HatakeNamikaze Bloodline. (K...

By NarutoHanna

38.8K 950 90

Naru Uzumaki Namikaze, also known as the Kyuubi's jailor, Kakashi Hatake's fiancée and the legacy of the 4th... More

A New Begginning
Ch 2
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Ch 10

1.8K 41 2
By NarutoHanna

(A Year Later)

Crystal blue watched as the man slept, his silver hair caught the moonlight, his breathing slow and even the mask was gone, revealing the handsome face that the man owned. He wore a dark grey top and boxers that left nothing to the imagination, his muscular arms and legs, his lean body and pale complexion were taken in by cerulean orbs, memorizing every inch of the man presented before them. Gliding out of the shadows, they were quiet as they took off their cloak followed by a kunai and shuriken pouch, a katana was removed from their person and was left leaning against the wall and they stripped down to their underwear, rummaged the closet for a large shirt before joining the man on the bed.

His dreams were plagued of images of his mate, her long blonde hair tied up into a single ponytail, the voluptuous body that was usually hidden by the ANBU armor and those captivating blue eyes that seemed to bore deep into one's soul. He missed her so much along with their two children as he could just see her holding both their hands as they walked towards him, towards their home. Mismatched eyes opened abruptly. There was that feeling that he was being watched while his gaze clouded with confusion and when they finally cleared, red and black met ocean blue.

"You're home," he smiled lovingly at her.

He silently prayed it was real, that she was actually there as he reached for her, flesh met flesh and he sighed in relief as he pulled her close against him.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too," she looked up at him, her soft smile making her more beautiful in his eyes while he leaned forward, his lips capturing hers after so long, she responded eagerly, easily matching his movements with her own.

Kakashi fell back asleep, after ensuring one more time that she was back in his arms. Naru's clear blue gaze fluttered close as she smiled at his possessiveness. She was home.

(The next morning)

There was no other way to describe it, it was chaos because he'd woken up that morning, expecting to do his and Kankuro's normal routine, they'd eat breakfast, go to the hokage tower to talk to the old man, meet up with Sasuke and Hinata and then train until it was time to go home.

They'd been doing this every day since Naru had left with Temari and Gaara so it was to his utter shock when he found his apartment thrashed by the redheaded ball of energy.

"Gaara," the tone was stern and promised of pain as he turned to his side in shock at hearing his beloved's voice.

"Clean this up now." The command was said in a voice so cold, he shivered where he stood.

"But kaa-chan~" the boy whined at his mother.

"You will clean it up or I will call either Kurama-chan or Shu-kun and let them deal with you."

"You wouldn't," teal eyes narrowed stubbornly.

"Do you want to take the chance?" the redhead conceded and set about to make handsigns.

"No jutsu," Naru once more ordered.

"You did this without using any jutsu, you fix it on your own." Gaara grumbled but did as his mother said anyway while on the other side of the room, Kankuro panted slightly having tried to stop the destructive ball of energy that was his younger brother while Temari laughed at her twin.

"Naru?" Kakashi turned his attention to his fiancée.

"When did you return?"

"Just last night or have you already forgotten?"

"So it was real?"

"I think so," her voice turned to playful.

"I mean, I am right here aren't I?" she found herself scooped up in his arms, on their way to the bedroom.

"God I missed you," he said as he lay her down on the bed.

Quickly following after her, he wasted no time in capturing her lips, ravaging her mouth as he expressed his pent up feelings in the most physical way possible, His hands trailed up and down her sides, slowly but surely pulling up the shirt she was wearing. His kisses trailed down her neck as he palmed her bare breasts, her breathing becoming ragged, her heartbeat erratic under his touch.

"Kashi," she moaned, her head thrashing side to side.

She pulled him back up kissing him full on the mouth as she reached in between them to grasp at his already hard length, HIs groan was deep and guttural, her actions causing him to squeeze her soft mounds. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, causing his erection to ground into her core. She moaned at the heat he radiated and he answered with his own. There was a crash from somewhere in the apartment, and all movement stopped. Naru sighed loudly, tucking an errant strand behind her ear. She cupped his cheeks and gave him a long, lingering kiss.

