Set The World On Fire <3 An...


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Chapter 1- Love at first sight?
Chapter 2- Bracelets
Chapter 3- The Fight
Chapter 4- A Broken Heart
Chapter 5- Happy Start To The First Day Of School
Chapter 6- The Green Eyed Monster
Chapter 7- Tour Of School
Chapter 8- Project of Love
Chapter 9- First Kiss... Or Should I Say "Kisses"
Chapter 10- Tours and Tears
Chapter 11- My Raven
Chapter 12- Unwanted News
Chapter 13- Relief
Chapter 14- Always Interrupted
Chapter 15- A Slap In The Face
Chapter 16- Waiting
Chapter 17- Free Friday
Chapter 18- Fun At The Mall
Chapter 19- Secrets and Alone Time
Chapter 20- Sundays Plans
Chapter 21- Church
Chapter 22- Climbing Up Houses
Chapter 23- Bloody Mess!
Chapter 24- A Day Of Recovery
Chapter 25- Cant Get Enough
Chapter 26- "Lovely" Dinner
Chapter 27- Drunken Words
Chapter 28- Talking and Borrowing Clothes
Chapter 29- Ashleys Mistake
Chapter 30- Going on Tour... No Matter What
Chapter 31- True Freedom
Chapter 32- NotSoFun Fair
Chapter 33- Night of Regret Leads To Heartbreak
Chapter 34- Sharp Regret
Chapter 35- Reunited?
Chapter 36- First Show!! :D
Chapter 37- PAAARRRTAY!
Chapter 40- Positive.
Chapter 41- To Much Positive Always Equals A Negative
Chapter 42- Who Are You Again?
Chapter 43 - Furniture Shopping!! :D
Chapter 44 - Happy New Years!
Chapter 45- Is The Stress Too Much?
Chapter 46 - Graduation <3
Chapter 47 - Family Barbeque
Chapter 48 - Picking Out A Dress (Very short chapter! I'm sorry!)
Chapter 49 - The Worst Possible Thing.....
Chapter 50 - Parents
Chapter 51 - Wedding Day and Honeymoon <3

Chapter 38- BOTDF Craziness

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Andy and I got some clothes from our bus and brought them over to dahvie and Jayy.

"welcome to our lovely home on wheels!" dahvie said as he walked onto their bus.

Theirs looked kind of similar to ours except they had a total of four bunks instead of six, and their lounge was bigger.

"nice." I said and smiled as I walked inside holding Andy's hand.

"sweet." Andy said.

"you guys want anything to drink?" Jayy asked.

"sure, whatcha got?" I asked.

"diet coke, root beer, 7up, beer, scotch, more scotch..." he replied and smirked.

"wanna get drunk in the safety of the BOTDF bus?" I asked Andy.

"haha sure." andy smiled.

Jayy pulled out a huge bottle of scotch and drank right from the bottle and then handed it to me.

Hmm I've never drank it from the bottle! :D

I drank some and we all continued to pass it around.

Andy and I decided not to get so drunk we would pass out, but we were pretty drunk.

"dahvie! Make me a sammich bitch!" Jayy said.

"no!" dahvie said and hit Jayy in the face with a pillow.

"owwww! My face! That's my moneymaker!" he said and put his hands up to his face.

Andy and I looked at each other and we started giggling.

"don't forget your smexeh body!" I said and laughed.

"that is so true!" Jayy said and shook his ass at me.


I reached out and smacked it >:D

"owie!" Jayy said and jumped. He tripped over the pillow and fell on the couch across from andy and i.

"wow." andy said and started laughing so hard that tears were coming out of his eyes.

I looked over and saw dahvie and Jayy also laughing.

"i fucking love this!" I said.

"psh. And I love you!" andy said and kissed me.

Oh god we were so drunk.

"woooo!!!" Jayy shouted staring at us.

"shut up Jayy! We might get to see them do it!" dahvie said and started laughing.

