South Park One Shots

By CoffeeandSweets

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I'm going to do some South Park one shots. If you have any ideas for other one-shots tell me! South Park belo... More

Til the end (Tweek Tweak x Reader)
Drowning (Craig Tucker x reader)
Misunderstanding (Christophe x reader)
Escape (Kyle Broflovski x sick!reader)
Just once, please. (Kenny McCormick x reader)
Rumors (Eric Cartman x reader)
A Wicked Treat (Damien Thorn x reader)
Everybody talks (Stan Marsh x reader)
The only party I want to be at is one you're at (Kenny x reader)
I wanna get better (Sick!Tweek x reader)
Thems fightin' words (Pip x reader)
Don't be silly~! (FakeVampire!Butters x Helpful!reader)
Who cares? (Kevin S. x reader)
Taco love~! (Clyde x reader)
Bonding time~! (Butters x reader)
Love is love. (Damien x reader)
Love changes~! (Curly goth x reader)
Who knew? (Craig x reader)
Vampires are still cool! (Mike the vampire kid x reader)
Finally happened. (Adult!Married!Kyle x Adult!Married!Reader)
Who will it be? (Kenny x reader x tweek) {Kenny's Ending}
Who will it be? (Kenny x reader x Tweek) {Tweek's Ending}
Don't. Your worth it. (Pip x reader)
Closer to thy's enemy. (Christophe x reader)
Your better than Coffee! (Tweek x reader)
Stick of truth (Craig x reader)
Goth's deserve love too! (Pete x reader)
What a surprise! (Kenny x reader)
Curly Hair is cute! (Curly Goth x reader)
After school! (Kyle x reader)
Happy birthday! (Kevin S. x reader)
It doesn't matter if your rich! (Token x Reader)
My best friend! (Christophe x reader)
My brothers best friend! (Kyle x reader)
I love you and your middle finger! (Craig x reader)
Is it hot in here? Or is it you? (Gregory x Reader)
Painting pictures? (Tweek x reader)
April fools Kyle! (Kyle x reader)
Somehow love (Cartman x Reader)
May I have this Dance? (Damien x reader)
Even a Hero needs love! (Mysterion x Reader)
New love~! (Kyle x reader)
Pinky Swear (Kenny x reader)
Who took my cookies? (Kenny x reader x Curly Goth) {Curly Goth Ending}
Who took my cookies? (Kenny x reader x Curly Goth) {Kenny's Ending}
Do you sparkle? (Mike x reader)
Happy Hanukkah! (Kyle x Jewish!Reader)
Those damn gnomes! (Tweek x reader)
Will you? (Kenny x reader)
You're not a cry baby! (Clyde x Reader)
Pick me! No me! (Craig x reader x Clyde) {Clyde's Ending}
Pick me! No me! (Craig x reader x Clyde) {Craig's ending)
Snow ball fights! (Gregory x Reader)
Wendy, your such a bitch. (Token x reader)
Fuck you Wendy! (Stan x reader)
What not to do in South Park (Pip x Reader)
You've got me! (Butters x Bullied!Insecure!Reader)
Not so shy. (Craig x Shy!Bullied!NewKid!Reader)
Your not going to take him. (Firkle x reader) *SONGFIC*
Beaches rule! (Christophe x reader)
Shh, it's Okay. I'll always be here for you. (Kenny x Reader)
Family (Kevin McCormick x Reader)
Happy 4th of July Michael! (Michael x reader)
Dares! (Mike x Reader)
It's...A Jersey thing.. (Jersey!Kyle x Shy!Reader)
As sweet as candy! (Damien x reader)
The wonders of Pocky! (Token x Reader)
Ninja love! (Christophe x Ninja!Reader)
Tutoring involves secrets and love letters?! (Tweek x Reader)
Wait what? (Stan x reader)
My cool best friend! (Thomas x Reader)
Math problem help? (Tweek x Shy!Reader)
Comedy Love! (Jimmy x Reader)
Cupcakes rule! (Butters x Reader)
Valentines day love! (Craig x reader x Kenny) {Kenny's Ending}
Valentines day love! (Craig x Reader x Kenny) {Craig Ending}
Your not that bad.. (Kyle x goth!reader)
My sworn enemy's sister? (Kyle x Cartman's sister!Reader)
Don't worry, I'll take care of you! (Sick!Kyle x reader)
Hearts true (Angel!Kenny x Reader)
Surprises! (Pervert!Kyle x Shy!Reader)
Beachy fun! (Tweek x Busty!Reader)
Unpopular (Dog Poo x Reader)
Bake sale! (Cartman x reader)
Getting into trouble! (Stan x Reader)
Vampire love (Mike x Real Vampire!Reader)
Making mistakes (Kenny x Flat Chested!Reader)
Partners in Crime (Craig x reader)
Important Update!!
Important Update part 2!
Laser Tag (Wendy x Fem!Reader)
Soft (Bebe x Fem!Reader)

