One Goal Two Worlds (Transfor...

De PrincessAura273

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Sequel to It's Time To Duel. The members of the Transformers Titans has been formed. Their mission, to find t... Mais

One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2
Chapter 2 - David & Najat vs. Zach and Corbin
Chapter 3 - A Spy Is Lurking
Chapter 4 - Madalyn vs. Shannon
Chapter 5 - The Search Continues
Chapter 6 - Selina vs. Ben
Chapter 7 - Lost
Chapter 8 - Emanuel & Madalyn vs. Robert
Chapter 9 - Missed Sparks
Chapter 10 - Reunited
Chapter 11 - David vs. Corbin Part 1
Chapter 12 - David vs. Corbin Part 2
Chapter 13 - Bringing Corbin Home
Chapter 14 - Madalyn & Emanuel & Selina vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert Part 1
Chapter 15 - Madalyn & Selina & Emanuel vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert
Chapter 16 - Web-Master Mia
Chapter 18 - Adittea vs. Boris
Chapter 19 - Teenager Drama
Chapter 20 - Two Battles One Victory
Chapter 21 - Things Just Got Complicated
Chapter 22 - Getting More Complicated & Then Some
Chapter 23 - It's Personal
Chapter 24 - Madalyn vs. Chaos Bringer Round 2

Chapter 17 - Back Home

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De PrincessAura273

Madalyn's P.O.V.

We arrived back at the private plane in a special V.I.P. lane at the Prince Edward Island airport. We all chilled and relaxed in the living room of the plane.

Madalyn: Man! Talk about a summer vacation.

Emanuel: Your telling me. At first we were original staying in England, but then we ended up going to Transformers Valley, Kenya, Berlin, Tokyo, and now P.E.I.

Najat: We've been everywhere! I wonder how long we've been gone.

Selina: Let me take a look. Selina opened up her laptop and brought up the calendar. When she saw the date her eyes widened.

Madalyn: What what's wrong?

Selina: Guys, school starts tomorrow!

Iestyn: Say what now?!

Selina: I'm not kidding! We're gone pretty much for the rest of the summer!

Madalyn: Then take us back home and quick! I need to buy new supplies!

David: I need to register in with my guidance counsellor!

Najat: Forget that! I need a new wardrobe!

Selina: Kato! Take us back home! And quick!


Madalyn's Dad's P.O.V.

Dad: Alright what's in the refrigerator?

I sat down my briefcase and coat on a chair in the kitchen and opened up the fridge. There was leftover sandwiches, lasagna, but one thing caught my eye.

Dad: Ah pudding!

I brought it out and took a spoon from the utensils drawer. I walked out into the living room with it when my wife spotted me. She was doing some yoga while watching her show.

Mom: And just what do you think your doing? I was saving that for Madalyn when she gets home.

I slouched on the couch and set the pudding on my lap.

Dad: Aw please hun. And speaking of Madalyn, just where is she?

Mom: She's out with her friends. She should be back anytime now.

Dad: I hope so, she starts school tomorrow. I miss the kid.

All of a sudden the ground started shaking and books and picture frames were falling off.

Dad: What the heck?!

Mom: Is it an earthquake?!

I looked outside to see the the trees and bushes in the backyard were blowing like mad. It couldn't be an earthquake. Me and my wife hurried to the back patio door and opened it to look up into the sky and see a jet hovering right over the house. The catwalk entrance opened up and it revealed Madalyn waving at us.

Madalyn: Hi mom! Hi dad! I'm back from England!


Madalyn's P.O.V.

My parents were surprised to see that the jet dropped me off right at the house, but they seem to be over it now. I decided to keep the other places we've been to other than England on the down low since they thought that was the only place I was going to with my friends. Thankfully my mom did my back to school shopping for me so I was all set for school tomorrow. So me and Optimus decided to relax today and take a day off. Well at least I did. I had to talk Optimus in to it. I changed into my swimsuit and relaxed in the pool.

Madalyn: Oh yeah, nothing like relaxing in the pool to start off the evening. Come on Optimus, take some time to relax.