All of a sudden, Andy looked serious.

"shut up dahvie." he said.

"no!" dahvie said and giggled.

"I'm not fucking around." Andy growled.

"oohh someone's mad! He's so sexy when he's mad" Jayy said and winked.

Andy stood up and stormed off to the room in the back.

"Andy wait!" I said following behind.

He was about to shut the door in my face, but he stopped and looked at me.

"what's wrong...?" I asked.

He let go of the door and walked further into the room. I followed and shut the door behind me.

"Andy? Babe? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I dont know... what dahvie said just really pissed me off for some reason... And then Jayy didn't help matters." he said and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry, it's probably just the alchohol, we had quite a bit, and they had a ton." I said as I sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

"yeah probably." he said.

"shit... It's cold." I said and touched his arm.

"oh damn, your hands are freezing!" Andy said and jumped a little, "want to go under the blankets? I can be your personal heater." he said and softly chuckled.

"sure." I said and smiled. I'm sure the drunken dahvie and Jayy wouldn't care.

We both got under the covers and cuddled with each other.

He really was like a heater ^-^

"mmm you're so warm." I said and clutched onto his chest as I buried my face into his neck.

He just stroked my hair. I started to get tired, but I tried to stay awake.

"Andy I'm getting sleepy." I whispered, fighting to keep my eyes open.

"go to sleep if you want." he said smiling down at me.

"but I don't wanna leave you to be awake all by yourself" I said and yawned.

"babe, it's ok. Really." he said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I said and smiled.

"I love you too." he said back.

"no I mean it... I love you more than anything in this world." I said as my eyes started to close.

"I love you more than my own life, I love you as much as you love me, if not more." was that last thing I heard before I fell asleep. <3

-Andy's pov-

We got some clothes from our bus and brought them over to dahvie and Jayys.

"welcome to our lovely home on wheels!" dahvie said as he walked onto their bus.

Their lounge is huge! :D

"nice." Raven said and smiled as she walked inside holding my hand.

"sweet." I said.

"you guys want anything to drink?" Jayy asked.

"sure, whatcha got?" Raven asked.

"diet coke, root beer, 7up, beer, scotch, more scotch..." he replied and smirked.

"wanna get drunk in the safety of the BOTDF bus?" Raven asked me.

She's such a dork. :P

"haha sure." I said and smiled.

Jayy pulled out a huge bottle of scotch and drank right from the bottle and then handed it to raven.

This will be great XD

She too a drink and passed it to me. We continued to pass it around until it was gone.

Raven and I decided not toget so drunk we would pass out, but we were pretty drunk. ;)

"dahvie! Make me a sammich bitch!" Jayy said.

"no!" dahvie said and hit Jayy in the face with a pillow.

"owwww! My face! That's my moneymaker!" he said and put his hands up to his face.

Raven and I looked at each other and we started Laughing. Woooow!

"don't forget your smexeh body!" raven said and laughed.

If Jayy wasnt gay, I would be a little jealous hahaha!

"that is so true!" Jayy said and shook his ass at raven.

Raven smacked his ass and started laughing.

"owie!" Jayy said and jumped. He tripped over the pillow and fell on the couch across from us.

"wow." I said and started laughing so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes.

Everyone was laughing and having an amazing time.

"i fucking love this!" raven said.

"psh. And I love you!" i said and kissed her.

Oh god we were so drunk and being silly.

"woooo!!!" Jayy shouted staring at us.

"shut up Jayy! We might get to see them do it!" dahvie said and started laughing.

I can't believe he said that.

"shut up dahvie." i said.

"no!" dahvie said and giggled.

"I'm not fucking around." I growled.

"oohh someone's mad! He's so sexy when he's mad" Jayy said and winked.

Did it look like i was fucking joking?!

I stood up and walked off to the room in the back.

Why was I so angry?

"Andy wait!" Raven said following behind.

