The Writers' Games.

By Awkward_Normallity

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A/N: my first Writers' Games. All I ask is that if you enter, you hand in the tasks on time by inbox and that... More

District 1 Male Tribute. - Castle Darkstorm. (@PurplePizzaPancake.)
District 1 Female Tribute. - Emerald. (@anniecrestadistrict4.)
District 2 Male Tribute. - Caleb Red. (@merthurisawesome.)
District 2 Female Tribute. - Meegan. (@rueandprimforever.)
District 3 Male Tribute. - Maecro Menetts. (@mockingjayfire26.)
District 3 Female Tribute. - Chanel Lylal. (@Freedom606.)
District 4 Male Tribute. - Jason Brooke. (@CrazyElfPrincess.)
District 4 Female Tribute. - Calypso Arvin. (@HazelJ.)
District 5 Male Tribute. - Thomas. (@beckamccullough.)
District 5 Female Tribute. - Arangaer. (@Story_Creator.)
District 6 Male Tribute. - Trev. (@aiush2001.)
District 6 Female Tribute. - Indigo Night. (@ElizzaM.)
District 7 Male Tribute. - Hunter Barnes. (@Indigo_Night.)
District 7 Female Tribute. - Aaliyah Rivers. (@MeganTelford.)
District 8 Male Tribute. - Michael Alfonso. (@memeloves123.)
District 8 Female Tribute. - Sapphire. (@theamazingsapphire.)
District 9 Male Tribute. - Rowan Bayer. (@RyanM0821.)
District 9 Female Tribute. - Emryselle Hawke. (@AiBella.)
District 10 Male Tribute. - Jonas Green. (@Startrekvoyagerfan22.)
District 10 Female Tribute. - Karleigh McConyll. (@mockingjayfire26.)
District 11 Male Tribute. - Renarch Falls. (@Freedom606.)
District 11 Female Tribute. - Peyton Dare. (@SeargentMC.)
District 12 Male Tribute. - Jermein. (@aiush2001.)
District 12 Female Tribute. - Angela Kopperstone. (@AngelaKopperstone.)
FIRST TASK!!!!!!!!
A Small Rant from the GameMakers!
Sad Goodbyes!
A FACE IN THE SKY.........
TASK FOUR!!!! THE FEAST!!!!!!!!!

THIRD TASK ENTRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

124 3 2
By Awkward_Normallity

The winner of this task gets a dedication on this chapter. You can also have either a shoutout, another dedication or have me read any of your stories. Your choice. :)


District 1 Male. - Castle Darkstorm. (@PurplePizzaPancake.)

After the first day it's no surprise how well I sleep. I'm sleeping so deeply that I probably could sleep through being killed by another tribute. Unfortunately, there's one thing that would wake me from even death.

I hear a growl. I'm in the deepest level of sleep, but when I hear that growl I'm awake, alert, on my feet, with my sword out in about half a second. In front of me stands a giant wolf. It growls again before lunging at me. I swing my sword at it and dodge out of the way. It starts circling me, with me turning to follow it's every move. Suddenly, it jumps at me again. I can't get my sword up in time and am pushed to the ground. My sword goes flying out of my hand. The wolf growls as I quickly grab the knife strapped to my leg. I drive it into the wolf's eye and push the wolf off of me. The stupid wolf doesn't die, and instead starts staggering around. I walk over to my sword still watching the wolf. I reach down to grab my sword, looking down for about two seconds, and hear a crash. Looking up I see that the wolf has run into a glass wall (Where the heck did that come from?!) and cracked it. I grab my sword and run towards the wolf, and trip over a root, cuss word, looking up I see the wolf running towards me. I jump up and swing my sword just in time to cut off the wolf's head, maybe that will kill it. I glance up at the glass wall only to see that it's not just a wall but a tube enclosing me. I walk over to the crack the wolf made. I raise my blood stained sword And hit the glass as hard as I can. Nothing happens. I hit the glass again and again but still nothing happens. Finally I give up and move to sit down in the middle of the tube, staring at the glass, trying to find a weak spot. Suddenly I notice that the tube isn’t that much taller than I am.  I walk over to one side, turn to face the far side, and start running. At just the right moment I jump forward and vault the wall. I curl you into a ball and land on the over side. I stand up and look around. Off in the distance I see Karleigh so I run towards her. As I get close I see a guy, I think Jason Brooke from district 4, run out of the woods and swing a sword at Karleigh. “NO” I yell causing Karleigh to spin around which causes the sword to slice down her arm instead of stabbing her in the back. I run forward and swing my sword up to block Jason’s blow. I quickly swing my sword around and stab it in his gut. As his life drains out of him I grab Karleigh’s hand and we take off running.

Killed Jason Brooke

District 1 Female. - Emerald. (@anniecrestadistrict4.)

 I wake up and find myself stuck in a glass tube, my boyfriend Sebastian is there. He smiles and runs up to me, I jump into his arms. “How did you get here?” I ask “Our love will never keep us apart” He whispers “But, this is the hunger games how did you end up here?” I ask confused “I flew all this way to be with you.” He whispers, He lets go of our hug and stands behind me, putting his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. “But you could die; go away before you get seen.” I whisper “My love for you will protect us both” he whispers into my ear. He starts to take of his shirt. “What are you doing” I ask, suddenly scared. He knows I don’t like the thought of his body and mine. I pull away from him and try to get away, but he pulls me close and starts to try and take of my top off. I pull his hands down not wanting them near me anymore. “Stop it Sebastian you are scaring me” I whisper, trying to get as far away as possible, but everywhere I run, his arms wrap around me. He starts to un-buckle his belt. I sink into the floor scared. “Please, this isn’t like you at all. Please Sebastian don’t do this.” I squirm away from him and into a corner, “Please Seb stop” I whisper. He pauses for a minute before coming closer and sitting down next to me. “Sweetie, I love you, don’t you want to show everyone the extent of our love?” He asks “Seb I am not going to sleep with you in the Hunger Games” I whisper. The tube disappears leaving me curled up on the floor. I must look ridiculous to the capitol curled up in a ball, hiding against the imaginary wall.

I stand myself up and look around; I start to run from my hiding spot. I don’t want people to find me. I run, until my legs hurt. In the distance I spot a body. I run over to get a closer look, hoping it is no one I know. I see that I am in a clearing and look around, instead of just one body like I originally thought there are four, set around in a pattern showing all four cardinal points of a compass. I only recognise one of the bodies, it is Castle. He has been stabbed in the stomach with a spear. I think the others are Jason from four, Trev from six and Jonas from ten. They all have been killed in a similar way to Castle, stabbed. I run away from the bodies, to scared out to think about what I just saw. I keep running, not looking where I am going. I hit something hard, it electric shocks me, sending my flying backwards into a tree. My vision starts to fade; I feel a sharp pain in my head. I touch my hand to my forehead, it comes away with blood. My vision blackens and I pass out.







District 2 Male. - Caleb Red. (@merthurisawesome.)