I put my tablet next to me and Optimus's hologram appeared on a small floatie that floated on the water towards me.

Optimus: I'm not sure i enjoy this activity Madalyn.

Madalyn: Just relax. We've got plenty of time to search for Elita-1 and the Infinity Core. And besides, the next step is to get everyones Transformers evolved, just like you. Every fight from now on is going to be tough, that's why we all have to be totally ready for whatever Chaos Bringer throws at us.

Optimus: Your right. I conquer, a little relaxation is in order.

Madalyn: I hope the rest of the Titans are getting a little R & R.

Optimus: As do I.


Selina's P.O V.

After dropping off Maddie and the others the jet finally arrived back at my place and landed on the helicopter pad. The catwalk lowered and me and Najat exited the plane and walked inside.

Najat: Wow is this a house or a five star hotel? You've got it made Selina! I appreciate your parents letting me stay over. After such a long flight I need my beauty sleep!

Selina: Yes, well I'm sure you'll be very comfortable here. You don't need to worry about being late for school. My dad has already organized for you to be home schooled with me until you go back home, that way you don't miss you lessons. Besides, we need all the rest we can get for our future battles.

Bumblebee: Me casa eso casa me amigo. Heh, heh, heh!

Selina: Bee why are you speaking Spanish?

Najat opened a door into one of them rooms of the hallway and she was just beside herself!

Najat: Wow! This is my room?!

I took a glance inside and nearly fell on the floor laughing. I tried my best to hold in the laughs as I replied to Najat.

Selina: Oh Najat, you and your ironic sense of humour. This is your bathroom.

I pointed to the toilet in the middle of the room and a huge blush of embarrassment was on her face.

Najat: Oh, uh, I knew that!


David's P.O.V.

I was mediating outside in my backyard of my grandfathers dojo. The sounds of the water flowing through the pond, wind blowing, sugarcanes rattling against each other filled the air.

David: *thinking* If Mia is really a spy, then I need to find out.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

Emanuel: Heads up! Two coffees coming up!

I was back at my parents restaurant working my shift. My dad had his camera taking pictures of me while my mom ran the cash register.

Dad: Its so nice to have Emanuel back.

Mom: Yes dear, and if it wasn't for him this place would be a ghost town.

Girl customer #1: Oh by the way where's Iestyn?

Mom: He's out running a few errands I'm sure he'll be back in a while.

Girl costumer #2: We want Iestyn!

Girl costumer #3: Yeah where's Iestyn?

Emanuel: Hey knock it off!

Dad: You'll always be my favourite Emanuel.

Emanuel: Dad! Your embarrassing me!


Iestyn's P.O.V.

I was walking back to Emanuel's house from the grocery store along the road next to the river. THe sun was shining and marathon runnings were passing by.

Iestyn: What a nice day today. Too bad school has to come again so soon and ruin it.

As I walked along the road I spotted a boy down standing in front of the river holding a Transformers card in his hand. He had black hair with brown eyes, blue glasses, light brown skin, I'm guess he had a Indian background, wore a green sweater, orange t-shirt, jeans, and white and black sneakers. 

Iestyn: What do we have here, a young Titan. But what's he doing with that card?

But then I saw the sad look on his face and watched as he aimed his hand up in the air, to attempt to toss the card into the river.

???: I hate losing!

Iestyn: Hey wait a second kid! Don't do it!

I ran down the hill towards him but before my brain could tell me to stop I accidentally ran into the kid and he fell into the river. His card floated in the air and it safely landed on the gravel path near the water.

Iestyn: Oh man I'm sorry bro, did I hurt you?

???: Hey what did you do that for?! Get me out of here!

I put down the shopping bags and helped the boy out of the water. He was soaking wet but luckily I was smart enought to buy new towels for the resturants kitchen. Although this was a pretty good excuse to use them so I brought them our and wrapped them around the boy. Luckily after that he seemed to calm down a bit. 

Iestyn: No that we're past that whole akward stage, what's your name kid?

???: My name is Adittea.

(QUICK NOTE! Adittea's name is pronoucned A-dit-tea-ya)

Iestyn: Tell me Adittea, why were you going to toss your Transformers card into the river?

