One-Night Stand Queen

By CarinoZ

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*WARNING MATURE CONTENT* On a cold, frigid night my relationship with the love of my life would change foreve... More

Chapter 2- One Secert
Chapter 4- Virginity and emotional breakdown
Chapter 5- Dr. Slayder
Chapter 6- A little bit of Laurence
Chapter 8- Dom Adam
Chapter 9- Gods and Monsters
Chapter 12- Her Story
Chapter 13- Forgot his name
Chapter 15- All mixed up in horror
Chapter 16- All Laurence

Chapter 11- Runaway

10.6K 208 13
By CarinoZ

Runaway- by the Yeah yeah yeahs

This song makes so much sense for the story but its a good turning point in the story. It makes sense for my beautiful Dahlia. 



Silence greeted me as Slayder and I settled into his beautiful luxury car. Sleek, black leather slightly cold against my barely clad body had me wrapping my arms around myself. I refused to look over at him, so I just stared out into the downtown city lights that seemed to brighen up the back lot that Slayder parked at. A sigh came from the driver side but I still refused to look, feeling a heavy burden settle on my chest.

"Dahlia" Slayder sighed, almost sadly, had me stiffen. How in the world did he even know my name? I couldn't bring myself to answer him, to even comfirm to him that I was, in fact, Dahlia. 

"Or do you prefer Jane?" He asked me. I finally look over at him to see that he had taken his mask off and all I got was eyeful of his handsome features and concerned gaze. 

"I don't prefer anything." I whispered quickly looking away again finally wondering why in the world was I even here. Why hadn't I stayed inside, I didn't want to be saved, Adam had already saved me. Or so I thought but what if something, somewhere inside me couldn't handle the pain anymore? I shook my thoughts away. Another sigh sounded around me but Slayder said nothing more and just started the car, pulling out onto the busy boulvard. 

I looked out the rear window when we drove further away from the club only to see Adam's figure standing outside of it. I looked for as long as possible but I couldn't make out his expression only  A chill ran up my spine and I turned quickly back around to stare back out the passenger window. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. My heart heavy. Should I tell him to turn around that I don't want to be here anymore, that I made a mistake. He continued to drive and my will continued to crumble. It was clear to me that I couldn't do anything. That deep down inside of me I couldn't say anything. 

And I didn't say anything. I stayed silent as Slayder wound his way through downtown, ironically past the very building that I had escaped from, towards the other side of the city. My heart clenched when I thought of Laurence being up there possibly with the girl that I had caught him with or worse with a slew of woman since I've been gone. I tried not to react to the thought but my iron clad facade seemed to break away from me and a sob rang out through the silent interior of the car. 

"Dahlia?" Slayder called to me but I didn't answer, couldn't answer, with the giant knot in my throat. He said nothing more and continued to drive through suburbian streets where the houses became ritzier and the land became gated. I can't even really tell you how long he was driving for before we reached the end of a cul-da-sac with a large gate and brink walls. The good doctor reached up into his visor to press a button and the iron gates opened up to a stone driveway and what seemed to an immaculately kept lawn but with the moon nowhere in sight it was hard to tell if my assumption was true. 

He zoomed down the drive and I couldn't quite keep the look of wonder off my face when I saw the house he was leading me to. It was breathtaking and maybe I did find myself gasping at the view. Though if Slayder heard anything he didn't comment and I enjoyed the view in another stretch of silence. I admired the stone walls of what could only be discribed as a castle. Windows littered the walls and towers seemed to stretch up into the night sky as if the pointed roofs were punturing the clouds. The only light I saw illuminate the outside came frome a door that looked slightly ajar. Still I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me, the beauty of the grey stone marred only by the kudzu vines growing thick on the exterior walls. Or maybe the kudzu added a haunting look that made the property look, if possible, more beautiful than if it had been clean of it. 

I was so enthralled in the view that I hadn't realized Slayder was speaking to me until I felt the light touch of his hand on my shoulder. I turned, startled, to look at him and found myself, ironically, enthralled in the beauty of him. His murky green eyes shown with so much emotion that it was hard not to feel something too. How could I have forgotten how handsome he was in the short time I was with Adam. It's like every time I saw him it was a new greeting, a new person that I met. The lone patch of light from the open doorway caught a sliver of his hair, making the gold in his long, blonde mane shine brightly in the darkness. Some small part of me wanted to reach out and glide my fingers through his silky tresses. That small part only growing bigger as I took in his open torso, the same torso I had pratically drooled over at the club. my eyes took in the dusty, blonde happy trail of hair that disappeared beneath his black leather pants. 

Something naughty stirred in my thoughts and deep in my belly when I stared a little too long at his crotch. 

"Dahlia" I snap my eyes up to Dr. O'Conner's guarded expression and blushed. And then felt my eyes widen at the fact that I was blushing. The last time I blushed was the last time Laurence had gotten me naked. Which to put it plainly was a long time ago. 

"Sorry Doc." I whispered some part of me not really that sorry at all. 

"Let's just get inside, shall we?" He sighed and climbed out. With no other choice I followed. The closer I came to the door, though, the more curious I grew. Where was I?

"Who's house is this?" I asked Slayder's back.