What is this place? The last thing i remember was being asleep then POOF here i am. Was this the next task? There are no animals or plants just nothing but some glass walls. I can't see any tributes around me, but i guess that doesn't matter as it is not like they're going to help me! It is deadly silent and all i can hear is the sound of my own breath. I look down at my necklace and grasp it for courage. In my pocket i have the posion darts and the stone also i have my penknife in my shoe that i forgot about at the cornocopia.I guess i was too busy dieing to remember about it. I also managed to sneak my sniper back. I'm so glad it folds up! Also, i did realise from the last task that eveyone was brutal. They didn't care if you died or not they were just so concentrated on surviving. As much as it pains me i will have to toughen up and start to /kill/ but only if necessary. Then i heard a laugh behind me and i turned around...

I stood there rooted to the spot. It couldn't be them. My nigtmare is appearing once again. I looked up in pure fear and horror at the 3 faces that were staring down at me. Fergus, Nicholas and Steve. The three bullies from district 2 that made my life a misery. The towered high above me and they laughed wickedly. They began to edge closer to me. I shuffled back but stopped as my head banged on the glass wall. I gulped deeply. "Still scared of us then, freak." sneered Fergus. "Still lonely?" laughed Nicholas "Why didn't you die when we told you to?" spat steve. Tears burned in my eyes and they stung as much as their words. A fist connected with my nose. I shrunk smaller as a foot connected with my ribs. I heard a ear shattering crack. This was a recurrin sound that i heard on district 2. They kicked and kicked and punched and punched. When would this all end? So many times in my life that i have asked that question. Once my wish had almost come true. But i kept fighting on and thats what i need to do. I looked down at my bruised body and realised something. What was the reason i came here? To show the bullies that i'm not useless and i'm not a waste of space. I take a deep breath it's time to fight back....

I found some unknown strength and stood up, pushing Fergus, Nicholas and Steve away. Fergus's face went bright red in embarrassment and anger. "You will pay for that." threatened Fergus. Usually i would be quaking in my boots but this confidence gave me power and bravery, i had the edge. I put my body weight on the balls of my feet and performed a roundhouse kick and knocked Steve to the side. I grabbed his head and yanked it back. His head lolled to the side, i had broken his neck. I stared at my shaking hands. Then i looked down at my battered clothes and bruised body and decided he deserved it. Steve turned to a pile of ash of ash on the floor, so technically i hadn't killed him. I soon turned to Nicholas. He threw a punch but i blocked it with my arm. I charged into him and pulled him over my shoulder and he landed on the floor with a thud. I pressed my hands over his mouth to prevent him breathing and eventually he layed still and puffed into ash. Just Fergus left. I ducked several times as he chucked a punch. I kept an eye on the dagger that he was gripping in his hand. I had an idea and ran at one of the walls and jumped. I soared through the air and plunged the stone into Fergus's heart. He stood, his mouth opening and closing but no sound came out. I saw him lunge forward and then fall to the floor, dead. I smiled but frowned as i felt a searing pain in my leg. I stared down to see the dagger sticking out, almost like it was smiling at me. Gritting my teeth i pulled it out. "Arrhhh." i tensed. I ripped some cloth of my t shirt and tied it tightly around the wound to stem the blood flow. I really needed to get out of here.

I looked around for a sign of escape. I knew i must of used at least an hour in here. I looked up and something silver caught my eye. A vent. It was quite low and i could get into it. I hope i don't get claustraphobia! I pulled the grate and heaved myself up, wincing at the pain in my leg. I army crawled through the vent stopping at the vent to check were i was. I flash of movememt caught my eye and i looked down and saw Chanel Lyal pacing beneath me. Quietly i removed my darts from my pocket. The adrenilin was pumping through my veins. She stood still exactly under the grate, i hovered my dart over the grate and threw it down, it landed on her neck. She looked up and i hid in the shadows. Her eyes went bright yellow then see collapsed on the floor. Quietly i undid the grate and slipped out the vent now that i had left the pod. I went up to Chanel's form and rummaged around her pockets. I pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, i had no idea how to use them but i took them anyway. I crept around the corner but gasped as i noticed the blood on my leg. I soon saw Renarch Falls in the distance. She was heading this direction and with that look on her face i knew she would kill me. I grabbed my sniper and folded it into place. I attatched the silencer, it looked into position. I looked through the scope and locked onto Renarch. I pulled the trigger and a whole appeared between her eyes. She dropped dead. I smiled in victory, i felt a pang of guilt bubble inside me but i knew that it was for my safety. I had finally completed the task with only a few minutes to spair.



Chanel Lyal.

Renarch Falls.

Injuries: stab wound to the leg and possible broken ribs.

District 2 Female. - Meegan. (@rueandprimforever.)


District 3 Male. - Maecro Menetts. (@mockingjayfire26.)


District 3 Female. - Chanel Lyal. (@Freedom606.)

I was on watch when all of a sudden I was inside a tube. I am claustrophobic and I have a fear of being hung. The walls began to close around me and a rope was tied around my neck. My fears were being realised. There was nobody around me and I was dying. By breaths became ragged and my anxiety. I started clawing at my neck and dug my nails into my wrist. As the glass shrunk I began to claw at the glass trying to get out. Renarch comes to the glass and he starts saying something. I focus on his mouth trying to figure out what he was saying. I close my eyes and try hard to listen.

"The knot!" I hear him say.

I calm myself down and rub my fingers over the knot. I slowly untie it and I feel myself drop to the ground. With my eyes still close I imagine reaching through the glass and holding onto Renarch. I then open my eyes and realise that I did. I was in Renarch arms. He held me tight and I sobbed. We were free but Sapphire wasn't so lucky. We then moved camp and travelled on.

District 4 Male. - Jason Brooke. (@CrazyElfPrincess.)

I don’t want to go to sleep. My eyes are closing without me even knowing about it and I can barely stay upright but I don’t want to go to sleep. I know I need some sleep but I’m scared. In the arena you are never safe, what if I fall asleep and never wake up? Or if I do wake up what will I find? I’m scared the GameMakers will send some horror in the night. So I can’t sleep. But I’m so tired. But then a thought comes to me, clearer than all my other sleep deprived thoughts. I can see my family at home, crowded around the battered TV. They are watching intently, hoping upon hope nothing happens tonight. They are watching me, begging me to do the sensible thing and sleep. Mum is on the edge of her seat, almost screaming at the TV, desperate for me to get out alive. And I want to do that, I want to see them again more than anything else in the world, but to do that I have to sleep. I wearily I give in to my body’s desires and I curl up on the floor, with my back to Calypso, and before I know it I’m asleep. A strange noise jolts me awake, like something clicking into place. I desperately want to keep my eyes closed and go back to sleep, partly because I’m still painfully tired and partly because I really don’t want to see what that clicking noise was. With and enormous effort I drag my eyes open and sit up. Big mistake. I can’t see anything beyond about 3 meters away from me because a large glass wall has appeared, surrounding me in a tube. I get to my feet and walk over to this new feature and tentatively reach out to touch it. I half expect to be met with an electric shock or something so even though nothing happens when I touch it I jerk back. Reaching out again I rub the surface. It’s smooth and cold and I can see a vague reflection of myself in it. Another noise catches my attention behind me and it seems strangely familiar.

