Take Me Away | Phan

By phandabbydozi

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Dan does not have a great home life with something deeper than just abuse. Most people don't care for him and... More



715 41 16
By phandabbydozi

Just a heads up this chapter is a bit confusing... Dan hallucinates (more than the last chapter) but all will be explained. Enjoy!


I've seen what he does.

I know what to do and how to do it.

For the past two hours, I've been pacing this hallway talking to myself.. now that I was alone here. I may have jumped and hid in the bathroom each time a car drove by but I was in a house with two dead bodies.

With only four hours of sleep, I left my house no backpack but a knife in my pocket.

... just like Phil.

Although I had no idea who in this town was a 'bad' person, I was going to look out for someone. Go into the local shopping center, see if anyone did something bad. Anything really.

Phil never taught me how to find someone but he's never really found anyone has he? I need to forget Phil and just think of the task at hand.

After a long, slightly cold, walk I was at my destination. There were kids running around a fountain, people selling unneeded umbrellas and busy businessmen pacing on the phone. A couple was in the corner talking quietly, the nearest Starbucks decided to be the Dj playing the newest music.

Basically there was a lot of people... a lot of people who were staring at me. I must have looked like shit. I had a anxiety attack, little sleep and my hair was run through and greasy.

All these eyes made me want to scream. Sure I wasn't clean or normal like them but I wasn't a failure. Was I?

Turning to see everyone gaping at me, I kicked the nearest object which was a chair to a restaurant. But when I looked up I saw everyones eyes, now more real and wide.

"Are you alright, my dear?" A kind lady asked me with concern. I swallowed hard looking at the people only to see them walking away quickly, oh thank god.

"I think so" I replied a bit unsure.

"I could get you some water if you like, my dear?" She spoke clearly and slowly making sure I understood. I shook my head and sat down near a fountain but still close to her, she was keeping an eye on me. "Fucking moron" she mumbled.

No she couldn't of said that. She was just glancing at me plus she wasn't close enough.

Suddenly she stood and walked over to a security guard who was looking around and when they spoke, they looked at me. Narrowing eyes, nods and sighs.. The lady took off and the security guard came over to me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She snapped pushing a chair in my direction violently. I flinched at this not expecting it.

"Are you allowed to speak like that?" I whispered trying to relax.

"Like what?" She asked suddenly sitting in the chair that was gently placed near me. "All I said was, the woman asked me to check up on you since she had to run."

Now I was sure to be insane. First the argument with no one last night and now this. I was mental.

"Oh speaking of that! I need to run too. Getting a bit late" I excused myself. Yeah whatever the sun was still high in the sky but that didn't exactly mean night time. I could have been late for lunch with someone.

She nodded and said goodbye watching me take off down the street. When was the last time I ate a decent meal? Lunch was probably a good idea.

I began walking to the nearest restaurant with the little money I had, I could still get something from there.

Luckily for me, the place was not packed. Meaning I could eat and not feel judged, I could sit alone in a corner and I wouldn't have to speak loudly.

It was cozy in there kind of like a cafe type store. There was an old woman in the corner trying to read through her dirty glasses and a father showing his daughter around.

"Do you have the time?" I heard from my left making me jump.

"No s-" what? No this can't be. "You should be dead" I whispered.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

I backed up into the counter trying to get away from him when he smirked and realized I had just gotten myself stuck in the corner. He started walking towards me smugly then pressed his whole body against mine, grabbing my arms roughly shoving them backwards.

"No!" I screamed now that people could hear. Now that someone could stop him. I pushed him with as much strength I had, which wasn't much, and opened my eyes to see about four people in front of me worried like hell and a man on the ground.

He definitely wasn't my father just a random guy who probably goes to work to support his children while his wife takes them to school. Just one of those guys.

The lady from earlier came over to us quickly and I was confused at first until I realized she worked here.... of course she did.

"I just wanted the time" he cried once people helped him stand. "Then he freaked out and I tried to ask what's wrong but he attacked me"

"I-I'm sorry I've just had a rough day.. or life I guess" I backed up against the counter again.

"Why don't you go sit down and I'll make you something okay, my dear?" The lady soothed then focused on the guy. I left quickly from the scene to a random table near absolutely no one.

It had to of been hours before the lady came up to me again to refresh my water glass. I ate something but not all of it since I was still jumpy, and drank a ton but never got up to pee. She cared for me.

The night had taken over and the store was shutting down. So this time she had a coat and her keys in her hands.

"Would you like to come home with me? Maybe we could call someone if you need?" She suggested. I took it since the only way I was going to be able to move is with her help.

Sitting in her car with the music quiet and small talk, I realized that not only did she care but I saw her twice today. This could be a sign for something.

Her name was Allison, she lived with her husband of over two years and they were trying for kids but he had a difficult time with the whole thing. He sometimes never came home after work which worried her greatly but he always would. She skipped out on college to work in the family business but ran away to London at twenty one. She was very interesting to listen to.

She didn't live that far away from the restaurant so the drive was quick and simple. We walked inside and I took a moment to admire everything as she got relaxed.

"So do you have any numbers to call to get home or?"

"Is your husband here?" I ignored her question focused on one thing and one thing only.

"Um.. no he works until eleven why?" She looked up from her phone. Even with this behavior and being a complete stranger, she wasn't bothered by me which made me wonder, but only for a moment.

