The Story We Told (The Story...

By MakaylaRaePeterson

1.7K 29 7

This is the sequel to The Story Of Us(: In this sequel, a young girl hears the story of how her parents fell... More

One Night Stand
There Goes My Future
Our First Appointment
Meet the Parents
What's It Gonna Be?
Date Night Gone Wrong

The Story We Told (The Story Of Us Sequel)

1.1K 8 4
By MakaylaRaePeterson

***This story IS the sequel to The Story Of Us. You do need to read at LEAST the epilogue of The Story Of Us to understand who all the characters are. Thanks, hope you read, comment, enjoy(:***


"Alright everyone, sit down!" Aunt Antonia said excitedly. It was our annual family reunion, and tonight we were going to hear the story of how my mom and dad came to be. We always picked something to do the last night of the reunion, and this year was story telling. We just finished hearing Grandma and Grandpa's story, and boy, it was eventful!

My grandparents, Velanie and Brandon, sat on the loveseat by the fireplace, still just as in love as they were when I was born. Nick and Chloe, my parents, sat on the floor, laughing at my younger brother's sick jokes. Aunt Rory and Uncle Mike were in the kitchen mixing drinks, and Uncle Joe sat on the arm rest, his arm around Aunt Lisa. As for me, I sat on the rocking chair, holding baby Luke, the newest member of the Dawson clan, and Aunt Adrians new little addition to her small family of now four.

I had a pretty big family, Aunt Adrian was married and now had two kids, Uncle Mike and Aunt Rory have five, Uncle Joe and Aunt Lisa have three, Aunt Antonia was a single mom of one, and my parents have six kids. Yeah, we're the biggest. I am the oldest, the youngest being five year old Kris.

My dad cleared his throat, beginning his story.

"We met in our junior year of highschool." he started, I'd never heard this story, so I cuddled up and listened.

*Back Then*

Tonight was the biggest party of the year, and like every year, I was there. It was at my best friend, Crisco's house, and I was pumped. I threw on a pair of jeans and a v-neck I knew the ladies would love. I had another hour so I thought I'd go to Crisco's and help finish setting up.

"See you tomorrow mom!" I called as I ran out the door. I jumped in my truck and sped out of the driveway, excited as hell. When I got to Crisco's I ran inside, punching his arm as I jogged by.

"Man, your early! You must be pumped to get some ass tonight!" he laughed as he followed me to the kitchen.

"You know it!" I laughed along, grabbing chips and salsa out and tossing them in a bowl, eating some as we talked.

"So, you still won't settle down?" Crisco asked lightly. I rolled my eyes, he found his girl in freshman year, and they were still together, I just didn't see myself with a wife and kids... Ever.

"Man, you gotta live my life, it's awesome. Fucking girls and walking off without a worry." I smiled.

"What about STD's, AID's, a pregnancy? None of that haunts you?" he was dead serious.

"No. I'm always safe." I shrugged.

"Whatever man, I gotta get ready, go watch t.v. or something." he grumbled, walking to his room.

I don't understand why he cares, I use girls, so what? It's not like they care. I'm a toy to them, and vise versa. The feeling is awesome too, but let's not get into that. The door rang and I jumped up to get it, meeting Sara and Claire, Crisco's girlfriend and best friend.

"Hey guys." I smiled, hugging them, they were really great girls, and I'm glad they never fell for me.

"Hey Nick, we brought a friend." Claire smiled, moving aside to show a very beautiful, blue eyed girl, "This is Chloe, she's new, just got here last week."

I smiled warmly and said hello, ushering the girls in, and meeting more partiers a minute later.


"CHLOE! WANNA DANCE CUTIE?!" I yelled across the room, I had a beer in one hand, and a girls waist in the other.

"No thanks." she smiled, walking into the kitchen. No girl ever turned me down, I followed her, leaning in behind her as she made a drink.

"No one ever turns me down." I said sexily.

"I just did?" she laughed half-heartedly.

"Come on cutie." I flirted, nipping her earlobe.

"No player." she growled, pushing me away. People looked so I grabbed her hand and pulled her back laughing.

"Your funny Cutie, come on." I laughed dragging her into the other room again. I threw her into the mass of people and started dancing with her, more like grinding. She threw me a glare, but kept dancing. She was a really good dancer, her ass all up on me. When the song ended she pushed me away and walked off, "Hey Cutie!" I chased after her.

"Okay, Player, I gave you a dance, now back off before I punch that disfigured face of yours." she hissed, I was taken aback so I finally just walked away.


"You just let her walk off?!" my brother cried, he was, as they say, like father like son.

"No. I let her cool off, then I went for the kill." my dad winked. I made a face as he went back to the story.


"Hey Cutie!" I hollered as she stumbled on the dance floor, clearly drunk.

"Playyyyaaaa!" she giggled as she tripped over a shoe, I caught her and lifted her back up.

"Careful Cutie, don't want to hurt that pretty face of yours." I winked playfully.

"Take me upstairs Player." she demanded, figuring she just wanted to sleep, I carried her up to Crisco's room.

"Okay sleepy, there you go, I'll be back in a while to check on you." I smiled down at her, all sprawled out on the bed, her dress sliding up as she got comfy.

"No Player, don't leave." she pouted, tears brimming at her eyes, my heart clenched.

"Fine, but don't get used to it." I mumbled as I lay beside her, staring at the ceiling. She might have been really hot, but I didn't want to take advantage of her when she was drunk, unless she started something....

"Player..." she whispered.

"What?" I glanced at her, her eyes landed on my lips.

I leaned in just a little bit, making her come to me, which only took a moment. Her lips were soft and full, my hand went to her waist, which was tiny. I trailed my hand down to her ass, which was nice and firm. Her breathing was ragged, my heart was racing, and our clothes were quickly coming off. I didn't want to take advantage of her, but I couldn't stop.

That night was the best night of my life. Why? I don't know, maybe it was the fact that she was so beautiful and amazing, or the fact that she was drunk, and I was a little intoxicated... Or maybe it was just amazing because it was the first time I had never used a condom...

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