When I saw her

By Joker400

297 98 14

Sapphire pretended to be a normal girl. She had been training to defeat the Dark Followers. It was in her blo... More

Dark followers
Death or Love
A chance
Keep holding on
The Only Exception
Bring Me to Life
Safe and Sound
The end bye bye guys

What if

15 6 0
By Joker400

Sapphire's POV

"Angel, care to explain why you live in a warehouse. Even if it's really cool." Ashley said, looking around.

"It's easier to train without dealing with annoyed neighbors." Angel half joked, staring out the window.

"How'd you get the glass wall thing?" Ashley asked. She seemed to be slowly moving on from what happened and forgiving Angel. The thing with Sebastian probably helped.

"Various ways." Angel said cryptically.

"Helpful." Ashley replied with an eye roll.

"As much as I'd like to listen to you arguing, we should get to school." I said.

"True." Ashley replied, standing.

"You can borrow some of my clothes." I said, walking over to the drawers Angel had cleared out for me.

"So you're staying here?" Ashley asked, glancing between the two of us.

"Yeah. Cause she's my Protector and, you know. It kinda makes sense." I replied.

"There's no way you're dad's letting you stay with her. No offense, but I'm guessing he knows Angel's gay." Ashley said, going back to ignoring Angel.

"Yeah, he does know, but um... They've kinda been kidnapped." I mumbled, looking at the ground.

Ashley was silent. About a year ago, she'd started talking more with my mom and they'd had some good conversations. I guess my mom was like the one she never really had.

"I'm sorry." Was all she said.

"Yeah. He threatened to kill Angel." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm glad I had a knife with me." Angel muttered.

"What?" Ashley said, looking both surprised and angry. "Why did you have a knife when you were at Sapphire's and why did you need it?" Apparently she'd decided to stick with being pissed off at Angel.

"I'm her Protector. It makes sense for me to have a knife. I needed it because her dad would've stabbed me if I didn't." Angel replied, staring at me. I met her gaze and remembered the kiss that caused my dad to freak.

"Why was he about to stab you?" Ashley asked.

"I kissed Sapphire." Angel said shamelessly.

"Holy shit." Ashley muttered, glancing between both of us. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"No." I replied quickly. Ashley looked at me like I was lying.

"Angel?" She asked, wanting to confirm what I'd said.

"No." Angel said. I glanced at her and saw her hands clenched, nails digging into her skin. Her eyes met mine and I could see the hurt.

"Angel." I said, walking over to her.

"What." Her voice was emotionless. I took her hand and moved her fingers so that her nails didn't look like they were about to cut her hand. After last night, I wasn't sure if she'd care if they did.

"About last night..." My voice trailed off when I remembered Ashley's presence.

"Save the lecture for someone who cares." She said, taking her hand from me and walking away.

"Yeah. Definitely looks like nothing's going on." Ashley said with a raised eyebrow. "When you say "about last night," it kinda makes it seem like something."

"Nothing happened." I said.

"Yeah, sure." She said, not believing me. Ashley knew me well enough to know I wanted to talk to Angel alone, so she pulled out her iPod and turned the volume up loud enough that I could barely hear it.

"If you want, we don't have to talk about it, just tell me you won't do it again." I said, walking over to her.

"Give me one reason why I should stop. After all, you seem to like inflicting pain." Angel said, her electric blue eyes staring into mine.

"I care about you and don't want you hurting yourself." I blurted before I could think about what I was saying.

"You turned me down and now you're saying you care about me. Make up your mind." Angel's eyes had suddenly turned cold and distant.

"I care about you as a friend. And if you really like me, then you'll stop." I said.

"Fine." Angel said, not looking at me.

"Why did you...?" I asked.

"You already know." I barely heard her say. I guess I did know. It was because of me. Ironically, Angel was my Protector, but this time it'd been me protecting her because of me.

"Ashley." I said, looking at her. She put her iPod away.

"Done arguing?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Nothing's going on between us." I said before she could say anything else.

"Fine, I believe you." Ashley said, glancing at Angel who now stood on the balcony. "But I think she likes you."