I was about to shut the door, but i stopped and looked at her.

"what's wrong...?" she asked.

I turned around and sat on the bed.

Raven shut the door and sat next to me.

"Andy? Babe? What's wrong?" she asked.

"I dont know... what dahvie said just really pissed me off for some reason... And then Jayy didn't help matters." i said.

I really didn't know why I was mad /:

"I'm sorry, it's probably just the alchohol, we had quite a bit, and they had a ton." raven said and leaned on my shoulder.

"yeah probably." i said.

"shit... It's cold." She said and touched my arm.

"oh damn, your hands are freezing!" I said and jumped in surprise, "want to go under the blankets? I can be your personal heater." i said and softly chuckled.

"sure." She said and smiled.

That beautiful, beautiful smile. <3

We both got under the covers and cuddled with each other.

"mmm you're so warm." she said and clutched onto my chest as She buried her face into my neck.

I just layed there and stroked her hair.

"Andy I'm getting sleepy." she whispered.

"go to sleep if you want." i said smiling down at her.

"but I don't wanna leave you to be awake all by yourself" she said and yawned.

"babe, it's ok. Really." i said and kissed her forehead.

She's so fucking adorable.

"I love you." she said and smiled.

"I love you too." i said back.

"no I mean it... I love you more than anything in this world." She said as her eyes started to close.

"I love you more than my own life, I love you as much as you love me, if not more." i said, but i think she fell asleep. :P

-raven after she woke up-

I woke up and saw that through the window, it was still dark outside.

Andy was sleeping next to me, he hasn't gotten much sleep because he doesn't like sleeping on a moving bus. I felt so bad because he must be so tired >.<

I looked up at him and just smiled. He looked so cute without any makeup on and sleeping.

I can't believe someone as perfect as him even existed. He's an angel. A fallen angel ;)

I looked at my phone and saw that it was only 3:20am.

I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't, so I just cuddled up to Andy until he woke up at about 4am.

"raven?" he mumbled.

"good morning love." I whispered.

He stretched and then pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad I got some sleep." he said and smiled.

"me too, I was getting worried" I said back.

"don't worry about me. I'll be fine, even if I am sleep deprived hahaha" Andy said and chuckled.

"I'm serious Andy." I said and touched his cheek.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

"I'm fine." he said.

I was still worried /:

"rayray, I promise." he said as he grabbed by face and kissed me.

His lips were so fucking soft!

He leaned his forehead against mine and smiled.

"do you know how absolutely amazing you are?" I said.

"no, do you?" Andy said back and smirked.

I giggled and pecked his cheek.

He smiled and then yawned.

"I'm so tired..." he said and rubbed his eyes.

"try an go back to sleep babe." I said.

"i won't be able to..." he said sadly.

"let me try helping you go to sleep." I said having an idea.

"ok, how?" he said.

"I'll rub your back, I know you're probably stressed and back rubs always make me relaxed." I said and smiled.

"are you sure?" he said and laughed, "I don't want to impose!"

"oh whatever, turn around." I said smiling.

He turned around and I decided it would be easier if I sat on top of him.

"Go horsey! Go!" I said jokingly and then I started busting up.

"yeah just to let you know, that's kind of making me hard, not relaxing me." Andy said matter-of-factly and then laughed.

"you perv!!" i said and laughed even more. WOW! He is such a guy!

"hey it's not my fault." he said.

"uh huh riiiiight." I said and began rubbing his back.

After a few minutes, I felt knots around his shoulder area.

"holy crap." I said aloud.

"what?" Andy said curiously.

"you have so many knots, it's not even funny!" I said.

"what do you mean by a knot?" he asked.

"its when your muscles tighten up and well... Form a knot! It happens when someone is really stressed." I said.

"oh..." was all he said.

"I know you don't want me to worry... But things like this MAKE me worry. I dont want you getting so stressed out that you can't play any shows. I know that would kill you." I said kind of softly.

