Professor Layton and the Memo...

By EffervescentElixir

19.2K 552 389

Set after 'The Lost Future'/'Unwound Future', 'Professor Layton and the Memories Of A Time Gone By' explores... More

Prologue: The Lost Future
1. A Mystery To Solve
2. The Thirst For Adventure
4. The Quiet Village
5. Midnight Shadows
6. Trouble In Town
7. A Diverging Path
8. A Puzzle Among Others
9. Pieces Of A Puzzle
10. Move On The Castle
11. Lost Soul
12. The Investigation Begins
13: Moonlight Madness
14. Faith and Mysteries
15. Heartbreaker
16. Turning Point
17. Traps And Rescues
18. I am Undying
19. The End

3. Next Stop... Dropstone!

1.4K 36 11
By EffervescentElixir

Hershel smiled as he placed his head against the window of the train. Not just any train, however, but the Molentary Express. The famous train that has often been called 'a cruise ship on rails'. Hershel was an aquaintance of the owner, Mr Beluga, and so the ticket had been free. The same was not said for Dimitri Allen though. Although he knew Layton, Dimitri was a stranger. Friend or not, he still had to pay.

Hershel yawned and turned his attention away from the stunning scenery outside. The sun was setting and the light had cast a beautiful orange glow over the hilltops and the valleys near Dropstone. Normally this would have taken Hershel's breath away, but now he only felt a twinge of sadness. He remembered a time where he had went for a picnic with Claire on a hilltop much like the ones he could see outside. The memory only served to bring tears to his eyes, and he quickly wiped those away before Dimitri would notice. Better to let him believe I am coping fine. Hershel thought, examining the well-kept man beside him.

Dimitri had claimed that he was a mess inside, but he seemed to be full of energy on the outside. His chattering was ceaseless, talking incessantly about the mystery, providing outlandish theories that had Hershel raising his eyebrow more than a few times.

He had several interesting findings during his own mini investigation, but other than that, he was a wild card. Hershel found it hard to focus through much of it. His mind was elsewhere, and as much as he would have liked to have indulged Dimitri, he could not see how it was possible. He had enough on his plate!

Then again, maybe Allen is just as distraught as me. Hershel considered, reflecting on how deeply he was struggling inside, but he kept a professional and calm appearance on the surface.

He glanced down at his tea cup sitting untouched on the saucer on the table in front of him. Hershel would never have allowed it to go cold at any other time, but now he didn't care. It was as if all his thoughts were focused on the whirlwind of memories he was reliving in his head.

The long walks with her, the many picnics, trips to romantic and exciting places and the times they just went for some tea and talked. These were simple things but they meant the world to him. He clung to those memories tighter than anything and he refused to let them go.

Dimitri noticed Hershel's gaze, vacant eyes staring into the tea and he frowned. He had thought it was rather odd that Hershel had not touched it, but his own vanity had gotten in the way. It didn't seem right that Hershel Layton, a great admirer of tea would just leave a magnificent cup like that untouched. He realised now that Hershel was not as attentive to the case as he had thought. His sudden interest in the case had taken him aback, but at the same time he was delighted. Hershel may never recover if I don't do something, he had thought just a few days back. Perhaps a mystery is what he needs.

And, rather selfishly, what I need. But I can't tell him that just yet.

And so a mystery he found. Of course, it couldn't just be any mystery. This had to be on the level of the great Professor Layton himself. A mystery that would spawn headlines and only serve to boost acknowledgement of Hershel's abilities. The mystery had to be spectacular!

He didn't quite think that Hershel would just suddenly adapt and be fine again. but he didn't think that he would be this quiet either. He needed this! He needed Hershel if he was to get better himself. Curse you, Layton! Snap out of this!

He considered what he was going to say when their cabin door slid open gently and Flora stepped in with a tray holding three cups on it.

"Ah, Miss Reinhold. You're back. I must say, you went to get this tea almost fifteen minutes ago."

"Oh... Well I did get distracted. You see I ran into the chef, Macaroon and he was trying to stuff a carrot down this tiny hamster's throat. The poor creature was as large as a melon and really didn't seem happy. So I told that mean chef that I would take care of little Luke."

Hershel instantly looked up as he heard his former apprentice's name.

Dimitri gulped and muttered quickly to Flora.

"I think it's best if you don't mention anything about Luke. It might-"

"No, no. It's quite alright," Hershel assured him with a smile. "Luke's departure is a delicate issue for sure; however, I am not troubled by it. I am sure young Luke is flourishing in his new life with new friends and new adventures."