"Maybe." I replied, staring at her.

"I never thought I'd say this, but do you like Angel?" Ashley said, staring very directly at me.

"No." I replied. I couldn't like her like that. I glanced at Angel. She was staring at her wrist, tracing the pattern made by the cuts. I hated that she'd hurt herself over me. Some people might be saying that it was a sign I liked her, but I'd feel the same if it was Ashley. Except Ashley wouldn't cut herself over me.

"Really." Ashley challenged.

"Since when did you become Team Angel?" I asked. Last time I checked Ashley hated her.

Angel's POV (from last night)

I couldn't fall asleep, so I ended up standing on the balcony, staring out at the waves with a cup of coffee.

"Hey." A voice said. I knew it wasn't Sapphire.

"Hi." I replied. Ashley came over and stood beside me.

"I'm sorry about what I did. Or more like what I didn't do. Which was walk away." I said, watching the waves crash against the rocks.

"I know and I'm trying to forgive you." Was all she said.

"I don't expect you to." I said. It's hard to to think about the what if's. What if I'd walked away. What if I hadn't been stupid enough to get in that mess in the first place.

"I know." Ashley replied.

After a few minutes, she asked, "What happened?"

"To what?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Your arm." She said, looking at my wrist.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"Doesn't look like nothing." She said with a raised eyebrow. "And you owe me."

"Yeah, I guess I do. If you really want to know, I cut myself." I replied.

"Yeah, I guessed. It's too bad it can't really take away the pain." She murmured.

"Are you saying...?" I asked. Ashley had made it sound like she'd done it.

"Yeah. After what you did I was fucked up." She said, looking across the ocean. "And if you say sorry one more time, I'll kill you. Even if I don't stand a chance against you."

"True." I joked.

"Why'd you do it?" She asked. "I told you, now you tell me."

"You're good at getting me to talk." I said. "I did it because of Sapphire."

She was silent. I glanced at her. Her light brown eyes were sparkling, reflecting the light. I hated that I'd fucked up her life. She'd been messed up for a year. And it was my fault. I had no idea what came over me in that second, but I leaned over and kissed her. Ashley's lips moved with mine for a second. Then she pushed me back, looking angry.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." I said. I flashed back to the time when I said that to Sapphire.

"Yeah. You think." Her voice was bitter. "Right when I was about to decide to stop hating you." She turned and walked away.

I held out my hand and a glowing ball of fire appeared; a spark of light in the darkness. It was like what Sapphire was to me. I raised my hand and threw it into the water, watching as it fizzled out at the contact. I guess this is what I do with my life; destroy or ruin any light or spark. I lowered my head against the balcony and stared at both the cement and water.

"Angel." Ashley said. I straightened and turned around quickly. I thought she'd went back inside.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you like Sapphire? You already told me you cut yourself because of her." She said, meeting my gaze. "You owe it to me. At least be honest."

"Yeah, I do." I said, turning back to the water. "And she doesn't like me like that."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but someday she'll realize you've been here all this time. I know you've been watching her." Ashley said. I whipped around. "Don't act so surprised. I just realized it now, but I would always feel like someone was watching and there were a few times when I'd see you for a second until you disappeared."

"I guess that was kind of obvious." I said as she walked back to the railing.

"You're good for each other. She just doesn't realized it yet." Ashley glanced at me. "If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you." She half joked, half threatened.

"I'll never hurt her." I whispered. On purpose. I added mentally.

"Good." She said.

"Yeah. You're a good friend to her." I said glancing in her direction.

"I never thought I'd say this, even though I never expected to have this conversation. Anyway back to my point, I hope she comes to her senses and realizes she likes you." Ashley said, looking at me. I avioded her gaze.

I didn't deserve Sapphire and once she found out, she'd hate me. Ashley thought Sapphire deserved me. But I wasn't good enough for her.

"Don't give me of that I'm not good enough for her bullshit. When will people realize that it only leads to more shit. Just look at Edward. Bella ended up almost drowning." I rolled my eyes at the Twilight comparison. It reminded me of Sapphire.