"it doesn't even hurt..." he said.

"oh really?" I said and rubbed the knot to loosen it up.

"ah! ow ow! Ok it hurts. I'll take it easy, i promise." he said gripping the pillow.

I shook my head and finished rubbing his back.

I thought he fell asleep, so I slowly got off and layed next to him on the bed.

"thanks babe, my back feels SO much better." he said.

"damn it! I thought you fell asleep!" I said and frowned.

"nope." he said casually.

"I'm sorry." I said feeling so bad.

"it's ok, really." he said and wrapped an arm around me.

There was a knock on the door that scared the crap out of Andy and I both.

"are the lovebirds up yet?" Jayy whispered loudly.

"yeah." I said.

"owwwww don't scream!" he said.

I got up and opened the door.

"extreme hangover." dahvie whispered as he walked up behind Jayy.

"wow." Andy said and laughed.

"hurry up. take a shower and change so we can go get breakfast." dahvie whispered as he walked away.

Jayy nodded his head and walked away too.

Andy and I looked at each other and laughed.

We took a quick shower together and we got dressed.

Andy was wearing this awesome pair of pants that were black with white animal print stripes, so I had to wear my pants that were white and black tiger design. Our pants looked almost identical except for the color switch.

Andy laughed when he saw my pants.

"what?" I said and chuckled.

"I was going to get a pair like those, but I got these instead" he said.

"no way!" I said.

Ha! We both have amazing fashion sense. (;

I found my black tee that said "Dont fuck with me..." in white letters across the front and "I'm a rebel." on the back.

"damn! That shirt is sick!" Andy said when he saw it.

"dude! I know right!" I said and smiled.

Andy was wearing a plain, white, v-neck tee with his black cross bead necklace.

Daaaamn he looked good ;) lmao

"are you guys done yet??" Jayy said rushing us and rubbing his temples. His hangover must be horrible.

I started putting on make up as Andy went into the lounge with dahvie and Jayy.

"oh, calm your tits Jayy." dahvie said as he gave some aspirin and a bottle of water to jayy.

"my heeeaadd!" Jayy complained.

"mine too, now shut up." dahvie muttered.

Because I wasn't doing my FULL makeup, it only took me like ten minutes.

We stepped out of the bus and realize where we were at.

"iHop!!!" Andy said and smiled, "I haven't been here in ages!"

"yeeellliinggg." Jayy said as his face scrunched up.

I saw Andy keep himself from laughing.

We walked into iHop and of course everyone looked at us with those cruel stares.

"table for four." dahvie said.

As we were being walked to out booth, some guy murmured the word 'faggots'

I turned around to see a guy about 27 and a woman about the same age with a little kid that couldn't be more than 5.

"what did you say?" I said.

"I said faggots. As in your guy friends look like faggots." he said and chuckled.

"excuse you? You don't even know them." I said getting angry.

"raven. It's fine. Let him be a moron." Andy said.

"I don't need to know them. Look how they're dressed." he said.

"are you kidding me? You must be retarded. How can you judge someone without knowing them?!" I said raising my voice slightly.

"listen bitch, don't come up to me and start being rude." the guy said.

Andy clenched his fists. I knew he wouldn't do anything with the little kid there though.

The woman sitting with him looked surprised.

"dean! Stop being rude." she said.

The guy gave the woman an angry look and she looked down and quit talking. It was then when I saw the bruise on her neck.

"I hope you rot in hell. People like you shouldn't be alive." I growled.

The guy just looked at me a little surprised, but he couldn't care less.

We walked over to our table and Andy looked over at me.

"did you see the..." he trailed off.

"bruise? Yeah..." i said quietly.

On the inside I'm was fucking pissed off. I wanted to fucking kill the guy.

I saw the woman stand up and walk to the bathroom with the little boy.

"order the farmers breakfast for me..." I said and stood up.