Flora let out a small cheer and almost dropped the tea.

"Oops... Sorry. It's just so nice to hear that Luke is having so much fun."

"Well, my dear," Dimitri smiled. "One can only assume that master Luke is-"

He was stopped abruptly as the train whistle blared aloud and then a young man ran down the train screaming.

"Everybody get ready to rock. The next stop is... DROOOPSTONE! C'mon passengers, let me hear you SCREEEAM!"

If it had been any other time, Hershel might have smiled, but right now he only felt empty. Dropstone meant nothing to him. His only thoughts now were of getting to Folsense before he drowned himself in memories, thickly sweet like honey.

"Dropstone..." Flora muttered. She had both fond and sour memories of this town. While she thoroughly enjoyed her short time here, exploring the many market stalls and discovering new items; she shuddered as she remembered that the dastardly Don Paolo had kidnapped her here. It was good that he had settled his differences now with the Professor, but she couldn't quite feel comfortable is she was around him.

"Ah, yes," Dimitri murmured, scratching at his upper lip, eyes studying Flora intently. "I forgot that you two must have had to stop here on your adventure to find the Elysian Box. I heard that this place has had more visitors ever since the whole Folsense incident. People like to stop here and explore. Not that there is much to see anymore. With almost half of the residents here now living in Folsense, this place has become a very quiet town. A very quiet town, indeed."

"I must say, you have done your research." Hershel retorted, forcing himself to smile. He didn't want any more questioning glances from Dimitri.

"Well I knew that I had to ensure all loose ends were tied up before reporting to you. I would never try and get you to solve a mystery that could turn out to be a massive flop. As I said," he muttered quickly. "only the best for the great Hershel Layton."

He chuckled and winked at Hershel, the Professor returning the smile. Again it was forced, but there was also something else there. It was still quite odd to see Dimitri acting this generous. Not that Dimitri was a dastardly villain to begin with. He was a torn scientist, clinging to the past as fervently as Hershel, trying with all his might to undo nature and tragedy for the one he loved.

Yes, he may have gone about it the wrong way, but it was not done as a purely selfish and loathsome act. There was always goodness inside his heart. Just... it was buried a little too far under the dirt.

"Well what are we waiting here for?" Flora exclaimed placing the tray down on the table. "The train is stopping and we have a mystery to solve! Isn't that what you said?"


As the doors of the Molentary Express opened, Flora was the first passenger to exit, hopping down, eyes glistening, giddy like a child in a theme park. It was only when she turned to say something to Luke that she realised that he was no longer with them. She felt her heart drop, but then she smiled again as she saw the Professor exit the train and stop in front of her.

"So, where do we start?"

"I have told you, miss Reinhold. Our investigation does not begin here. We are merely taking a break. The train will continue on to Folsense, our real goal, in an hour's time."

Flora sighed, pursing her lips as she spun to take in the village behind her. Surely there was adventure out there. She just needed to look beneath the surface. She didn't need the Professor for that, surely.

At once she set off running towards the first building, approaching the fruit stall she had witnessed from the train window. Hershel called after her, but she didn't seem to hear him.

"Remember to return here in one hour!" he cried, cupping his hands over his mouth, hoping she would at least hear that.

Hershel sighed, though he couldn't help but smile. It was only for a brief second, but it was there. Flora's eagerness and thirst for adventure reminded him so much of Luke and he realised that she was very much like him in a good number of ways. Perhaps she was making up for the fact that he was no longer there. He knew that the two did share strong feelings for each other. They were the best of friends and Luke's departure upset her just as much as it had upset him. She was just dealing with it in another way. Whereas Hershel remained solemn, Flora tried to move on by distracting herself with tasks and adventures. Trying to thrust herself back into the days they travelled together.

When things made sense.

"You have quite the apprentices," Dimitri remarked, leaping off the final step of the train. He had said he he needed to clean himself up before the train came to a stop.

"Oh no. Miss Reinhold is not my apprentice. You see, she lives with me now and I am her guardian. It is quite the story."

"You have many of those."

"As do all," was Hershel's elusive response. Dimitri frowned again, scratching at his upper lip in that curious manner of his.

"Come," he proclaimed, pointing upwards, doing his best to lighten the mood. "we may as well spend our time efficiently, wouldn't you agree, Hershel?"

"What do you propose we do?"

"I believe we need to ask around about the Legulus!"

So the investigation does begin here, Hershel thought, swallowing. It was time to find out why someone was interested in acquiring the Elysian Box and why they were using some device called the Legulus.

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