An Arranged Marriage Story

By lively_1

7.3K 104 27


An Arranged Marriage Story
An Arranged Marriage Story. Part 2
An Arranged Marrige Story
An Arranged Marriage Story
An arranged Marriage story 6

An Arranged Marrige Storie Cahpter 3

1K 17 4
By lively_1

Chapter 3!!

Yay! Well hope you guys like it!

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I woke up the next day, with an arm around my waist pulling me to a chest, no doubt who that could

be, dumb ass Michael thinks he can just touch me when he wants? Well I don't think so, I moved his

arm very carefully, until it was off me, then I got off the bed and went to my closet, well OUR, god

that sounds weird, anyways, were is it, I couldn't find it through all these clothes! Not that I'm a total

girly girl, but I'm not a tomboy either, I'm kind of a combination of everything, emo, tomboy, girly girl,

gothic, mismatched stuff, I kind of like everything, I consider myself emo from the inside, but not so

much from the outside. Found it!! Wow the took a while, hmm, this will teach him to keep his hands to

himself, man I am so evil, I walked out the door with the stadium horn in hand, this is going to be

hilarious, I quietly walked up to his side put the horn by his ear.

" Five, four, three, two, one"


He jumped off the bed and fell on his face, and all this time I was laughing like there was no tomorrow,

I couldn't believe, his reaction, out of all the ones I had seen, this was by far the best! He even yelled

like a little girl when it went off, I was practically on the floor almost peeing my pants, that was the

funniest thing ever, that should teach him not to mess with me. When he saw me laughing that scared

and shocked expression was turned into rage, his once green eyes turned dark, almost black. Uh oh,

he looked really mad, good going Addie, you think after you did something wrong. I slowly got up

without breaking our eye contact, because I knew if I looked away for a second I would be dead.

Damn, he was standing six feet away from me, on my right was the door to the closet, and to the left

was the door that led to the rest of the house, I think I have a better chance if I go to the left. So I

booked it to the door on the left, and opened the door, and ran out, Michael was right behind me.

"I going to get you for that!!! Your not getting away!" he was yelling, and man did he sound mad.

Stupid stupid stupid Addie! You couldn't just let it go.

" If you hurt me I'll sew you" I said, I couldn't believe I just said that, that was the dumbest thing in

the world if I weren't under the circumstances I was in I would have laughed, but I was. I was going

for the stairs, but I was suddenly on pinned on the ground with Michael towering over me, uh oh.

" You're a little bitch you know that?" he said, what a total duche bag!

"I told you not to touch me, asshole" I don't actually recall telling him that but whatever he should

have known.

"I was sleeping!" he yelled "I can't control my body when I sleep!"

"Oh yea, right, totally forgot, do you tell that to all the girls you bring in your room?" I asked mockingly

He was so mad he started squeezing my arms, I knew later I would have bruises, and he wouldn't stop,

he kept squeezing so I did the only thing that I was sure would make him stop, I brought my knee up

to his groin, and he was immediately off me, I took the chance to get up and run to our room and lock


"I FUCKEN HATE YOU!!" he yelled.

"Don't worry I hate you too honey" I said lovingly.

"Open the door!" he yelled as he was pounding on the door.

"Nope, I don't want to die" I said

"I won't do anything I just want to take a shower and change" he said

"I'm not dumb"

"We need to meet my mother for breakfast at eleven" he said as if that was going to make me open

the door.

"I don't believe you" I said

"Call her; you'll see I'm not lying" said so I did

*Phone Call*

Ring, Ring, Ring


"Yes, Melody?"

"Yes, this is her"

"Oh hi, this is Addie"

"Oh! Hello Addie! How are you?"

"Fine thank you"

"Did Michael tell you about the breakfast, we're having?"

"Oh, yes he did, it's just that he forgot the time, that's why I'm calling"

"Oh that Michael forgets everything" she said laughing

"OK well it at eleven"

"Ok thanks; see you in a few hours!"

"Ok! Bye honey"

*End of Phone call*

I hung up, dammit!

"See I told you" he said mocking. I opened the door, and ran for the bathroom

"I'm taking a shower first" I yelled. Ha! In his face!

"You better hurry up! We need to leave in three hours!" he yelled.

It was only his mom not like she would mind if we get there a little late.

Too bad I was wrong.

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xoxox WhyCry12 XD

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