I followed them into the bathroom. I needed to talk to her. She shouldn't be with this asshole if he was abusing her.

"jake, wash your hands." she said as she lifted him up to the sink.

I realized that they came in here because the little kid was covered in syrup. I wanted to chuckle, but there were bigger things at hand.

She saw me in the mirror and turned around to look at me.

"I'm sorry for Dean..." she said and turned back around to assist the little kid.

"he can get mean sometimes..." she continued.

"I can tell... By your bruise.." I said being straightforward.

"w-what??" she said shocked and nervous as she turned aroun to face me.

"mommy, she's talking about when you and daddy play fight." the little boy said.

I frowned knowing that she must have lied to her son saying they were just playing.

"why do you stay with him when he does that?" I asked.

She looked down at the little boy.

"he's the only one that has money. He doesn't let me get a job so I can make money. I need to keep my son safe and warm in a house." she said.

"but what would happen if he ends up hurting your son...?" I said.

"he... He wouldnt do that..." she said skeptically.

"please try and consider moving in with family or something... I don't know you, but no one should have to deal with that..." I said as turned around and walked out.

I really hope she listens to me...

I walked back to the table and Andy looked at me.

"what was that about?" he said.

"I just told her that she had other options..." I said.

The waiter walked up and handed us our food. Holy shit, the farmers breakfast was big!

It had bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, bacon and cheese omelette, and finally, 3 pancakes. I gave like half of it to Andy, he didn't seem to mind.

"oh my fucking god, I'm stuffed." dahvie said as we walked up to the register. Andy wouldn't let me pay for mine >.< stubborn bastard.

When we finally got done and went outside, I saw that one woman with her son getting into a car with a slightly older woman in it.

"hey, girl!" she said when she saw me.

"me?" I said as I walked over.

"yeah, I wanted to thank you. I decided to live with my sister for a while. You were right. I don't deserve to be with someone like him." she said and her eyes teared up a bit.

"aw! I'm glad. Don't worry, everything will be fine!" I said.

She leaned forward an gave me a hug.

Kind of awkward... I was just happy that she was getting her child and herself out Of an abusive situation.

She turned around and got into the car.

"be safe!" I said and smiled as they pulled away.

Andy walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned forward a little and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"you're a good person." he said and squeezed my waist a little.

"I just couldn't leave them like that." I said and spun around to where he and I were facing each other.

Andy smiled slightly before kissing me.

"come on lovebirds. We have to get to the next venue." Jayy said.

We looked at him and then back to each other.

We couldn't help but laugh because Jayy sounded like our parents.

He's such a dork.

-Andy's pov-

I woke up to raven next to me.

"raven?" i mumbled and wrapped my arm around her.

"good morning love." she whispered.

I stretched (which felt great!) and then pulled her into a hug.

"I'm glad I got some sleep." i said and smiled.

"me too, I was getting worried" Raven said back.

"don't worry about me. I'll be fine, even if I am sleep deprived hahaha" I said and chuckled.

"I'm serious Andy." Raven said and touched my cheek.

I grabbed her hand and kissed it softly.

"I'm fine." i said.

She still looked worried :(

"rayray, I promise." i said as i grabbed her face and kissed her.

Her lips drove me crazy!

I leaned my forehead against hers and smiled.

"do you know how absolutely amazing you are?" She said.

"no, do you?" I said back and smirked.

She giggled and pecked my cheek.

I smiled and then yawned.

"I'm so tired..." i said and rubbed my eyes.

I wish I wouldn't ever be tired >.<

"try and go back to sleep babe." Raven said.

"i won't be able to..." i said sadly.

"let me try helping you go to sleep." She said.

"ok, how?" i said thinking about things that she probably didn't mean. HAHA, me and my perverted mind.

"I'll rub your back, I know you're probably stressed and back rubs always make me relaxed." She said and smiled.

"are you sure?" i said and laughed, I felt bad, but that sounded really good, "I don't want to impose!"

