Enemies By Law

By Mysterious_Writer

699K 16.9K 2.1K

Sapphire loved her family, especially her awkwardly still in love parents who she admired, so when she came b... More

Enemies By Law
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten: The unofficial date
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15

Chapter Thirteen

7.5K 240 34
By Mysterious_Writer

"If you drink that much coffee you might as well inject it straight into your veins."

I looked up from my pile of papers, "Stephen!" I said smiling, "You guys are back early." I looked behind him but I couldn't spot dad. Stephen dragged a seat from the neighbouring table and sat down, raising his legs to rest on my desk which I didn't approve off.

I didn't want his dirty feet there, "Uh yeah, jet lag though."

"How was it?"

"Paris, well it was alright the weather wa-,"

"I meant the meeting." Like I would care what the city looked like, I'm sure it was beautiful, "Oh right, of course. Boring long. The contract fell through so dad's mad."

Damn. I bet he was, "Where is dad?"

"On his way, I think he's going to sleep in for a bit more. He barely slept he wanted this contract but we lost it to someone else."

That's a shame. Dad really liked investing in the aluminium business, not many did and took the risk but he liked it, even if it caused a loss. "But they said the tender is being considered, so if we can pitch a better business plan, we might get it back."

"Is he going to?"

Stephen shrugged, "I doubt it, it means investing more time and resources into something that we might not get. We'll see." damn I wish I was at that conference now. Dad had a great pitch, so if someone else got it. I wonder what pitch the other company had.

I looked back at y boring papers and pushed Stephens' gross feet off my desk, "I don't want mud stains."

"These shoes are very clean."

"I don't trust you" I said as I flipped through the next page "What is that?" Stephen leaned in, "Job hunting, still."

I nodded. 

"You're the only one who prints out company history as well." He grabbed my glass off coffee leaning back in his chair taking a sip.

"That's my coffee, get your own."

"Fuck this is strong and bitter, do you even have sugar?" 

"There is some, and I like to know where I'm going to work." I said. Knowing company history was a good thing. Stephen rolled his eyes leaping up from the chair, "Well I better get back to work." He was about to leave when I called after him.

"Where's Tristan?"

"Work." He said before he disappeared around the corner. Exactly, why wasn't he here? Shrugging it off I went back to my paperwork when my phone buzzed, and I looked at it to see who would be texting me around lunch time.


I unlocked the message, he must also be back from his trip, Do you want to do dinner tonight?

I leaned back in my chair for a moment thinking, dinner, just dinner, what type of dinner? I nearly hesitated before I sent him a reply. I looked at my calendar, I was free. But Dad and Stephen was home, I should spend time with them. Maybe if it was an early dinner I could go home.

Six at Hyatt?

Hyatt? Wasn't that the hotel? There were so many better options in Melbourne but I shrugged it off, maybe he had something on there after, or close to the work. But the restaurant cafe in the hotel, wasn't the best. 

I looked back at my papers, all the trees I must have killed while applying for jobs. Maybe I should ask dad his advice. He usually gave the best advice. 

* * * 

I walked up to the Grand Hyatt waiting on the footpath, still had ten minutes left. I waited outside zipping up my jumper, I didn't like being late and left the office twenty minutes early. I knew where the place was, but just had to make sure I was here earlier.

I sat on the bench outside enjoying the slightly chill breeze. I looked up at the impressive hotel, the bright lights inside. It was usually for big occasions or business conferences, I have been here a few times when I was younger when dad had his acceptance speeches. Usually spent them with mum running through the corridors and eating all the sweets at the buffet. That brought a smile to my face. 

I waited till it was exactly six before I sent him a message to let him know I was here and waiting outside. I didn't know which restaurant or cafe inside he had booked or planned to eat in. 

I watched the strangers walk past oblivious to everyone else's lives, it was only a Monday afternoon which meant most of them were heading home rather than spending more time in the city. 

I stretched my legs in front of me crossing my legs as I flicked my hair over my shoulder, my eyes wandering around the place when my phone rang. I looked at the unfamiliar number, usually I didn't pick up those numbers.

But I did, "Hello?" I asked.

"Where are you?" I frowned at the voice, familiar, I looked back at the number, "Tristan?" I asked taking a wild guess.

"Yeah, where are you?"

"Why is your number weird?" I could hear noises in the background, not the chaotic type, but chatter. 

"I'm using someone else's phone, you didn't answer my question."

"I'm out why."

"Oh." There was a bit of a silence "Alright never mind."

"What wh-,"  I frowned, then pulled my phone away, the bastard hung up on me. What the hell was that?

I looked up as a pair of black shoes came into my vision and attached to them was the person I was waiting for, "Hey." I said smiling up as Preston returned it.

"Sorry, hope you weren't waiting too long was caught up in something."

"Nah, all good." I stood up grabbing my bag off the bench next to me, "Come on." His blue eyes shone as he held out a hand in front of him, and I hesitantly took it. It was warm as his fingers closed around it and he gave me a tug pulling me after him.

