Exo Experience

By Yes_Or_No_Lml

105 0 0

New show focusing on a boy band. A bit of a reality show, and a little romance. More

How they got into business
Episode 1
At Home

Meet Exo

17 0 0
By Yes_Or_No_Lml

*(You should watch the video so you can see who the Exo characters are)*


"So after a month and a half of training alone, never meeting you members...

...You may now remove your blindfold and meet your fellow members" Mr. Qin yelled! I slowly pulled mine off and looked around. I knew Sehun was gonna be here but I don't know anyone else. Now everyone stepped up and introduced themselves. I wasn't really looking at them I was trying to fix myself so that when I stepped up I would look my best.

I felt a tight grip on my arm and turned to Sehun.

"Hide me" he mouthed frozen.

"What happened" I quietly chuckled?

"My ex" he frowned.

"Oh my God this is golden. Which one is it" I asked eagerly loving this potential drama. He discretely pointed to the short cute one with the navy blue shirt and his hair is kind of strawberry blonde.

"What no way, how'd you get him? You're such a troll" I joked.

"Shut up this isn't funny" he sighed. Sehun realized he was up and walked up to introduce himself. Then I went after him.

"It's okay dude, everyone has an ex" I rubbed his arm.

"No, it ended really bad-just go over there and talk to him" he covered his face. How bad?

"What do you want me to say" I raised an eyebrow?

"I don't know just don't tell him we're friends" he pushed me. Okay I'm pretty sure he's seen us talking. I slowly strolled over to him and extended my hand.

"I'm Kai" I smiled.

"I'm Xiumin" he shook my hand and smiled back.

"So you two are ex's" I pointed at Sehun.

"Yeah, and you two are..?"

"Oh he and I met when we were walking into Calvin Klein and some girl asked us if we wanted to audition. This is our second time meeting" I stuck my hands in my pocket.

"Really" he seemed unconvinced?

"Yup" I popped the 'p'. It was an awkward silence for about 7 seconds before I decided to lean on the wall with him, and it was a good thing I did. 

"Her right there, she's the one who walked up to us" I pointed to the skinny girl with long dark hair.

"Her" he pointed back shocked?

"Yeah" I said softly confused by his reaction.

"She approached you and him" he yelled in a whisper!?

"Yeah" I whispered back.

"I'll be right  back" he gave me a quick smile before dashing off to her. Hmm I wonder if he knows her. I grabbed a cup that had fruit punch and started drinking it.

"What'd he say" Sehun came out of nowhere causing me to slightly choke on my drink?

"Nothing you creep, he's just upset about that lady approaching us" I nodded towards Xiumin.

"Oh shit, I knew I knew her from somewhere. Fuck" he stomped.

"What's wrong?"

"That's his older sister" he shook his head.

"Woah no wonder he's pissed" my eyes went wide.

"Ahh shit, what should I do" he groaned?

"Well we're gonna be working together you guys should try and bury the hatchet" I shook my head.

"But what if he hates me" he said sadly?

"What happened between you two?"

"I don't wanna talk about it" he shook his head.

"Well how am I supposed to tell you if he hates you or not" I chuckled. He just looked at me with his sad expression.

"Ahh well how long has it been" I sighed?

"Like 2 years" he pouted. I bursted out laughing, is he an idiot. How can someone still hate you after so long.

"You're an idiot, no way he hates you" I spoke after I calmed down.

"You're an idiot" he said annoyed that I laughed at him. He walked off to Xiumin and tapped his shoulder. Xiumin turned around and his reaction was kind of standoff-ish but he followed Sehun towards the door.

"Be back in 5 minutes guys" Mr. Qin yelled to them. They looked back and shook their head yes at him. Once the door closed I quickly walked over to it and slowly cracked it.

"So" Sehun spoke.

"So what" Xiumin had a bored expression?

"I just wanted to talk to you" I saw Sehun reach his hands out. Xiumin pulled his hands up crossing his arms. Awww Xiumin you're being a dick.

"Why now? It's been like 2 years. Didn't bother then, why bother now" he rolled his eyes?

"Yeah but now we're working together so I just though-" he stepped forward. Now I could see all of him.

"You thought wrong" Xiumin quickly stepped back.

"Then why'd you come out here with me" he squinted his eyes while shaking his head?