Call of the Siren (Kenny x reader)

11.5K 215 143
By CoffeeandSweets

     You snickered quietly in the alleyway as you finished your graffiti. Stepping back, you admired the artwork you had put on the side of the building. It was a crudely drawn image of Eric Cartman's fat head. Beside it, you had written, "I'm ugly and I'm proud!". You tucked the can back into your messenger bag, before taking your track-phone out and taking a picture of the masterpiece. "That's what he gets for being an asshole to Butters." You mumbled, smirking as you made sure to send the image into a mass group message. Inside the group messaged contained all the heroes in South Park that you knew of: The Freedom Pals. The two rivaling hero groups had joined forces not too long ago, meaning when one had a problem they all did too. How would this image be a problem to the heroes, one might wonder? Simple, because The Coon was the muse on display: Eric Cartman.

You giggled as you watch The Coon's text messages fly across the screen, insulting and declaring you his "nemesis". You sighed, content with the ruckus you caused. You neatly tucked the track-phone back into your bag and turned around to leave the alleyway. Right as you did, however, you heard the sound of a trashcan lid being knocked over behind you. You swiveled around, only to come face to face with your favorite hero. "Hey cutie." You cooed, raising your voice an octave. You did so easily since your voice was your "source" of powers after all. Plus, this hid your identity a bit better than the rest of the heroes.

Mysterion's glare hardened on your form. "You're coming with me, Siren." He ordered, getting into fighting position. You 'tsked' and rolled your eyes. He always thought he was the one in control, didn't he? 'How cute.' You thought, tugging your hood a little further down. Although you had a mouth mask covering the portion of your face below your eyes, you still didn't want him to get a good look at what he could see.

"As cute as it is that you think you can control me, baby, I've done nothing wrong. I'm just using my freedom of speech against that bully." You pointed to your piece behind him. He didn't turn away and instead stepped closer to you. "I know that I'm cute and you're into me, but you have got to stop stalking me, love. How distasteful, you little pervert!" You feigned disappointment and crossed your arms. "If you want to be my hero baby, all you had to do was ask." You winked, delighted by the red that spread across his cheeks. You meant most of the flirtatious things you said to him, after all. You couldn't help finding yourself attracted to him.

"Stop playing games. You're a criminal, a villain, and I will punish you." Mysterion cracked his knuckles, trying to intimidate you.

"Oh, you're going to punish me? Kinky." You stroked his cheek, only for him to smack away your hand. As much as you enjoyed teasing and messing with him, this hero talk got annoying. "Look sugar, this good guy vs. bad guy shit is getting old. No one's 100% good or bad all of the time. If anything, I'm an anti-hero, not a villain baby. So are you." You informed, strutting away. "Sweetie, you call yourself a hero, but you determine that I'm a guilty criminal without any proof. What happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'? If anyone is a hero here, it's me." You rewarded yourself, laughing as you noticed his form tense up. Clearly your "friendly" banter wasn't appreciated, as per usual.

"You're no hero, or anti-hero. You're a villain, and that's all you'll ever be. Believe it or not, but spray painting walls, tp-ing and egging houses are illegal. You're being a pest, and it's time someone exterminates you." He dashed forward to grab you, only to be frozen in place.