"oh whatever, turn around." she said smiling.

I turned around and She decided to sit on top of my lower back.

"Go horsey! Go!" she said and then started busting up.

"yeah just to let you know, that's kind of making me hard, not relaxing me." I said in a serious tone and then I started laughing..

"you perv!!" she said and laughed even more.

"hey it's not my fault." i said.

"uh huh riiiiight." She said and began rubbing my back.

She rubbed a part on my back that kind of hurt.

"holy crap." she said.

"what?" i said curiously.

"you have so many knots, it's not even funny!" She said.

Uhhh what?

"what do you mean by a knot?" i asked.

"its when your muscles tighten up and well... Form a knot! It happens when someone is really stressed." She explained.

"oh..." I said. shit. Now she knows how stressed I am >.<

"I know you don't want me to worry... But things like this MAKE me worry. I dont want you getting so stressed out that you can't play any shows. I know that would kill you." she said kind of softly and looked down.

"it doesn't even hurt..." i said.

"oh really?" She said and rubbed the knot.

"ah! ow ow! Ok it hurts. I'll take it easy, i promise." i said as i gripped the damn pillow.

That crap HURTS!

She started rubbing my back again. About 20 minutes later, I felt her slowly get off and lay next to me on the bed.

"thanks babe, my back feels SO much better." i said tired and smiling.

"damn it! I thought you fell asleep!" she said and frowned.

"nope." i said casually.

"I'm sorry." She said sadly like she thought it was her fault.

"it's ok, really." i said and wrapped an arm around her.

There was a knock on the door that scared the crap out of Raven and I both. God damn!

"are the lovebirds up yet?" Jayy whispered loudly.

"yeah." raven said.

"owwwww don't scream!" jayy said.

Raven got up and opened the door.

"extreme hangover." dahvie whispered as he walked up behind Jayy.

"wow." I said and laughed.

Those idiots XD I'm going to have fun!

"hurry up. take a shower and change so we can go get breakfast." dahvie whispered as he walked away.

Jayy nodded his head and walked away too.

We looked at each other and laughed.

We took a quick shower together and we got dressed.

I tried kissing raven while in the shower but she told no because we had to hurry. -.- meanie.

When we got out, i put on my pair of pants that were black with white animal print stripes.

I happen to look over at raven and I saw that she had the same pants as me except for that the colors were switched.

I chuckled and she looked at me.

"what?" she said and giggled.

"I was going to get a pair like those, but I got these instead" i said.

"no way!" She said.

We both have pretty fucking awesome style.

I pulled on my plain white v-neck and turned around ready to leave.

"damn! That shirt is sick!" I said when he saw what raven was wearing.

It said "don't fuck with me..." on the front and "I'm a rebel." on the back. It was honestly one of the best shirts I've ever seen.

"dude! I know right!" she said and smiled.

"are you guys done yet??" Jayy said rushing us and rubbing his temples. His hangover must be horrible. >:D

Raven started putting on make up as I went into the lounge with dahvie and Jayy.

"oh, calm your tits Jayy." dahvie said as he gave some aspirin and a bottle of water to jayy.

"my heeeaadd!" Jayy complained.

"mine too, now shut up." dahvie muttered.

After ten minutes of their complaining, raven got done. She looked... Breathtaking as always <3

We stepped out of the bus and realize where we were at.

"iHop!!!" I said and smiled, "I haven't been here in ages!"

"yeeellliinggg." Jayy said as his face scrunched up.

I wanted to laugh SO badly, but I controlled the urge.

We walked into iHop and of course everyone looked at us with those fucking expressions that made you want to punch them in the face.

"table for four." dahvie said.

As we were being walked to out booth, some guy murmured the word 'faggots'

Control. Keep control.

I turned around to see a guy about 27 and a woman about the same age with a little kid that couldn't be more than 5.

"what did you say?" raven said.