It is a small, orange flame and as it is I doubt it could hurt anyone but my heart starts to beat faster at the sight of it and I start to sweat. I swiftly walk over to the flame and stamp on the fire which immediately goes out. “Thank God” I say to myself but as I do so the strange noise happens again, like gas being released somewhere, and the flame pops up from nowhere. This time it’s bigger than before and I can feel the heat radiating from it. I take off my jacket and frantically fan at the flame in a futile attempt to put it out but it seems the GameMakers are in complete control and so the flame remains and to my horror I see it grows yet again. It is now about as high as my knee and it is moving as if there is a draft but the air inside my tube is completely still. An idea springs into my head. The flame must be coming from somewhere right? So if I can cover that up or get rid of it or something then the fire might go away. Worth a shot. Drawing one of my swords I hold it at arm’s length and carefully dig at the ground around the bottom of the fire hoping to maybe dig up the device causing it. This only rewards me with another sudden growth from the fire making it almost as high as my waist. I have one more idea, only one. This better work. I scramble around on the floor until I find a decent sized rock which I balance on the end of my sword and carefully tip it onto the floor where the flame is coming from, hoping to cover up whatever is producing it. The fire sputters and then goes out. I take a shuddery sigh and sink to the floor in relief, staring at the rock on the floor. There is a loud exploding noise which echoes around the tube and hurts my ears and the rock shoots into the air as fire bursts from the ground, showering me with sparks which burn me in a thousand pin prick places and I cry out in a mixture of surprise, pain and fear. I throw up my hand to protect my face and clumsily crawl backwards until I bump into the wall.

The fire is huge now, about as big as me and the heat coming from it is immense as the walls reflect it back and magnify it. I feel like I’m being cooked alive. This is what I am really scared of. This is what I have nightmares about. Back home in district 4 fire is a rare thing. We have so much water that it’s fairly easy to put out a blaze if it starts. And of course we have fires in our homes to cook with but they are always controlled and safe. When I was little, a house burnt down near ours. I could hear the screams of the people trapped inside, the smell of burning hung in the air for a week afterwards. I hate fire. We need it to live but it can so easily get out of control and if it does it can destroy pretty much everything in its path, including people, and it can turn people’s lives to ruin so easily. And if it burns you it’s the worst type of pain. It isn’t a clean pain but a throbbing pain that hurts so much and scars you for life. I don’t want to die like this. When I volunteered for my brother I imagined dying at the hands of another tribute or from dehydration or infection. I didn’t imagine dying trapped like a mouse, slowly burnt to death. My family won’t even get much of a body to bury, just a pile of ash. There is a loud crackling sound followed by another burst of sparks. I fling my hands up to protect my face and cry out as I am again showered with tiny points of fire. When I open my eyes again I see that the sparks have ignited the dry leaves on the floor near me and a portion of the ground is now alight. I scramble to my feel and run to the other side of the tube which isn’t on fire yet and I panic. I start slashing at the wall with my swords, hitting it again and again, desperate to get out. I take out my slingshot and load a spiked ball into it which I fire at the wall.

I try again with several balls in the slingshot but they just bounce off and come back at me so I have to dive out the way. There isn’t even a scratch on the wall. Tears start streaming down my face as I fling my body at the glass, pounding at it with my fists and screaming at it to just disappear or break or something. I kick at it and knee at it. I scratch at it with my nails but it just makes my fingers bleed. Something breaks through my frenzied escape attempt, a smell, I’ve smelt it before. I spin back to face the fire and see that the burning leaves are throwing out a thick, black smoke which is filling the tube and stinging my eyes, causing them to water even more. The smoke catches in my throat and makes me cough violently. I cough until I feel like I’m going to cough up my lungs and then I sink to the floor with my hand over my mouth, exhausted. I sit and stare at the fire as it makes its way towards me. It’s moving slower than I would expect it to but I guess the GameMakers must be doing that to get a better performance out of me. I’m so scared I can’t move, I can just sit here and watch as my doom comes slowly closer and try to prepare myself for the worst pain ever. I can’t escape it and I can’t fight it, I’m helpless and I hate it. My left hand goes to my right wrist and I slowly rub the wristband my father gave me. It’s a little piece of home here in Hell but as I rub it I think of my family and the tears start streaming down my face again. I don’t want them to have to watch this. I don’t want them to see me die and I so want to see them again. I wish none of this had ever happened. As I sit there, time slows down and I picture my family, all their faces smiling at me. It hurts too much so I let my hand drop from my wrist and to the floor. The air down there is cooler than everywhere else. I don’t understand it.

I turn to look at the ground to see why it might me cooler and something catches my eye. There is a slight dip in the ground and I can just about see under the wall to outside. I feel a surge of hope. Maybe I can get out of here. I start to scramble at the ground, digging at the soft earth, expanding the small dip to make it a hole. My sore fingers suddenly hit much harder earth and I can’t shift it. I begin to despair but then I feel my sword handle pressing into me and I realize I can use it to chip away the harder earth. I use the tip to dig but it’s a painfully slow process and the fire is almost on me now. I take a moment out of digging to turn around and brush away all the leaves from me before they set alight, hopefully that will give me few seconds. Then I turn back to the hole with a new urgency to my work. The smoke, heat and tiredness are making it extremely hard to keep going. I have a hole almost big enough to fit through now but I am swaying dramatically and black spots are swimming before my eyes as I try to fight off yet another coughing fit.

Finally I can’t keep going any longer. The hole is as big as I am going to be able to make it and if it isn’t big enough then… It just has to big enough! I shove my sword back into my belt and put my arms into the whole and under the wall followed by my head and then I start to slip through. I’m just about to congratulate myself when my waist jams in the hole. I cry out in frustration and fear and heave with all my might. I feel the earth give way underneath me and I pull myself free. The air is cold and it hurts my skin after the hot air in the tube and I sit in a crumpled heap, desperately trying to draw enough air into my lungs without coughing but I inevitably end up in a coughing fit that end with me throwing up. I carefully get to my feet and stumble away from the tube, desperate to get away from that nightmare. But I don’t make it very far before my knees give out and I collapse against a tree, sinking to the floor as my vision slowly fades to black.




Injuries: burns and cut fingers.

District 4 Female. - Calypso Arvin. (@HazelJ.)

Breathing- I can hear breathing. Very faintly, but it's there. I can't sleep, yet it is all I want to do. I long to escape this cruel world even if it's only for a little time. No nightmare can be worse than my reality; my mind can be sick and twisted but not this sick and twisted, not as sick and twisted as the minds of the Gamemakers, as the minds capitol. My legs are screaming in pain from running all day, my stomach growling and aching to be filled. I wonder if they Careers are hunting, and I wonder who is among them. I probably would be, should be, but because I did not train like them, because I do not wish to kill like them, I am alone. No simple orphaned washer girl would be accepted in to the career pack. I am glad though; glad I am not like them. They mock me for not going to the training schools, for raising my sister instead of raising a sword, for making a living instead of killing the living, but at least I am not like them; cruel and bloodthirsty, cold and heartless; at least what little life I have had has been worth it.

I can hear the distance call of some sort of bird, carrying on the night wind. I pull my arms in around me, hiding under the shrubbery, trying to keep out of the bitter night air. I must sleep…I must sleep if I am to have any chance of making it through tomorrow. My fingers find my necklace, running over the small metal swallow, over the bird that shall guide me home. I slowly allow my heavy eyelids to drop and my body to relax a little. “Sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep, I’m tired and I, I want to go to bed.” I whisper quietly, the old song filling my mind, pushing my boat out into a world of dreams, the one place I might yet find a little peace in.

