The Mistaken Girl

By CCValentine

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Aurora and Auburn Wellington are twins who look almost exactly alike. One night, while getting groceries, Aur... More

Chapter 1 (Picture of Aurora)
Chapter 2 (Picture of Auburn)
Chapter 3 (Picture of Derek)
Chapter 4 (Picture of Jayden)
Chapter 5 (Picture of Caleb)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Picture of Paul)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Picture of Oliver)
Chapter 11 (Picture of Peter)
Chapter 12 (Picture of Tony)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

373 6 0
By CCValentine


I am currently home from school because I'm sick and feel like crap so I decided to update. Sorry this is so late! I always had no time to update this LOL. OH and I have TWO news:

1) I am making a book SOLELY FOR ONE SHOTS ON ALL MY STORIES! Except for the short stories because I see no point it it LOL. So yeah... Watch out for that.

2) I am making ANOTHER TUMBLR. I know I used to have a Tumblr but due to personal reasons, I deleted it. I will be connecting with you guys more there so yeah and you guys will get to know the real me as well as news about my stories and stuff!

Anyways, enjoy the chapter! *** THE FOLLOWING CHAPTER HAS A LOT OF VIOLENCE IN IT ***


Chapter 16 (The Mistaken Girl)

I looked around the room. Each wall was covered with a bookshelf with stacks filled with books. In the center of the room, was a table. I locked the door and checked through the peephole. No one was there. I sighed, looking around frantically. What do I do? What if Caleb gets killed?

I continued to look, not really knowing what I was looking for. “Shit,” I cursed.

What do I do now? I thought to what people did whenever they needed an escape in a large house in movies and it came to me; secret passageways.

I looked around at all the bookshelves in the room. It struck me as odd that they all covered each wall perfectly; there was no wall in sight.

I ran towards one of the shelves and began throwing yanking books out, making them tumble to the floor with a thud. I had to use one of the chairs to help me get better access to the higher shelves.

I was finished with the first shelf and quickly moved on to the second but I had no success. Hopefully there was a secret passageway in this house.

I made my way to the third shelf, hoping that I would get somewhere with this. As I looked over the shelf, I noticed that one book stood out. This book was the biggest and it was dark green. I read the title on the spine; Secreta Transitus.

I frowned. I never paid attention to Latin lessons in school. I pulled on the book but it wouldn’t budge. I pulled on it harder with both hands and finally, the book moved toward me with a bit of a squeaking sound like machinery.

A smile grew on my face as I heard a bit of a rumble and the shelf and the wall behind it moved backwards, revealing a dark passageway. “Whoa!” I whispered to myself.

I was about to go in but hesitated. What if someone was in there? I looked around for some sort of weapon but there wasn’t any so I cautiously stepped inside the dark.

It looked like when they built this, they knew it was going to be dark since I found a flashlight hanging on the wall on a rack so I took it and turned it on. I pushed the shelf and wall back in its place, making a large click sound.

I turned back to the room. There was nothing special about it yet. In fact, I immediately regretted coming in here. It was only a dark hallway; my flashlight could only illuminate the first few feet in front of me.

It looked like something out of a haunted place and it spooked me. I walked slowly, deeper and deeper into the dark hallway.

There were no doors available yet; I just had to keep on going straight. I kept on going straight into the hallway until I heard a faint moaning sound, as if someone was trying to talk but couldn’t.

I frowned and kept walking, the moaning becoming louder and clearer. I got to a door and I realized that the moaning was coming from it. It was definitely a girl but who? I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. It was locked. The moaning stopped for a second but started again, louder, as the person knew I was trying to get in.

I heard fists pounding on the door weakly. “Uh, h-hello?” I called out, knocking on the door with the flashlight.

The noise became more urgent so I knocked again. “Are you trapped in here? Could you please open the door?” I asked.

Suddenly, I heard a louder than necessary sound underneath the door so I flashed my flashlight there, revealing a golden key sliding underneath. I bent down and got the key, trying it on the door.

I opened it and was shocked to see who it was. “Oh my gosh, Patricia!” I whisper yelled, being careful to keep the door open.

Patricia leaned against the wall, sitting down. Her ankles were taped together, as well as her wrists and mouth. I carefully ripped the tape off her mouth and she let out a breath. She gave me a grateful smile. “Thank you so much! I’ve been here forever,” she said, frowning.

I frowned, working on trying to get the tape off of her wrists. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I reported to work early today and Tony said I wasn’t allowed to make friendships with you and brought me in here to keep me prisoner,” she said, sounding really scared.

I then realized that I never saw Patricia today at all. “Oh, no wonder,” I said, her wrists free of tape.

“Thank you so much for saving me! How did you know where I was?” she asked, helping me take off the tape around her ankles.

“Caleb came to save me. He and Tony are fighting right now. Caleb told me to run somewhere to I hid in the library. I thought there was some secret passageway somewhere so I yanked all of the books off the shelf until I found one that opened one up. That’s how I found you,” I said, once her ankles were free of tape.

Patricia stood up and hugged me. “Again, thank you so much! Now, where do we go?” she asked.

I picked up my flashlight again. “I have no idea. I guess we keep going straight until we find something.”