"Kashi, I want to, really I do. It's just not the time," she said. He nodded and smiled at her. He rolled off and just lay beside her.

"Have you been to the office?" he asked as he watched her fix the shirt.

"We reported to jii-jii first before we came here."

"So what do you have planned for the day?" he asked pulling her close to him. He took in her scent; he had missed her so much.

"I think we'll go meet with Sasu-nii and Hina-nee," the blonde replied.

"I need to talk to them about something."

"How was their training?"

"Well, Temari's mind is now catching up to her age," Naru explain.

"It turned out that she only pretended to become childish when she realized that Gaara was doing it to protect himself. The problem was that his Shukaku was the brainless psychopath so Gaara really wouldn't mature enough mentally. He'll be effective on missions though his mind will stay on five years old. Though Shukaku did say that there's a key, something it could be an event or a person that will sort of unlock Gaara's maturity. It could happen at any time."

"Interesting," Kakashi mumbled against her golden locks.

"But Shu-kun did say that I shouldn't get my hopes up."

"We'll worry about it when the time comes. Let's go meet with Hinata and Sasuke," Kakashi said.

"Usually by this time, we're at training ground ten."

"Maybe we'll have a spar to see how strong everyone's gotten."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, the Professor, and God of Shinobi stared in awe at the scene displayed before him. He had only meant to go for a walk, stretch his legs after battling with his daily enemy and had accidentally stumbled upon a group of ninjas sparring. On one side was a group of three on the other, a group of four. Even though they were outnumbered, they were hanging on.

"Gaara, let's go!" Naru's voice was hardened by experience.

"Hai," the redhead answered.

"Sand style: Sand Tsunami!" his outstretched hands directed the wave of sand towards their opponents in an attempt to swarm them.

"Grand Fireball jutsu!" Sasuke launched a giant fireball at the oncoming sand turning it into glass. Naru smirked, their plan had worked.


"Wind style: Sonic air!" the blonde swung her fan in the direction of the glass pane.

It shattered on impact, sending glass shards towards the group of four. Naru made handsigns as she prepared her jutsu while their opponents were protecting themselves from the shower of glass.

"Fire style: fox flame," two foxes made of blue fire appeared next to her and ran at Kankuro and Kakashi. Thinking quickly Hinata made her own handsigns.

"Water style: Water dragon!" out of thin air, a massive water dragon collided with the two foxes but it only served to make a cover for the ambush that was to come.

"Earth style: earth dome prison!" Gaara slammed his hands onto the ground, his chakra flowing through the soil.

"Temari," Naru ordered silently.

Temari swung her fan to clear the mist and reveal their opponents. Kakashi, Sasuke, Hinata and Kankuro were caught. They were all covered in soil, each one in their own earthly prison. Their faces were shown so that they could breathe and the fire foxes were watching them vigilantly.

"I think we win." Naru taunted.

"Naru," Sarutobi finally found his voice.

"Jii-jii!" Gaara ran towards the old man, launching himself at him, releasing the earth domes as he did so.

"Did you see? We won, we won!" he exclaimed proudly. Despite being taller and looking more mature physically, the redhead hadn't changed in terms of attitude.

"Hai I did, Gaara-kun," the old man ruffled his hair affectionately then turned his attention back to their mother.

"Jii-jii, what are you doing here?" Naru asked as she approached the aged leader.

"I was actually only out for a walk and I saw you sparring so I stayed to watch," he replied.

"So what did you think, hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked as he moved to stand next to Naru.

"Let's go to my office," he said.

"I want to talk to you all about your plans."

"I can take you there jii-jii," Gaara presented.


"Easy," Gaara said and the two disappeared in a swirl of sand. Natsu shook her head at her son's attitude.

"He's developed quite the hyperactive personality," Sasuke remarked.

