My Way? - Laurance x Reader (...

Oleh EyanneMooncrest

98.4K 3.8K 8.3K

(Y/n) is known to be a simple commoner who just lived simply. That is, after her Sophomore year. In Chemistry... Lebih Banyak

1 - Nothing Special(?)
2 - P.E
3 - Our Tree
4 - Playing Third Wheel
6 - Blinds and Curtains
7 - Losing Everything On Purpose
8 - Losing Everything On Purpose pt.2
9 - Emotions Suck
10 - To Confess or To be Prideful?
11 - It Can't Be
12 - A One-Sided Feeling
13 - Causing Own's Pain
14 - Stage Acts pt 1
15 - Stage Acts pt 2
16 - Stage Acts pt. 3; Day Off Talks
17 - Stage Acts pt. 4
18 - Stage Acts pt 4 - Breakdown
19 - Stage Acts FINALE - Forced and Faked
20 - Foot Down
21 - Dense
22 - Bird's Eye View
23 - Don't Come Any Closer
Chapter 24 - Is It Really?
25 - Sports Fest
26 - Take Me Back To My Shell
27 - Words and Actions
28 - Let's Talk
29 - Time Left

5 - Ridiculously Impossible

4.8K 158 742
Oleh EyanneMooncrest

[ (Y/n) - Your name

(A/n) - annoying nickname

(Y/c) - Your club

(Y/r) - your race / witch, werewolf, meif'wa, demon

(E/c) - eye color

(H/c) - hair color

(C/c) - color choice ]


Chapter 5 - Ridiculously Impossible

*Your POV*

   It's been two months now since the first week of school. I became more comfortable hanging with my new friends and even Eyanne got her own gang.

   At lunch, we don't separate groups anymore. We just join tables with guys and girls and we're just this big group of friends. And never have I thought to even be in one of these huge groups of people. Just like those movies I watch whenever I'm home alone.

   Laurance, Cadenza, Lucinda and Aphmau turned out to be my closest friends and with Lucinda being my best friend. She's really this sassy and outgoing girl and she's really fun to hang with. Plus, she's really chill and fun and all that.

   Laurance is really nice, though. We share the same likes for anime, sarcasm, and turns out, a lot of similar likes. He likes the same bands I do and just about that.

   Cadenza is my shipping buddy. Would've expected that to be Kawaii~Chan but she ships Aarmau and I'm all about Laurmau. I mean, who doesn't see them together? Plus, Laurance appreciates our ship! Haha!

   Aphmau is this weird and fun and open but clueless-with-love girl. She's really feisty and always gets her hair in messes she doesn't even realize.

   I've avoided Ivy for the past months and never encountered her yet. Which is good. Great, actually. I've heard about Aphmau seeing her at some times and that she also encountered the Shadow Knights a couple of times now. But she just brushes them off, sometimes even talking back. Typical Aphmau.

   "(Y/n)? Are you even listening?" Lucinda said as she waved her hand in front of me.

   "Yeah. Uhm...but just to be sure, can you please repeat everything you just said?" Me.

   "Ugh, whatever. I'm just saying that Eyanne is really good at Witchery and is my partner for this project on using our brooms. I her if I could borrow hers because the school's providing of the witches' brooms were crappy. But she said she wouldn't because she's going to use it. So I asked my mom if I could get MY broom now this year because the schools' were just not my forte. But..." She keeps babbling on like she always does and just listened to barely all of it. She's fun to be with, but her endless rants are kinda tiring.

   "Well, you can't really borrow Eyanne's because she'll be using it."

   "That's what I said."

   "Well. Okay."


   It was PE and as usual I had Cadenza, Lucinda and Laurance in this class. We finally finished first semester in volleyball and now we have basketball. Which, I am quite alright in. And everyone else, actually. Except for Lucinda, that is. She keeps complaining about her fouls that they weren't really violations and that the referee should be sued. In which, everyone just ignored. She's being such a drama queen lately..

   On my team I got Laurance while Cadenza and Lucinda on the other team. Fair share, I guess? Because Cadenza IS pretty good with shooting hoops. REALLY good, actually.

   In the end, my batch went head-to-head against Lucinda and Cadenza's batch and we won. Of course, being this werewolf guy as the MVP which is what we all expected since he was really good.

   "Laurance!" I ran to him to give him a high-five. "We won! We really did! I CANNOT believe it! We won, we won, we won!!" I keep squealing.

   "Yes, yes, we did. Calm down. How about this, because we won, I treat you at Krispy Kreme?" Laurance says. He knows it's my favorite because I literally just announced it to the whole group. But only HE knows my favorite donut.

   "YOU WILL?!" I said excitedly.

   "Yes, I will. Because I'm awesome like that." His ego-tastic statement barely even processed in my mind.

   "I shall tell Cadenza to tell your father that you have been lying!" I joke.

   "You think I'm lying? I'm really gonna buy you your donut!" He smirked.


   He laughed. I do, too. Hanging with Laurance has been amazing and even if Lucinda's my best friend, I'll dare say he's much more fun to be with.

   "So, shall I pick you up later or we could just head there after school if you want?" Laurance.

   "Let's head there after school. I cannot wait another minute for those donuts!"

   "You're gonna get fat if you keep being like that."

   "I won't! I'm physically fit." I bragged.

   "But not mentally." He teased.

   "You guys!" Cadenza called as she ran over to us with Lucinda walking behind her. "Great game. But I'll beat you next time!"

   "Whatever. Let's just get changed and head to our next class." Lucinda.

   "Lucinda's such a sport." Laurance whispered to me sarcastically as we started to walk off. I just laughed and agreed with him. It's like we've known each other for years instead of two months, we're THAT close already. Well, not really. I still haven't told anyone about my secrets and struggles.

