Fixing Love

By luna17

562K 24.7K 2.1K

It's been a year since Carter left. A year since the results of the baby's father were found out. And a year... More

To be continued...
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14.3K 548 24
By luna17

We told Freddy about my idea. And surprisingly, he was all for it. He even agreed to do whatever it took to make it work. So now, we are in our second week of the plan. And we have been noticing some results. The first day I took James to visit Mickey, there was no change. His heart rate stayed the same, and he didn't squeeze his hand. So he almost started to believe it really was all in his head.

But he didn't give up. He kept visiting and visiting. To the point we had to have the hospital mark him down as family so he could visit alone. Now, you can always find James either at school, home, or with Mickey. I think he just likes having someone always there to get everything out to.

"Nick, you think daddy did the right thing?" He was playing with a balloon that fell from the ceiling. His birthday is coming up soon, and we are planing his party. He just looked up at me while he drooled over the balloon, looking at me like I'm crazy. "Daddy loves uncle James very much, and I want him to find happiness. We all know he deserves it. But is it right for me to hope that Mickey will wake up to James, and somehow fall in love?"

"I don't think that makes you bad." I looked up, and saw Jenny standing at the doorway. She came and sat on the floor with me. She picked Nick up, and started playing with his little hands. "All my life, you have been a brother to me and James. When you found out he was gay, and with feelings of love for you. You wanted to do whatever it took to make him happy. Even giving yourself to him. The actions might not always be correct, but they come from the right place. At the moment, my brother may or may not be developing feelings for Mickey. He isn't awake for James to really say for sure. Right now, this is good for both of them. James has someone there to talk to, and Mickey has someone to show he is being thought of." I just watched her for a moment playing with Nick.

"When did you get so smart?" I patted  the top of her head like when she was a little girl. She swatted my hand away and stuck out her tongue.

"When did you get so doubtful of yourself?" I gave her a small smile. They all know me so well. Ever since the drama that happened last year, I have started to doubt my decisions a lot more. I never used to do that. I was always the guy who did things first, and questioned them later. But I learned that that isn't always the best way to do things. Besides. I'm a father and a husband now. I can't afford to be like that anymore.

I lay my back on the couch, and watch Jenny chase Nick around as he ran a little. We've all been in this house together for a few months now, and I am happy to have everyone so close. Dad and Alastor can now walk without the wheelchairs, and are starting to heal a little more. Izzy has also moved in, and into Freddy's room might I add. I feel like everything is slowly coming to a happy ending.

"Hey, Carter?" I looked up and saw Nick pulling at Jenny's hair. I laughed and helped her out. "Wanna go out tonight?"

"Go out?" Now Nick was pulling at my hair. "Nicholas, stop that." He pouted but stopped. He went back to his balloon.

"Yeah! You, me, Marcus, Ethan, James, Freddy and Izzy. We should go out somewhere, and actually have some fun. I mean. Freddy doesn't work tomorrow, and you guys shut the office for the holidays. We need to go out! It's rare now when we are all together like this!" She has a point. And it's been a while since me and Ethan have really spent time out together.

"Alright. Call everyone up and let them know. I'll ask my dad, Alastor and Val if they would be willing to watch Nick for us."

"Yes!" I covered Nick's ears on time, knowing Jenny she was bound to scream something bad. "It's party time my bitches!" About as much as I expected from her with Nick in the area. I laughed, and stood up with Nick in my arms. He giggled and held onto my arm. He started nibbling on it, his drool staining my shirt. I couldn't help but laugh at his happy face. Just like his other daddy, he loves my arms.

"Let's go bitches! The night may be young, but I'm not getting any younger!" We all laughed as Marcus covered her mouth with his hand, and sent apologetic looks to onlookers. Our dad, Alastor and Val agreed happily to watch Nick. I think I even saw Val rush ordering some baby things on line. Oh my dear sweet baby. Good luck.

The night was actually really fun. We first hit up a bowling arena, because Jenny and Freddy argued on who was better. We didn't play teams, since we were short a player. After that, we all went to eat at an Applebees, were we got kicked out for fighting with a group of guys bothering Jenny and Izzy. Followed by us going dancing, where we are currently watching a half drunk Freddy and James doing something that looks like a mixture of the Macarena and the funky chicken.

"Oh god, my boyfriend can't dance." Izzy laughed, almost falling out of her chair if it wasn't for Ethan. Ever the gentlemen, saving the damsel.

"You think he's bad?! Look at my brother! I share his DNA!" Jenny was allowed one drink, but it somehow turned to about five. I think she stole two of mine.

"Babe, no more." Marcus took her drink. Making a very drunk and emotional Jenny start crying.

"I thought you loved me! I want my go-go juice!" Dear god what is wrong with her?

"Have you been watching toddlers in tiaras again?!"

"It's my guilty pleasure!" The whole table was cracking up. Tonight was a great night. I think we all needed this. I was about take a drink of my beer when James ran up, and slammed his hands on the table.

"Dude! What the hell?!" We looked to James, and saw this stunned look on his face. "James? Bro, what's wrong?" I looked behind him and saw Freddy running for the exit, with Izzy hot on his tail now.

"James?" Jenny softly tapped his face. But when he didn't respond. She puffed her cheeks, huffed, and back handed him. His head turned, but he snapped out of it. "Damn it James! What happened?!"

"He opened them."

"Who?" Ethan was instantly at his side, with ice inside a napkin, cooling down his red cheek. I didn't even notice him leave my side. I am off my game tonight.

"Mickey." He turned to all of us. A smile slowly forming on his face. He didn't care that half his face was red. "You guys! Mickey opened his eyes!"

We all rushed out the club, to spot Freddy waiting for our Driver to pull up to the club. Izzy was on the phone, talking to one of our parents. The smiles we all had were now a sight to behold. It may have been a cold winter's night out, and we may have left our coats inside the club. But none of us seemed to care. We all got inside the warm limo, heading straight for the hospital. Our family was getting back our missing member. And I can't wait for this family to welcome him back with open arms.

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