We walked out of the room, Patricia walking right behind me. We walked straight until there was a light at the end of the hallway, not from my flashlight. “Over there!” I whisper yelled.

We walked to the source of the light and saw that the light was coming from a small window. I looked out of it and saw Tony, Caleb, Oliver, and Peter standing around. All men were badly beaten up.

“You came to steal my wife away from me? Is that what you wanted? You wanted her for yourself?” Tony asked Caleb, whose arms were held back by Oliver and Peter.

Caleb glared at him. Wow, if looks could kill. “She’s not your wife. She wanted to escape, you dumbass. She’s doesn’t love you. You basically forced her into this,” he spat back.

Tony punched Caleb straight in the face but it didn’t seem to affect him; in fact, he had a smirk on his face. “She loves me and I know it. You don’t know shit about our relationship. You just had to come in and mess everything up,” Tony said, defensively.

“What’s happening? I can’t hear!” Patricia whisper yelled.

“Shh, they will hear you,” I whispered back.

I looked back at the men. “If she loves you so much, how come she listened to me when I told her to hide, huh?” Caleb said, a smug smile on his face.

Tony glared at him, fists clenched. “Shut the fuck up.”

Caleb chuckled casually. “Oh, I hit a sore spot, didn’t I?”

Tony leaned in closer to Caleb, right to his face. “I said, shut the fuck up. You are getting on my damn nerves!” he growled.

They continued to threaten each other constantly, no fighting yet. I needed to save Caleb. “Come on, we need to help Caleb,” I whispered.

“Well, how do we get out of here?” Patricia asked, just as my eyes landed on the floor.

“Down here,” I said, bending down to observe an opening in the floor.

“Hold this for a second,” I said, handing Patricia the flashlight, as I turned the small key-like doorknob, opening it.

I jumped down, motioning for Patricia to jump down as well. “How do we know where this leads to?” she asked, panicking.

“We’ll just follow the path. Now come,” I said, getting the flashlight from her.

She jumped down, her feet barely making any noise. The tunnel was kind of small so we had to bend our backs a bit to walk.

We walked for about 5 minutes, occasionally coming to stairs or steep bumps. Then, we got to the end and looked up, where the same kind of opening was. I turned the small key-like doorknob and opened the opening, immediately feeling unsafe.

I stuck my head out, looking around. We were right in front of the front door. “Come on,” I said, quietly using my arms to pull myself out of the hole.

I helped Patricia up. I could hear the men talking just a few feet away but they were around the corner and couldn’t see us. “Let’s gather weapons in the kitchen,” I said, motioning for her to follow me.

I grabbed two large knives, handing one to her. “I can’t kill a man,” Patricia whispered, scared.

I froze, looking at her. She kind of reminded me of myself when all of this started. I gave her a small smile. “It will be fine.”

We walked slowly to the corner, only a few feet away from the men. Thankfully, this time, they all had their backs to us or were angled in such a way that they couldn’t see us. As I got closer and closer, I lost control. I just needed to save Caleb.

I ran and drove my knife into Peter’s side. “Ugh!” he groaned, dropping to the floor on his knees.

The remaining men looked at me in shock. “Aurora, what have you done?” Tony asked, shocked, as he bent down bear Peter, cradling his head.

I looked behind me and saw Patricia just standing there, looking scared to death at what she just saw. I turned back to the men. “Aurora, go back to your hiding place,” Caleb said, sternly.

I shook my head slowly. “No… I can’t.”

“Just listen to me! Go back to your spot!” Caleb said, frustrated.

I sighed sharply, frowning. “I can’t! I had to make sure you were okay!”

Caleb gave me a look that said I shouldn’t have said that. Tony looked at me in shock. “You love him more than me, do you?”

I flinched at his quiet tone but nodded. “Yes.”

Suddenly, Tony lunged at me but I was quick and drove my knife into his stomach. He looked at me in shock as he was impaled. “W-what have y-you done?” he said, weakly.

I pushed the knife in deeper and he finally fell to the floor, dead like Peter. My hands were shaking as everyone looked at one another in horror. “You killed the boss,” Oliver said quietly.

I nodded. “You know, Oliver… You have a chance to be free. I am letting you free right now. If you go without a fight, you will be alive.”

Oliver gripped Caleb tighter by the arm. “How do I know I can trust you?” he asked.

“You have ten seconds to answer now. Either we kill you, or you can be free of gangs forever. It’s your choice,” I said, giving him an ultimatum.

Oliver looked torn and scared for a second. “10, 9, 8…” I said, counting off slowly.

Finally, Oliver let Caleb go. He backed away slowly from us. “I’m free?” he asked, sounding like it was too good to be true.

I nodded. “You’re free. I don’t want you in anymore gang activities. If you are, I will not hesitate to kill you, understand?”

Oliver nodded quickly, before running out the door, getting into his car, and driving off. I breathed a sigh of relief as I turned back to Patricia. “You’re free, too, Patricia.”

Patricia still looked scared for a second. “I… Have nowhere to go.”

I looked at Caleb pleadingly. “Can she go with us?” I asked.

Caleb nodded. “For sure. We need to move quickly, though. Just in case.”

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