"So tree killer, what have you been up to?"

Tree killer? Oh, that. "Uh, nothing really. Just looking for a new job, you? How was your trip."

He turned to look at me, "Boring without you." I rolled my eyes, "Charmer with the words are you?" I asked as he opened the door letting me enter first.

"Not just a charmer, a gentleman too." He smiled and I realised he was in a suit.

"Did you have a meeting?"

"Something like that. This way." He led through the corridors knowing exactly where he was going, and sure enough we reached the back where there was a small outdoor garden type restaurant, "Table for two please." 

We were led to a small table outside and I looked up at the sky, "I hope it doesn't rain."

"Crap, I didn't think about that." He admitted, "It's alright, we should be done by then." the sun was still setting and it didn't look too cloudy. 

"So what did do you do on your trip?" I asked him after we looked at the menus and ordered.

"Uh...nothing really. Just went around, it was just boring. Did some sight seeing, oh went to the zoo over there. I saw some cute monkeys  but not as cute as the ones here."

I laughed, "Monkeys, thanks for the gift again, you shouldn't have." I felt a bit bad since I never got him anything but he shrugged it off. It was somewhere in my room. I wasn't much of a fan of soft toys but it was cute. Not that I would admit that to Preston, that would just be a rude thing to do.

Dinner quickly arrived and we went into a momentarily silence as we ate, making small talk. "So what's your plan for the rest of the week?"

I shrugged, "Not sure yet. I guess nothing too exciting." I said as I placed my fork down. I still had half my meal to finish, but I was so full, but I wanted to keep eating it. Damn it, the waiter should come and get it so I don't keep forcing myself to eat it.

I just couldn't help it if it was just sitting in front of me, begging me to eat it. "Does any of those not so exciting plans include me?"

I looked up, "Do you want it to include you?"

"It depends, if it gets too exciting I may not be able to handle it."

"Thanks for dinner." I said as I walked out of Grand Hyatt, Preston nodded as he pulled his jacket on, "Do you want me to drop you home."

"Nah, I live close by, I'll taxi it."

Preston raised an eyebrow, "This late at night. Let me take you."

"No it's fine, it's literally a ten minute car ride from here," A bit longer but maybe I can even walk home, well seeing if I could walk far in these heels.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." I nodded turning around, "You live far away you should get home and you mentioned you had a meeting tomorrow." I didn't want to make him drive me to my house and then an hour and a bit back.

Preston stepped close, for a moment, and I looked up, "Well, goodnight then. Text me when you get home." 

I nodded, "And likewise let me know that you didn't crash on the way." 

He chuckled running a hand through his hair, "Right, nice way to put it. Well then tree killer, till next time." He hovered for a second more and I nodded. Before he turned and walked away.

I watched as he looked over his shoulder holding up a hand before he disappeared into the car parking lot. 

I turned around placing my hands into my jacket pockets as I walked hastily down the street. It had definitley gone darker since we went into dinner, well that would happen seeing it was nearly eight. 

My phone vibrated and I fished it out, seeing that unfamiliar number which was now familiar, "What?" 

"Wow, nice way to greet me," Tristan's voice resounded. 

"There is nothing to greet you, what do you want Tristan? Actually is Stephen there?" maybe I could go back to work and then hitch a ride home from him if he was still around.

"Why would Stephen be here, where are you?"

"I'm walking home why?"

"Why are you walking this late?"

"Because it's nice weather?" I asked as I waited for the green man to cross the road. 

"Sapphire do you even think, it's dark and you're going to walk home?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child, is there a reason you called me?" There was a lot of shuffling on the other side. What was he doing?

"Nothing, no reason."

"Alright well I have to-,"

"Wait no there is something." I sighed as I crossed another road, "What Tristan?"

"Uh well...how was your day. How far away from home are you?"

I raised my eyebrow as I looked around, damn it, maybe walking in these shoes wasn't the smartest of idea's I had. But I was nearly home, "Like a block, why? My day was good, and yours?"

"Yep okay." there was more chatter, a voice calling for him. 

"Great talk. Bye now." I said ready to hang up when I heard his voice again. 

"Not yet. Did you eat dinner?"

"Yes Tristan." 

I crossed the road, this time somewhat illegally but it was near home, I could see my house in the distance, "What did you eat?"

"Are you for real?" I asked. "You called me to know what I as eating."

"Well I need an idea for dinner." I pushed the gate wincing at the straining sound, I better tell dad to oil the gate.  I saw both Stephen's and dad's cars in the driveway. At least they were home. 

"Are you home?"

"Yes, why, do you want to know what everyone else ate as well, let me go and ask."

"I'll pass thanks. Alright night." And he cut off the call abruptly as I unlocked the door.  I stared at my phone frowning, what the hell was that about?

Yay another update A long one too :D 

Instagram: Imsooverpolice

FB: NK Pockett (Add me, link in comments) 

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