The Heroes of Olympus: The Bl...

By MystoganSeven

78.7K 2.1K 1.5K

Kazuto Kirigaya never asked to have his memory taken away. Unfortunately, he was given no choice in the matte... More



4.8K 123 77
By MystoganSeven

Okay, So it wasn't enough that Percy and Frank were still not back from their supposedly ultra top secret assignment, but now Hazel was stuck doing guard duty with Darren.....again.

" You know how he gets, I need someone I can trust to keep an eye on him". That's what Reyna had said, but Hazel suspected their were other reasons that the praetor wasn't keen to reveal.

Was Darren clumsy? Yes. Did he tend to cause trouble wherever he went? Yes. But watching him seemed like a job for someone from his cohort, not someone from the Fifth.

Besides, the fifth cohort was was short handed as it was. But still, Hazel felt for the guy, she knew what it was like to be an outcast, and her boy friend Frank had many issues with being clumsy before.

Anyways, the day started up normal enough, they both met up at the armory, Darren needed help with his leather straps and nearly knocked a brazier into one of the lares which ended up in her having to reason with a very irritable ghost. They then trooped out and stood in shifts at the front of the gate by the bridge. It was boring work that involved long hours of standing and moaning about how armor straps would cut off blood flow after a while. About a couple hours into it, she realized that she had forgotten to pack lunch for the day ( guard duty now a days meant you were out there till 7 pm). So, trusting that Darren could go 20 minutes without blowing something up (again), she went back to get some bagels from a shop near the barracks, said hi to Tyson who happened to be visiting, and made her way back to the tunnel that would lead to the outside gate that served as an entrance from the mortal world. That's when things got unusual. She found Darren clutching his bow and quivering behind the closed door that led outside.

"What are you doing in here?" She had asked him. She knew Darren wasn't a fighter, but this was ridiculous.

"M-manticore!!" He stammered, "Outside!!"

At those words, Hazels insides turned cold. Monsters had gotten smart lately, some knew that instead of chasing their food, it was more efficient to wait at the edge of their preys inevitable destination, such as demigod camps. This meant that their was somebody coming soon who was going to be in major trouble, that is unless Hazel had anything to say about it. So in spite of Darren's protests, Hazel kicked the door open drew her sword and ran outside. And it was at that moment that she saw him.

He looked about 17. He had slightly messed up medium length black hair with slightly lengthy bangs. His skin was very light and he had eyes that looked completely black. The clothes he wore consisted of a simple gray t shirt, black pants and a long pitch black leather coat. In his right hand he held a long sword that was black from the hilt all way down to the blade. The next thing she knew, she was watching a mortal ( Hazel heard the Manticore say the guy was a mortal earlier) slice a full grown manticore in half then plop down on the grass like it was nothing.

And after all that, he had the nerve to say " Hi" like nothing had happened.

All this ran through Hazels head as she continued to replay everything that happened till now. Right now she and Darren were walking through the tunnel that led back to camp with the boy named Kirito trailing not far behind. Kirito huh? Hazel had to admit that even for a random stranger, Kirito was an odd name. It sounded more like the name you would give a gaming avatar. Not that she was experienced in video games. Heck, she wasnt experienced in anything that wasnt from the 1920s.

" Ummm...... not to be a stick in the mud or anything, but... where are you taking me?" Kirito had broken the awkward silence.

Darren gave Kirito an irritated look, pretty dangerous considering Kirito still hadnt sheathed his sword. "Why are we bringing him Hazel? This guy looks way too suspicious."

This time it was Hazels turn to look irritated. " Be nice Darren, Its our job to help guys like us". " But thats just it", Darren almost shouted, " this guys a-", Darren mouthed the word mortal like it was a bad cus word.

" So what your saying is that you want to leave him out their after a freaking manticore tried to rip his head off", Hazel was starting to lose her temper now.

"No, Im just saying Octavian will have a real fit if he finds out."Darren retorted. " You remember that time Percy came through, and he wasnt even a mortal, imagine what will happen when he gets wind of this Kirito guy."

" I'll make sure Reyna knows before that happens," Hazel said, " And Octavian can go eat his teddy bears for all I care."

Kirito continued to to walk silently, as if he was used to having people talk loudly behind his back. Hazel sighed, " Im sorry Kirito, we dont usually get ordinary mortals down here, usually someone is always either a half blood or a legacy."

Kirito nodded, " Im still a little fuzzy on the whole roman gods living among us thing, but I guess the mortal world and this one don't usually meet."

Hazel looked at Kirito for a moment," You know quite a bit for mortal".

" I kind of took lessons from a wolf", Kirito mumbled.

"Wait, your a mortal and you actually met Lupa!?" Hazel exclaimed.

"Uhh... is that bad?" Kirito looked more curious than worried.

Hazel paused for a moment, " That depends on what Reyna says, but first..." They had just emerged from the tunnel, bellow them was a valley and a river, and across the river was what looked like a small city. "Kirito, Welcome to camp Jupiter."

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