"Because I don't have anyone to call. My parents are dead" I edged closer making her gasp and sit up a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm so sorry, my dear" she set her phone down and went to stand but I held up my hand.

"Don't be. I killed my father and that killed my mother" I smirked now seeing the fear in her eyes. "And now.... I'll kill you.. my dear" I spat grabbing my knife and pressing it against her neck so she couldn't move.

Sure we were on a chair but it would still make her die. I smiled at her one last time, piercing her chest and hearing her yelp in my ear. Tears and life leaving her eyes.

I knew what to do and I did it.

I drug my knife down her torso and took some blood just like Phil would and stared at the wall next to me, empty. She was nothing but kind to me. What did she do that was so bad? She didn't deserve this.

Instead of making something up, I wrote her name. Allison in her own blood. Maybe one day in fifty years, I'll remember her and mourn her. She didn't deserve this after all. But everyone who meets me will die so why not now?

I was finishing the n when I heard someone gasp behind me. Shit what time was it?

"ALLISON!" He screamed in horror. I stared at him with wide eyes watching him reach around his belt. "Fuck I left it in my car" He sobbed and ran to me but I held the blade out forcing him to stop.

"Do you want me to kill you too?" I felt in control. I felt great.

"Sure. Because by the time you're finished with me, there will be police officers kicking down the door. I can't live life without Allison either" he looked at her and broke down again.

"W-What do you m-"

"Oh?" He stopped and smirked at me "Can't you tell? I have an emergency button on my belt because that's what all officers need" he whispers seeming to circle around me with a threatening voice"

Dammit! Of course I walk into a house with a police officer.

I run around him and outside the front door just as a car pulls with a loud siren and a bright light followed by two more. Shit!

"Stay right there!" One man shouts as he opens the door and slowly walks to me.

I hold up my hands that are drenched in blood, the knife still in my left. I stare at them breathing heavily trying to plan my escape.

"Put the knife down!" Another orders. What is it with these guys bossing me around.

Suddenly, I'm yanked behind some bushes causing them to call out for me. My mouth is covered and now I'm sure I'm a goner but simple whispers in my ear make me relax.

"Rule number one.. don't listen to anyone" Phil lets go of my mouth once he know's it okay.

"I'm listening to you aren't I?" I smirk. He smiles at me. God I love those eyes.

"Rule number two.... don't get caught" he raises a brow. "Rule number three" he looks over the leaves "run!" He pulls me up and we're running down the road.

Feet faster than our heartbeats but somehow they beat together. Our hands moving from side to side, grasped in each others, as we escape the police. Our breaths are loud and our footsteps echo. For the first time today I'm sure of Phil and his existence next to me.

We enter the closest trees we can and go as far as we could to hide from the sirens around us.

As soon as Phil stops I slap him right across the face, breathing heavily. "I could have gotten away on my own!"

"Oh really because you were doing such a great job already! Obvious signs of 'do not kill this person' right above Allison's head!" He argues back "I was going to teach you everything you need to know Dan!"

"Oh don't try to blame this me!" I growl staring him down. "It's your fault Phil!"

He grabs my neck with his soft hands and presses me against a tree as I bring out my knife and put it up to his own neck. We're both still staring in the others eyes trying to obtain dominance.

For a while we don't know what to do or say. But after that he looses his grip and drops his hands allowing me to lower my blade.

"Dan I was going to show you how and what to do. Sooner or later I would have to introduce you to my sister but I wanted her secret. Yes she gave me names but I would find addresses and do the stalking. With Jackson it was easier because I wanted him gone then and there but usually there's four other people." He explains as best he can seeming to be on edge all day.

"Who is Jackson?" I asked him making the calmest expression I could manage to show him I'm interested. He sighed and bit his chapped lips.

"He was my sisters ex who had beat her up before she left him" his voice quite like he didn't want to say it.

"Would you really have shown me or would you have killed me before?" My voice getting louder and snappier. He sighed once again.

"Dan, the 'twinks' my sister says are boyfriends. I have relationships like anyone else but they're into more kinky things and like my bad guy side. When I realize they're not right for me then there's no other option but death a-"

"Why did you lie?" I interrupt only wanting to know the next thing once something is answered.

"Because if you didn't work out and you happened to get away then you wouldn't know all the facts. But I say my name because... well I like my name" I felt myself start to lighten up at his words. It's understandable.

"Is what your sister said all true?"

"Yes.. b-"

"Then why bother? Kill me" I ordered grabbing my knife bringing it to my stomach and putting it in his hands.. kind of like when we first met. His bottom lip quivered.

"I can't" He whispered pulling the knife back, away from me maybe even dropping it but I couldn't tell.

"Why not!?" I shouted hearing myself echo through the trees. He stood taller or maybe I shrunk.

"Because I think you're right" he says simply and sweetly.

"About what?" I pretend to be confused. I know what he means but I want to hear him say it.

He smiles a bit and takes a deep breath obviously nervous. "I think.... you're right.. for me" He bites his lip waiting for a reply. I look in his wide blue eyes that even in the tiny light we have, I can still see the color.

With my shaky hands, I touch his chin and bring our lips together, well he helped by moving towards me slowly. But forget how it happened, we kissed. I kissed him, he kissed me.

"I missed you so much today" He chuckled against my lips and pressed our foreheads together. This was real. Today was a big confusing storm but with Phil it's right. With Phil I'm alive.

"I missed you too" I smile and bring his lips back to mine finally content with everything.

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