"Yeah, well I'm not." I said, staring at the water again.

"You are." I hated how she had so much confidence in the fact I was good enough for Sapphire. Even after what I did to her.

"What if you had a choice between something so good and deserving of you or something dark and dangerous, but still entrancing?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"As cheesy as this sounds; I'd choose what my heart told me." She said. I nodded and continued to avoid her direct gaze. "Why?"

"No reason." I said, finally looking her in the eyes.

We were both quiet for a few minutes.

"Do you love her?" Ashley asked staring at the water.

"Yes." I was sure of it now.

What if I told her? What would happen?

There were so many things I didn't know.

Sapphire's POV

"Hey." A voice said from behind me. I whipped around, tense, but relaxed when I saw it was only Edward.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie? You know, cause we didn't last time." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Uh... I don't know." I replied. I felt guilty when I saw the hurt on his face. I couldn't help but compare it to Angel's reaction at my rejection. "I need to check with my parents first." I lied.

"Sure." He nodded and walked away.

"Sapphire." What was with people and appearing behind me. I turned around again and saw Angel.

"Don't just say no because of me." Angel said, staring at the ground. Then she turned and walked back to the classroom and I was left standing alone in the hallway.

I never thought I'd be in this position. I could control all the Elements and I was supposed to use them to save the world from the Dark Followers. My best friend was basically raped by my Protector, who had saved both of us from different situations with the Dark Followers. Did I mention that my parents were kidnapped. And there's my love life. My Protecter was possibly in love with my. And my Protector just happens to be a girl. And there's Edward, the guy my Protector cut herself because of, who asked me out.

So anyone dealing with boyfriend issues, at least you don't have supernatural stuff and a Protector you'll never be able to see as more than a friend added to that.

I figured I might as well go to the movie, but tell him I couldn't be with him like that. One less problem to deal with. And I don't really think I'd be able to see him as a boyfriend. I texted Edward.

Sapphire: what time should I be there?

Edward: 6. want me 2 pick u up

Sapphire: It's fine, i'll me u there

Edward: see u there

I closed my phone and walked back in class.

"I heard Edward asked you out." Ashley said, walking up to me at lunch.

"Yeah. He did." I replied, not wanting to talk about it in front of Angel.

"So, what did you say." She wasn't acting all girly like most TV show girls.

"I said yes." I answered, not looking at Angel.

"Cool." Was all Ashley said.

"Yeah." I replied awkwardly. We got our food and sat down silently. It was strange to think that even though my life had become super confusing since I'd met Angel, I wouldn't want to change anything that happened. If I went back in time to about a month ago, my life seem insanely boring.

"Why'd you say yes?" Ashley asked as soon as Angel left to take a phone call. Her voice made it obvious that she disagreed with my decision.

"I think I'm going to end up telling him I don't like him like that." I said. "Why?"

"I think you should tell that to Angel."

"Why?" I asked again.

"I know what she did before you appeared in my room." Ashley said, staring at me.

"She told you?" I asked surprised. I didn't exactly think that Angel was the type to tell that to someone she didn't really know that much.

"I saw the cuts on her wrist. There's not really any other explanation for someone who knows how to use all those weapons." Ashley said, thinking about the collection of knives and other weapons I couldn't name on my life that Angel had on the 1st floor. "And I could tell." Ashley said, keeping her eyes on mine. She pulled back hersleeve and I saw a thin scar on her wrist. "After the thing with Angel last year." She explained. Was I really the only one who hadn't ended up cutting themselves.

"And you didn't tell me because...?" I asked.

"I told you. I was fucked up after it happened." She said.

I remembered the night she called me. She'd claimed that her boyfriend broke up with her over a 30 second phone call. I knew they'd done it and said they loved each other, so I figured it was normal for her to be so upset about it. I was stupid for not realizing that it wasn't just heartbreak, even though the jerk did actually break up with her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I had no idea." I whispered.

"How could you know. I didn't tell you." Ashley replied.

"I guess, but I should've realized it." I muttered.