Oh no >.< calm down raven.

"I said faggots. As in your guy friends look like faggots." he said and chuckled.

"excuse you? You don't even know them." Raven said, i could tell that she was getting pissed off.

"raven. It's fine. Let him be a moron." I said.

"I don't need to know them. Look how they're dressed." he said.

"are you kidding me? You must be retarded. How can you judge someone without knowing them?!" Raven said raising her voice slightly. She HATED when people judged other people.

"listen bitch, don't come up to me and start being rude." the guy said.

I clenched my fists. This poor bastard is luck that his kid is here or else he would be losing a few teeth.

The woman sitting with him looked surprised.

"dean! Stop being rude." she said.

The guy gave the woman an angry look and she looked down and quit talking.

Wow, he's even an asshole to-- wait. Did I see a bruise on her neck? :(

"I hope you rot in hell. People like you shouldn't be alive." raven growled.

The guy just looked at her a little surprised, but he couldn't care less.

We walked over to our table and I looked over at Raven.

"did you see the..." i trailed off.

"bruise? Yeah..." she said quietly.

I know that she was probably so pissed off on the inside.

the woman stood up and walked to the bathroom with the little boy.

"order the farmers breakfast for me..." Raven said and stood up.

I think knew what she was going to do.

I looked back at the guys and they were staring at the menu.

A lady came up to us and asked up if we were ready for our orders to be taken.

"yes! I want French toast!" dahvie said happily.

"I want an omelette and pancakes..." Jayy said.

"I'll get pancakes and bacon please. And my girlfriend will get the farmers breakfast." I said.

"ok, I'll be back with the food soon." the lady said and smiled before walking away.

"hey where did raven go?" dahvie said absent mindedly.

"bathroom." I said and glanced at the one guy who was being an asshole.

He was definitely flirting with one of the younger waitresses.

Wow. That's rediculous.

I hope raven can talk sense into that one woman.

"what's up?" Jayy said suspiciously.

"nothing, nothing." I said shaking my head.

I looked up and saw raven walking out of the bathroom.

"what was that about?" i said (even though I was 99% sure I already knew)

"I just told her that she had other options..." raven said.

The waiter walked up and handed us our food.

Raven couldn't eat all her food so she gave it to me and I devoured it like the garbage disposal that I am ;) haha

"oh my fucking god, I'm stuffed." dahvie said as we walked up to the register.

Raven kept trying to pay for her food, but i wouldn't let her.

When we finally got done and went outside, I saw that one woman outside getting into a car. She turned around and looked at raven.

"hey, girl!" she said.

"me?" Raven said as She walked over.

"yeah, I wanted to thank you. I decided to live with my sister for a while. You were right. I don't deserve to be with someone like him." i could hear the woman say (barely)

"aw! I'm glad. Don't worry, everything will be fine!" raven said enthusiastically.

The woman leaned forward an gave raven a hug.

I could tell it was a little awkward for both of them, but I held back my chuckle.

The woman turned around and got into the car.

"be safe!" Raven said as they pulled away.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I leaned forward and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"you're a good person." i said and squeezed her waist a tiny bit and smiled.

"I just couldn't leave them like that." she said and spun around to where we were facing each other.

I smiled slightly before kissing her.

"come on lovebirds. We have to get to the next venue." Jayy said.

We looked at him and then back to each other.

We couldn't help but laugh because Jayy sounded like our parents.

Well I guess its time to go rock another venue!

I'm so sorry that it took so long to upload :( I'm seriously REALLY sorry! To make it up to you guys, I'm going to make a special edition side story for the Christmas holiday ^-^ it's going to be as If they were home again with family and stuff. Since the story is about in July, the Christmas one will be like in the future after the tour. Hopefully that makes sense 0-o if not, just ask about it and I'll try to explain it in a different way :P I love you guys!! Hopefully you liked the chapter, and sorry for any typos :o

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