Cold; why is it so cold? It feels as if I am stood in the ocean at winter while a freezing wind blows a gale around me. My eyes flicker open, my whole body shivering. Suddenly I hear the squawk of a bird and hear the fluttering of wings swoop low above my head. I look up at the jet black crow as it begins to peck the ground nearby. Crow-crows are bad omens, it is said they are the bringers of death. Suddenly, something registers in my head- where did the world go? Well, not literally where did the world go, but where did the forest go? The sky? All I can see is a ring of thick, grey mist, surrounding me from all sides, about 12 feet tall and 8 feet wide. I slowly get to my feet, keeping my arms pressed against me, trying to make myself as thin as possible in fear of touching the strange mist, even though it’s more than a arms stretch away on each side. Suddenly, a high pitched, gut wrenching scream fills the air and my hands fly to my ears, the crow taking off from the ground and flinging off into the mist where it vanishes. I can hear my pounding heart against my ribs, the beat pulsing in my ears. What is it? What is that sound? What could possibly make a sound such as that?

Suddenly, there it is again, the spud echoing inside my head. Suddenly, I see the grey mist around me begin to part to my right. I stagger forward, my hands over my ears, hoping to god that if I can get away from this mist the noise will stop. Suddenly something cold and hard collides with my face, knocking me back senseless. I cry out, my hands flying to my nose as thick red liquid begins to gush down and a metallic taste fills my mouth. I can still hear the shrieking, ringing around inside my head as my eyes being to focus again. I blink rapidly to try and clear my head, my hand cupped under my nose as blood drips into it. I slowly move my right hand up and tentatively edge it forwards with my palm facing out. Suddenly it hits something cold and smooth. I gently run my hand sideways, then upwards and the down, feeling out the shape. Cautiously, I clench my hand into a fist and tap with my knuckles. It's glass- I am sealed in by glass.

I don't understand, why have the Gamemakers done this? What do the audience get out of us all being caged up separately? Something to with these awful shrieks? Who is making at sound? An animal? Another tribute? It sounds like some sort of spirit, a poor, tortured soul, the ghost of an old tribute perhaps.

Suddenly the grey mist begins to clear in front of me, revealing dark, muddy terrain. I peer through the glass, trying to make out what surrounds me. There is something there, a few feet from me, dark shapes on the ground. I narrow my eyes, straining to see through the dim light. Suddenly, the pool of blood that has formed in my hand goes splattering to the floor as I lose control of my muscles. My knees buckle and my throat tenses and I go crashing down. It can't be, my eyes must be playing tricks; but somehow, I know they are not. The shrieking starts up again and suddenly I know what it is, it's them, their voices, the voices of the bodies that lay before, Serena and Percy's voices...Serena and Percy's bodies. "No." I whisper, tears burning down my face as if I were crying poison. "No!" I cry, slamming my hands against the glass. "No!" My voice becomes a wale, mingling sickly with the screams of my family around me. My heart feels like a rock that has been tossed into the ocean, being dragged down deep into the darkness, the weight of the water crushing down in it. I sob and wale until my throat cannot make a single sound. I just sit there, beating against the glass, trying to reach them. My little sister, her jet black hair in a cascade around her head, and my brother, his face lined with sorrow and anger yet still so gentle. “Please, please no, please.” I beg as I gaze at their bodies. I can’t get to them, and even if I could, what can I do? They are gone. What’s the point anymore? What point would there be to winning now? Without my family, I would much rather just curl up and die. I look up at them one more time, just hoping that it is an illusion, that they are not really there, but they are.

Suddenly the screams around me get louder, my ears vibrating painfully as the noise rings around inside them. I clamp my hands over my ears and screw my eyes shut. Suddenly, suddenly I can hear words; they are no longer just screams, now I can make out what they are saying. Serena’s screams for help, for me, for Percy, her sobbing cries for it all to stop; and it breaks my heart. And then there is Percy, his screams are quieter yet just as painful. He cries out for them to leave Serena alone, he cries out for me, and he cries out for our parents. Tears stream down my face, Percy has never once called for them in all these years, never in any nightmare, any time of pain, and the shock of hearing my other brother, the strong one who always held it together, scream for his mother and father, pushes me over the edge. I curl up into a ball, burying my head under my arms and beginning to rock backwards and forwards, my hoarse voice just about managing to let out the croaked sound of sobbing, as I curl up, wishing for death.

Suddenly, the screams are roughly cut off and another sound fills the air, a splintering, smashing sound. Suddenly, it’s as if it is raining, but the rain droplets are razor sharp. And then, then it is quiet. Slowly, I remove my hands from my head, brushing the tiny beads of glass from myself. My head swerves to where they lay only moments earlier. Shakily yet quickly I get to my feet and run over to the spot and begin searching manically for the bodies, but they are nowhere to be found. “Calypso,” A voice suddenly calls

nervously from behind me. I spin around on my heels, terrified. Slowly they step into the light and suddenly I recognise him; Jason. “Where are they?!” I cry at him, my voice catching in my throat. “Calypso, whatever you saw in there, it’s not real, none of it.” He says, slowly moving towards me, his hands outstretched with his palms facing me. “But-but I saw it!” I cry.

“No, no you didn’t, you saw what the Gamemakers wanted you to see. The tube, I smashed the glass and when I did it stopped the projection of the image.” He says, only a couple of feet away now. “But they were here, they-they were dead.” I whisper, and as I do my body breaks with sobs and I fall into his arms, forgetting where I am and the dangerous game I am playing, all I want is someone to hold me. “They were never here, it was all a trick, I promise.” He says as I sob into his shoulder. It wasn’t real, it was fake, and it wasn’t real. I tell myself again and again but the screams still encircle my mind, the image burnt into my eyes. Somehow this nightmare just got a whole lot worse.

Killed: no one.

Injuries: broken nose from walking into the glass tube.

District 5 Male. - Thomas. (@beckamccullough.)


District 5 Female. - Arangaer. (@Story_Creator.)


District 6 Male. - Trev. (@aiush2001.)


District 6 Female. - Indigo Night. (@Indigo_Night.)

Hunter is dead. That's all I can think about as I run through the arena with Emerald and Rowan. God, he reminded me so much of Liam and now he's dead just like Liam. I can see them being friends in the afterlife. Everything around us is sand with only sparse trees. We can't have much time left until the volcano erupts and these trees will offer no protection. I hear a scream from on top of the volcano and know the lava must be overflowing. I allow myself to look back for just one moment and immediately wish I hadn't. The girl from 11, Peyton, is running from the lava and I can already see she won't make it. Her feet move swiftly over the sand and rock trying to out run the lava. She's moving quickly, but the lava is moving faster.The lava catches up to her when she trips on a rock and a canon signifies her death. If that's what overflowing lava can do, what happens when it actually erupts. This thought makes me run faster and Rowan and Emerald follow. The inky waters of the ocean are only a few hundred yards away, but based on how quickly the lava is moving the volcano is going to blow very soon. Sweat drips from my neck. I can feel the heat of the lava from down here. If it's this hot now, then I can only imagine how hot that lava will be when it rains down on us. Rowan, Emerald, and I reach the edge of the beach and I jump into the inky water right away, while the other two hesitantly wait on the shore. "Get in!" I scream at them. "That thing is going to blow at any minute." They clearly don't need any further convincing because they both dive into the inky water just as a loud boom echoes throughout the arena. I grab their arms and pull them as far under the murky water as I can, while fire rains down on us. The water above out heads is steaming and I can feel the water around me heating up quickly. Everything was burning, the sky, the land, my lungs.