"You have no idea," Temari said.

"Well, I think it wouldn't do to keep them waiting," Hinata said and the group disappeared in their respective shunshins.

(Hokage office)

"So what did you want to talk about jii-jii?" Naru asked as soon as they had all settled in the office.

"If you would," the old man gestured to the room in a silent command. Naru nodded to Temari and the girl set about making the hand seals for the privacy jutsu she was about to cast.

"You know how to set up privacy seals?" Kakashi asked the blonde twin.

The girl didn't answer instead she continued on with her task. Her hands glowed purple, the light running across the floors then up the walls and even the ceiling. There was a slight glimmer on the open window which indicated that it had been sealed as well.

"Now no one can hear us or even see that we're here!" Gaara exclaimed excitedly from his spot on the old leader's lap.

"Alright then, seeing as it's safe to talk now," Sarutobi began.

"I wanted us to address the matter of you going to the academy."

"I thought the plan was to go back to the academy for a year, take the genin exam so that we could be an 'official' team and then continue from there?" Sasuke asked.

"That was my initial plan for you," Sarutobi agreed.

"But there's a slight problem. This year, there are only two candidates for jounin sensei, Kakashi and Asuma. As I understand, you three want Kakashi as your team leader," the old man gestured to the Reapers.

"Then that means I would need two more candidates for the Sabaku siblings and the tracker team that I want to group together. My son had already laid claim to the new generation Ino-Shika-Cho trio."

"So what do you plan on doing now?" Hinata asked.

"I want to make you three chunins," Sarutobi said.

"That way, each of you could take a team but still be a team."


"If you three are promoted to chunin, then you can train your own students while still being a complete team."

"Hokage-sama, are you sure about this?" Kakashi questioned as the implications of it dawned on him.

"Yes, I've actually made up my mind but I just wanted to tell you beforehand."

"Then this means that we'll all be in one whole group?" Kakashi once more asked.

"Yes, with Hinata as the team leader for Kiba, Shino and Sakura, you have a tracker team. Naru's team would be her children and Sasuke will be rotating as a teacher for both teams. This way you have a strike force with the Sabaku siblings and then yourselves as the support."

"Is it possible for chunin to teach students?" Naru asked.

"Isn't it unconventional? Usually, chunin are team leaders as well as academy teachers but jounin are the one who take on teams."

"I know but it is a new system that I would like to try," Sarutobi replied.

"During the year you were gone, my eyes have been opened to the current weakness of the village. I want to change that and I want to start with this group. Besides, four of you are already ANBU, in reality I am actually 'demoting' you three so that you can focus on your plans."

"Arigatou hokage-sama," all three Reapers bowed respectively.

Kakashi looked at the three in confusion but it seemed as if he wasn't the only one who was out of the loop as the three children were looking at the hokage in silent question as well.

"Although I need to ask in which form are you going to be staying in?"

"I think it's better if we stay in these forms, this way we would actually look like chunin and it wouldn't be too uncomfortable for the genin to have teachers as young as us," the raven replied.

"Wouldn't we need a cover story?" Hinata asked.

"The ninja council is comprised of mostly clan leaders and the new civilian council does not interfere with the ninja of the village. During the last meeting we had, we told the ninja council that it is a hokage's secret, it shall remain that way."

"Is that all you wanted to ask hokage-sama?"

"There is another matter I would like to discuss with you," Gaara squirmed at the old man's lap. It seemed to be serious.

"Your children," he turned to Naru.

"Do you still want them to go to the academy? The exam is in three months, would the twins be able to keep up?"

"I wanna go!" Gaara exclaimed.

"They'd have no trouble keeping up with the students, besides I think it would be a good idea seeing as they would meet their future teammates." The pride in the blonde jinchuuriki's voice could be heard quite clearly.

"Very well, Kankuro shall stay under Sasuke's apprenticeship until the twins graduate. Bring this note to Iruka so that he accepts the twins," he handed Kakashi a small piece of paper.