"Freeze!" You sing out a short note, causing him to freeze in his position. You quickly turn around, and get ready to run, knowing your command won't last but a minute or two. "And by the way, I'm not going to say this again: my name isn't Siren, it's Harmony! Get it right, My Stereo." You teased, purposely saying his name wrong. And with that, you were off running down the sidewalk. Not long after you took off, you could hear footsteps following behind you moving rapidly. You turned your body around, still running, and pointed at his form. "Stuck like glue!" You belted, watching as his feet became unable to move again, almost as though he was stuck in something.

Before you knew it, you were back in your neighborhood, and far away from Mysterion. You bent over, panting, and placed your hands on your knees to recover. You looked up, and noticed who's bedroom light was still on in the neighborhood. You smirked and quickly used his garage to get inside. Once inside, you made sure to tiptoe past his parent's bedroom, as to not awaken them. You stood outside his door for a moment, making sure you didn't hear any commotions going on inside. Suddenly, you burst and launched yourself onto your friend's bed. "Hello, Leopold!" You greeted, making yourself right at home.

Butters clutched his chest with a look of panic across his face. It quickly went away when he realized the intruder in the house was actually you. "Harmony, I already told you, you can't just break into people's houses! I could get grounded if they find you in here with me." He lectured, to which you rolled your eyes. You waved him off, sprawling yourself across his bed and going through your messenger bag.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just so excited to show my bud what I did tonight." You handed him your phone, cocky at your handiwork. Butters chuckled, before handing you back your phone. "Chaos like's what he sees! Thank you, Harmony." Butters thanked, as he quickly put on his costume. "Can you send that image to me? I'd like to use it the next time those Super tools mess up another one of my plans." Professor Chaos requested, smiling when your photos went through.

"Of course, Professor. Those heroes like to act like heroes when in reality we all know they're just stuck up about themselves, even that cutie Mysterion. If anyone's a hero, it's me. I'm the one who stands up for this boy they call Butters whenever he's bullied. My artwork brings shame to the true villains." You declared, standing up victoriously. "I have some red spray paint left this time if you want to use it!" You offered, searching through your messenger bag. You froze when you realized that task wouldn't be so easy. Retracting your hand, you turned to look at him with a look of horror on your face.

"Oh my god, Professor. I lost the can. I don't know where it went it was in my bad before Mysterion showed up. It must've fallen out when I was running! I'm screwed. He'll track my fingerprints and then kick my ass. I'll go to jail when I was just standing up for the silent innocent." You cried out, panicking. Quickly Professor Chaos ran to your side and draped an arm over your shoulders, trying to comfort you.

"It'll be okay, Harmony. The worst he can do is find your fingerprints, right? How can he prove that it was you doing the graffiti all over town? Can he prove it was you that painted all the crossing signs pink? Can he prove you're the one behind all the 'crimes' around town?" Professor Chaos questioned, knowing that you knew the answer to those questions. "I guess you'll right. He can't absolutely prove that I did anything." You sighed, calming down. Slowly, you pulled off your mask and hood and gave Butters a hug. He reciprocated the gesture, smiling. "I better head home now. See you later, Professor." You bid him farewell and quietly left his house for your own. Upon breaking in and getting to your room, you crashed on the bed immediately, worn out from the long day.


The following morning, you jumped out of bed and went into a panic when you realized you were going to be late to class. You quickly threw on the closest clothes near you and rushed out of the house. You tried to smooth down your non-brushed hair as you booked it to the bus. By the time you made it to the bus stop, you saw the bus doors close and slowly pulling away. Panting, you stared at the ground dejectedly. However, a familiar voice soon broke you out of your funk.

"Hey gorgeous, need a ride to school?" Kenny asked, parking his moped beside you. You giggled at his crummy little ride, before walking to the moped. "What're you laughing at? This is one fine ass ride!" Kenny pouted, craning his neck to look back at you.

You snorted, shaking your head at his comment. "Oh hell yeah, Kenny. This is the most magnificent ride I've ever seen. I've never been more blessed than to ride this with you on this fine morning." You replied, sitting down and getting yourself situated.

"The audacity of people these days Jane. I offer a lovely lady a ride and she insults you. You don't deserve this baby!" Kenny pets his moped, before grabbing a helmet and handing it to you. "Here you go ungrateful, safety first." He teased, flicking your forehead. Rolling your eyes, you accepted the helmet and put it on.