Emerald makes like she's going to go to the surface, but I grab her and pull her down. She's guaranteed to die if she goes up. It feels like it's raining fire for hours, but it can only be a few minutes. When I stop seeing scorches of orange flames fall towards the water I allow myself to check the surface. My head pops above the water and I suck in a big lungful of air, it hurts to breath. The water still sizzles, but the lava is gone. A moment later Emerald and Rowan pop up from underwater. "That was close," Emerald whispers and all I can do is nod my head. During the eruption we got pushed further out into the water and now have to swim back. My weapons way me down as we swim, yet I can't risk losing them, so they'll have to stay with me. The inky water seems to grow darker as we swim through the water and I can only imagine what kind of mutts lurk below the waters. As the thoughts of mutts fill my head I hear Rowan scream behind me. I turn just in time to see him being pulled underwater by something. Emerald looks horribly pale as I hand her my tomahawks and dive in after Rowan. I couldn't save Hunter, but I'm determined to save Rowan. The water is so dark I can't see a thing except for a trail of red blood floating through the water. Swimming as fast as I can, I follow the stream of red. I dive deep into the water, but what ever has Rowan is gone and the canon sounding above signals that he is too. 'No, no, no," I scream at myself. 'How did I let this happen?' Maybe the canon was for someone else. This idea pushes me further into the water despite my burning lungs. I follow the blood until it deludes into the water and I realize that the canon was Rowan's. I failed, again. I propel myself to the surface where Emerald waits with a worried look on her face. "Was the-" I cut her off before she can finish. "Yes, the canon was his." "I'm sorry," she says as she gives me my weapons back. "It's how the games work," I answer hollowly.

She clearly doesn't know how to respond to this, so I just start swimming for shore, while periodically checking the water for mutts. We manage to make it shore before sunset and make camp under and outcropping of rocks on the beach. The anthem plays and I know the faces will be next, but I can't look. I managed to get two of my allies killed in one day. I don't think being my ally is good for Emerald's health, but these are the games and she'll either live or die. Most likely the later. I fall asleep with the faces of the two kids I got killed today burned into my eyelids. My sleep was dreamless, but when I wake up I'm in a nightmare. I stand at the Cornucopia, but instead of being surrounded by the bridges I'm surrounded by three kids: Liam, Hunter, and Rowan. Their skin is peeling away from their bones and their eye sockets are empty. Their clothes are ripped and covered inn blood. "Indigo, why'd you let us die?" my little brother asks with a cruel smile on his face revealing a mouthful of black teeth and bleeding gums. "I- I tried," I stammer out as my eyes flicker from one boy to the next. "No, you didn't," Rowan snarls. "You wanted us to die." "No! Never!" I exclaim as tears well in my eyes. "Did you really want me gone? Was I too much of a burden for you?" Liam asks me with his empty eyes locked onto me. I would never want anything to happen to Liam, there hadn't been a way for me to protect him. "Liam, I volunteered to make the people who killed you pay." "Or did you do it so you could kill me and Hunter?" Rowan growls with a mouth of empty teeth. I know his question is illogical, I didn't even know them before the games, but I feel the need to defend myself. "I tried to save you, Rowan. I nearly drowned doing it." "You didn't try to save me. You ran," a voice says from me and I realize Hunter hasn't said anything yet, in fact I've had my back turned to him the entire time. When I turn around her gives me a cruel smile and I see the silver knife.

He walks slowly towards me with the knife in his hand and I try to back up, but I'm on the edge of the lava. "You let that District 4 girl stab me and then push me into the lava. There is nothing left of me!" he screeches and runs at me. He tackles me to the ground and my head hits something hard and smooth on the way down. The knife is pressed to my throat and Hunter hisses, spraying blood in my face. "Admit it. You got all three of us killed," he demands and presses the knife deeper into my skin. I feel my heart rate accelerate and I panic. What do I do? He's asking me to admit that I got them killed, but if I admit it then he'll probably kill me. My mind searches desperately for an answer and after a moment I come up with one that might work. "I didn't get any of you killed," I say fiercely. "You sure?" he asks and cuts my neck a little. "I am," I tell him and arch my neck so my neck presses further into the knife daring him to kill me if I'm lying. "Good," Hunter says and suddenly the whole scene vanishes before my eyes and I'm back on the beach. A clear cylinder, what I hit my head on, raises above my head and I'm free of the nightmare. All I had to do was admit to myself that I'm innocent. When I stand I feel myself sway on my feet, that hit on my head is worse than I thought. Emerald lays passed out on the ground, but she made it out of her tube too. I sit down next to her and try to get my bearings straight again. We are well hidden under an outcropping of rocks, but we are closer to the dark sea than I'd like to be. I lay down to sleep again when I see a light in the distance, a tribute.

"Emerald, wake up." I shake the girls shoulder and when she stirs I say, "We've got some hunting to do." Emerald grabs her bow and I my tomahawks and we creep towards the light, which turns out to be a campfire. When we get there a single girl sits around the campfire, weaponless. She stands up to get something from her pack and Emerald takes the opportunity to shoot her in the calf so she can't run. The girl, I think her name is Chanel, screams. She tries to run when she sees Emerald and me, but the arrow in her calf serves it's purpose and she moves incredibly slowly. A moment later I have the poor girl pinned to the ground so she can't move an inch. She whimpers with tears streaming down her face, but after what I went through in the tube I don't think I'll be feeling guilt anymore. My tomahawk comes down on her head and splatters blood across the sand.



Peyton Dare.


Chanel Lyal.

Injury: cut to neck and hit on the head.

District 7 Male. - Hunter Barnes. (@Indigo_Night.)


District 7 Female. - Aaliyah Rivers. (@ArizonaWestwood)

I was woken up by an ear piercing scream. I jolted awake. I was lucky I was sleeping in a small cave I'd found instead of a tree otherwise I would have fallen.

The screaming continued. The scream belonged to Finley, my brother! I tried to stand up but I hit my head on something hard. I reached out my hand and I had been cased in a glass tube! Seconds after I reached out my hand images and visions flashed in front of me.

There was horrific images of Finley, Natalie, Anne and Jacob. Jacob being hanged for hunting, Natalie and Anne being arrested, my father being hanged all those years ago my mother dying during Finley's birth and Finley...Finley was screaming and crying while he watched a peacekeeper kill me! I had NO idea how the game makers had got these images. The last one wasn't even real.

I put my hand over my ears to try and stop the never ending screaming of my loved ones. I had to get out of this tube! I started banging on the sides with my fists. Then when that didn't work I got out a knife and started to try and break the glass. But it still didn't work! My heart rate raised my 100 percent. I could feel myself hyperventilating and I was struggling to breathe.

I carried on banging on the sides of the tubes with my knife and my fists in false hope that the glass would break and I'd get out.