"I'm just trying to move on." She said, glancing at Angel who just walked in.


"if anything suspicious happens, call me immediately." Angel said, pullin up in front of the theater where Edward stood waiting.

"Yeah, I know." I replied with an eye roll. I got out of the car and walked over to Edward.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." He replied. I looked into his eyes and there was none of that getting lost in his eyes stuff that's in books. He'd already bought tickets, so we walked in and waited in line for what felt like forever. Did I already mention I hated waiting in lines?

I honestly didn't pay much attention to the movie. It was some action thing with shooting and a bunch of violence. Like I didn't have enough problems going on, now I had to deal with trying to forget the image of some dude getting shot and dying. If you hadn't noticed from the whole freaking out while walking through a dark forest thing, I didn't exactly like scary or dark movies.

Angel would've known that. She'd have let me chose what I wanted and paid attention to the movie even if she hated it.

I didn't try to compare Edward to Angel, but I did. I mean, for a date she took me to a place of Light. It was incredible and looked amazing. It was unforgettable and flawless.

After the movie, we walked out of the theater. "That was fun." He said.

"Sure." I replied, not totally hiding my distaste at the movie.

"Look, Sapphire, I like you." He said, moving closer to me.

I saw a flash of light from across the street. It was Angel. I saw the thing that caught my attention. And it was a knife. I was about to warn Edward when she mimicked cutting her wrist. Her eyes then moved towards Edward. I got the message; if I kissed Edward, she'd cut herself.

What she'd said earlier echoed through my mind. "But if you give me a reason, you can't stop me." She was serious.

Before I could even think about replying to Edward, he leaned forward and kissed me. I stared wide-eyed at Angel.

Her eyes flashed with betrayal and pain. I stared as she dragged the blade across her skin.

Even from this distance, I could see it wasn't deep, but I hated her for putting me in this situation and for cutting herself again. I guess it was my fault because she said she'd stop unless I gave her a reason.

Last night, I knew she'd cut herself, but I hadn't witnessed it, and I honestly didn't want to. I hated seeing her take out her pain on herself.

Edward pulled me closer and Angel slid the knife across her skin again. I saw the blood dripping from her hand. I didn't think before I pushed him away and sprinted in Angel's direction.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I half screamed at her.

"I said that if you gave me a reason I would do it." Her voice was cold.

"So my sanity isn't enough." I replied. I think my voice was harsher than I'd meant it to be.

"So the fact you only notice my pain when it's physical isn't enough to stop you from going out with Edward."

"You told me it was fine if I did." I said, getting annoyed.

"If he's what you really want." Her voice was quiet.

"What the hell, Sapphire." I turned and saw Edward glaring at me and then Angel. "And what the hell are you doing here."

"I'm sorry Edward, but I don't think I like you like that." I said to him. His eyes narrowed and he glared at Angel.

"This is your fault." He accused. "She likes you."

"No, actually. She doesn't." Angel said, looking into my eyes. She turned and walked down a random alley.

"Whatever. I'll see you around." Edward said before walking away. I was left standing across the street of the movie theater with some of Angel's blood on the sidewalk.

I leaned against the wall and looked up at the sky. It was black and cloudy. There was no moon or light.

"Get in." A voice said. I was about to scream before I realized it was Angel.

Even though I'd rejected her multiple times, she came back for me. I didn't think I'd be seeing Edward anytime soon.

"Can you please stop? I care about you and don't want you hurting over me." I said glancing at her.

"You really want me to?" Angel asked, staring back at me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Then I'll stop. For you." She said before looking away to drive.

"Why did you want me to stop so much?" She asked when we were almost at the warehouse.

"I told you. I didn't want you to be hurting yourself." I replied, staring at the road.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I should've just stayed at home and given you a chance with him. I'd say give him a chance, but he doesn't deserve one." Her voice was resentful when she mentioned Edward.

"It's fine. I can see why you did it." I said.

What if I hadn't rejected Angel.

No. I said no and I couldn't like her like that. I pushed the fleeting thought out of my mind.

There were so many what ifs.

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