"Just to see what you had to say" I could see he was turning towards the door. I slowly closed it and eased my way across the room. As soon as they got back in the room Mr. Qin wrapped his arms around them. 

"Alright everyone! First project is shooting a video introducing all of you" he smiled excitedly.

"First up is Sehun" Mr. Qin grabbed Sehun's shoulders smiling from ear to ear. Sehun looked kind of nervous, while we all clapped for him. 

Next was Suho, but Sehun didn't come back maybe they have him in a waiting room or something. After Suho was D.O and Suho didn't come back either. Next was the cutest boy I've ever seen, his name is Baekhyun and I'll be damned if I can't make him mine. Ahhhh after him is me. Obviously we're meant to be together.

They had a beat playing with no vocals. Apparently I'm the conceited one out of the group. They had me do things like touch up my hair and check out myself in my shades. I kind of am conceited though. They escorted me to a room in the back where all the people who had already went were. I put on my most charming smile as I entered the room all for my baby. All their heads turned and faced me and my baby had the cutest smile.

"I'm Kai" I shook everyones hand. They all told me their names in return in case I forgot. I grabbed Sehun pulling him to the side.

"So what's up with that Baekhyun guy" I whispered eagerly?

"You mean if he's gay" he raised an eyebrow?

"Yeah" I smiled.

"I don't know" he shrugged.

"You're useless" I shook my head walking off. I sat with the group of guys and waited for their little chat to end.

"So any of you got a girlfriend, boyfriend, fiancé, wife, husband. I don't judge" I smirked.

"I've got a boyfriend" Baekhyun whispered. No no. I refuse to accept that. 

"Like is it serious, or you guys can see other people" I tried to sound as if I wasn't prying.

"It's serious, we've been together for 5 years" he smiled. Way too serious.

"What the hell you look so young" Suho commented.

"We've been together since I was in 10th grade" he awkwardly scratched his cheek.

"Awww you two must be so cute, do you have any picture" D.O inquired?

"Yeah" he spoke shyly. Omg he's so cute.

"Well let's see" he scooted closer to him. 

"I don't know, I don't really like taking pictures" he shook his head.

"Well if you kept them on your phone they must be cute" Sehun commented nudging me. Asshole, why would he do that? I don't want to see pictures of my baby and his boyfriend. He reluctantly pulled his phone out and went to photos before giving D.O his phone. Sehun walked away to the other side beside D.O and Suho to look at the pictures.

"So how'd you get here" I tapped Baekhyun's shoulder?

"There were flyers pressed against a McDonalds I was walking past so I thought it'd be cool to try" he smiled.

"What about you" he landed his hand on me? I looked down at his hand then up back at him kind of stunned. I could feel him pulling his hand away so I casually placed my other hand on top of his.

"I was walking in the mall with my best friend Sehun and some lady approached us" I smiled down at him.

"Awww you have your best friend here too, that's really cool" he had such a bright smile.

"Yeah it is... yeah" I smiled like a fool staring at him.

"So what stuff do you like to do" he awkwardly scratched his cheek?

"Well take pictures, because I'm a model-" I winked.

"Wait really" he raised his eyebrows?

"Yeah, don't I look it" I played with his fingers?

"Yeah" he giggled.

"I'm really ticklish" he pulled his hand away still kind of giggling.

"How old are you" I asked?

"22" he chuckled.

"Oh wow you're older than me" I smiled.

"Don't I look it" he mocked me?

"Yeah you do" I chuckled.

"Awww you two are really too cute" D.O chimed in. I knew he wasn't talking about Baekhyun and I but I had to act fast.

"Oh us I know" I kissed Baekhyun on the cheek. He made an 'o' with his mouth before playfully slapping me and giggling.

"Here's your phone" Suho handed it back.

"Thank you" Baekhyun replied lightly giggling.

"Yeah you two look really happy together" Sehun strolled his way over to me.

"Thank y-"

"And even in love" he looked me dead in my eyes. 'Bitch' I mouthed before turning my head. Baekhyun never replied but I could see he was blushing crazily. 

"Are you two in love" Suho continued? Oh my God. Do they not realize I want him, or maybe they realize and they're tryna keep us apart.

"Um--" he went back to scratching his cheek. I would've told them he's obviously uncomfortable answering that question but I want to hear his answer.