After what seemed like hours of attacking the glass I came to the mental conclusion that none of it was going to work.

After a couple of seconds I spotted the black and white beak of a Jabberjay in the cave. 'That must be what's causing all the screaming and the game makers must have created the images!' I thought. I knew I had to kill the Jabberjay if I was going to get out but the glass just wouldn't break. But then I spotted a cog on the top of the tube. I reached up and turned the cog and the glass tube opened and as soon as it did the Jabberjay hurled towards me but I struck it down with one of my arrows. the bird's lifeless body slumped to the ground.

I knew I'd have to run before more of the monstrous birds came and taunted me. So I got up and ran out of the cave.

As soon as I stepped out of the cave I saw the district 10 girl trying to swat away some kind of insects. I got out my bow and an arrow to shoot but as I kept looking I saw that the insects were Tracker Jackers! Just as I was about to run I felt a searing pain in my left thigh and then another in my neck. I plucked the stingers out of my thigh and neck straight away otherwise the sting's venom would be stick in my system.

As I was taking the stinger from my neck I saw the district 10 girl drop onto the floor...dead. I couldn't deal with the stings' pain anymore. So I ran and ran in false hope of finding a cure to the pain the Tracker Jacker sting was causing me.




District 8 Male. - Michael Alfonso. (@memeloves123.)


District 8 Female. - Sapphire. (@theamazingsapphire.)


District 9 Male. - Rowan Bayer. (@RyanMo821.)


District 9 Female. - Emryselle Hawke. (@AiBella.)

 Emryselle woke with a start, hitting her face hard on her shield. Before she could stop herself, she cried out from the pain. Slapping her hands over her mouth she looked around. This was CERTAINLY not where she had fallen asleep! Standing, Emryselle stretched her hands out to the walls of her prison. A clear cylinder stretched into the far distance, and from where she stood, there was no way out of it.

The loud sounds of the Panem national anthem blared through the tiny space, over-lapping the sound that had woke Emryselle up… the cannons. Wracking her mind through the meter of the cannon sound to when she’d awoke, she figured on five cannon blasts. How had so many died between last night and now? And why was she entrapped in this clear cylindrical prison? Last night there had been only five dead, with the additional five the death-toll was up to ten!

Feeling short of breath, Emryselle looked toward the sky to hear what announcement there might be. Other than the absence of egress, Emryselle could not really see any sign of threat where she was, so there had to be more to it. She was right.

Firein Magwhite’s larger than life face appeared just as the last tones of the anthem trailed off. With a sneer and a sinister sounding chuckle, he greeted Panem. “Good morrow to you all! You will have heard the cannon’s blast. Regretfully, there was a mix-up in the statistics department, and while the perpetrators of the mix-up have been, shall we say- mixed- up themselves, it still leaves us with a problem. You see, the number of people that died in the eruption itself was not accurate and there were also one or two unaccounted deaths.” The Head Gamemaker smiled and Emryselle glared up at his face through her transparent prison. “We will get back to the identities of the additional fallen in a few moments.”

Emryselle took a deep breath and let it out slowly through pursed lips. Not only did this man get off on torturing people on live television, but he also got some sick satisfaction out of acting like it was all for the benefit of the tributes… all while still being so absolutely malevolent in his attitude toward his captive audience. –and captive they were.

“Tributes, your numbers have dwindled considerably. You are now down to fourteen remaining contenders. However, your nation is bored with the dull-drum way this game is beginning to play out. I mean, every one of you was peacefully asleep when this announcement woke you up.” Magwhite let out another one of his patented evil chuckles and raised an eyebrow as he continued, “Of course, we may have helped you with that. There was a sleeping poison mixed with the vapors and ash that the volcano spit out, and all of you that survived the eruption were affected by this poison.”

Grabbing her shield from the floor of her prison, Emryselle launched it at the walls of the tube like it was just a large heavy discus and she was in the Olympic games her mother had told her stories about. At least those games weren’t always to the death. It was true that some people died during those games, but it wasn’t the objective them.

The shield bounced off of the walls like a rubber ball on foot thick steel and the vibration of the prison, for quite a few moments after that, completely disoriented Emryselle. When she came to herself again, she noticed that the shield had not even made a scratch in the wall and Magwhite’s voice was still droning on.

“… your worst fears come alive.” He finished as Emryselle shook her head clear of the ringing in her ears.

A deep generic sounding announcer’s voice came next along with the faces of the five who had died. Emryselle noticed the girl that had fallen to prey to the careers, but froze as the next face flashed across the sky. “Rowan!” she screamed. The tears fell unhindered down her face to mix with the blood pouring out of her nose as the rest of the five faces were displayed. She didn’t see them, couldn’t bring herself to care. Who would take care of Lila and Jaya now? Snapping out of her pity party she realized that she was their last hope. She had to pull herself together in order to be any help to them at all.

Moments after the national anthem faded away, a hissing sound registered in her mind. It didn’t sound like a snake or anything, although she looked around for one just in case. What it sounded like was a very long drawn out air-brake release. In a sudden flash of understanding, Emryselle ripped off her brother’s scarf and wrapped it as many times as she could around her face. Gas, most likely a hallucinogen, based on Magwhites last few words. The scarf would not defeat this new trick, but it would hamper the effects somewhat. Emryselle hoped it would be enough to keep her level-headed enough to escape this death-pit.

‘My worst fears come alive.’ She thought to herself, ‘I have no fear.’ Emryselle had read a very colorful old comic book and memorized what accounted as an oath. With that in mind she began to recite the oath just as the hero in the comic had when faced with the enemy of fear. “In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, Beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light.”

Reciting it over and over she moved through the tunnel breathing shallowly and throwing her voice to various places. She saw things, but none of the things she saw took notice of her voice coming from behind them, or beside them so she instinctively knew they were a product of the gas making its way into her system.

“In brightest day…” daylight flashed overhead.

“In blackest night…” the prison became as black as pitch.

Throwing her voice a little more she recited the next line with confidence and watched as the said “evil”… namely Firein Magwhite, smirked at her, but he didn’t notice that her voice was coming from another direction. Not the real evil then.

Over and over she continued to chant as if the simple oath from that old wrinkled comic had real power to overcome the hallucinogen that was at that moment coursing through her blood. Farther and farther down the tunnel she searched for her exit. “I have no fear.” Hadn’t Firein said something about two hours? How long had it been? She’d made so many wrong turns and hit so many dead ends. It was impossible to be certain that she wasn’t right back where she’d started.

“No evil shall escape my sight…”

Suddenly, there was green light… an odd glowing green lantern high on the wall. “Beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light! That must be it!” The hallucinogen could obviously work both ways, both bringing about the fears she was desperately trying to suppress and also her hopes. -Namely, the exit.

She stopped chanting and walked toward the lantern. It was insubstantial looking, the edges wavering on her vision, but by this time the entire cylindrical prison seemed to be spinning wildly around her. Her nose was still bleeding and in her delirium, the blood looked like it was eating away at her skin.

Right, chant.

Picking up the oath again, Emryselle concentrated again on the lantern, which did not fade, but seem to flare brighter with each passing moment. Finally mastering herself enough to take action, she reached for it. It wasn’t there of course, but her hand DID meet with something other than the clear walls of her prison. -A latch of some sort.

