Jumping Universes (Chapter 3)

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I stand before the stage, looking at all the aspiring magic and weapanry weilders.

"Not sure, but it sure does feel like we are on the top of the world, doesn't it?" The boy chuckles, taking out a gaming console and starting to play a game.

I nod, thinking this universe is fine. Everyone is distracted, so I create the purple sphere and walk through it.

I stand in darkness, and see what seems to be moving liquid. It speaks, to far away to hear, its liquid mouth vibrating with the words. Before I get sensed, I quickly move out of the universe through another purple sphere.

Standing in a spaceship, I see down the hall a row of cages, to a small boy helping out a young girl. The force field that was supposed to hold the girl in was easily broken by the boy. The boy, with brown curly hair and a shirt with a star, and the girl with blue hair and a blue dress head down another hallway. This universe is also ok, so I again create another portal and head in.

I look up to see a strangley shaped red building, with a sphere on top of a tower accompanied by a garage. A green spaceship comes out of the garage at the top, and dissapears into the colorful polluted sky. I create another portal.

I stand on a seemingly normal street, except for a strange small house connected to the neighbors houses by metal tubes. I sigh, thinking of the poor humans on this universe, made stupid because a certain alien needed to destroy them. I wish I could help him, but I have other matters to deal with, so I yet again travel universes.

At home, I greet Matt with a nod.

"Done with the book and TV universe check?"

"I wish I could help Zim. And greet Bender. There's so much I want to do!"

"As the robot of reason, you can get drunk with him after you deal with the damn snake. He wants the deal back, seeing what Harry's going to do to him.

"I'd say he copied my eyes. Which room is he in?"

"Magic Suppressor B2. I think your eyes go better with you than him."

"Thanks." I walk to room B2, greeting those evil red eyes.

"I thought we had a deal." His hiss makes me annoyed.

"Voldy, I broke it because I had enough human flesh. This deal is off, go back home. I like Harry better anyway." I create a portal and point to it. He growls, and because he knows I'm more powerful than him, he obeys.

Just a normal day in my life, dealing with different universes. I take a deep breath, and I go back to the main room, except Matt replaced by...the alternate me? Standing in a defensive position, she releases it when I'm noticed.

"Sorry for intruding." Her cyborg parts gleam, suppressing her powers. The purpilnite liquid in them glows an eery purple.

"Its ok... But how did you escape?" She lives in a timeline where the Takers succeeded, my mortal enemy that needs to overpower me to take the universe. They use purpilnite to weaken me, created from dark matter.

"They made the mistake of injecting me with purpilnite."

"Wouldn't that just make you super weak?"

"Actually, the opposite. I fuse with it, becoming powerful. It dissipates, though." She looks at her metal parts, frowning.

"Want me to get that off?"

"I don't know if you can, but you can try."

"Trying would kill her." A voice echos through the common room.

"They caught up?! Help me fight them, please." I don't know how, until an idea pops into my head.

I form my hands into a sphere, closing my eyes and meditating, thinking of only purpilnite. I feel the dark matter all around me compressing into my hands.

"It seems she doesn't want to help." The voice chuckles. A figure appears, carrying a deadly looking pistol that glows purple.

I finish creating the purpilnite, then break it in my hands. The shards break skin, making me bleed, then shatter, infusing my blood with them. My eyes widen, the pain burning up my arm. I drop the remaining shards, then fall to the floor clutching my arm.

"What? No!" He notices what I've done, and points the pistol at me and fires. The world seems to go in slow motion. I look up to see the bullet, ment to incapacitate me, move toward me. My eyes flash purple, and the bullet redirects its motion to the shooter. It hits his arm, causing him to drop the weapon and stagger back. I transform into my third form and prepare to fight.

"We are geniuses." She also prepares to fight, metal parts whiring.

Before he can call for backup, I jump at him, going through his forcefield and getting him on the floor, where he headbutts me. I recoil, and he rolls out of the way of black ice that the alternate me shoots at him. He jumps up, and I encase him in the blood that seeps out of my hands, black with glowing purple glitter. After a minute, I release it to reveal bones.

"You can stay here for now." I look over to the alternate me, eyes going back to normal.

"Thank you." She nods to me.

"And thank you for teaching me about infusing purpilnite." A pause.

"Where can I stay?"

I take her to a guest bedroom, one out of many, ment to hold characters from different universes.

"I've got to take care of some things." I start going out.

"Its been so long since I've been here." Her voice is mournful.

"Even we cannot change timelines destined to be." I walk out, closing the door.

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