"Mine" He clipped, pushing open the front of the intricately designed oak door. As soon as the light swallows me and I enter the foyer, I gasped. The first thing that catches my eyes are the tiled floor and yet they don't hold my attention for long before my eyes stare at the grande chandelier hanging just above a wide and beautiful staircase. I tried to riegn in how impressed I am but seemed to have lost the ability to move let alone feel. The whole house was a beautiful masterpiece of all the good classics, floral wallpaper that was elegant and flowed into the old woodwork like it had always been there since the beginning of time and judging my the old exterior of the house it may just have been. Paneled walls and artwork were beautifully placed stratigically so that it caught your eye but didn't appear guady. 

I was impressed and in awe of the simple classic beauty of it all. A fleety thought chased itself across my mind, that this house was expensive, the kind of house that was passed from generation to generation. An old money home. I was just going to ask him how in the world this house was his home but the simople question slipped my mind when he turned towards me on the staircase. The chandelier emphasized the gold in his long gorgeous hair, his dark eyes shinning with the greenest of hues as he looked down at me. And this compelling emotion of want suddenly shot through me when his body was highlighted by the lighting. 

He looked dangerous, mesmerizing as he stood there looking at me. His jaw tight, eyes narrowing, and hair hanging around his handsome face the ends of it brushing against his nipples. I wanted to run my tongue against his lean body, to take my lips and suck on the V impression at his hip bones. Was he talking to me? I saw his lips moving but I was lost in my crippling desire. This whole evening has been too much and to know I was denied release, that I was teased so thoroughly by Adam before leaving and giving everyone pleasure before ever recieveing any. I needed this build up gone and there was the good doctor looking at me with that look and drawing me in with all that he was. 

He approached me, walking back down the stairs all the while his lips continued to move but all I could hear was the rushing of my blood as I thought about all the ways he could take me. He looked me closely in the eyes while speaking yet still I heard nothing until he touched the skin of my upper arms, grasping my shoulders with his large palms. 

"Dahlia!" He yelled, snapping me out of my trance as he applied a little more pressure. "are you-" he cut himself off bringing his face nearer still, his warm breaths fanning my face. "Are you on drugs?" He asked in complete disbelief and in that moment I was brought back down to earth, snapping myself from the haze of desire, looking away from him. 

"I-" I started but he cut me off.

"Did that guy drug you?" He asked with a hint of malice and anger in his voice.

"He would-" I tried to explain again but again I was cut off. 

"Let's get you upstairs, you need medical attention and rest." He took hold of my hand and although I wanted to protest I found myself following his lead as he took me up the staircase and down a long hallway with the same layout as the downstairs. He opened the first door to the right of us and brought me inside flicking on a lamp at the entrance. 

The room, lavious and big, was just as extravagant as the rest of the house. And as much as I wanted to take in the decor I found my mind narrowing in on the fact that I was alone in a room with Slayder as he brought me towards the bed. 

"I'll get you some night clothes so that you can sleep in. I just have to run to my room and get some medical supplies to check you out and then you can rest." He said to me as he sat me down and moved towards the door. 

"I'm fine, Doc." I whispered and he paused before rounding one with an angry scowl on his beautiful face. 

"How are you fine, Dahlia? I found you on your knees, pleasuring people orally while heavily sedated with some drug that I couldn't even guess at. How is that 'fine' behavior? We were making progress, or so I thought, what happened to take you on this downward spiral? But don't say you're fine because you and I both know you're not. Deep down inside you know you're not fine." I could feel my heart crack at his words; Or was it already destroyed? Was I just running from the pain like I always did? 

Oh God what have I done to myself? 

I broke down and I couldn't control it. How can a few sentences from this complete stranger leave me so vulnerable, where was the Queen when I wanted her?

"You should have came to me." He said sitting me beside me as I buried my face in my hands and cried. "I could have helped you. What happened? What caused you to loose control like this?" He slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him, letting me cry against his bare chest. "I'm here for you" He whispered into my hair. 

I looked up at his words and looked into his dark green eyes my heart conflicted. Should I tell him? Everything? My heart swirled with indescion as well as desire as he brought his hand up to caress my face as I felt his breath brush against my lips. Does he know what he's doing? What he's sturring within me? I closed my eyes against his beauty and turned my head away his hand no longer touching my face. He slowly lifted his arm from around me. 

"you want to know?" I asked him hoarsely. 

"To help you." He replied. 

"Yes but do you want to know everything? The reason why my fiance won't touch me. Why he doesn't want me." I looked up at him to see the surprise flicker across his eyes. 

"Fiance?" he asked. 

"Yes." I looked down again and brought my arms aroud myself. "To understand the ending you have to know the beginning."

"Whenever you're ready" I stood up looking around the room and walking towards a settee in the corner, facing O'conner. He laced his fingers as I faced towards him, resting his elbows on his knees. 

"Do you need anything?" I asked him bringing my knees to my chest. 

"No" I sighed and rested my head on my knees. "I guess I should tell you what happened five years ago. What happened senior year that caused my fiance to never intimately touch me again."

"Whenever you're ready" Slayder repeated. I sighed and closed my eyes, letting all the painful memories consume me as I began. 

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