Lie (girl x girl) A lesbian v...

By hentaishoujo

14.5K 305 67

Gwen Heather used to be a cheerful girl, but not anymore. Not after What happened to her family. Watching her... More

The beginning.
The Encounter.
The Awkwardness
The Surprise
Playgirl vampire. Nice.
Stop following me but don't stop.

The sudden visitor.

2.2K 23 5
By hentaishoujo

Few days passed after what happened and now I'm sitting in my desk with a very playful Katarina, who's playing with my hair, beside me. I am very annoyed and frustrated at her but I did promise Lizzie not to be so mean to the vampire.

"Wanna go to my house later?" Katarina asked.


"Why?" She whined.

"Your brother won't like me there." I pointed out. "And I hate the smell of your room."

Katarina then flash out her puppy face and my heart complete melted.

"That's not fair." I grumbled.

"Please?" Her eyes were shining so bright.

"Fine, fine. I'll go." I sighed, giving up.

She did a fist pump and started humming a cheerful tone. All I can do was just shaking my head and continued with my homework.
Sometimes, I just can't stand how cheerful Katarina is. It pisses me off in so many levels. She must've thought I'm not a human because she ran so fast I could barely keep up at all.

"Stop running so fast, Kata- ugh." I ran into her. "Wha-"

"Shhhhh." She sniffed the air and after a while of silence, Katarina finally broke it. "You need to go."


"No why just go."

"Can you stop interrupting me when I'm trying to say something?" I growled dangerously. I wanna slap her beautiful face.

"I'm sorry babe but now isn't the time to argue, I need to get you out of here."her voice was filled with desperation and fear.


I yelped as she lift me up bridal style and zoomed off. Literally zoomed off. One second I was flying and the next I was on the ground, staring at the blue sky that is now turning dark.

"Iris." Katarina hissed dangerously. I could see Katarina a few feet away from me. She was desperately trying to get closer to me.

"Don't come any closer, kitty." Iris smirked as she dug her heel into my stomach, her dress covering my face, revealing everything inside "I'll pierce her abdomen."

I didn't even notice the pain, not when her figure was distracting me. Her thighs, her thighs and that Hello Kitty underwear. I was drooling before I knew it.

"What a rude creature." Iris quickly took her heel off me and shot me a disgusted look, but was quickly replaced by a blush. She then kept staring at me. "Oh my my, this creature looks delicious."

"Delicious your ass. Get the fuck away from her." Katarina growled, jealousy filled her voice. She helped me up and dust off the dirts on me.

"Is all vampire this sexy?" I asked

"No." she snapped. "I'm the only sexy one around."

"We are rather high class." Iris butted in.

And totally fuckable in those erotic Hello Kitty underwear.

"Gwen!" Katarina hissed, "I'm the only one th-"

"Ya, ya." I rolled my eyes.

"What ya doing here? I thought you won't be back till next year?" Katarina questioned.

"I came back because I needed to settle a few things with you."

The aura between them was so intense, it feel as if I'm drowning.

"I heard my little sister is going to school!" Iris broke the silence and gave Katarina a tight hug. "Who convinced you? I've been trying for years."

"No one did. I just went." Katarina mumbled, trying to avoid looking at her sister.

"So you did huh?" Iris turned to me and gave me a hug as well. Katarina let out a silent curse.

Where did the intimidating sexy beast went? I couldn't hide my disappointment.

"Still here." Iris grinned. "I can hear you~"

"Let's just go home." Katarina groaned.

"Why did you even try to avoid me?"

"I don't want you to see my girlfriend, obviously."

GIRLFRIEND? Since when?!

Iris raised her eyebrow and burst out laughing.

"See? This is why I don't want you to know." Katarina said with disgust.

"We have to have a nice chat with Gwen." Iris then took my hand. "Off we go!"

A.N: I apologise for not updating. My life is catching up with me. Both work and studies. This chapter is lame so bare with me ;-;

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