Sweet Little Butterfly (Black...

By knightwolf11

185K 6.7K 1.2K

Young Earl Ciel Phantomhive has just sold his soul to one hell of a butler, but unknown to these two, a sweet... More

Sweet Little Butterfly (Black Butler fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Friend or Foe?
Chapter 3 Battle with the Butler
Question time
Chapter 4 Contract
Chapter 5 Introduction
Author comment
Chapter 7 Dance Lessons part 2
Chapter 8 Meeting the Fiance
Chapter 9 Let the Ball Begin
Chapter 10 Fixing What Was Broken
Author comment
Chapter 11 Social Butterfly
Author comment
Chapter 12 A Change of Scenery
Chapter 13: An Unsuspecting Emotion
Chapter 14: The Skeleton and The Butterfly
Chapter 15: Dog Treats and Tea
Chapter 16: What do Butterflies Joke About?
Chapter 17: Master Ciel is Wearing a Dress
Chapter 18: A Butterfly At The Ball
Chapter 19: Roses are Bloody
Chapter 20: A Useless Sentiment

Chapter 6 Dance lessons Part 1

6.8K 294 12
By knightwolf11

Yay! A New chapter!!!

Disclamier: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my oc character and any others that might show up. 

Special thanks to soundwave123, your votes and comment really help me out :)

 video on the side ---->


Shizuka P.O.V 

After the introductions were complete, Ciel was making his way back to his study, to look over some documents, when Sebastian made a comment about his dancing skills. I just stayed silently by his side, allowing my presents to become part of the back ground. A useful skill indeed.  

"Mi-lord a proper gentleman should now how to dance" the velvety voice of the raven haired butler swirled around us. Ciel just looked at him with a steal blue eye "Teach me then" the bored voice accenting his closed off face. 

So with that conversation we made our way to a spare room and began the lessons. Sebastian decided to to teach him the Viennese Waltz, the steps would be easy for the young master to catch on to. I just walked over to the piano that was situated in the corner of the room and waited patiently for the lesson to began, my nimble pale fingers poised over the keys. Ready to start the melody that would accompany their dance. 

It was rather amusing to see Ciel getting frustrated over the fact that he was playing the girl in the dance lessons, even though he tried not to show it.

But once they got into position, Sebastian began teaching him the way of the waltz, while I allowed a soft melody to slip out of the piano. As I was playing I allowed my eyes to drift over to the window, soaking in the sun light that was softly entering the room.

I was then interrupted from both my playing and musing by the young masters voice.

"Shizuka, dance with me." I looked at him with a peculiar face, why did he have to dance with me? I suppose my face asked that exact question because he became frustrated "I need to learn to dance as the lead, not the females role. So I need you to be my dance partner. You do know how to dance, do you not?" his English accent laced with slight irritation. 

I just nodded and stood up, and made my way over to him, not wanting to get to close to someone. It went against the very core of my nature, butterfly's are fleeting creatures, never ones to allow anyone to get too close. 

I gracefully made my way over to him, keeping almost a foot away from him when I stopped. He just closed the distance between us and my heart began to flutter a tad bit faster. That was the first time to be so close to someone, a human none the less. But I kept my face calm, not allowing my inner emotions to dance across my face. 

I turned my face up to his, to see him watching me very closely, I just smiled a closed eye smile and put his hand in position on my waist and held his other hand in my sleeved covered one, never allowing our skin to touch. 

"Begin whenever you would like Master Ciel" 


Short chapter but the second part will be uploaded during the weekend. Even though I still have not gotten any new comments I did get another vote so that's good. So that's why I decided to have two chapters uploaded for this week :) Don't forget to Fan, Vote, and comment!

Ta~Ta for now


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