"Hold on tight beautiful, this thing is kicking into overdrive!" Kenny exclaimed, starting the moped and driving off towards the school. You laughed before wrapped your arms around his waist and resting your head against his back. You took notice of the low speed the moped was going and raised a brow in curiosity.

"Does this thing go any faster Kenny? We'll definitely end up late at this rate." You questioned, acknowledging the fact that you two only had 5 minutes left before the bell rang.

"No can do. Jane only goes 31 miles per hour, babe." Kenny answered, huffing when he heard you laugh. "Don't insult her while you're riding her, (Y/n)! It took me a whole year to save up for a moped as nice as Jane." Kenny informed, slowing down your laughter.

"I know. You're a really hard worker. You deserve a moped as great as Jane." You agreed, lifting your head up as you noticed the school coming up in the distance. "We only have 2 minutes left Kenny!" You rushed, before remembering the highest speed Jane could go. You frowned, accepting the fact you would be late.

"Well, we're late now. Let's head on in and hear the secretary bitch at us." You handed the helmet back to Kenny after he parked at the school. He nodded in response, following closely behind you. Before you opened the door to enter the school, a hand shot out and stopped you. Glancing up, you looked at Kenny, then back to his hand.

"Since we're late anyway, whaddya say we just skip?" Kenny encouraged, pulling your hand off the door handle and interlocking it with his own. You ignored the blush crawl across your cheeks. Just as you opened your mouth to argue, he continued. "I know we shouldn't, but one day wouldn't hurt. Besides, it'll be a nice mental health day for you. You won't have to think or worry about anything today, (Y/n). The whole day will be ours, and I'll make all the decisions for you." Kenny continued, trying to persuade you. You bit your lip, thinking about what he said. "All you have to do is sit back, follow along, and have a good time. No thinking involved. You deserve a break." He finished, staring into your eyes expectantly.

You let out a sigh, giving in. "Fine, we can skip. But don't get us into any trouble! If the guys ask, tell them you were sick and you don't know where I am, got it?" You ordered, finger waggling in his face. He laughed, before nodding in response. You glanced down at your hand, still intertwined with his. He followed your gaze, releasing your hand when he realized what he had been doing.

"Sorry (Y/n)! Didn't mean to make that awkward." Kenny apologized with a blush dusting his cheeks. He quickly began walking to his moped, leaving you behind him. You sighed, before following him, allowing some distance to form between you two.

"Yeah. Awkward." You muttered, biting your lip and rubbing your now lonely hand. You wrapped your arms around him when the two of you piled back onto the moped. "Hey Kenny, do you mind if we visit City Wok? I went there with my family last night and I think I left something inside." You asked, fluttering your eyelashes innocently.

He whipped his head back around and started the moped. "Um, yeah, sure." He fumbled, before "flooring" it out of the school parking lot.

Within no time, the two of you reached your destination. As you climbed off of the moped, you noticed Kenny glaring at something in the alleyway beside the restaurant. You hurried in front of his view, trying to distract him. "Kenny, can you go in there and ask them if they found raspberry hand sanitizer? It's my favorite one. I'm too scared to go and do it myself." You feigned your innocence, hoping he'd believe you and agree.

Kenny looked down at you for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face. You felt yourself getting more nervous the longer he stood there. Suddenly, he nodded and turned around walking into the restaurant. The moment his form disappeared into the restaurant, you raced into the alley, looking around for the spray paint. You saw the art you had painted the night before, and giggled, still pleased by your work.

"Man, I'm so funny. I should become an artist." You determined, before forcing yourself to get back to the task at hand. Squinting, you finally found the spray can laying under the dumpster in the alleyway. You grinned and dashed forward to get it. You pressed as close to the dumpster as you could, reaching for the can with all your might. Finally, you grabbed it and held it up victoriously. "Yes! Success!" You cheered, before turning around and putting it in your messenger bag.

As you glanced up, you locked eyes with a familiar face at the end of the alley. You felt your blood run cold, hoping Kenny hadn't seen what you were doing. "H-hey Kenny! Sorry, I got distracted by a kitten and chased it down here. I can't find it now though." You looked around, pretending you were looking for the kitten still. You let out a nervous laugh, expecting Kenny to laugh with you. However, as you looked back at him, you noticed the somber look on his face. You also took notice of the distance that had suddenly decreased between the two of you.