How much time did she have? Emryselle couldn’t tell how long she’d been in this place. She could see the blood on her hands, and while she knew she was poisoned and that the zombification of her flesh wasn’t real, her senses were super aware of the fact that it smelled of death and looked of death. Emryselle could almost believe that the sizzling sound she heard of her skin blistering and dying was real… the pain certainly felt real. All of this combined with the slickness of the blood made getting that still unseen latch impossible to open.

The lantern suddenly flared red. -Subliminal messages? Was she running out of time? She was still “with it” enough to know that her hands would have to have purchase on the latch to open it, so she sacrificed her own sanity to accomplish it. While the red lantern pulsed menacingly like a ticking time-bomb, Emryselle held her breath and un-wrapped her brother’s scarf from her face. Quickly wrapping both hands with the ends of the scarf she tried again to disengage the latch keeping her in this place.

At first it didn’t move, not even a fraction of a hair. Knowing that the game-makers thrived on tricks and traps, Emryselle decided that “righty” must in this case mean “loosey”. So realizing this, she threw her body at the latch wrenching it clockwise. There was no snick of a latch opening, no thunk of bolts moving within a door. Emryselle began to panic as the door she thought would be there did not materialize.

Five minutes passed as Emryselle’s mind incrementally defogged itself. Belatedly she realized that the ever present hissing sound had ceased. The lantern had long since been replaced by a simple turn-wheel. The scarf around her hands was stained with the blood from her nose, but she’d noticed that the bleeding had slowed and was nearly stopped.

Taking inventory of herself and her faculties, something in her mind finally clicked and Emryselle cried out in her excitement.

It was a shut-off valve! She’d found the shut off valve! She wasn’t going to die from gas-inhalation after all! While it was decidedly light-headed from blood-loss and the lingering effects of the gas, she was now in a position to find her exit. Two hours could have meant the amount of time before the gas had reached a mortal level, but Emryselle couldn’t take the chance that something more sinister would happen to her if she didn’t get out of this imprisoning labyrinth of tunnels.

What if at the two hour mark, the game-makers flooded the tunnels? – and where was everyone else? She hadn’t seen a single REAL person since she’d been awakened in this prison. Apparitions, products of the gas, she’d seen… even some that had looked like other tributes (she was not ashamed to admit that she feared them, thank-you-very-much) but nothing real. Were they all in separate labyrinths of their own? Had any found the valve? All this and more flew through her mind as she ran through the tunnels of her prison.

Coming upon her fallen shield, Emryselle grabbed it up and then pivoted to run the other way, but something at the back of her head niggled and she stopped. Turning back around she looked closely at the section of tunnel she’d been laid in as she slept.

This was where she’d awoken, where the gas had originated as it had poured into her prison. She didn’t see any vents anywhere. Running her hands along the tunnel walls she came to the end of the tunnel.

Clear, flat, hard unobstructed wall was before her… but that gas had to have come from somewhere. Through the wall she could see outside to what looked like the tree she’d slept at the night before, but that was all. How odd. She put her hand out to feel the wall for any unseen venting, but she didn’t find anything.

Nothing was there…. Not even the wall! Emryselle felt along the entirety of the wall and found that it was in fact there, but there was a girl-sized cut-out right in the center that felt like it could lead somewhere. Gathering her courage, she crouched and skittered through the opening before standing and opening her eyes which she’d squeezed shut so she wouldn’t see the wall and tree coming to hit her in the face.

She was in another room, this one with a large dormant compressor in it that apparently had pumped the gas into the room through the hole in the wall. The tree was nowhere in sight.

There was a small door at the other end of the room and Emryselle excitedly rushed to it. Yanking open the door she laughed out loud to see herself back in the arena. Never would she have ever in a million years thought she’d be relieved to see the arena’s deadly landscape.

Her mirth bubbled out of her as she sat hard on the forest floor. Moments later she was sobbing.

At first she didn’t know what she’d been laughing about or what she was sobbing over, but soon enough reality started to sink in and she began to sob in earnest.

Rowan was dead. Lyla and Jaya were effectively alone. She’d almost been poisoned to death by a hallucinogen that the game-makers thought would be entertaining. She was entertainment. -Plain-and-simple.

Emryselle raised her face to the arena’s sky and roared her frustrations and anger at it. " I HAVE NO FEAR!"

Somewhere, safe and free, the head game-maker chuckled to see it.


*No kills.

District 10 Male. - Jonas Green. (@Startrekvoyagerfan22.)

I awoke, something was wrong. I glanced at my surroundings. The feeling in the pit of my stomach grew stronger. I stretched my hand out and waved it around, nothing put air. Puzzled I jumped off my branch, a metallic sound reverberated around me. Something is not right I thought. I walked to my left for a few paces. Thud. My face hit glass, I ran my hand down its smooth surface. It was rounded. A tube. I wondered what was going to happen in here. I suddenly felt dizzy and the walls seemed to close in on me. Claustrophobia. I was Claustrophobic and Aracnophobic. I glanced to my right sure enough Hunter was in a tube next to me. I noticed at door at the end of the tube, an escape.

As I bolted towards the door are clicking and pattering sound was heard. I froze, turning My hand went to my bow and my knife, I had tucked it in my belt last night. A giant spider was a few feet away from me. I was having trouble breathing, my head spun and I fought hard to clear my mind. I turned and ran for the exit. The spider was quicker. I quickly grabbed and arrow, drew my bow and aimed it at the huge gaping maw in front of me. I released the arrow and hit the spider directly in the large black hole that yawned before me. It screeched and scuttled backwards. I quickly rolled under it and stabbed it in the belly. Green goo oozed out and coated my face. Wiping the gunge from my face, I rolled out from underneath the beast and watched as it died. Not so tough now are you. I thought as the spider dissolved into a puddle of green gunk.

I bolted for the door. The tube seemed to spin around me as I ran. I reached the door. Grasping the handle I pulled at it and was rewarded with the cold blast of air I desired. I fell out of the door and lay panting on the grass. A hand was offered before me. I took it. I glanced at Hunter, he had a large gash on his arm and was covered in gunk and grime. I nodded and we set off towards the clearing.

I was the first out and I saw several tributes running, they must have come out of their tubes. I ran forwards eager to be part of the fray. Hunter charged after me and we threw ourselves at the other. I locked my arms around the neck of the boy from district two. I pulled back with extreme force, I heard a snap and he fell limp. I glanced around and saw the girl from one charge towards me. I quickly grabbed an arrow drew my bow and shot her through the heart, She fell to the ground. I watched as Hunter slit the throat of the girl from two, she fell away from him, blood filling her mouth. I saw The boy from one lock his hand around Hunters' neck. I charged towards them and drew my knife. I drew my arm back, gathering enough force behind the blow and thrust it into the eye socket of the boy from one driving it into his brain. He fell away from Hunter. We glanced at each other and ran back into the woods. We kept running until we were sure no one could find us. We climbed at tree selected a branch and I opened our rucksack and handed Hunter a pice of dried meat and a handful of dried fruit. We ate our meagre meal and drank a little of our water. I glanced at our water supply, one bottle left. We would have to move and find a water source to replenish our supply, hopefully we could find a tree nearby said source and ambush tributes there. It was going to be a long day.