Adittea: Well, there's this guy who I play Transformers battles a lot with. His name is Boris. I've been losing him a lot to him lately and the worst part is he's enjoying it! So now he makes me battle him every single day.

Iestyn: He forces you to battle him?

Adittea: Yeah, Boris is just a mean, old bully who knew he would win. I'm a loser.

Iestyn: No your not Adittea. You were just in a bad situation that's all. All you have to do is learn how to win in Transformers. 

Adittea: That's easy for you to say. I bet your insanely good at it. I have had enought with losing, so I'm not going to put up with it any more! Cause I'll never play Transformers again!

I had to admit I really felt sorry for the kid. Perhaps there's something I could do to help him win in a match against this Boris. I looked to my left to see his Transformers card. It was a red and black buggie named Mudflap. I picked it up and examined the card. This Autobot has pretty good stats, all he needs to do is learn who to use those stats to help him win.

Iestyn: Hey Adittea, let me teach you to win.

Adittea: Huh?! Really?

Iestyn: I'm serious, you've got nothing to lose.

Adittea: You think I could learn?


Emanuel's P.O.V.

Girl customer #1: I'm still waiting for that refill!

Girl costumer #2: Can we have some service please?!

Emanuel: Coming up! Mom, Dad, we're out of Soi Mocha Muffins!

Girl costumer #3: Hey my coffee!

Emanuel: Sorry miss!

I was running around all over the place taking orders, getting drinks, delivering meals, where the heck was Iestyn?!

Predaking: Humans, what a strange species.

Emanuel: That's it! You better get here quick Iestyn or else!


Iestyn's P.O.V.

Me and Adittea were sitting on a bench at a near by park going over his deck of cards.

Iestyn: Let's see what we got here, we have Mudflap, Skids, and Windcharger, a couple ability cards, some pretty interesting game cards, not too shabby Adittea. You sure have some awesome cards here.

Adittea: I do?

Iestyn: Not a very big selection of attack cards, but there are some decent ability cards that will get you through almost any battle.  For example, your Autobot Windcharger has a pretty decent attack level. But if you combine it with the Energon Net Census trap card, it will trick your opponent big time. And because your a Autobot faction Titan, always remember this, stick with your Autobot abilities and it will make a world of a difference.

Adittea: Yeah, man I thought there were so many ways to battle in this game. 

Iestyn: There are, and it all depends on your choices too. They put together the right attack level combinations and you'll be surprised how good they can be.

Adittea: Right! Now I get it! 

Iestyn: Alright Adittea, I think it's time for you to challenge Boris. 

Adittea: What? But, I don't know if I'm ready! I wouldn't know which ability card to use or even when to use it Iestyn! How can you be so sure? 

Iestyn: Sorry but those aren't my desicions to make. They're up to you.

Adittea: Up to me? I can't and everytime I tried, I've messed up and thrown down the wrong card! You've got to help me pick the right ones!

Iestyn: No Adittea, if you want to become the best Titan you have to play with confidence. 

Adittea: I don't think that could ever happen. 

Iestyn: Your most important weapon is confidence. More important than power. We both know you love Transformers, now you have to master the game. 

Adittea: I'm not sure if I can. But I'll try.

Iestyn: Belive in yourself and before you'll know it, you'll fall in love with Transformers all over again. 


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Optimus: Ah, you know this relaxing activity isn't so bad. I could get used to this.

Madalyn: See O.P.? What did I tell you. Nothing to it. 

All of a sudden there was a 'POP' like noise and I opened my eyes to see Optimus's floaty sinking into the water. And what's worse is that I placed the tablet there because Optimus kept getting the pulling sensation in his body everytime the floaty would float too far from the tablet and it was actually starting to hurt him.

Optimus: Help, I'm sinking! Get me out of here! Hurry!

I quickly swam over and grabbed the tablet along with Optimus's hologram and placed it on the crib of the pool on the patio. 

Madalyn: You okay Optimus?

Optimus: I think so. Does this always happen to humans when they relax?

Madalyn: Not normally no.

Optimus: I think this isn't my kind of thing anymore.

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