"Cut the shit, (Y/n). Or should I say, Siren?" A voice unlike Kenny's rang out. You looked at him in confusion. That voice sounded familiar, but you knew that wasn't Kenny's voice. That's when it hit you: Kenny was Mysterion. Your eyes widened as you tried to play off your discovery.

"Siren? Who's that?" You laughed, quickly walking past Kenny. "Anyways I just got a text from my mom, she needs me home ASAP because I have a dentist appointment. I told her I'd get a ride there, mind helping me out?" Before you could reach his moped, a hand reached out and stopped you in your place.

"I know you're Siren. Don't try to lie to me." Kenny ordered, his hand wrapped around on your wrist.

You frowned at his mean demeanor towards you. You weren't used to Kenny treating you like this in your normal form. "I don't know what-" You began, only for him to cut you off. He pulled you closer to him, his hand still holding onto you.

"Stop bullshitting me. Look at your hands. You have red spray paint all over them. Someone did a shitty job cleaning up last night." Kenny sneered, waving your hand in front of your face. You looked at your hand in horror, realizing he was right. Before you could say anything, Kenny continued. "You have the same messenger bag as Siren too, (Y/n). Looks like you grabbed the wrong bag on your way out of the house this morning, huh?" Kenny nodded towards the messenger bag on your hip. You mentally cursed yourself for being such an idiot. "I heard you compliment your own artwork and celebrate finding the can. Admit you're Siren and I'll go easy on you." Kenny demanded, his grip tightening. You flinched, feeling your wrist starting to hurt. You sighed, realizing what you had to do.

"Release." You sang, whirling around to kick Kenny in the chest after he had let go of you. You watch him fly backward, before steadying himself. You glanced at your sore wrist. "That shit hurted, sweetie. I know I'm cute, but hands off the merchandise, 'kay?" You put aside your anti-her persona, and tried to back out of the alley slowly. "I'm not Siren." You stood straight, fists clenched at your side. "I'm Harmony." You confirmed, making a dash for the exit.

Before you could leave, Kenny pulled you back, slamming you against the wall. You growled, swinging your fist again. He dodged your attacks and pinned your hands to the wall. He shoved his free hand over your mouth, to stop you from singing your way out of his grasp. "I can't believe this. I never thought you could be the one behind all of these petty crimes." Kenny snarled, glaring into your eyes. "I thought you were my friend. You know I supported Mysterion and the rest of the superheroes. How could you do this to me?" You felt yourself fume at his insults.

Using all of the strength you could muster, you kicked out his right leg and pushed him away. "Chill the fuck out, Kenny. I didn't become Harmony just to make you angry. I'm still your friend, asshole. I have my reasons for what I did. Now just take me home." You commanded, raising your fists to protect yourself. Kenny rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"Yeah right. As if I'd let you be my friend after this. At least Butters didn't keep his persona secret for months on end. Plus, he never actually committed any petty crimes that take away my time from real crime." Kenny's words made a chill run down your spine. He didn't want to be friends anymore?

"Really Kenny? You don't want to be my friend anymore over a goddamn game?" You questioned, raising your hand when he began to speak again. "SILENCE." You bellowed, holding out the note to make sure you had plenty of time to speak. "I did the crimes to upset all of the heroes, you got me there. But the reason I started in the first place was because of what you guys did to Butters." You explained, watching his brows furrow in confusion.

"You don't remember the day that 'Siren' stumbled upon you and your friends kicking Butters ass?" You questioned, watching as his face shifted in recognition of the event. "It wasn't fair. You all had already beaten him in the fight, yet Cartman kept kicking him while he was down. You're supposed to be a hero, but you stood idly by while Cartman beat someone innocent. Once Butters was down and Cartman started hitting him, you should've stopped him." You explained, feeling anger pulsate throughout your body. How dare he accuse you of being a bad friend when he allowed for Cartman to hurt his passed out friend.

"You can call me the villain all you want, but from any passerby's point of view, I'm the hero. I rescued Butters and escaped without having to fight anyone. All the graffiti and petty crimes I've done have all been in retaliation to Cartman's bullying of Butters." You stared into his eyes, still seething.