"Let's go then, you two will start at the academy today," Naru turned towards the two children she had been training with for the past year as she led the group out of the office, in the direction of the ninja academy.

"Kiba Inuzuka settle down!" a man shouted at a brown haired boy with a white puppy on his head.

He wore the standard uniform for chunin and a headband that looked similar to a bandana with the way he wore it. He pinched the bridge of his nose in exhaustion, the scar scrunching up as he did.

"Ha serves you right mutt!" a platinum blonde with blue eyes, dressed in purple pointed haughtily at the young man. Before Iruka could scold her, there was a knock on the door. He slid it open and almost gaped in shock.

"Iruka-sensei," chocolate brown softened at the sight before him.

"Naru-chan, you're back," he greeted, sliding the door close behind him.

"Hai, maybe we can catch up later?" blue eyes were hopeful as they look at the scarred man.

"But for now, I have a note from jii-jii to enroll my kids in the academy."

"Your kids?"

"I know I have a lot to explain," Naru admitted.

"They're not mine biologically, I just sort've adopted them. I'll tell you later when we go out but for now they need to be in this class."

"Okay, come on then," he gestured to the twins who were standing on both sides of their mother.

"Gaara and Temari?"


"Let's go inside, I'll introduce you to the class," Iruka slid open the door and walked inside waiting patiently for the twins to follow him. Gaara and Temari only stared at the man who was also looking at them.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi stepped up.

"I thought you wanted to go to the academy?"

"I'm scared," Temari admitted.

"I'm not," Gaara snorted.

"I'm stronger than them!" he shouted boisterously catching the attention of the whole class.

"Don't worry Mari-chan," Naru kneeled down to face her blonde child.

"Shika-kun is in this class, you know he'll protect you."

"Shika-kun is here?" Gaara bounced with excitement.

"Yes, so why don't you go inside?" Naru said.

"We'll pick you up later."


"I promise." She kissed both children on the forehead and nudged them to go inside. Pulling the door close behind them, she turned back to her fiancé who was raising a sceptical brow.

"I thought you said Temari's mental age was catching up?"

"It's true but she doesn't have the confidence Gaara has, she needs to be boosted sometimes." They walked towards the others who were waiting patiently for them.

"So what do we do now?" Sasuke asked the pair.

"We could go eat, it's almost lunch time and..." Hinata suddenly trailed off clutching her abdomen as if in pain.

"Hinata?" Sasuke's voice was laced with worry as he caught his fiancée.

"Sa-su-ke..." Hinata muttered a disgruntled version of the raven's name and he quickly understood.

He took her right hand and placed it on his left shoulder making sure it touched the mark there as he thought of soothing words. He picked the lavender eyed girl up, his hand brushing up against the mark on her nape.

"We have to go," Sasuke gave Kakashi a pointed look before disappearing in a flash of lightning.

"Have they...?" Naru didn't continue her question.

"They started about a month and a half ago," Kakashi replied as he motioned for Kankuro to follow them out of the maze of hallways. "

"Sometimes, Hinata would have these episodes where Sasuke is the only one who can calm her down. Since, we didn't have the resident mating experts; they've had to continue on like this. We're not quite sure as to why the heat hasn't passed but I'm sure Kyuubi and Shukaku can answer the question after Sasuke and Hinata... work on the problem," he finished with a perverted smile.

"You know Kashi-kun, we don't have to wait for my time to come," Naru said in a voice that was so sexy, Kakashi froze in mid step.

"We could do it any time now since I've been declared an adult anyway. Remember what Kurama-chan said? I wouldn't be releasing pheromones to most of the male populace if I've been marked and claimed before my heat arrives." She whispered against his ear as sh kissed the corner of his masked lips, giggled lightly at the expression on her face and then turned her attention towards Kankuro.

"Kuro-kun why don't we go get ice cream then you can tell me all about your training," she skipped towards the boy that had not noticed they stopped as she took his hand and led the way to the shop leaving a shell-shocked copy nin in the middle of the street.

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