don't risk speaking, but a silent look between them is words enough. It knows were here!

It stomps closer, and it stops in front of the door. It then slowly opens the door knob, and Ali, who was behind Jake, scoots behind a pile of flour bags. As Jake looks behind him, feeling Ali move, the door creaks open.

The creature revealed was a terrifying monster, part reptilian, part cyborg. It was taller than the door frame, and one eye was a robotic eye. All down its spine and stomach were shiny plates of metal, with spikes going down the spine. Its arms and legs were enhanced as well, with its wings folded behind its back. But the most spine-chilling part of it was its regular eye, a deep crimson red, with a void for a pupil.

When it spot Jake, its eye shrunk to a thin slit, and it grinned a toothy smile. It lunged out to grab his throat, and he screamed, launching back. Narrowly avoiding its claws, the creature roared, and went in after Jake. As it was trying to grab his throat, it hadn't noticed Ali escaping behind it.

"Over here, you lanky good for nothing rusty tin bucket!" She screamed, and the creature immediately turned around. Focused on her, Jake could wiggle out of its grip, and grabbed the nearest knife. As it was lunging at Ali, he ran up to the creature and leaped onto his back, the spikes making him bleed. It roared, and he ran the knife through his neck.

The creature stopped, growled, and flung him off. As he crash landed on the wall, Ali going over to him, it ran out of the room.

Jake groaned, and looked up at Ali. "That was pretty brave, what you did there." He could barely get the breath to say the words.

"And that was pretty brave, what you did there." She smiled, and helped him stand.

"I don't think the creature died." Jake flatly said, knowing how hard it threw him at the wall after he stabbed it.

"Well, its weakened, so maybe it went to hide." They walked through the house, retracing their steps. As they saw the exit, they heard a deep growl. Ali froze, but Jake grabbed her arm and ran for it.

Before they could reach the exit, the creature ran in front of it, with the knife still in its neck.

"I'm to hungry to play fantasy games anymore." It roared and lept at Jake once again, but didn't miss. It held down his arms and legs, and was too heavy for him to push off.

"Ali! Run for it! Go get the police!" Jake yelled at her, but she just stood there, stupidly. After he said this, the creature roared and closed its teeth around his neck, snapping its jaw shut.

The blood spurt and the sound of a chicken bone being snapped in half snapped Ali out of her daze, and she ran for the door. She threw open the door, but before she could even step on the porch the creature grabbed her neck and threw her back in, making her crash land into the opposite wall. It thuded toward her, and she shrunk smaller and smaller as it came closer.

When it reacher her, it went down on one knee and breathed in her face, staring in her closed eyes.

"This is my favorite part. The hopeless part. Its like an appetizer before the main course." It then proceeded to pry her arms and legs away from her torso, spreading them out so it could reach her gut. She uselessly tried to wiggle out of its grasp.

It used its teeth to tear open her abdomen, and she screamed. The blood, starting to pool around her, didn't stop it as it pulled out her insides and tore off huge chunks of her organs, swallowing them whole. At this point, she had fainted from pain, and it continued eating deeper into her torso. After most of her stomach, liver, and flesh had been finished, it cleaned the blood from its snout and left the ruined body to rot. It then went to the smallest bathroom, to think.
Did you really have to make that so... Bloody?

Wasn't it fun though? I sure enjoyed it. You were too, if I remember correctly.

I like a bit of fresh meat now and then, but I don't enjoy eating people alive.

They're humans from a different, non consequential universe! I would never do that in our universe.

You could have at least made her last breath more bearable.

And why should we care? One half of us growled, frustrated that any creature would care so little about life.

This is the reason why I like your human side better.

They were just two more tiny pinpricks of life compared to the human race, to the universe. They are unlimited in number. And why not make it fun? She was going to die anyway. But as one side thought that, it immediately knew it had made a mistake.

Get away from me. Get out of my body! And just as one side finished that thought, the metal plates and veins of metal running on its body seemed to melt off, just to reform as a metal four legged creature. The other body stayed basicly the same, except without any metal.

The reptilian side, with wings and snout, simply growled lightly as it created the vortex of purple gas that was a portal to their universe. The metal beast walked through first, then the scaled monster. As its tail disappeared through the gas, it folded in on itself, leaving no trace it was there.

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