"It's okay you can tell us, it's not like we're gonna tell your boyfriend" D.O commented.

"...Well why would I stay with him for 5 years if I wasn't in love with him" he said rhetorically. I could feel Sehun's eyes piercing into the side of my head.

"What's--" Baekhyun was cut off when another dude entered. He had big ears but was still cute.

"Hi everyone, I'm Chanyeol" he waved. We then all introduced ourselves to him. He joined the circle and Sehun opened his big mouth to speak.

"What were you gonna say Baekhyun?" He's doing this out of spite I know he is.

"Oh I was gonna ask what's the longest amount of time you spent in a relationship" he smiled.

"Let's all go in a circle starting with Chanyeol" Sehun suggested.

"I don't do relationships" he held his hands up.

"Yeah right not even once for like a week" D.O commented.

"If you want to count elementary school" Chanyeol chuckled. I like him, he's a smart kid.

"Okay Suho your turn" Baekhyun spoke.

"About year and a half" he pursed his lips.

"Why'd it end" Baekhyun asked?

"That's really personal don't you think" I commented?

"Yeah your right" he hung his head low. I didn't mean to make him feel bad but a break up is bad regardless why would you want someone to relive a bad experience. Oh shoot, I'm such a hypocrite I wanted Sehun to relive a bad experience. Well he's my best friend so it doesn't matter.

"Well the longest relationship I was in was 3 months" D.O broke the silence.

"Sehun" D.O tapped his shoulder.

"3 years and 1 month and a week" he chuckled.

"Wow must've been a special relationship for you to be so specific" Chanyeol spoke. Sehun just gave him a no lip smile while shaking his head yes.

"You're up buddy" he tapped my shoulder.

"I'm with Chanyeol" I smiled raising my hand for a hand five. Chanyeol chuckled and connected our hands.

"You've really never been in a relationship" Baekhyun asked? Oh look who's interested in me.

"Nope" I smirked.

"What about you" Chanyeol tapped baekhyun? Just then Xiumin walked in.

"Xiumin" Baekhyun shot up!! What the hell? They know each other. I hope to God that isn't his best friend. He ran and gave him a hug.

"That's your best friend" I asked?

"No I met him after the auditions he's a cool guy" he sat down pulling Xiumin next to him.

"We were just talking about relationships, what's the longest relationship you've ever been in" he eagerly asked.

"3 years" Xiumin said plainly. I could see through my peripheral vision how Sehun hung his head low.

"Ahhh you almost beat Sehun, he's got 3 years a month and a week" Chanyeol spoke. Okay I thought he was smart but not so much anymore.

"We should all tell our favorite memory about our relationship" Baekhyun clapped.

"Why are you guys talking about relationships" Xiumin asked calmly?

"Just because Kai started it" Baekhyun giggled.

"How did I start it" I asked shocked? I can't even remember did I start it?

"When you asked if anyone was in a relationship" Suho answered.

"Oh yeah" I scratched my head. I did start it.

"You go first Xiumin" Chanyeol suggested. Sehun lifted his head.

"I'd rather not" he spoke. Sehun hung his head low again.

"Bad relationship" Chanyeol asked?

"Just a relationship in the past" he bobbed his head.

"Cool I can respect that, be a hoe like me" he raised his hand.

"You're not gonna high five me" Chanyeol asked?

"I don't wanna be a hoe" Xiumin chuckled.

"Ahh man, well Kai's got my back" he redirected his hand to me. I quickly high fived him and turned my attention to my best friend.

"Hey bud, how's it going" I whispered in his ear?

"I told you he hates me" he whispered back.

"Just forget about him, I'll even give you Baekhyun" I whispered then chuckled.

"No thanks I'm good" he still spoke sadly. What is wrong with him? Why all of a sudden is he sad about his ex? He never even mentioned him to me before.

"How about we play never have I ever" Xiumin suggested?

"Ohh I like that game" D.O said. They all held up 10 fingers except for Sehun and I.

"What's wrong with Sehun" Baekhyun asked?

"He's got a little bit of a headache" I rubbed Sehun's head.

"Blowjobs always help with headaches" Baekhyun winked. I sat there stunned that he said that while everyone else was dying of laughter. Oh no oh no I had no idea he was like that. And he has a straight face. Oh no oh no. Then suddenly he bursted out laughing. I didn't know if he was laughing because of my reaction or because he was joking.