"You know you would've done the same if the situation was happening to Karen. So why didn't you for Butters? That's really, really fucked, Kenny. If anyone doesn't want to be anyone's friend here, it's me. I don't want to be your friend, knowing that you'd let that happen to me. Hell, knowing you'd let that happen to all of your friends." You finished, throwing the spray paint to his feet.

"Whatever, Kenny. I'm out of here. Keep the can. I'm done being the villain you've painted me to be. You even insist on calling me 'Siren' instead of Harmony because it has more of a negative connotation. You just can't accept that I can be a hero too, simply because I went against you. How pitiful." You turned around, walking out of the alleyway.

"I can't believe I let myself like him like that. Who needs romance. Who needs him." You mumbled, wiping away the tears that ran down your cheeks. You were pretty sure you still had some time before your spell would wear off, so began making your way to Starks Pond.


You sighed, looking at the pond. You were laying on the bench, trying to make yourself feel better, as well as hide so that no one you knew would see you. The past hour had been very beneficial to you. You were calm, and no longer angry at Kenny. Hurt, sure, but not angry. Your feelings for him? Also still very much intact, much to your disappointment. Sitting up, you got off the bench and walked to the edge of the water. You smiled seeing the fish swimming around under the thin layer of ice. The simple creatures simply didn't have to think about, let alone deal with, heartbreak.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard crunching snow behind you. You jumped up to see who it was, only for your foot to slip on a nearby stick. As you fell backward, you caught a glimpse of bright orange. You closed your eyes, preparing for your fate. This was going to be cold as shit. Before you hit the surface, however, you felt someone's arms wrap around you and launch you onto the group.

You 'oofed' upon hitting the ground, looking for who had saved you. You were shocked to see Kenny laying over top of you, his brows furrowed in anger. Before you could speak, you found warmth pressed against your lips. You froze, realizing it was Kenny's lips on top of yours. Just as you were about to reciprocate his actions, Kenny pulled back.

"Damnit (Y/n), the hell is wrong with you? Why would you stand so close to the edge? I've told you before to be careful around the pond!" Kenny scolded you, his forehead pressed against yours. You felt your cheeks flare at the close contact, before furrowing your own brows in response to his words.

"For your information, I only slipped because you scared me! What are you doing here anyways? Just leave me alone, we aren't friends, remember? We're especially not dating." You sneered, watching his face drop. He sighed, climbing off of you. You huffed, sitting up and looking away from him.

"I'm sorry." Kenny apologized, causing you to whip your head around to look at him. "You're right, I didn't stand up for Butters. I would've stood up for Karen, and I should've stood up for him too." He paused, intertwining your hand with his. "I had no right to yell at you for keeping your identity a secret, nor for your crimes. The main objective of any superhero or villain is to keep their identity secret. I also didn't listen to your reasoning for your crimes before jumping to conclusions." Kenny took a sharp breath, before using his spare hand to cup your cheek.

"I said a lot of rude shit to you the past few months, as Mysterion and now as Kenny. If you can forgive me, I don't want to go back to being friends." Kenny continued, gulping nervously. You frowned, saddened by his words. 'Damn, he kisses me, then he doesn't want anything to do with me?' You thought, glancing away from him.

"(Y/n), if you can forgive me, I want to be more than friends. Please, be my girlfriend, and together we can be vigilantes of this town." Your eyes met his after his confession. You beamed, overjoyed with the confession. You grabbed him by his hood and connected your lips to his. He quickly responded, taking the lead of the kiss. Before he could deepen it, you pulled away. He whined, only for you to shush him.

"I love you Kenny, and I forgive you. However, I'm going to stay as an 'anti-hero' so that I can still help him out. He's one of my best friends. Nothing will change that. If you can accept that, then I agree to be your girlfriend." You looked up at him in anticipation, worried about what he'd say.

He sighed, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "If that's what makes you happy, then so be it. But just know the next time I catch you graffiti-ing something, I'm going to require something extra to make me spare you." Kenny winked at you suggestively, before pushing you back down. "I love you too, (Y/n)." Kenny murmured against your lips, before fully crashing his against yours. 

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