   Anyway, it's been fun though. I thought at first I was for sure a loner but then thanks to Aphmau, I found my gang, my friends.


   After Maths with Nicole and Travis (did I mention the agony because of those freaking pollydials?), Laurance and I headed to Krispy Kreme and said our goodbyes to the group.

   "So, how was Maths? I know much you just LOVE that subject." Laurance teased as we sat in a table waiting for our donuts and drinks. His being Glazed with Caramel Frappe and mine being <insert fave drink and donut here, comment if you want>.

   "Don't freaking remind me." I said, making the depressiveness obvious in my tone.

   "What's your topic anyways?"

   "Pollydials." I rolled my eyes.

   He laughed hysterically making the people look our direction and at him like he's crazy.

   "Uhh....haha? I know, funny joke." I said aloud awkwardly. I can't pretend I don't know him his time since we're across each other at a table. And everyone knows you can't just sit across a stranger unless you're really as pathetic as Ivy. Jk!

   "You know those are 'polynomials', right? And they're basic sophomore math." He said, barely done with laughing.

   My jaw dropped. Oh. So that was why he was laughing and not because of the fact that he just lost his mind.

   "Whatever. It's not like I get it, anyways."

   "I'm dying, (Y/n)." He wipes a tear. "You know, I could teach you. I mean, I'm not that good with Maths, but at least I know something. And that would probably help your hopeless case."

   I rolled my eyes. "Rude. But I hate to admit it. I really need all the help I could get just to actually pass the class."

   "Then I'll be tutoring you during Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. At dismissals. My place or yours?"

   "Your place. I don't really appreciate that the dog can do better math than me." I pout.

   He laughed. "Don't worry. I'm amazing, remember? You'll be a Maths genius in no time."

   "Impossible. Both the fact that you're amazing and that I can be a Math genius. But hopefully I'll at least pass. Or much maybe do better than pass."

   "I'll make sure of that. And really, I AM pretty awesome."

   "If you were, I wouldn't be denying that. And I am."

   "You make the lamest comebacks."

   "And you make the lamest self-compliments."

   "Like I said, lame comeback."

   We headed home about thirty minutes or so later. We didn't really realize it has been already that long since our conversations were full of laughs and teases and sarcasm and everything. I will never get tired of talking to this guy.

   "You wanna head to the park first before getting home?" I ask. Cause honestly, I don't want him to go just yet. I was enjoying his company too much.

   "I think that's for another day. We're also still in our uniforms. Maybe on a weekend?"

   "I would love that." I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

   "Great! Here's my number, by the way. I just realized I haven't given it to you all this time."

   "Well, we chat every now and then, right? But I guess a number's different since, you know, Wifi. So here's mine."

   After we exchanged numbers, we went our separate ways. And unfortunately, I saw Ivy on the way along with Lily.

   "Hey, (Y/n)! Haven't seen you at school lately." She said those supposedly friendly words in a not friendly way.

   "Ivy, I don't wanna deal with you."

   "Hm? Then you'd rather deal with your friends knowing your secret?"

   I froze. Shoot. But I can't let her see that it affects me.

   "Whatever, Ivy." I brushed her off then took a turn to the direction farther from my house and hers. I really don't wanna deal with her. She's that.

   Once I finally got home, Eyanne was doing homework at our garden patio with Sly by her side. She greeted me with a nod and went back to her work.

   "You smell like that boy from before. Date?" Sly said.

   "No. Shut up. I don't wanna deal with you." Then I went in. I didn't really ask what's for dinner like I usually do since I'm not really in the mood because of that pink-haired snobby girl who puts on too much unnecessary make-up and annoys everyone with that high-pitched voice that wouldn't really be that annoying if she was just nicer.

   I went in my (c/c) room and got my laptop. I really want to tell everyone about Ivy and her schemes and..maybe just rant everything out.

   I opened my laptop and opened my Facebook account then messaged them in our group chat.

   You: Hey guys

   Lucinda: Heyya (A/n)!

   Katelyn: Sup

   Laurance: Donut monster 😏

   You: Shut up

   Travis: Hey. News?

   You: Nah. Just bored.

   Aphmau: At least you don't always hear boy-lectures from your mom every time you get on your phone.

   Katelyn: I feel ya. Except that the lectures come from my dad.

   Dante: Heyy ladies~

   Katelyn: Dante you are not allowed to talk anymore.

   Garroth: Oh my Irene 😂

   Kawaii~Chan: Don't disturb Kawaii~Chan! She is busy with anime. Turning off notifications now. Byee~!

   You: What anime?

   You: Kawaii~Chan?

   You: Hellooooo~?

   Aphmau: She's gone.

   Lucinda: Easy.

   Lucinda: #Aarmau


   You: Unbelievable.

   Kawaii~Chan: Is there anything you guys need?

   You: Nothing important, really. Just asking what anime you were watching.

   Kawaii~Chan: Re-watching, actually Korosu. [ Not a real anime ]

   You: Maybe I'll watch some shows too, actually. See ya guys!

   Aphmau: Alrighty!

   Katelyn: K then

   Kawaii~Chan: Kawaii~Chan should also go now, too. Byee~

   Lucinda: What you guys up to?

   I logged out and just laid on my bed, disappointed, upset and angry with myself. Why can't I just straightforwardly tell them everything? Is it really that hard? Well, THAT'S out of the question. It really is.

   I really want to tell them, but will they accept me for what they're about to know? And will they ever know?

[ Just in case you guys haven't seen my randomness book yet, it's out. I'll be giving the announcements and stuff there and everything so that author's notes on this book won't be this long.

Q: You favorite donut?

Vote, comment and share if you actually love donuts irl! ]

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