I was the first out of the forest. A wizzing sound pierced the air and pain ignited in my shoulder, a kinife was logded there. I glanced up to see the boy form one grinning at me before he suddenly dropped to the floor. I ignored him and turned my attention on the girls from two and one. I quickly drew my bow and fired an arrow at the girl from one, my arrow whent through her head and she dropped to the floor, I turned my attention on the girl from two she was locked in combat with Hunter. All I could do was watch as the ground opened up underneath them swallowing them and the boy from one. I heard four cannons boom. I stood there for a moment before bolting into the forest and climbing up a tree. I pulled the knife from my shoulder and ignored the pain that flooed my arm. My ally was dead and now I had to look after myself. I eat a piece of dried meat and lent against the trunk of the tree. Night fell and the faces of the dead tributes lit up the sky. Hunter was the last face there; I kissed my three middle fingers and held them up to the image of his face. Hunter had been my friend and ally; I want these games to end but for that to happen I would have to win, for my family and for Hunter, my friend and Ally.








INJURIES: stab wound to shoulder.

District 10 Female. - Karleigh McConyll. (@mockingjayfire26.)


District 11 Male. - Renarch Falls. (@Freedom606.)

I woke up and tried to stretch. Kelly had been on watch last and was suppose to wake me up so she could get some sleep. Only then did I realise I was inside a tube. Suddenly a gas leaked through and I was asleep again.

I was lying in bed with Chanel she was wrapped up in my arms. Then my sister Marigold walked into my bedroom and began crying on the end of my bed. I saw Chanel wake up and smile.

"Come here Marigold," she said, pushing through me. Yes, through me. I sat up wondering what was going on.

"I-I-I miss him!" she blubbered, ending with a loud cry.

"So do I," Chanel whispered. "I just wish I could have saved him from that tube."

The two girls sat there and slowly cried together. I reached out to touch them but it made it worse. I could now see Chanel's wrists clearly. All along then she had cuts. I began to cry when someone burst through the door. It was a peace keeper.

"WHERE IS THE GIRL!" he bellowed. At that moment I knew he wanted Mary.

Mary quickly jumped under the bed and went through what looked like a little door. Chanel wiped her eyes and laid back under the bed. She was going to be killed and there was nothing I could do about it. I could feel myself slipping away. I was dying.

The Peace Keeper began to beat her. She did not say a word. She was going to die for my sister. The man pulled out a gun. I knew what I had to do. I jumped in front of the bullet. I left my dream world and was back in the Hunger Games.

The tube began to lift. I saw Sapphire slowly drop to the ground, defeated. I rushed over to Chanel's tube and saw it getting smaller and smaller. There was also a thick rope tied around her neck. I whispered words of encouragement and hoped I could save her.

District 11 Female. - Peyton Dare. (@SeargentMC.)


District 12 Male. - Jermein. (@aiush2001.)


District 12 Female. - Angela Kopperstone. (@AngelaKopperstone.)

After killing the tribute, we all sat in the tent, Renarch and Jermein had grabbed from the Cornucopia. We all drank some water and i cleaned Peyton's wounds and applied some ointment on them and bandaged them and she did the same to me. We were sitting by the fire and decided to go to sleep. Peyton had carried our bags so we had our sleeping bags to sleep in. We all got in our bags at a safe distance from the fire and fell asleep. No. I saw Valerie smile. Me and mom laughing at my brother when he fell off his bed. Dad proud of me when I first hunted a squirrel which we traded for some bread later. All the memories came flooding back. Then dad was killed. Ugh. Not these nightmares again. But like other times it just didn't end at dad being killed, I saw Peyton being killed and her bloodcurling scream filled my ears. Next Renarch and Jermein were shot in the head when they tried to run away. Mom was being hung and Jake was crying in a corner. Valerie was trying to calm him down and he kept saying that if I was here I wouldn't let any of this happen. Valerie hugged him and said that mom was going to meet me in heaven and that they would want him to stay strong and become the strong and fearless boy dad was. I was dead? What Jake said next killed me. I died in the Writers Games. My head was ripped off and now Mum was being hanged and nobody could do anything about it because that was her punishment for being caught hunting in the woods. I screamed. No. This was not going to happen. I wouldn't let it. "You can do this Angie." Valerie said and that was when I opened my eyes and I was released. Okay? What the hell just happened?

I heard screams and people shouting and looked around to see Peyton, Renarch and Jermein all trapped in tubes and they were screaming and peyton was crying while Renarch looked like he was about to kill someone. Jermein was fighting off someone and was trying to protect someone. I tried to break Peyton's tube but it wouldn't even crack and then it hit me. You couldn't break it by force you had to break it from within. "Peyton! Peyton!" I shouted. "It's okay, hun. You're fine. Everyone's alright. I'm here P. I'm here. It's okay. Relax." It was like as if my reassurance calmed her down and her eyes fluttered open and her tubes vanished. I helped her up and we ran to Renarch. "Renarch. It's okay." Peyton kept on repeating and he seemed to calm down a bit but his tubes hadn't released him yet. I gave her a slight nod and she returned it and I ran towards Jermein. He was breathing heavily. Did the tubes allow you to breathe? I didn't want to find out. "Jermein. open your eyes. It's all the gamemakers. You're fine. Everyone's fine. It's okay. Get up Jermein!" He opened his eyes and he screamed move. Before my brain could register. A ball of fire hit his tube and his tube started to burn. "NO!" I screamed. I started to run to get some water and I threw it on his burning tube and his screams made me cry. I would not let him die. He won't die on me. Renarch and Peyton came and pulled me away telling me it was a lost cause that he was gone. I knew I had to burn the flames out and they nodded. We burned the fire out and Jermein wasn't breathing. The fire didn't burn him but it burned the tube and used up every last bit of oxygen he had left. He had died. This was all the Gamemakers doing I know it. They were heartless and emotionless as well. They were numb to any emotion known to human beings. Jermein wasn't a stranger, he was close to me yet far.

He was a person who knew and felt everything I did. He was the one who stopped me from killing the guys who killed my dad. He told me they weren't worth it and that killing them wouldn't bring him back and now he was gone and I couldn't save him and it was my fault. I grabbed a rose from a bush nearby and Renarch took him out of the remaining of the tube and placed him on top of his sleeping bag and we let him rest there til the people would come and take him away. i walked towards him and placed the rose in his hands. We all did the District 12 sign which means thanks, admiration and goodbye to someone you love. I kissed the top of his forehead and i backed away letting Renarch and Peyton say their final goodbyes to Jermein. The balls of fire kept raining on us and when we all had finished our goodbyes we ran away and the cannon went off signaling Jermein's death. We ran and ran as fast as we could and gathered as many supplies as we could but it seemed as if the balls of fire kept gaining on us. We kept on running there was no other choice. The fire kept burning everything in its path; trees, grass and the animals too. We reached a shallow part of the stream and jumped in. That was when the balls of fire stopped chasing us. It was like they were incinerated. They just disappeared; vanished into thin air. I guess we had to spend the remainder of the night in the stream. At least we had all the water we could drink, right? We had lost a friend and I lost my dad to the Capitol as well meaning more revenge on the Capitol. The games were just beginning and it was going to be one hell of a ride. It was a game that the Capitol is destined to lose.




Injuries: None.

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