"I'm just kidding" he chuckled. Oh praise he was just joking.

"You got me" I chuckled a little.

"Let me do the never have I evers" I sat up straight.

"Okay" they all said except for Xiumin. Im going straight for the goods, no fooling around.

"Never have I ever been in love" I smirked. Suho, Baekhyun, and Xiumin put a finger down.

"Oh Xiumin you've been in love" I said obnoxiously loud. Sehun peeked his head out a little. Xiumin made eye contact with Sehun then quickly looked back at me.

"Just get on with the game" he rolled his eyes.

"Just get on with the game" I mocked. Everyone laughed, except Xiumin he chuckled, and Sehun he was still so silent.

"Why are you so grumpy what'd your ex do to you" Chanyeol asked?

"I have to use the bathroom" Xiumin stood.

"I can show you where it is" Sehun eagerly got up.

"I'm fine" he said harshly. Woah, I really need to know what happened between those two. Sehun slowly and sadly sat back down.

"Well you won't find it on your own so I'll help you" Baekhyun got up and lead Xiumin out the room.

"What's his problem" Chanyeol scoffed?

"Leave him alone" Sehun growled.

"Shit, his grumpyness is rubbing off on you" Chanyeol shook his head.

"If you don't have anything nice to say about him don't say it at all" Sehun kept going. Chanyeol just smiled and shook his head. After what seemed like an eternity of silence Chanyeol spoke up.

"You're his ex aren't you" he smirked. I knew this kid was smart. Sehun quickly stood up and walked out of the room. Maybe he's gonna go talk to xiumin, again. Maybe I should go check on him.

"Where are you going" Chanyeol asked me? I looked over at Suho and D.O they were talking in their own little world paying us no mind.

"Gonna spy on your best friend" he smirked.

"It's not spying he's gonna tell me everything anyway" I defended myself.

"Then why not wait" he said slyly?

"Because I don't like to wait" I strolled over to the door. I cracked it open and he was nowhere in sight, and I don't know where the bathroom is so I guess I'll just have to wait. But he won't tell me what happens anyway because he didn't tell me about there other conversation. What if I didn't spy on him, I would want to know every single detail. I sighed and walked back over to my seat.

As soon as I sat down some dude came in.

"I'm Lay" he smiled. He had a really deep dimple. We all introduced ourselves again, this is getting pretty tiring. They were all talking and sometimes they would tag me in to talk but I was really worried about Sehun. Baekhyun came back in the room alone and sat beside me.

"What happened" I whispered?

"Ask Sehun" he laid his head on my shoulder.

"But I'm asking you" I chuckled.

"It's none of my business so I can't tell you" he sighed.

"Okay butthead" I said in a funny voice. He giggled and lightly slapped my stomach. I'm such a charmer really. I'm like the best charmer in the world. A while after another dude came in, and that's when I noticed Sehun and Xiumin didn't come back yet.

"Chen" Baekhyun waved with his head still on my shoulder. He smiled but looked at us weirdly.

"Hello everyone, I'm Chen" he waved.

"Chen's my best friend" he said to me. He then patted the seat beside him for Chen to sit down. Chen sat down next to him but ended up talking to the others while Baekhyun and I just relaxed. 

Xiumin and Sehun came back in like 20 minutes later. It was really awkward when they came in and everyone looked at them. They seemed to be okay, they sat next to each other. But maybe that's because those were the only available seats.

"Psst" I directed at Sehun but everyone looked at me.

"What" he whispered?

"What happened out there" I whispered back?

"I can hear you" Xiumin rolled his eyes.

"All of us can hear you" Chanyeol commented.

"Well then, just excuse us" I reached very far and grabbed Sehun's hand before getting up. We started towards the door but then Mr. Qin and Xiumin's sister walked in.

"You two aren't going anywhere, we have vocals to attend to" Xiumin's sister spoke sternly. 'Okay' I mouth.

"We've got the beat, the lyrics, we just need to lay your voices over it" Mr. Qin explained.

"Now thank goodness all of you speak Korean because it isn't an easy language to learn, thank goodness we found you all. Now let's see if polishing your korean, and vocals have paid off" he clapped his hands together.

"Up up" he quickly said. Everyone stood and waited for him to speak again.

"Follow me" he turned his back!

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